Female gynecological diseases after 50 years: names, symptoms, recommendations of doctors in women's health, reviews

Female gynecological diseases after 50 years: names, symptoms, recommendations of doctors in women's health, reviews

List of gynecological ailments after 50 years.

Women after 50 years face various gynecological problems that are associated with a change in the hormonal background. In this article we will talk about the most common gynecological diseases in women 50 years old. 

Gynecological diseases in women after 50

This period is quite complex and turning point, but in no case indicates the completion of life. A new stage begins, which is similar to the onset of menstruation, in girls at 13-15. At about 50, it ends, as the ovaries have exhaustedthe whole limit Eggs and performed the function of childbearing.

Gynecological diseases in women after 50:

  • A change in the hormonal background affects not only the condition of the woman, but also the health of the reproductive system. Due to the lack of some hormones, in particular estrogen, dry vagina, as well as burning, can be observed.
  • This is due to the release of the minimum amount of natural lubrication, which occurred in reproductive age. Due to the fact that lubrication is not enough, respectively, and useful microorganisms, such as lactobacilli on the surface of the vagina, a small amount, which is favorable for the propagation of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
  • That is why in women aged after 50, vaginitis is often observed,vulvovaginitis Or endometritis. This is due to a decrease in the number of hormones and a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Therefore, you need to be attentive to your health and use lubricants during sexual intercourse.
  • Drugs with lactobacilli, for example, will also be usefulVagilak orGynofloor. Among these products, you can choose local drugs that are found in the form of candles in the vagina or those that are taken inside and absorbed through the large and small intestines. 
Women's health after 50 years
Women's health after 50 years

Gynecological diseases after 50 years: uterine fibroids

Another trouble that women faces after 50 years is a uterine fibroid. This ailment is a chaotic growth of muscle fibers in the middle layers of the uterus. In this regard, nodes are formed that can reach quite large sizes.

Gynecological diseases after 50 years, Features of uterine fibroids:

  • In fact, this is a benign tumor, but after 50 years it must be carefully observed. If the uterine fibroids are small, then in principle there is no need to delete it. After 50 years, due to the fact that the number of hormones decreases, such benign formations can begin to grow, increase in size, and even go into malignant forms.
  • The uterine fibroids rarely go into a malignant tumor, but it can interfere with life. Thus, worsening urination, and exerting strong pressure on the lower abdomen. This causes great discomfort, a woman has pain during sex.
  • Now there are a huge number of possibilities for removing myoma nodes without surgery, that is, without crap operation. A special method has been developed, during which a liquid is introduced into the node, which stops the power of the knot of blood. Thus, the knot is simply absorbed. 
At the appointment with the doctor
At the appointment with the doctor

Female diseases after 50 years: loss, uterine venation, ovarian cyst

Women after 50 years face the loss of the uterus, as well as the vagina.Female diseases after 50 years often diagnosed Ladies who had severe births, or several births a history.

Description of female diseases after 50 years:

  • Thus, the ligaments that hold the pelvic bottom are weakening, the uterus simply drops down and can fall out. Typically, for the treatment of this pathology, special fasteners are used, with which the uterus is pulled up and fixed. But most often after 50 years, women are recommended for the complete removal of the uterus. Typically, the choice of surgery depends on the patient, as well as on the surgeon and other indications. 
  • Due to changes in the hormonal background in patients over 50 years old, ovarian cyst is often diagnosed. It is usually follicular, it can be treated by removing the ovary, and minimally invasive methods. Now in the arsenal doctors have laparoscopy, as well ashysteroscopy, during which only a few holes of a small diameter are made in the abdominal cavity, and the cyst is removed using a special probe.
  • Thus, the recovery period is short, there is no need to take care of the seam, there are no discharge from the wound. Very often, the ovarian cyst leaves after the appointment of hormone replacement therapy. It is worth noting that many women are categorically against hormone replacement therapy. This is true, because their hormones are associated with something terrible, after which the ladies become thick, with a mustache and a beard.
  • In fact, this is a myth in which there was a share of truth 100 years ago. Now doctors are prescribing low -dosed drugs that effectively cope with all the symptoms of menopause, and can interfere with serious ailments, such as uterine fibroids, cysts, endometriosis and even cancer. Therefore, there is no need to refuse to take hormones. Now there are drugs based on herbs, which in their function are very similar to hormones. They are called phytoestrogens, you can learn more about them here. 
  • Often, after 50 years, malignant neoplasms are diagnosed. Therefore, women at this age are recommended to visit a gynecologist every six months. In this case, it is necessary to do ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus, also take smears ononco markers. This will help to prevent and detect a malignant neoplasm in the early stages, when successful, quick treatment with minimal cost of energy and money is possible. 
At the appointment with the doctor
At the appointment with the doctor

Bladder diseases in women after 50

Due to the decrease in the production of the number of hormones, it is often not only the state of the mucosa inside the vagina, but also inside the bladder and urethra.

Diseases of the bladder in women after 50:

  • In addition to urinary incontinence during this period, frequent cystitis can be observed. This is due to the fact that the lubricant does not perform its functions, the sphincter, which does not work as it should, can pass urine not only out, but also become the entrance gate for pathogenic microorganisms. Accordingly, at this time it is necessary to carefully monitor your hygiene. 
  • Urinary incontinence. In the course of natural birth, the urethra and sphincter, which regulates the release of urine, may be damaged. Therefore, after 50 years, this filter relaxes, and may decrease in time, thereby there is involuntary urine release. To eliminate this pathology, surgery is also used, during which the sphincter can be tied or an artificial tube imitates a ring that is compressed and unclenched if urination is necessary. 
Women's consultation
Women's consultation

Recommendations of gynecologists for women after 50 years 

Doctors really strive in every possible way to help women at the age of menopause and the post of menopause, so they recommend coming to an appointment once every six months. 

Recommendations of gynecologists for women after 50 years:

  • During this period, it is necessary to use exclusively cotton linen, and it is often changed. Perhaps even more often than once a day. It all depends on whether there are discharge or incontinence of urine.
  • In case of urinary incontinence, urological gaskets are recommended that absorb the liquid well and prevent the occurrence of odor. It is necessary to wash often, and it is best to do this with the use of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile. You can use candles in order to improve the condition of the mucous membrane. However, we do not recommend self -medication, but only drugs prescribed by the doctor.
  • With vaginitis, terzhinn is often prescribed. This is a combined drug that contains a product of fungi, bacteria, as well as viruses. It is also often prescribed for pregnant women, before delivery, for sanitation of the birth canal. Therefore, the drug is safe even for women after 50 years with a large number of contraindications. 
  • In no case, when burning and itching occurs, it is not necessary to use candles that are made on the basis of antiseptics, such as hexicon or miramistin. These drugs kill not only pathogenic microflora, but also useful. Therefore, after regular use of such suppositories, vaginal dysbiosis can be observed. A feeling of dryness and soreness during sexual contact may aggravate. 
Preventive inspection
Preventive inspection

Women's problems in gynecology after 50 years: reviews 

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of women who suffer from gynecological ailments after 50 years.

Reviews of female problems in gynecology after 50 years:

Elena, 53 years old. Recentlyoperated on, I was removed the uterus due to myoma. She appeared before the birth of her second child, at 35 years old. I did not know anything for a long period of time, even despite its presence, I was able to give birth to a healthy child without complications. However, after 50 years, she began to grow and increase, so I was recommended to undergo surgery. The rehabilitation period lasted a long time, several months passed. I am still disturbed by the seam and pain in the lower abdomen. 

Oksana, 58 years old. After the menopause began, I began to observe dry vagina, and often there were unpleasant sensations of itching and burning. Several times I went to my doctor at the clinic, during the tests and strokes they did not reveal anything. They assigned ordinary candles to populate the vagina with useful microorganisms. After taking the gynoflora, the condition improved, I feel much more liberated, now there is no unpleasant sensations during intimacy. 

Olga, 55 years old. I ran into a neoplasm in the chest area after 50 years. I had a menopause very hard, with tide, high pressure. Therefore, the doctor recommended losing weight to me. I dropped 10 kg, thereby almost not disturbing the pressure, but the breast problems were discovered. I had a severity, and during the examination I felt for a small pea. After the visit to the doctor, I was prescribed a biopsy. It was revealed that the neoplasm is benign and is called fibroma. I was operated on, now I feel good. The gynecologist says that if I agreed to replacement hormone therapy during menopause, then, most likely, fibroma did not appear. 

Healthy diet
Healthy diet

As you can see, a woman’s health at 50 differs from the state of the reproductive system of ladies of a younger age, which is directly related to the deficiency of hormones. Therefore, during this period it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, they are not afraid to take hormones to improve the state of health. 

Video: Gynecological diseases after 50 years


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