Longidase candles: Instructions for use. The use of candles of Longidase, the use of candles of Longidase in urology, gynecology, dermatovenerology, surgery, pulmonology, orthopedics

Longidase candles: Instructions for use. The use of candles of Longidase, the use of candles of Longidase in urology, gynecology, dermatovenerology, surgery, pulmonology, orthopedics

Longidase is a highly effective medicine in the form of candles and injection fluids with a long effect. The main task of candles is to remove the inflammatory process and increase the effectiveness of immunity.

The improper structure of the connective tissues leads to immunopathological processes. The deviation can be identified using analyzes and computer diagnostics. Based on the results of the tests, comprehensive treatment is prescribed with the participation of the drug Longidaz. Let us consider in what cases treatment with Longidase is prescribed, instructions for the use of a candle.

Longidase candles: Indications for use

  • In various systems of the body, under the influence of negative factors, an excessive formation of tissue elements occurs, leading to internal and external skin lesions, painful sensations, and a change in organs. Most often, malaise arises in the genitourinary system.
  • The action of candles of Longidase aimed at eliminating excess connective tissue that provokes adhesions and inflammatory processes. The effect of the drug is concentrated in the genitourinary system. Therapy with the drug Longidase is carried out comprehensively, with a parallel intake of other drugs. Active substances enhance the action of local anesthetics.
According to the doctor’s testimony
According to the doctor’s testimony
  • In gynecology of the candle of Longidaz They are prescribed for infertility, intrauterine inflammation and various diseases of the genital organs.
  • Urologists use Longidase candles In the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland and the mucous membrane of the bladder.
  • Surgeons and dermatologists connect the drug During the period of postoperative recovery, as an auxiliary tool to restore serious damage to the skin. In particular, for resorption of seals, purulent non -healing foci, for the speedy restoration of surgical incisions.
  • Physics and pulmonologists use Longidase candles With inflammation in the oral cavity, tuberculosis infection, sclerotic deviations.
  • Orthopeders are prescribed candles For problems with joints and when identifying subcutaneous formations. In particular, the inferior motor activity of the joints, arthrosis, hematoma with blood.

Longidaza: output form

  • Rectal and vaginal candles of Longidase Released in packages, 5 and 10 pcs. Each candle has a shade of ivory or cocoa, with a characteristic coffee aroma.
  • One candle includes hyaluronidase conjugate, ethylenpiperin and carboximethyl, cocoa oil as an auxiliary substance. The weight of one suppository of 1.3 g. The integral elongated shape of the candle with a porous structure indicates the proper storage of the drug.
Output form
Output form

The action of candles of Longidase

  • Candles of Longidase turn into an active action at a temperature of 37 ° C. After dissolving and absorption, they retain the effectiveness of more than a day. The drug increases the body's resistance to infections, gives an antifibrose and anti -inflammatory effect.
  • Active substances in the composition of the drug they enhance the effect of painkillers, reduce swelling of the tissues and prevent the growth of seals, eliminate endometritis. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, chondroitin, sulfates, the movement of fluid in the intercellular areas improves, and the skin acquires additional elasticity. At the same time, there is no negative effect on healthy skin areas.
  • After two days, the drug is completely excreted from the body. Treatment with Longidase it does not interfere with the natural restoration of tissues and bones, does not cause side effects. In individual cases, an allergic reaction to the components is possible.

Indications for the appointment of candles Longidaz

Candles of Longidase are prescribed for problems with connective tissue in adolescents over 12 years old and in adults. The drug is used as a component of complex therapy. It has an auxiliary effect on the effective work of antibacterial drugs.

The use of candles of Longidase in urology

  • Chronic inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Infections in the bladder.
  • Deformation of the urethra.
  • Patyron disease.
  • Uncontrolled urination.
  • Prevention of scarring of the skin surface after surgery.

Longidase candles in gynecology: Application

  • Treatment of adhesions with an inflammatory process in the genitals.
  • Intrauterine fusion fusion.
  • Inflammation in the fallopian tubes and as a result of infertility.
  • Chronic inflammation of the uterine mucosa.
In gynecology
In gynecology


  • Local skin lesion with a benign course.
  • Prevention of fibrosis against the background of sexual infections.


  • Prevention of adhesions in the peritoneum.
  • Poorly healing wounds.


  • The growth of fabrics in the lungs.
  • Pathological formations on the mucous membranes.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Interstitial pneumonia.
  • Damage and inflammation of the lungs, leading to oxygen starvation.


  • Pathological processes in muscle tissues.
  • Destruction of intra -articular cartilage.
  • Hematomas and inflammation in the joints.

Longidase candles: contraindications for use

Candles of Longidase are not used for treatment in the presence of:

  • Acute infectious processes.
  • Sputs with blood interspersed.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Pathological processes in the kidneys.
  • Hemorrhage in the visual organs.
  • Increased sensitivity To the components of the drug.
  • Period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The treatment with the drug is not compatible with alcohol.
  • Candles of Longidase are not compatible with drugs containing furosemide, benzodiazepines, phenytoine.
  • The drug Longidase is not used simultaneously with hormonal drugs.
With alcohol is not compatible
With alcohol is not compatible

Longidase candles: Instructions for use

  • The dosage of the drug and the duration of the course are determined by the doctor depending on the indicators of weight, age, the results of the general examination of the body.

In one course of treatment, from 10 to 20 candles are administered. The introduction of the drug has their own individual scheme by the nature of the disease. If necessary, treatment is repeated after a couple of months.

  • Candles of Longidaz are introduced after preliminary intestinal cleansing. For the effective action of active components of suppositories, they are introduced overnight during the body in a horizontal position. Dosage one candle of Longidase 3000 IU.
Application individually
Application individually

Dosage of candles of Longidase:

  • In urological diseases, introduced 1 candle per day for 10 days. They take a break for a couple of days and repeat the course.
  • With gynecological diseases, introduced 1 candle every other day. General course 10 days.
  • In the treatment of dermatological diseases, introduced 1 candle in 1-2 days. A course of treatment 1-2 weeks.
  • In surgery - 1 candle once every 2-3 days, for 1 course of treatment - 10 candles.
  • In TBC - 1 candle in 2-4 days, The number of candles is determined by the course of the disease.
  • Candles of Longidase are released without recipe.

Longidase candles: reviews

  • Andrey, 39 years: He used the candles of Longidase to treat adenoma. In combination with other drugs, he received effective treatment, got rid of frequent urge to the toilet at night. In the future, he used Longidase as a means of prevention. The active substances have an analgesic effect.
  • Sergey, 45 years old: The candles of Longidase used in the treatment of prostatitis and fibrous growth. The use of candles does not cause any discomfort. After the course with 20 candles, inflammation and fibrosis took place
  • Anna 28 years old: The drug was prescribed by a gynecologist after the detection of cystic formation. After a course of 15 candles, the inflammatory process left, and all indicators returned to normal. Candles of Longidase have become an effective preventive agent before a planned pregnancy.
  • Victoria 30 years: Candles of Longidaz helped me get rid of chronic cystitis and warned the formation of adhesions. After 3 candles, the amount of urination was reduced. The course of treatment was 10 candles every two days.

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Video: Application of candles Longidase

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  1. After removing the cyst, they assigned the candles of Longidase vaginally. There was a fear in the development of the adhesive process, but the suppositories removed the risks. Since at the control examination the doctor confirmed that the uterus is calm, everything is clean and impeccably. The doctor is good at the young doctor, the treatment is easy, complex. And the effect is amazing. I recommend it, in a way they help unambiguously. I did it at night, there is no discomfort with use at all.

  2. I got to the gynecological operating table, underwent surgery and candles were prescribed to prevent adhesions, as well as inflammation. In addition, Longidase also improves blood microcirculation. The candles did vaginally. It smells nice, easily come in and do not stem. After application, you can lie down for half an hour, relax and that's it, you can at night. I did 20 candles, at the inspection and after laboratory research I received a conclusion - healthy, without pathologies. Girls, do not be afraid, and do not be shy, candles help!

  3. To begin with, the ovarian cyst is tumor formations, the cavity of which is filled with tissues, blood, mucus and liquids. My mother had this disease. After taking the doctor. She came home and said that the doctor advised her to Longidaz in combination with other drugs. We googled and read reviews about the drug. This form of administration of the drug, in candles, avoids systemic side effects on other organs of the human body. The doctor warned that before the introduction of the drug, it was necessary to wash your hands. Introduce Longidase after washing and preferably in a lying position. Mom does not complain about the drug. He says there is no discomfort. The effect of the drug is immediately felt. But if anything, you can buy in injections, but they are painful. From mom 5 points.

  4. My acquaintance with these candles began like this: my husband and I have long dreamed of creating a full -fledged family, we really wanted a child. It was not possible to get pregnant and mass campaigns began for doctors. At one of the tricks, the doctor said that I found small inflammations in the ovary, as a result of which spikes may appear. By my stupidity, I did not betray this great importance, in the end I regretted it. Unbearable pains began, and I went again to the doctor. The doctor prescribed the candles of Longidaz. Prescribed their use from the first day of treatment. I introduced a candle vaginally one piece every 2 days at night. After use, 2-3 candles began to notice that the pains are leaving, discomfort did not gradually. I am satisfied with the drug! The entire course of treatment was mastered without any itching or edema in the field of administration.

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