Products during pregnancy. The correct diet. Calcium products and increasing hemoglobin

Products during pregnancy. The correct diet. Calcium products and increasing hemoglobin

Since the beginning of pregnancy, many women begin to think about proper nutrition. In this article you will learn which products are useful during pregnancy, and which is better to refuse. Simple rules how to organize your diet.

In the period of ten months of pregnancy, you and your baby need various nutrients. It is important for a pregnant woman to establish a proper diet. Firstly, in order to ensure a sufficient amount of nutrients for the development of the child, and secondly, in order to safely cope with all the unpleasant manifestations of pregnancy.

How many pregnant women do you need?

There are several erroneous Points about proper nutrition:

Important: At the beginning of pregnancy, you must consume as you can be more food for the favorable development of the baby;
The more expensive the product, the more nutritious it is;
The more you saturate the body with vitamins, the better.

In fact, not the quantity and price is important, but quality and correct combination of products consumed. As the embryo develops, the daily amount of the necessary calories to the pregnant woman changes.

  • In the first trimester This is about 2100 kcal
  • in the second trimester 2300 kcal
  • in the last trimester 2600 kcal.

Please note that the calorie content of the first trimester is not much different from calorie content to pregnancy. For the healthy development of the baby, a pregnant mommy, it is enough to provide herself with a daily rather nutritious and balanced food.

Important rules and list of the most useful foods during pregnancy

Eat fruits and vegetables more
During pregnancy, it is best to eat fresh vegetables and fruits more every day, including dark green vegetables and citrus fruits. Dark green vegetables provide the body folic acid and vitamin c, citrus fruits are rich vitamin C.favors the growth of the skeleton and blood vessels, at the same time provides an important role in the development of the nervous system of the embryo. Carrots and dates contain carotenewhich contributes to the development of the vision of the embryo.
Moms, which usually eat little vegetables and fruits, and prefer meat, should take fruits and vegetables an important role in the daily diet. If you do not like solid vegetables and fruits, you can eat them in the form of freshly squeezed juices. For example, in the morning you can drink orange juice. Working mothers will be convenient to take an apple, orange or tomato with you to work.

Important: daily you need to consume no more than 300g of fruits, and you also need to choose fruits with a low sugar content. Sometimes you can completely replace fruits with vegetables to avoid diabetes in pregnant women.

Eat grain products more

Whole grain products have various trace elements useful for the future mother, which contribute not only to the growth of the embryo tissue, but also helps to regulate the blood sugar content in the pregnant woman.

Important: pay attentionon the quality of the grain consumed, try to eat less quick cooking and macarone of soft varieties, these products negatively affect the absorption of trace elements.

There is no need to consume too many cereals, excessive consumption can negatively affect digestion. Another important point, grain is better not to eat along with dairy products saturated with calcium or iron products and vitamins, it is better to take a break for about 40 minutes between receptions.

Eat more products containing folic acid

In the first trimester of pregnancy, for the favorable development of the nervous system of the embryo, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of folic acid. Try to consume foods saturated with folic acid daily, such as dark green vegetables (spinach, rapeseed, etc.); liver liver (chicken liver, pork liver, beef liver); cereals (whole grain flour, barley, wheat germ, etc.); legumes, nuts (soy, beans, peanuts, walnuts, cashew); Fresh fruits (dates, oranges, tangerines, strawberries).

Consume products that increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

To increase hemoglobin in the blood and avoid anemia, pregnant mothers, especially in the period of 4-7 months of pregnancy, should use 25 mg of iron daily.
Dates, beans, liver liver, low -fat meat, yolk, chicken, fish, shrimp, dark green vegetables, tomatoes, peaches, plums, cherries, raisins, etc. - These are products rich in iron, pregnant mothers have a large selection of what to accept. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe an additional intake of iron drugs.
Excessive use of iron leads to poisoning of the body, which causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal disorder.
Iron preparations excite the walls of the stomach, which can lead to a feeling of nausea. If you take them after eating, you can reduce these symptoms.
The iron contained in animal products is more easily absorbed by our body than the iron contained in plant products.
Vitamin C, fructose contribute to the better absorption of iron, at the same time tea, coffee, milk - slow down.

Eat more products saturated with calcium

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman needs to consume 1000 mg of calcium daily, in the third trimester increase consumption to 1200 mg. Dairy products The best sources of calcium replenishment. 250ml of milk contain 250mg of calcium. It is enough for pregnant mothers to drink 500 ml per day. It is good to take milk before bedtime in order to maintain a normal amount of calcium in the blood at night and avoid seizures in the legs. Milk can be replaced with any other dairy, natural drink. Kefir or yogurt will also contribute to the good work of the intestines.
How to determine lack of calcium in the body:
It brings the leg seizures.
Teeth are shaken.
Joint pain.

Future mothers must correct their harmful food habits, also observe hygiene and rationality in food consumption. Refuse a frequent habit of eating in restaurants, eating fatty, spicy foods, drinks of long storage, coffee, alcohol. Try to eat regularly three times a day.

Eat more products containing omega-3

Omega-3 It is very important at the stage of the formation of the fetus, because much depends on it. Omega-3 forms the brain of the unborn child, and is also part of the retina of his eyes. If during pregnancy the future mother consumed little food containing omega-3, then the child can be born with neurological deviations.

Below are products that it is forbidden There is during pregnancy

  • Hawthorn
    Hawthorn causes uterine reduction, a lot of use of this product can even lead to miscarriage.
  • Almond
    Can lead to a miscarriage
  • Aloe
    Contains toxic substances, can lead to bleeding or even provoke a miscarriage
  • Crab
    Can lead to a miscarriage
  • Stimulating products
    Coffee, strong tea, spicy food, alcohol affect the normal development of the fetus.
  • Raw products
    Raw fish, meat and eggs can be a source of many diseases and contain parasites.
  • Food additives
    The list includes semi -finished products, canned food, sausages, smoked products.
  • Do not exceed the amount of vitamin A
    Excessive consumption of vitamin A can cause premature birth or unhealthy fetal development. Do not exceed the norm of 400 - 1250 μg daily. Please note that vitamin A in large quantities is found in pork liver.

Following all of the above rules, you and your baby easily pass all such a not simple, but fascinating path of pregnancy. The main thing is to remember that your good mood and well -being are your key to health. Therefore, if sometimes you really want something harmful, you can afford a small portion and not worry about this. Health to you and your baby.

Video: Pregnant food. Menu

Video: Nutrition of pregnant women. Elena Malysheva

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  1. I also tried to eat right, no chips, and soda. Even if I really wanted to, I did not buy a mineral water sweet. Of the vitamins, calcium drank so that the bones and teeth are strong, and the fetus develops normally. In the online store I ordered Evalarovsky Calcium Helat. The most easily accessible form of calcium is allowed during pregnancy.

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