Vaginal chlorhexidine candles: methods of application in gynecology, proctology, instructions, reviews

Vaginal chlorhexidine candles: methods of application in gynecology, proctology, instructions, reviews

The drug of the suppository of chlorhexidine is an antibacterial agent that performs an antiseptic and therapeutic effect. Drugs based on the component of chlorhexidine - affect the bacteria of anaerobic and aerobic type.

There is a different form of release. In gynecology and proctology, chlorhexidine is most often used in the form of candles, which will be discussed in the article.

Chlorhexidine candles: composition

  • One suppository contains: a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, which is equated with chlorhexidine bigluconate (8 mg).
  • Active substance: chlorhexidine.

Chlorhexidine candles from which help: indications for use

  • Chlorhexidine is used for the preventive treatment of sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomonosis.
  • And also to eliminate infectious and inflammatory foci in gynecological or obstetric complications: Before abortion, birth, installation of an intrauterine spiral and surgery.

Vaginal chlorhexidine candles from inflammation: how to use in gynecology?

  • In gynecology, vaginal suppositories of chlorhexidine are prescribed in the treatment of vaginosis and colpitis. Candles of chlorhexidine help with cervical erosion well.
  • The drug is used in early childhood gynecology to eliminate bacterial vulvovaginitis of various forms, And also before surgical treatment, in order to prevent possible infectious complications.

Candles of chlorhexidine for bartolite

  • For healing such a disease, candles of chlorhexidine are used as auxiliary antibacterial treatment in anti -inflammatory therapy.
  • Sometimes candles are prescribed In order to prevent relapse of the disease. However, it should be borne in mind that prolonged use of the drug can disrupt the vaginal microflora.
  • Therefore, use these candles is necessary only under the control of a gynecologist.

Candles of chlorhexidine after an unprotected act

  • In addition to the above applications, chlorhexidine in candles use in emergency prevention from sexually transmitted diseases.
  • It is important to know that such treatment brings the result if the drug was administered into the vagina no later than two hours after sexual intercourse.

Candles of chlorhexidine with adnexitis

  • Vaginal chlorhexidine candles can be included in the treatment regimen for inflammation of the appendages. Long -term wearing an intrauterine spiral is often a provoking factor in the development of the inflammatory process.
  • This disease may occur with complications after surgical treatment of the uterus or the undergoing infection of the genital tract.
  • To eliminate the course of the disease, the vaginal use of suppositories is recommended that the substance is the basis - chlorhexidine. This drug eliminates the pathogenic flora and Blocks the development of infection in the vagina.
With pain
With pain

Candles of chlorhexidine in proctology

  • The drug has proven itself in proctology in the treatment of the following diseases: prozat, hemorrhoids, erosion of the rectum, cracks of the anus.
  • For rectal use, chlorhexidine candles are prescribed, as well as chlorhexidine with plant additives, for example, sea buckthorn. In the treatment regimen of proctological diseases, these candles have an auxiliary effect - enhance the antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effects of other drugs.

Chlorhexidine candles: side effects

  • The drug is able to cause allergic reactions.
  • With increased sensitivity to the active substance, chlorhexidine may appear irritation, itching and burning in the zone of exposure.

Candles with chlorhexidine in the early stages of pregnancy: What are they prescribed for?

  • Vaginal candles of chlorhexidine they have no contraindications for use at the time of pregnancy. They are prescribed if the infection of the genitals are identified: bacterial vaginosis, thrush, vaginal inflammation, And also in order to prevent the threat of miscarriage.
  • The medicine is used for vaginal or rectal use. Treatment with candles can be individual or in combination with other drugs. The dosage is established by a doctor depending on the complexity of the disease and preliminary diagnosis of pregnancy: 1 or 2 times a day, one candle for 10 days.
  • Women during breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed in a standard dosage. Candles of chlorhexidine before childbirth are prescribed to prevent infection of the child at the time of labor.
  • Chlorhexidine candles after childbirth are prescribed to protect the uterine cavity from pathogenic microflora and accelerate the healing of postpartum cracks and cuts.

Can chlorhexidine candles with menstruation?

  • The opinions of specialists in this matter are not unambiguous.

Categorical contraindications to the use of chlorhexidine candles at the time of menstruation - no.

  • However, given the rapid soluble of candles in a liquid environment, it is necessary to understand that this can Significantly affect the effectiveness of treatment: The bulk of the medicinal components will be removed from the vagina along with secretions.
  • Continue treatment or not - determines the doctor individually, based on the importance of the disease.
In women's days
In women's days

Candles hexicon or chlorhexidine - which is better?

  • A drug Hexicon - is an analogue of chlorhexidine suppositories And contains the same active substance in its composition. Available in a standard and concentrated form. A distinctive characteristic is the cost of the drug from two different supplies of candles.
  • A similar drug is more expensive than chlorhexidine. But he has a convenient form of release: 1 suppository for one -time use. It is also produced in the form of vaginal tablets. If we talk about the effectiveness of treatment, then both drugs have the same strength of effects on the disease.

Candles of chlorhexidine - methods of use and dosage

  • Methods of using candles of chlorhexidine depend on the type of disease: there may be rectal and vaginal methods of treatment.
  • In any case, the treatment regimen is established by the doctor.

Candles of chlorhexidine: Dosage, how many days are they put and how many times a day?

  • The dosage of the drug chlorhexidine is installed individually depending on the form of severity of the disease.
  • Traditional treatment regimen: Twice a day, 1 candle for 10 days.
  • In rare cases, the rate of receiving suppositories may be increased up to 20 days.

Chlorhexidine candles: contraindications

  • Contraindications for taking chlorhexidine can become: increased sensitivity to the active substance, children's age.
  • With caution, use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to apply chlorhexidine candles for cystitis in women?

  • Candles of chlorhexidine are prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, as well as with related inflammatory processes. This treatment method is easier to use and can be carried out by the patient at home.
  • However, before starting treatment, it is required to get recommendations from the doctor relative to the daily dosage. The duration of the drug no more than 2 weeks.
  • It is important to observe hygiene during treatment. If cystitis is in an advanced form, a prescribe 1 candle twice a day with an interval of 8 hours between receptions.

Where to put and how to insert chlorhexidine candles to women?

  • Before use, the candle must be removed from plastic packaging. It is necessary to get a suppository with clean hands, without residues of detergents.
  • Apply chlorhexidine in a lying position on the back: enter the suppository into the vagina.

Candles of chlorhexidine: How much should you lie after use?

  • After the introduction of a candle of chlorhexidine in the vagina, it is not recommended to get up right away. To avoid leakage of the drug, it is necessary lie 2-3 minutes.
  • It is recommended to refrain from visiting the toilet within two hours from the moment of taking the medicine.

How to use candles of chlorhexidine for thrush in women?

  • Candles of chlorhexidine provide rapid treatment of thrush: disinfect and eliminate infections that can be transmitted sexually.
  • The drug has a high degree of bactericidal properties capable of reduce the symptoms of thrush after one use. Intravaginal use of candles is necessary Before going to bed for 5-7 days.
With thrush
With thrush

Why, after candles, chlorhexidine burning, bloody discharge?

  • Women with particular sensitivity to active components should be caused with care of the chlorhexidine suppositories.
  • This drug is capable cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina And provoke strong itching, burning and bloody discharge in a particular case.

Do candles help chlorhexidine from thrush: reviews

  • Alla, 26 years old.The chlorhexidine candles acquired on the advice of the pharmacist when I was looking for a more affordable analogue to another drug for thrush. I liked the result of treatment. A positive effect is visible in the first use. It’s good that there is such a budget form of release.
  • Svetlana, 33 years old.Prior to this, she repeatedly used chlorhexidine in a liquid solution. The effect of the drug helped to get rid of thrush in a short time. But there was one significant minus - a bottle of solution is inconvenient to use. Therefore, when I saw a drug in the form of candles in a pharmacy, I was very delighted with the find. It is more convenient to use in this form. The treatment is more effective, since the required dose does not follow.
  • Nina, 42 years old.After taking antibiotics, a strong thrush began. The gynecologist prescribed the candles of chlorhexidine. I must say, the drug coped with the task successfully. The price and availability in use also distinguish this medicine among the rest.

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