Medicinal herbs for the treatment of anemia during pregnancy: fees, seeds, plants

Medicinal herbs for the treatment of anemia during pregnancy: fees, seeds, plants

Medicinal herbs help with anemia in women during pregnancy. Details in the article.

Everyone knows that with anemia, in addition to drugs or dietary supplements, medical nutrition is prescribed. In the diet, you need to include foods rich in iron. These include meat, liver, greens, eggs, citruses, etc. But few know that hemoglobin and herbs help to raise well. Especially during pregnancy, this is a great way to increase hemoglobin, since many drugs are prohibited from taking a woman in an interesting position.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Products during pregnancy: the right diet". You will find a list of products containing calcium and increase hemoglobin.

From this article you will learn what herbs help in the treatment of anemia during pregnancy. All of them are very simple and grow in the courtyard of the house. Study the information below and get rid of an unpleasant and dangerous disease - anemia. All these herbs are allowed during pregnancy. But still, before use, consult a doctor, as there may be banal intolerance. Read further.

Dandelion, alfalfa, sorrel curly - collection of medicinal herbs: safe treatment of anemia in women during pregnancy

Dandelion: Safe treatment of anemia in women during pregnancy
Dandelion: Safe treatment of anemia in women during pregnancy

Effective herbal recipes from anemia during pregnancy include grass rich in nutrients, such as dandelion, alfalfa and nettles. When consumed, they all have a good blood. The root of a sorrel curly is also known for being rich in vegetable iron. Such a collection of medicinal herbs is the safe treatment of anemia in women during pregnancy.


  • To improve the absorption of iron, you can connect equal parts of the dried root of a sorrel -sorcerer, nettles, alfalfa, dandelion leaves and lemongrass into the grass mixture.
  • Fill 1/3 of a glass jar with herbs and add apple cider vinegar, leaving about 2 cm from the edge.
  • Close tightly and shake daily for 3 weeks.

Then consume 60 drops before each meal. This will help the assimilation of iron.

Parsley: Grass useful for anemia during pregnancy

Parsley is rich in folic acid and iron, which makes it one of the most popular home remedies for the treatment of anemia during pregnancy. Half a glass of such fresh chopped “grass” provides 5.5 mg of iron, which can satisfy 10% of the daily needs of the body. In this grass, the abundance of vitamin "C", helping the body to absorb iron. Parsley is very useful and can be used in soups, sandwiches, salads and various dishes, as well as for the preparation of tea.

Here is the prescription:

  • Place fresh or dried parsley in a glass of boiling water for about 5 minutes.
  • After strain and add 1 teaspoon. l. honey.
  • To achieve quick results, take tea 2-3 times a day.

In general, it’s good that you always have a bunch of this fresh greenery in your refrigerator. You can put parsley in a jar of water. So it will be stored for a long time. Do not pour a lot of water, it is enough that it covers the stems of the cut plant half.

Sesame seeds with a lack of hemoglobin in the blood

Due to the high presence of iron - sesame seeds are an excellent remedy for the treatment of anemia. They can not be used not only with a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, but also for the prevention of anemia.

  • 1/4 cup of sesame seeds will provide about 30% of the recommended daily amount of iron.
  • A high content of folic acid will also help to cope with anemia.
  • Sesame seeds are also useful for cleansing blood in the body.

Removing the benefits of sesame seeds with anemia - recipe:

  • Soak 1 part of sesame seeds in sufficient water for about 2 hours.
  • Then strain and grind these seeds to get a pasta.
  • Add 1 part of honey to the paste and mix well.

For example, half a glass of sesame seeds will need the same amount of honey. Use such a paste 2 times a day.

Spinach with a lack of iron in the blood during pregnancy

Spinach with a lack of iron in the blood during pregnancy
Spinach with a lack of iron in the blood during pregnancy

Green sheet vegetables, including spinach, are considered one of the excellent home remedies for the treatment of anemia. Eat it with a lack of iron in the blood during pregnancy. The benefits of this sheet vegetable are associated with high content:

  • Gland
  • Beta-carotene
  • Calcium
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin "A", "C", "E" and "B9"

All these trace elements help to recover after anemia. Only half a glass of freshly squeezed spinach juice every day is what you need to combat anemia. Spinach can be used as an anti -enemic agent. For example, here is the recipe:

In the form of juice:

  • Prepare 1 cup of spinach juice and add 2 teas.l. honey.
  • To get visible results, it is necessary to take this juice daily, within a month.

Spinach soup- The use of such a dish 2 times a day is another useful way to treat anemia. To prepare soup at home:

  • Take 1 cup of blanched spinach and add a little water to it.
  • Heat in a pan 1 tea in a pan. l. olive oil, and then fry the chopped onion and garlic cloves until golden color.
  • Add a little salt and spinach.
  • Cook the mixture over low heat for about 5-10 minutes.
  • For the best results, you need to use such soup every day for a month.

It is worth noting that it is better not to use spinach in raw form, since it contains difficult to digest iron. The leaves need to be blinked or frying in olive oil.

Nettle medicinal plant from anemia with low hemoglobin in the blood in women during pregnancy

For hundreds of years, nettles have been used or used as a natural remedy for the treatment of painful muscles and joints, gout and anemia with low hemoglobin in the blood in women during pregnancy and not only. Such a medicinal plant is rich in iron, therefore it is a very effective tool for combating anemia. Nettle also contains the following vitamins:

  • "A" (Retinol)
  • "C" (ascorbic acid)
  • "TO"
  • Group "B"

All these trace elements improve the absorption of iron in the body. This grass can be used in the form of a tonic, additives or tea. To prepare nettle tea at home, you need:

  • Chopped dandelion leaves - 2 teas. l.
  • Cuttled nettle leaves - 1/4 cup
  • Water - 2 liters

Cook tea like this:

  • The first version of tea: add 1 liter of water and nettles to the pan. Boil for 6 minutes, then strain and drink.
  • The second option: In the pan, mix nettle leaves with dandelion leaves. Pour water into a separate dish or kettle and let it boil. Pour the grass with water and let them brew for about 5 minutes. Strain the mixture, then pour the liquid into glasses.

Use 1 cup of tea 2 times a day. This is an excellent tool, since it will not only increase hemoglobin, but also fill the body's need for fluid. But do not forget to drink simple clean water, which is needed for the operation of the circulatory system, liver and other organs involved in the production of hemoglobin.

Video: Anemia during pregnancy - what to do? How does iron deficit affect pregnancy?

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