The first visit to the gynecologist of a pregnant woman: why is it necessary when to go for an inspection, how is it?

The first visit to the gynecologist of a pregnant woman: why is it necessary when to go for an inspection, how is it?

Read the description of the first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy. You will know what data is needed for a doctor and what he will do and ask.

A gynecologist is a female doctor who should have every woman 1 time in 6 months. During pregnancy, a woman comes to a consultation with this doctor every two weeks, and in the last dates - 1 time every 7 days. If you recently found out that you are pregnant, then you need to go to an appointment with a female doctor in order to register. How is the first visit? What is needed for this? Look for answers to these questions in the following article.

Why do the girl, woman need an examination: why is the first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy?

The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy
The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy

Read article on our website about the first visit to the gynecologist girls, girls. Pregnant women often delay the time of the first visit or examination by a gynecologist. But such a consultation is required for each pregnant woman. Reception of this doctor for a girl or woman in a position takes place in the form of an inspection and consultation with a survey. What is such an inspection for? Why is the first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy?

  • The doctor will fill the questionnaire.
  • Will enter data on the date of the last menstruation.
  • He will describe the well -being of a woman in the card, and other necessary information about pregnancy.

The doctor will also prescribe a medical examination and tests to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of health. You can register in the nearest clinic, as well as in any other place, depending on your preferences. When registering, you need to have an identity card and medical insurance with you (if you have). In the registry of the female department in the clinic or the doctor himself may also require other documents.

When to visit a gynecologist for the first time during pregnancy: when to go on an inspection, the first visit?

The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy
The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy

Often the first trip to the female doctor is carried out after the next monthly menstrual cycle, and “two strips” on the test. Despite the positive result, most women still have some uncertainty, and they prefer that pregnancy is confirmed by a specialist. When to visit a gynecologist for the first time during pregnancy? When to go for an inspection?

Not always and with the help of the test, pregnancy is confirmed 100%. Therefore, it is better to wait a few weeks, and then the specialist will be able to say for sure whether you are in a position or not.

  • The optimal visit time - 6-9 weeks. pregnancy, i.e. About through 2-5 weeks After the date of suspicion, but not the menstrual period.

There is no need for another extreme - it is long to wait and postpone the first visit to the women's department. Early diagnosis of pregnancy will help not only determine the date of birth of the crumbs, but also to conduct all important studies. In addition, one should have time to resolve the problems that often arise in the first weeks of pregnancy, carry out prevention measures.

What is a female consultation: how is the first visit by a gynecologist?

The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy
The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy

Women's consultation is a department of the clinic in which women's health experts are located. Not only pregnant women come to counseling here, but also women who need a consultation or planned examination. How is the first visit to the gynecologist? First, a card with important information is compiled.

So, based on the conversation and survey of a pregnant girl, the obstetrician is preparing an individual pregnancy card. It usually contains the following information:

Full Name.

Year of birth:

  • The woman’s age is very necessary for the doctor, because taking pregnancy varies in different age groups.

Family status:

  • The doctor asks about whether you are married or not, not because he is curious.
  • For a female consultation specialist, it is important to have information about the psychological adaptation of the future mother, as well as about whether someone can help her at home after childbirth or she lives alone.

Bad habits, how many years and spouse's health:

  • The health of the crumbs also depends on the painlessness and well -being of the father.

The work of the spouses and its peculiarity:

  • The doctor should know if, for example, you work in an unfavorable working environment to avoid possible side effects.

Available diseases:

  • Hereditary pathologies that arose at children's or at a later age, deviations in the state of health in the gynecological part, blood transfusion, surgical interventions.
  • A preliminary discussion is recommended by the presence of or postponed pathologies of a pregnant lady with her mom or dad.
  • If there are hereditary diseases in the parental family, the doctor may prescribe specific research.
  • If there is a chronic pathology, the doctor will prescribe special research and consultations of other doctors.

Contacting the pregnant woman:

  • With patients infected with infectious pathologies.
  • During traveling abroad, especially to the tropics countries, during previous 6 months.
  • Many infectious and especially viral pathologies have a long incubation period (the time when the symptoms of the disease have not yet developed in the body), so the doctor should be sure whether there was contact with the infection in order to avoid and prevent complications.
  • Infectious pathology can have a harmful effect on the fetus, causing defects in the process of development or even miscarriage.

The course and outcome of pregnancy and childbirth, which have been to date:

  • The number of pregnancies and childbirth, abortion.
  • The presence of spontaneous abortion.
  • Surgical manipulations during the last delivery.
  • Injury in the postpartum period.
  • Development defects during gestation and already born baby, the birth of a dead child, etc.
  • This information will prevent problems associated with pregnancy and delivery.

Characterization of the menstrual cycle:

  • The doctor asks how the menstruation flows (abundantly or not), whether they had a delay earlier and so on.

When the questionnaire is compiled, the gynecologist begins the study of a pregnant woman. Read further.

General and specialized obstetric studies at the first visit during pregnancy: the first examination by a gynecologist

The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy
The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy

After questions, general and specialized obstetric studies are carried out. This is all done at the first visit during the pregnancy of a woman. The first examination by a gynecologist consists of several studies, the data of which will be recorded on an individual map. These include:

Growth and weight measurements:

  • This is usually done in the office itself.
  • The ratio of growth to weight will determine with some accuracy the approximate weight in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Measurement of blood pressure:

  • During pregnancy, the pressure can be increased or reduced. Therefore, the doctor must know the basic level.

Measurement of body temperature:

  • It should be borne in mind that this indicator at the beginning of the period can be slightly increased - up to 37.5 ° C.
  • This is due to the influence of hormones during this period.
  • Significant fever implies the presence of infectious pathologies.

Determining the size of the pelvis using a special tool:

  • This is a very crucial stage of study.
  • The pelvic bones, as well as the soft tissues and vaginal muscles form the same tribal channel through which the child passes during birth.
  • Therefore, for the doctor and the woman in labor itself, it is important to know whether this hole will be wide enough for normal birth.

Vaginal examination of the uterus and ovary:

  • Allow the doctor to compare the size of the uterus. If the pregnancy has a place to be, then the uterus is increased. Therefore, often at the reception of a gynecologist, girls and women will learn about their interesting situation.
  • It will also help to control pregnancy and evaluate the condition of the vagina, cervix and ovaries.
  • The methods of probing can also determine the condition of the anterior abdominal wall (elasticity, muscle condition), the tone of the uterus.

Mazok taken from the vagina:

  • It helps to create a picture of the purity and the presence of fungal and other diseases.
  • If necessary, the specialist conducts special testing for other infectious pathologies transmitted through the floor tracks.

The doctor also evaluates the appearance of the future woman in labor:

  • Figure
  • Bones
  • Breasts and nipples
  • Examines the skin and mucous membranes, to which there is access

The doctor writes a referral to such research:

  • Blood and urine
  • Biochemistry of blood
  • Blood group and Rh factor
  • A blood test for pathogenic microorganisms in the body of pathologies such as syphilis, hepatitis B and C and HIV.

If necessary, the woman goes to various doctors who will need to go to the reception within a week after the female consultation:

  • Okholist
  • Dentist
  • Endocrinologist and other specialists

Then the research results are evaluated. Read further.

Research results for a pregnant woman: What further after the first visit of the gynecologist?

The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy
The first visit and taking a gynecologist during pregnancy

Research results help determine the presence of increased risk of complications in the future woman in labor and her child. These are patients who have gynecological conditions:

  • Miscarriage after past pregnancy
  • Uterine fibroids

It is also important whether a woman has other problems that negatively affect pregnancy or not. Such pathologies include:

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular pathological conditions

These pregnant women are closely observed. They will have to more often consult with a gynecologist, depending on general health, the characteristics of the disease and other causes. Pregnant patients with any deviations in well -being are additionally undergoing examinations on an outpatient basis or in special obstetric and other departments of the clinic. What next - after the first visit of the gynecologist:

  • If you were first consulted during 6-9 weeks of pregnancyThe next time you need to come to the women's doctor through 3-4 weeks.
  • In the second trimester, you will need to go to the gynecologist in the clinic every 2 weeks, and in the third trimester - 1 time every 10 days.
  • If there are any complications during gestation, visits should be carried out more often.
After the first visit to the gynecologist, the woman in the situation should follow the doctor's recommendations. It is also important to undergo all scheduled examinations and take tests. Thanks to this, the specialist will draw up a picture of your health and this will depend on the long -term action of the women's consultation specialists. If necessary, you can be put on preservation, or vice versa, if everything is fine, then they will recommend that you adhere to proper nutrition, daily routine, walk a lot and have a positive attitude. Therefore, do not postpone the first visit, because the health of a young mother and future crumbs depends on this. Good luck!

Video: registration for pregnancy.

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