Beautiful indoor flower Amazon Lilia "Eucharis": care at home, signs

Beautiful indoor flower Amazon Lilia

Plant a beautiful indoor flower at the Amazon Lily - Eucharis at home. Read the article about the care and signs associated with this plant.

Eucharis - An exquisite flower, the decoration of any home. This delicate miracle growth attracts attention and appeals to itself. And also a lot of interesting signs are connected with him and, of course, superstition.

If you like indoor plants, read on our website an article about another beautiful homemade flower epipremnamum. You will learn everything about care, useful properties and signs. You will definitely want to plant such a flower at home to enjoy its beautiful appearance.

Many flower growers do not refuse to justify a cozy corner at home, the main element of which is precisely Eucharis. But for the flower to be healthy, and its flowering is lush, it is necessary to provide it with proper, full care. Read more in this article.

Where is the birthplace of the Euharis Flower (Amazon Lilia): name on Latin, species, photos of the flowering indoor plant

Look at the photo how beautiful such a flowering indoor plant looks:

Euharis flower (Amazon Lilia)
Euharis flower (Amazon Lilia)

Flower name on Latin - Eucharis - representative amarillis families. In natural conditions flower Eucharis It grows in Bolivia, Peru and West. Parts of the Amazon is the birthplace of such a flower. Actually, for this reason, the plant has another name - Amazon Lily.

In the appearance of the inflorescences of Eucharis, daffodils resemble, but they have a completely different smell. There are several types of home Amazonian lily, each of which has its own differences and features.

Euharis flower (Amazon Lilia)
Flower Eucharis Sandra

Eucharis Sander:

  • An exquisite flower with bright green color and long petioles.
  • The peduncle is covered with 3 large or 6 small flowers.
  • They are white in color, and crowned with a “crown” lemon color. The flowering period falls out at the beginning of spring.
Eucharis is large -flowered
Eucharis is large -flowered

Eucharis large -flowered:

  • This type of indoor plant is the most popular.
  • The petioles of the flower are long, on each of them appears up to 4 leaves.
  • The latter, in turn, differ in a slightly corrugated shape and obviously appropriate veins.
  • The leaves have an unusually beautiful, rich emerald, coloring.
  • The peduncle of this type of euharis is high.
  • A large umbrella is located on its surface, which "gives" from 3 to 7 large flowers.
  • Most often, the flowering period falls on the fall, but some specimens can give color several times during the year.
Eucharis Masters
Eucharis Masters

Eucharis Masters:

  • This type of flower is characterized by wide leaves having a length of about 250 mm.
  • The petioles of the plant are medium length, and 2 umbrella is formed on the surface of the peduncle. large inflorescences.
  • The flowering period falls at the beginning of the spring season.
Eucharis White
Eucharis White

Euharis White:

  • The leaves of this plant in shape are oval, and have a length about 40 cm.
  • The deciduous coloring is emerald, and the color -bearing “crown” is green with a brownish tint.
  • On its surface, an “umbrella” is formed, consisting of 8 color.having a lemon-white border.
  • This euharis blooms at the beginning of the first month of spring - from 1 to 10 March.
Eucharis toothless
Eucharis toothless

Eucharis toothless:

  • The leaf plates of this instance in shape resemble an elongated triangle.
  • The leaves can be 23 cm and more, and in width - up to one cm.
  • The color -bearing part is long. It forms a peduncle with 6 flowers white, average in size.

A flower with a large sheet similar to Lily - Eucharis: Useful properties

A flower with a large leaf similar to Lily - Eucharis
A flower with a large leaf similar to Lily - Eucharis

Eucharis - This is a beautiful flower with a large sheet, similar to Lily. But this is not a simple indoor plant. Behind the beautiful and delicate appearance, “insidious” notes are hidden that you need to know:

  • The flower contains a toxic substance called likorin.
  • In contact with him, a person may have a strong intoxication of the body, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Important: Be careful if you contain this plant at home! Do not allow children or pets to contact him.

However, Eucharis has useful properties:

  • Pharmacists remove the specified toxic alkaloid from it, which is later used for the manufacture of broncholitics - drugs that thin and remove mucus.
  • In addition, Lycorin has an analgesic and anti -inflammatory activity, reduces t ° bodies and suppresses the growth of tumor cells.

If you decide to grow such a flower at home, then put it so that it is inaccessible to kids, cats and dogs, and then you can safely enjoy the beautiful flowering and useful properties of the plant.

Euharis's home flower - signs and superstitions: is it possible to keep at home?

A lot of signs are also associated with indoor flowers. Eucharis is no exception. Is it possible to keep this home flower at home? There is a belief that such a plant gives a happy family life to young couples, but this is not all its "magical" abilities.

So what you need to know about this unusually beautiful flower:

  1. Eucharis has powerful energy activity, so it is recommended to keep it away from other indoor plants. Otherwise, they will be oppressed by the energy stream of Amazonian lily, and will quickly die.
  2. On people Eucharis It has a more favorable effect. It increases activity and gives an incentive to action.
  3. The flower also affects the children's psyche, since it increases the susceptibility to learning. However, superstitious people in this regard are more wary. They note that if you put a pot with a flower in a children's room, this will lead to problems with sleep in a child due to an increase in physical and mental activity.
  4. It is very desirable to keep at home Eucharis young women. The flower filters energy and cleanses the aura in the room where it is. Therefore, a flower can become a real amulet for its mistress, bringing happiness and success. Also, Amazon Lily protects the ladies from negative influences, evil eye and damage.
  5. Put a pot with Eucharis The bedroom is not recommended. The reason is known: it increases the energy reserve of the body, which can adversely affect the dream. Therefore, the flower is as suitable only for the hallway, the living room, as well as for office or home rooms.

In this way, Eucharis - This is not only a beautiful, but also a useful indoor flower. If you carefully care for him, he will delight the eye for a long time, and also put it to saturate. energy of the owners of the apartment.

Features of growing an euharis home flower at home: Briefly

A flower similar to Lily - Eucharis
A flower similar to Lily - Eucharis

The Amazon Lilia will grow and develop if you provide it with optimal conditions. Therefore, adhere to such rules that were determined on the basis of the features of growing this homemade flower at home - briefly:

  1. Create optimal for flower t °. On average, in hot times the indicator t ° air inside the building can be +28 degrees, in the winter season - at least 13 degrees.
  2. Air humidity should be higher than average values. It is recommended to install a pot of euharis on a pallet with wet expanded clay.
  3. Lighting should be bright diffused. The most optimal place for such a beautiful plant is the windowsill near the window that goes to the east or west.
  4. Provide such room greenery with abundant watering in the summer and more scarce - in winter.
  5. Do not forget about properly prepared soil, a suitable tank for growth and periodic introduction of feeding substances and fertilizers.

Knowing simple growing conditions Eukharis, you can grow without problems and propagate it yourself in the rooms of the house. After completing the cycle of flowering, the bulb needs to be uprooted and added to the house. Below you will learn useful and detailed information about the care of the plant at home. Read further.

Eucharis Amazon: Home Care at home

Eucharis Amazon, in fact, does not need year -round care, especially if it is grown at home. First of all, attention should be paid to him in the active phase, that is, in the warm season. In winter, this lily has a period of rest, so you should not show hyperopeck. How to care for an exotic plant? Read further.

Flowering of the Amazon Lilia Eucharis

Flowering of the Amazon Lilia Eucharis
Flowering of the Amazon Lilia Eucharis

Bloom Amazon Lilia Eucharis - This is the last stage in the development of the plant.

  • This is a truly enchanting process, since at this time on one fully formed onion, a peduncle is formed, the dimensions of which reach almost 0.5 m.
  • And if the onion is very strong and durable, then there can be several peduncles at all.
  • A snow -white umbrella begins to appear on its surface with 2 large or 3-8 average in size with flowers.
  • On the upper edge, they are noticeably “crowned” with a golden-white border.

The exact period of the onset of flowering depends on the variety of Eucharis. However, like the dimensions, the shape of leaves and flowers, as well as the color of room culture. But often the active life cycle falls out precisely for the warm season.

Video: Eucharis - Super Central Administration and Care Features

What to do after flowering Eucharis?

When the frequency of flowering ends, you can understand by the appearance of the plant. Some leaves may turn yellow and lose their decorativeness. What to do after flowering Eucharis?

  • Do not rush to remove the leaves from the pot, as they contain a lot of nutrients that saturate the bulb.
  • If you notice that the peduncle began to wither, this indicates the onset of the resting phase.

In this case, review the features of the plant care. Read further.

Euharis plant: temperature regime

It was previously mentioned at what temperature in summer and winter it is recommended to grow Amazon Lily. Remember that the plant Eucharisin natural conditions, it grows in a hot climate, so do not allow a sharp cooling in the room where it is located. Correct temperature mode:

  • 28-30 degrees - Optimal indicators for this exotic plant.

In winter, a rest period of rest occurs. In this case, it is not necessary to maintain heat in the rooms, t ° can be reduced up to 18 ° C. Also note that Eucharis does not tolerate drafts or streams of cold. air. Therefore, when ventilating the room where it is located, it is better to transfer the container with the flower to heat for a while.

Lilia Euharis: Spraying

Lilia Eucharis
Lilia Eucharis

In courtship for Amazon Lily The increased dryness of the air is categorically unacceptable. Under such conditions, a flower stalk with large leaves will not only begin to wander quickly and wither, but can also die completely. Therefore, spraying in the phase of active development Eukharis - Mandatory procedure.

When maintaining such a plant, it is important to maintain air humidity at a level of not lower 55%. Therefore, a pot with a flower, as indicated earlier, must be placed on a pallet with soft expanded clay, as well as additionally use air humidifiers.

When spraying, all actions should be carried out softly, carefully processing each sheet. It is allowed to wipe the green mass of Eucharis with a cloth or a napkin moistened in water.

Remember: It is unacceptable to spray the flowers, as this can lead to rotting them.

Lighting for Eucharis

The plant loves light very much, so the best place for it is the windowsill by the eastern window. If there is no such possibility, you can place Eucharis In the corner of the room, the windows of which overlook south. Additional lighting in this case is not required for lily.

Important: Do not allow sunlight to enter the flower leaves, as this can provoke the formation of burns.

Watering homemade lilia Euharis

The frequency and abundance of watering home Liliya Eucharis It directly depends on the phase of the life cycle is the flower. With active growth, when an intense set of green mass occurs, the plant needs water especially acute. This period occurs in the spring, summer or late autumn - you must already track this yourself. After the end of the flowering period, the need for moisturizing the soil is sharply reduced.

Specialists are not taken to indicate more specific terms and frequency of watering. They advise flower growers to carry out such work as the upper soil layer in a pot with a flower dries (approximately 3 cm from the upper edge). For processing, use only defended or filtered water.

Euharis flower pot

Euharis flower pot
Euharis flower pot

Choosing a pot for Amazon Lily It remains at the discretion of the flower grower. After all, it is important not only what type of plant will be grown. The amount of planting material is also important.

Several Euharis bulbs were planted in a large pot
Several Euharis bulbs are planted in a large pot

So, for a single plant, choose a pot in which the necessary volume of the substrate and drainage will fit. If the earthen lump contains several bulbs, then here you will need a wide and more spacious pot. This is necessary for the reason that multiple bushes will quickly gain green mass, because of which the flowerpot with them will periodically overturn.

Top dressing, fertilizer, soil for Eucharis lily

Feeding and fertilizers are necessary for plants during the period of active flower growth. At that time Lilia Eucharis It needs nutrients, so organic compounds are perfect.

  • It will be very good if you replace the top soil layer in a pot with a biohumus.
  • It can be bought in a specialized store.

Important: It is unacceptable to use garden compost to feed Eucharis. This mass may contain larvae of pests, disputes of pathogenic fungi or pathogens, as well as substances that will not benefit a gentle plant.

You can also find special fertilizers in stores for Eukharis and other indoor plants. Such funds contain the necessary amount of useful components - phosphorus and potassium. But the dose of nitrogen in them is insignificant, which is also important. After all, this element affects, first of all, to the plant set of green mass. But flowering under its action, on the contrary, is noticeably depressed.

Advice: Feel Amazon Lily Not more often 2 times a month.

As for the soil, it should be nutritious and enriched with organic substances. Therefore, it is better to buy a soil mixture for flowering plants in a store. Of course, the substrate can be made with your own hands, but this is a rather painstaking work that requires knowledge and accuracy in everything.

Transplanting, pruning of the Amazon Lilia Eucharis: Instructions, video

Eucharis reacts very sharply to any change in the place, so contact with the bulbs of the plant is extremely undesirable. Consequently, Amazon Lily does not need frequent transplants. But, if you can’t do without this procedure, perform it correctly.

For the first time to transplant Eucharis into a new pot only after 3.5 years From the moment of the first landing in the pot. And in the future, transplants are allowed only at such intervals.

Features of the procedure - Instruction:

  • Remove the plant from the pot, remove from the roots of the earthen lump.
Transplant of Amazon Lilia Eucharis
Transplant of Amazon Lilia Eucharis
  • If there are small bulbs, you can leave them, or transplant them into a separate container with a substrate. However, in the second case, be sure to separate them from the mother bush, without waiting for the period of active flowering and growth.
  • Place the drainage on the bottom of the flowerpot and pour the substrate.
  • The depth of the bulb is planted 50 mm. In the absence of leaves, the bulb is forbidden to completely fill the soil - the growth point should be located at the top.
Euharis bulbs are planted at a distance of 5 cm
Euharis bulbs are planted at a distance of 5 cm

Remember: It is important to observe the distance between the bulbs, it should be approximately 45 mm. You can plant in one flower from 5 to 7 pieces of bulbs. After that, put the plant in a shaded place.

At the end of the flowering period, do not forget to perform the pruning of old peduncles - this is necessary to facilitate the process of transition of lily to the resting stage. It is done using large scissors treated with an antiseptic solution. Lubricate the places of cuts on Eucharis.

Watch in the video how to make each stage correctly:

Video: How to transplant Eucharis?

Flower onion indoor euharis: When is the rest period?

The dormant period in the plant is weakly expressed, so it does not need special care. Report the flowerpot with a flower in a dry cool place for about a month and a half. Water the onion indoor flower - Eucharis, when the substrate begins to dry. But do not wait for its drying out, otherwise the plant will die. At the same time, moisture should be scarce and not too frequent. Top dressing needs to be stopped completely.

Advice: When new green leaves begin to appear on the Amazon Lilia, resume your previous care. And do not forget to rearrange the flower in your former place.

Euharis indoor plant in winter: Care

Sometimes a indoor plant Eucharis Gives flowering in winter. But usually this happens when the rest period falls in the fall. If this happened, continue to take care of the culture in the same mode.

But in the case of the resting phase, transfer the flower to a cool place. The rest of the care of it is such as in the previous case.

Propagation of home lily of Euharis from seeds

The use of seeds for growing Eucharis in practice is rare. More precisely, mostly large flower enterprises and stores are engaged in this. At home, flower growers prefer to use the method of foliacs of bulbs.

This is due, first of all, by the poor germination of planting material. In addition, the seeds of such a domestic lilies develop very slowly, and often do not give any seedlings at all. Therefore, this option for growing and propagation of Amazonian lily is best suited to breeders who are accustomed to painstaking work with plants. They use a special moisturized substrate, and after sowing grains, the containers are transferred to the greenhouse.

Propagation of the large indoor flower of Eucharis with foliage of bulbs: Instructions

Bulbed division is a traditional home way to grow young specimens of exotic lily - a large indoor flower Eukharis. The start of work on this type of propagation falls in the spring. Here's the instruction:

  • Separate from the mother's bush 7 bulbs medium size.
  • Place them in one pot, but at a short distance from each other.
  • Now you can only ensure that the young specimens of the flower do not need liquids, but it is also not worth moistening the soil too - the plant is afraid of overflow.

If you do everything right, then soon the culture will give the first sprouts, and after some time it will begin to bloom. Then you will have to transplant adult plants into more spacious pots and enjoy beautiful flowering.

Video: Eucharis (Amazon Lilia): transplant, division. Conditions of detention

Diseases and pests of the indoor flower of Eucharis: why does the leaf turn yellow, does not bloom?

Diseases and pests of the indoor flower of Eucharis
Diseases and pests of the indoor flower of Eucharis

Careless care for the plant reduces its immunity and negatively affects the appearance. And also Eucharis It can be struck by different pests. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor him. What are diseases and pests of this indoor flower? Why does the leaf turn yellow, the plant does not bloom? The most common problems that arise when growing culture at home:

The flowers become smaller:

  • The most likely cause of this deviation is a sharp change in the air temperature in the room.

The leaves wither:

  • Most often due to improper watering.
  • This can be a “symptom” of both overflow and a lack of moisture.
  • Review the features of the irrigation of the soil in the pot.

If Eucharis does not bloom:

  • The first reason - it is possible that after flowering the plant did not receive the required period of rest. In this case, the bulbs need to be removed from the pot approximately for 45 days.
  • The second reason is that an insufficient number of bulbs were planted in the pot, or they have too miniature sizes.
  • The third reason - a lack of nutrients in the soil can play a role. If this is really the case, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers will help to save the situation.

Yellowing of leaves:

  • It can be either a natural process and a sign of the disease.
  • If everything turned yellow 1-2 leaves On the flower, there is nothing to worry: this means that the current life cycle of culture is coming to an end, and it is preparing for the transition to the rest phase.
  • If on Amazon Lily A lot of yellow leaves appeared, and the rest of the green mass continues to lose healthy pigmentation, this can be the result of both overflow (which is fraught with stagnation of moisture in the soil) and excessively rare watering.
  • Another reason for this problem is the hypothermia of the plant. To improve the situation and return the plant to a healthy color, periodically loosen the soil, provide good drainage, timely and enough (but not overly) water the flower with water at room temperature. Carefully protect it from the cold and drafts.

The fall of leaves on a decorative bush:

  • A sign of root rot.
  • In this case, you will have to “save” the culture according to this principle: remove and carefully dissolve the earthen lump. Remove the rotten roots, treat the sections of the slices with a fungicidal drug, additionally admonish them with carbon powder. Transplant the flower into a fresh substrate, the pot is also advisable to use the new one.
  • After the measures taken, adjust the care of Eucharis and try to no longer make mistakes in the process of growing it.

Sometimes the indoor plant is also affected by small pests in the form of a shield, tripps or a spider mite. However, this happens infrequently, and the main reason for such phytopathologies is precisely the wrong care of the Amazon Lily.

Video: Eucharis! Amazon Lily! Wonderful healing!

Eucharis is a plant that many gardeners are loved. It is not surprising, after all, both the appearance and the subtle extraordinary aroma of this culture are special. Provide her optimal growing conditions - and he will decorate your house for many years, drew with delicate flowers.

Video: Proper care of Eucharis - what problems are found when growing?

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