Gynecologist's advice: how to treat cervical erosion? Is it possible to give birth with cervical erosion?

Gynecologist's advice: how to treat cervical erosion? Is it possible to give birth with cervical erosion?

Causes, symptoms and treatment of cervical erosion.

Cervical erosion is one of the frequent gynecological diseases. It can be identified at a gynecological examination. Consider why erosion and methods of its treatment occur.

What does the cervical erosion come from? Causes of cervical erosion

Cervical erosion - Destruction of the mucous membrane of the cervix and the appearance of the wound in this place. The damaged area is exposed to microbes, an inflammatory process may begin, which applies to the internal genital organs of a woman.

Causes of erosion:

  1. Changing the normal level of hormones
  2. Rude sexual contacts, as a result of which the epithelium is desired
  3. Abortion or childbirth, mechanical damage to the section of the cervix occurs
  4. Infectious diseases (genital herpes, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.)
  5. Early sexual contacts (the mucous membrane of the genitals is formed in a woman by 20-23 years)

Signs of cervical erosion. How to recognize cervical erosion?

With erosion, you can not feel any symptoms. Sometimes, after sexual intercourse, blood disclosures are observed. In most cases, no symptoms are observed. As a rule, this disease is detected by a gynecologist at examination. For many, this becomes an accident, as many women neglect the examination, and visit the doctor only with emergency. If inflammation has joined erosion, then white discharge may be observed.

Important: even meager spotting after sexual intercourse is the reason for a visit to a gynecologist. Do not take a negligent of this.

The gynecologist determines erosion by the red spot on the neck. To clarify the diagnosis, colposcopy is necessary.

Colposcopy - An absolutely painless process that does not require additional preparation. On a special optical device, the cervix is \u200b\u200bconsidered in a 25-fold size.

If the doctor sees a suspicious area, then he can take a biopsy. The biopsy is performed 5-7 days after menstruation. A histological examination of cells allows you to prescribe a suitable proper treatment.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?

With this disease, it is quite possible to get pregnant. Erosion does not affect conception in any way. But when planning pregnancy, it is better to cure erosion at first, and then plan the conception of the child.

In the case when erosion was discovered during pregnancy, its treatment is postponed for the postpartum period. Erosion is subject to urgent treatment when it is large or causes inflammation.

After cauterization, gynecologists recommend postponing conception for a year.

Erosion does not cause miscarriages, infertility. This is nothing more than a myth. The fetus is in the uterus, it is surrounded by amniotic fluid, and erosion is on the cervix. Erosion has no contact with the fetus.

Is it dangerous to give birth if there is a diagnosis of cervical erosion?

  • You can give birth with erosion
  • Erosion is not a barrier to natural childbirth
  • The disease does not serve as a indication for cesarean section

Important: doctors do not advise cauterizing erosion during pregnancy, because changes in the neck are possible. These changes can affect the birth process. But at this time, you need to monitor the disease, since the cells rarely degenerate into cancer.

How to treat cervical erosion?

There are several methods of treatment:

  1. Cryodestruction. A plot with erosion is treated with liquid nitrogen (a substance with a very low temperature). The affected area thus freezes to a healthy tissue
  2. Laserodestruction. Laser the doctor excises a problem area. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, the blood is not released
  3. Diatermocoagulation. Using high -frequency current to melt problem areas
  4. Radio wave treatment. Cauterization of erosion with a special device with radio waves. In this case, living fabrics do not hurt. The method is painless, sparing women's health
  5. Cauterization with electric shock. It is considered the least gentle method of treatment. It is mainly used in state medical institutions. After electrocoagulation, scars may remain

Erosion self -medication is not recommended. The situation can be aggravated.

Tampons for the treatment of cervical erosion

Important: gynecologists strongly recommend not to appoint tampons on their own, as you can aggravate the situation. It is better to discuss all your actions regarding erosion with a doctor.

The doctor may prescribe tampons with erosion, if it is small. Tampons are made from:

  • Sea buckthorn oil
  • Levomewoli

For douching, it is used:

  • A solution of copper sulfate
  • Propolis

These means reduce inflammation, promote tissue epithelization, eliminate the infection.

Candles for the treatment of cervical erosion

Candles gently affect the damaged section of the cervix. The doctor may prescribe the following candles:

  • Hexicon
  • Suporon
  • Depantol
  • Phytor candles

Candles are used as the treatment of erosion and after its cauterization for faster recovery.

There are contraindications:

  1. Lymphogranulematosis
  2. Unexpressive education in the digestive tract
  3. Chronic or acute leukemia
  4. Allergies to components in candles

Is it possible to cure the cervical erosion of cauterization?

Electric current cauterization is an obsolete method. To date, there are more gentle methods. As a result of radio wave, laser cauterization, scars do not remain. After electric cauterization, a scar remains on the neck. After cauterization, it takes a long time to restore tissues.

Is it necessary to treat cervical erosion? Can erosion of the cervix pass yourself?

The opinion that a small erosion itself is passing - a mistake that can serve a woman at the cost of life. Every year, the number of women with cervical cancer is growing. One of the reasons for this is the negligent attitude to erosion.

Erosion itself does not pass. The cervical erosion of the uterus can develop into dysplasia (precancerous condition) over time, even later - into malignant pathology. Therefore, women must attend a gynecologist at least twice a year to diagnose possible diseases.

Methods for treating erosion of the cervix: tips and reviews

Lyudmila: “As my gynecologist said, you cannot cauterize the cervical erosion before childbirth. I had erosion, I have never gave birth to that period. They appointed candles, erosion dragged on. After childbirth appeared again. Cauterized. More relapses did not arise. ”

Julia: “A few years before giving birth, I cauterized Erosia with a laser. The procedure is absolutely painless. I gave birth to herself, the birth passed normally. "

Anna: “I found erosion. I passed the biopsy and the analysis was positive. They made a cauterization, the doctor burned well, all malignant cells have gone. Then they made a second more analysis. The result was negative. It’s scary to even imagine what could happen if I turned late. Treat on time! "

It is very important to follow your female health. Do not be afraid of visits to gynecologists, there is nothing terrible in the examination. Timely identified diseases can be cured and not risk your life. Do not forget about it.

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  1. Someone says that you need to give birth to the first-born, but it seems even after the second one can also be: in general, you just need to regularly check and track these processes, because, by and large, you can live with this.

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