The best products from diarrhea: prevention, treatment, what are they eating?

The best products from diarrhea: prevention, treatment, what are they eating?

If you are worried about diarrhea, then read the article. It describes many best means that help.

Diarrhea - This is a protective reaction of the body to the attack of toxic substances. You can protect yourself from its cruel current and unpleasant consequences in different ways. Do not neglect this, as this can lead to dehydration and loss of minerals, which is especially dangerous for the body of young children.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "Probiotic and prebiotic: what's the difference?". You will find out which probiotic is better for the intestines when taking antibiotics for adults and children. You will also find a list of the best probiotics in diarrhea, diarrhea, dysbiosis, constipation and after taking antibiotics.

Diarya occurs when the irritated intestines begins to contract faster and, therefore, makes food move faster. Then the body cannot absorb the right amount of water from food - most of it remains in food, which is quickly excreted in non -digested form.

Diarrhea: causes, signs


The first sign of digestive disorders is to increase the amount of liquid stool. Diarrhea often occurs in both children and adults, but in babies it can be more serious. It is better not to treat the diarrhea frivolously, as this can lead to a hazardous state.

The main causes of diarrhea are:

  • Viral and bacterial infections
  • Allergic reactions to food
  • Food poisoning
  • Stress
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Undesirable effect of drugs, especially antibiotics

It is worth knowing: Diarye can be caused by the use of drinking water containing lamella, amoeba, or other parasites. But this can be a symptom of serious diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome and cancer.

In most cases, diarrhea takes place quickly, leaving no traces in the body. However, this state should never be frivolous, since in some situations it may have serious consequences.
The greatest danger is dehydration and loss of minerals important for maintaining vital functions. It is especially dangerous when they are washed out of the body sodium and potassium. Their deficiency can lead to acidosis.

Dehydration causes:

  • A sharp drop in blood pressure
  • Weakness, and sometimes even shock

If the child’s diarrhea lasts longer than one day, and in an adult - for more than two days, this can lead to electrolyte disorders. And this is already a life -threatening condition, especially in children and elderly people.

A doctor’s consultation is also required when diarrhea is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting, fever, the appearance of bloody mucus or parasites in a chair. Any disease accompanied by diarrhea, even if it is of a slight severity, requires research to explain its cause.

Treatment of diarrhea: the best products that eat?

With diarrhea, which doctors call the uncomplicated, that is, when the disease is limited only by frequent liquid stool, it is usually enough to regularly drink a lot of water. It is also worth taking care of the protection of the intestine to restore the damaged structure of the walls.

  • This will help diomectitisStrengthening the intestinal mucosa.
  • If you need to restore the correct composition of the microflora, then you can take probiotics, for example, Linex.

In most cases, diarrhea takes place quickly within 1-2 days. Some doctors believe that at this time it is best to give the intestines to relax and recommend starvation. Others (and this point of view prevails) argue that, despite the lack of appetite, you need to eat. Read more:

  • Ideally, dishes that quickly absorb water from the intestines, for example, will quickly absorb water. boiled rice and carrot soup.
  • Also suitable diet from bananas, stewed apples and crackers or the use of stale bread.
  • Be sure to limit sugar, eat often 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.

Some people are saved, taking medications that stop intestinal abbreviations ( Loperamid, Imodium etc.) and, thus, stop the diarrhea.

Important: The choice of treatment or antidiarein drug should depend on the cause of the development of symptoms. Therefore, it is better to contact a doctor who will establish the cause and prescribe the necessary drugs and a diet.

How can you prevent diarrhea and vomiting: prevention

Although this is not always possible, some types of diarrhea can be prevented without requiring special efforts. There are preventive measures that help prevent diarrhea and vomiting:

  • Avoid the use of products that the body does not tolerate.
  • While in countries with a hot climate, drink only boiled or bottled water. You can drink sweet carbonated or non -carbonated drinks in jars and bottles for extreme cases.
  • Do not add ice to the drinks, it can be of bad quality.
  • After washing fruits and vegetables, be sure to clean the peel from them.
  • Refuse snacks sold on the street without cooling, especially at high air temperatures.
  • After each treatment with antibiotics, take measures to enrich intestinal flora and its restoration. Take probiotics. The so -called good bacteria help fight toxic microbes in the intestines.

Take these medicines, drinking water, not fruit juice. This is important because the acids contained in some juices (mainly citrus fruits) destroy the bacteria that the body needs.

Pain in the intestines with severe diarrhea: Means

Pain in the intestines with severe diarrhea: Means
Pain in the intestines with severe diarrhea: Means

If severe diarrhea is accompanied by intestinal cramps and pain, you can use medicines to reduce defecation:

Pain in the intestines with severe diarrhea: Means
Pain in the intestines with severe diarrhea: Means

Doctors prescribe antibiotics only when, after a fecal study, it turns out that diarrhea is caused by a bacterial infection.

Diarya in young children: what to do, medicines

Diarya in young children can lead to a life -threatening dehydration in just a few hours. What to do? To prevent this, here are the tips:

  • If you breastfeed the baby, do not refuse it. Feed, as fed - at the request of the baby or by the clock.
  • If the child is fed with a mixture, it is necessary to change the method of preparation. It is better to ask the doctor in what proportions you should dilute the mixture with water over the next 24 hours, and then the next two days. Perhaps the doctor will advise add more water. If there is no improvement, you can give a mixture of soy milk, but this is only after consulting a doctor.
  • Newborn and young children do not give carbonated water, fruit juices or liquids for adult rehydration. Ask a doctor for a recipe for preparing fluids for rendering specifically for kids. Perhaps he will say to drink the baby with only cooled boiled water in a spoon. This is good help to a dehydrated organism.
  • For safety reasons for your child’s health, consult with a pediatrician or pharmacist, before giving crumbs antiviaarean drugs. Not all tablets can be children, and perhaps it is your child who has contraindications to taking a particular drug.
  • Children over 2 years old can change the diet - Introduce more bananas diluted with boiled water apple juice and crackers to increase the mass of the chair.
  • Yogurt with living bacterial crops Also brings the body to relieve and improve.
  • If in addition to diarrhea, the child also vomiting, do not give him hard food, limit yourself to soups.

IMPORTANT: In the case of signs of dehydration (thick saliva, lack of tears, dark yellow urine), call a doctor or ambulance!

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