Cream for honey cake: 12 most delicious recipes

Cream for honey cake: 12 most delicious recipes

This is the most delicious treat with incredibly fragrant and easy to prepare cream. You will need a minimum of products.

Honey cakes are the most delicious and fragrant treats that smell of honey and childhood. The advantage of such cakes is that they can be easily and quickly prepared at home. Today we offer you 12 interesting recipes.

Honey cake with sour cream

  • Sour cream - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 370 g
  • To prepare a delicious cream, it is absolutely not necessary to use many expensive products and the recipe for this cream is direct proof of this.
  • To creamy cream for honey cake turned out to be thick and tasty, for its preparation, you need to use a fat and defended sour cream. If the product is from the store and liquid, or if the product is home, but did not stand up, that is, sour cream mixed with serum, throw it on gauze and leave it to drain. Do it in the cold, so you also cool sour cream.
  • Now whisk all the products together and, if desired, add to the mass flavors.
  • The cream will become a little thicker if you place it for a while in the cold, and so that it does not flow during the smearing of cakes, do this only after their cooling is complete.

Honey cake with custard cream   

Cathedral cream goes well with aromatic honey cakes, so most often it is used for honey cakes.

  • Sugar-oil mixture-320 g (combination in equal proportions)
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 380 ml
  • Flour, corn starch - 35 g
  • We heat the milk and dissolve sugar in it. Add flavoring at will.
  • Now we send an egg, flour and starch to the container, cook the workpiece on the smallest fire, stirring constantly. You need to stir constantly, otherwise lumps will appear in the mass, which will then be difficult to remove. The process takes about 5-10 minutes. Cook the workpiece until thickened.
  • After add oil to it and cool a little. Beat the workpiece and send it to the cold for several hours.
  • The cream is not liquid, but also not much thickHowever, on the cakes he “grasps” and holds well.

Honey cake with cheese cream

If you want to smear the honey cake with a lush, delicate cream cream, then take this recipe.

  • Curd cheese - 720 g
  • Powder, butter - 210 g
  • Zest 1 lemon
Chic cream
Chic cream
  • We take out the oil in advance from the cold, wait until we soften, and proceed to whipping. Initially, beat the product without powder until a lush mass is obtained.
  • After add it to it pre -sifted powder And we continue the process for a few more mines.
  • Curd cheese in its consistency is very delicate and dense, there is no need to beat it additionally. Therefore, we just Enter in parts into the oil with powder And gently mix with a spatula.
  • After that, add the zest of the lemon to the mass and mix again. This stage can be skipped if you want to do classic honey cake with cheese cream.

Cream for honey cake with condensed milk

Cream for honey cake on condensed milk is very sweet and fragrant. He impregnates the cakes well, making them “wet” and tasty.

  • Butter, condensed milk - 210 g
  • Honey - 30 g
  • As you can see, there will be very few products, but they will be enough to make a delicious cream for honey cake.
  • We definitely get the oil into heat so that it becomes soft. After whip it until the moment it turns into a homogeneous lush and white mass.
  • After portioned, add to it condensed milk And we continue to beat the workpiece.
  • When the cream is almost ready, add honey to the mass and mix it. Thanks to honey, the cream will become even more aromatic and will perfectly combine with honey cakes. But if you do not want so much honey, remove it from the list of ingredients and add a flavoring to the cream, for example, rum or vanillin.

Honey cake "Ryzhik" with sour cream

Honey cake "Ryzhik" is a delicious treat with the most delicate cream, which differs from many others. If you need an unusual cream for a honey cake, then this recipe is for you.

  • Sour cream - 430 g
  • Butter - 35 g
  • Yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 65 g
  • Corn starch - 40 g
  • White chocolate - 110 g
  • Rum - 30 ml
  • The basis of this cream is sour cream, it can be used both oily and not fat.
  • In the container we connect all products except oil, chocolate and rum. Stir them and send them to cook on a slow fire. Cook, stirring, to thickening. Initially, the mass will become liquid, do not worry, and it should be. It will thicken already as the products are heated.
  • As soon as the mass begins to boil, remove it from the heat.
  • Add to the workpiece oil and chocolate, Mix. Cover the container with the cream of the “Contact” film and cool.
  • At this stage, the cream can small. In this case, the oil is separated from the entire mass, but this is not scary, you can fix the situation easily quite easily. We place the cream in the freezer for 25 minutes, take out, add rum and beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  • The cream is very light and delicate, but at the same time holds the form perfectly.

Cream for a honey cord on milk

The cream for a honey cord on milk is prepared very quickly and simple. At the same time, such a cream is suitable not only for smearing honey cakes, they can easily smear biscuits and pancakes.

  • Milk, butter - 230 ml/g
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 60 g
  • Sugar - 220 g
With milk
On milk
  • Half of milk Connect with sifted flour and stir the products well.
  • Then drive the eggs to them, mix.
  • Send the container to a small fire and cook until the workpiece will not begin to thicken. At this time, pour the remaining milk into it, constantly stirring, bring the workpiece to the desired consistency. Remove the container from the fire and cool the contents.
  • Beat soft oil with sugar into the lush mass and portioned in a cooled blank. Beat the cream again at low speed.
  • The cream is ready, it can be used immediately after cooking.

Cream for honey cake

Cream cream will make honey cake air and very tender. Such a cream is also suitable for filling the tubes and baskets.

  • Cream - 550 ml
  • Powder - 120 g
  • White chocolate - 50 g
  • To make the cream from the cream, they must be very fat. Most often, such cream can be found under the name "confectionery", the fat content in them is approximately 33-35%.
  • Before use, the product must be placed in the cold and cooled properly. If you do such a cream for the first time, cool the devices with which You will work.
  • Chocolate Melt and cool.
  • Now whisk the cream with powder to a lush thick mass.
  • Pour the cooled, but still liquid chocolate into the mass and carefully mix it with a spatula.
  • If desired, chocolate can be used by another, for example, milk or with additives. But in this case, you need to remember that the taste and color of the finished cream will change.
  • By the way, the cream cream is very easily stained with dyes. However, it does not flow and holds its shape well.

Honey cake with chocolate cream

Lovers of chocolate will certainly be satisfied, because a honey cake with chocolate cream is a real paradise pleasure. The cream is very fragrant and tasty.

  • Milk - 420 ml
  • Butter, sugar - 110 g
  • Cocoa - 55 g
  • Chocolate 90% - 100 g
  • Corn starch - 55 g
  • Combine half the milk with granulated sugar, mix the products.
  • We send the container to the fire and add cocoa to milk.
  • Now we spread here crushed oil, stir the ingredients. Fire under the pots all this time is minimal, since we do not need the products to burn.
  • Stiring, cook the workpiece to boiling and immediately remove from the heat.
  • In a separate plate, connect the remaining Milk and starch, Mix the products thoroughly and pour the resulting liquid into a still hot blank.
  • Right after that we beat the cream.
  • We melt the chocolate And send to the mass, beat it again.
  • Now we leave the cream in the cold for several hours. thickened And he became more “stable”.
  • Quantity chocolate and cocoa You can regulate. Those who love a more saturated taste may not at all put cocoa, but replace it with chocolate.
  • Chocolate butter, Nutella will help to give the cream even more chocolate taste.

Honey cake with cottage cheese cream

Curd cream can consist not only of cottage cheese and sour cream. We offer you a very tasty recipe for the most delicate cottage cheese cream, which will be perfectly combined with a honey cake.

  • Cottage cheese - Paul kg
  • Honey - 100 g
  • Sour cream - 120 g
  • Powder - 60 g
  • Almond flakes - 30 g
The most tender
The most tender
  • To The cream turned out to be dense, and it was easy to work with it, use good fat and glassy cottage cheese and the same sour cream.
  • Cottage cheese is needed pull out or kill a blender, To remove all the grains. Then add honey to it and mix the mass.
  • Beat a pre -cooled sour cream with powder until receipt Lush and thick mass.
  • Now carefully connect two masses in several times and mix to get a homogeneous and dense cream.
  • Finally, send the flakes to it and mix once again with a spatula.
  • Cream It turns out thick, holds the shape well, does not spread.

Honey cake with prunes and sour cream

Honey cake with prunes and sour cream is unusually tasty and original. Bunny gives the cream an unusual taste and aroma.

  • Sour cream - 630 g
  • Powder, prunes - 220 g
  • Rum or cognac - 50 ml
  • Initially, prepare prunes. Choose beautiful and fresh so that it does not spread and is not too dirty. Wash it, pour boiling water for several minutes, then rinse and chop it in a blender. You can cut the prunes manually, but then quite large pieces will come across in the cream.
  • Pour chopped prunes with alcohol, mix and leave for half an hour. You can skip this stage, but namely cognac/rum makes prunes in a special fragrant.
  • Sour cream needs to be used glass and fat, with such a product the cream will be much tastier.
  • Beat sour cream with powder to a lush and persistent consistency.
  • After parts, add prunes to the cream and gently mix the mass with a spatula.
  • You can add to the cream also nuts, but this is not necessary - a matter of taste.

Honey cake - Cream with boiled condensed milk

Honey cake with such a cream is very sweet, so real sweet tooth will definitely appreciate it.

  • Boiled condensed milk, chocolate pasta, butter - 250 g
Sweet tooth
Sweet tooth
  • We take out the oil in advance from the cold, wait until it floods, and then beat until we get lush and white mass. If you want to get an even more aromatic cream, ordinary oil can be replaced with chocolate.
  • Beat the boiled condensed milk with chocolate paste. Chocolate paste can be used, for example, to Nutella or some other. It is permissible to use paste with additives, for example, nuts. If desired, you can use not chocolate, but arachical paste.
  • Now gently connect both masses and mix them with a spatula.
  • The cream will be thick, dense, will not spread.
  • We do not recommend adding flavorings to it, since all the products that are used for its preparation, and so have a strong aroma and taste.

Honey cake with cream-brown

Cream-brown is the taste of childhood, which is why for many people this cream is the most delicious. In preparation, it is simple, but very tasty.

  • Cream - 540 ml
  • Boiled condensed milk - 260 g
As in childhood
As in childhood
  • We must use cream fat and chilled. Beat them without powder. Beat until the mass increases and becomes magnificent.
  • After that, portionedly introduce a boiled condensed milk into the cream and continue to whip the cream until smooth.
  • The cream turns out thick, beautiful and very fragrant.

Any cream that we have cooked today can be diversified by nuts, zuccats, sweet dragees, flavors and dyes.

Useful information on the site:

Video: The most tender cream for a honey cream

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