Calorie content of raw, boiled and baked pumpkin, cereals, pumpkin dishes per 100 grams: Value

Calorie content of raw, boiled and baked pumpkin, cereals, pumpkin dishes per 100 grams: Value

This article will talk about the calorie content of pumpkin product.

The pumpkin was highly appreciated by our grandmothers, since the product was stored for a long time. In addition, such a vegetable had good productivity and accessibility even for poor families in the old days. But now nutritionists are emphasized on a large vitamin composition of pumpkin, its incredible usefulness and mild digestibility by the body. In addition, pumpkin has low calorie content! But each preparation option and the addition of other ingredients can affect the number of calories.

Calorie content of raw, boiled and baked pumpkin: meaning

The pumpkin is allowed to eat even to small children when they are introduced by complementary foods, it is very useful for diabetics and diversify your diet menu if you want to overcome extra pounds.

And for this we suggest you look at the calorie content of pumpkin in different condition per 100 g:

  • Raw vegetable, Depending on the variety, it contains from 3 to 11% of sugar, therefore the calorie content varies from 22 to 26 kcal.The average value is often taken 24 kcal,what is equivalent to the calorie content of zucchini.
  • Juice From pumpkin has only 38 kcal
  • Nectar from pumpkin - 48 kcal
  • Boiled pumpkin with salt has only 20 kcal
  • If you remove salt, then the number of calories becomes even lower - 18 kcal
  • But boiled pumpkin with sugar already has 56.6 kcal. Provided that only 10 g of sweet product was added
  • Baked pumpkin with sugar (10 g) and butter (1 g) has 76.6 kcal
  • If you replace sugar with honey when baking, but with oil, the calorie content will be lower - 63 kcal
  • Baked pumpkin without oil, but with sugar - 53 kcal
  • Baking a pumpkin without oil and sugar in the oven, you will get the same low -calorie product - 25.5 kcal
  • Stewed pumpkin without sugar - 25 kcal
  • With sugar - 40.7 kcal
  • Fried pumpkin - 76 kcal
  • Steam pumpkin - 24 kcal
  • Pumpkin flour - 305 kcal
  • Pumpkin oil - 895 kcal

Important: pumpkin seeds still belong to the group of high -calorie products - 556 kcal per 100 g!


Pumpkin calorie content: how many calories in porridge with pumpkin?

Of course, the calorie content of pumpkin will change depending on the addition of a particular ingredient. The same porridge with pumpkin, but with different cereals will have different calorie content. If you follow the figure, then these nuances should be taken into account. The calculation also goes on 100 g.

Pumpkin porridge with millet

  • On water without oil - 59.5 kcal
  • On water with butter - 102 kcal
  • On milk without oil - 92.8 kcal
  • On milk with butter - 115.1 kcal

Pumpkin porridge with rice

  • On water - 57.8 kcal
  • On milk with sugar and oil - 110.7 kcal
  • On milk without oil, but with sugar - 91.5 kcal
  • On milk without sugar, but with oil - 103.3 kcal
  • On milk without oil and sugar - 61.2 kcal

Pumpkin porridge

  • With milk, without sugar - 47.3 kcal
  • With milk and sugar - 54.2 kcal

Pumpkin porridge with corn croup

  • On water - 58.7 kcal
  • On milk - 65 kcal

Pumpkin porridge friendship - 130.2 kcal

Pumpkin porridge with oatmeal on milk and with sugar - 113.3 kcal


Pumpkin calorie content: how many calories are in various dishes with pumpkin?

We suggest you also familiarize yourself with a few sprouted dishes to know the calorie content of pumpkin with different ingredients.

  • Salad of sauerkraut, onions, pumpkin and vegetable oil, with salt - 103.2 kcal
  • Raw pumpkin and apples - 35 kcal
  • Pumpkin, cucumber and greenery salad, but with mayonnaise - 104 kcal
  • Pumpkin salad with pepper and herbs, with vegetable oil - 64.7 kcal
  • Boiled beet salad and pumpkin seeds, with a dressing from kefir, garlic and herbs - 76 kcal
  • Pumpkin salad in Cheshika-196.6 feces
  • Pumpkin-torn nyokki-197.4 kcal
  • Pumpkin cake - 166 kcal
  • Garnish from pumpkin and onion - 25.2 kcal
  • Pancakes from pumpkin - 180.2 kcal
  • Egg-tin omelet-128.4 kcal
  • Pumplings, potatoes, potatoes (it needs 2 times less pumpkin), carrots, onions, bell pepper and celery will be only 60 kcal per 100 g of the product! Due to low -calorie ingredients, even with potatoes.

By the way, a few words about the potato, which is called the enemy of the figure. He is not so terrible, as he is described - the calorie content of boiled potatoes is only 78.7 kcal! It's not that much. And if you are interested in this topic, then we recommend reading the article "Potato diet is a myth or reality: is it possible and how to lose weight on potatoes?"

Video: pumpkin calorie content, benefit and harm

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Comments K. article

  1. Question. Calorie content of raw pumpkin 24-28 kcal. Boiled - even less. Why the calorie content of puree from pumpkin is indicated everywhere 88 kcal. What happens to her after she crushed?

  2. Question. Calorie content of raw pumpkin 24-28 kcal. Boiled - even less. Why the calorie content of puree from pumpkin is indicated everywhere 88 kcal. What happens to her after she crushed?

  3. Thanks for the info. It was interesting.

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