Clematis flower: landing, transplanting to another place, growing and leaving in open ground, reproduction with seeds, cuttings, air layouts, pruning, top dressing, preparation for winter. Why does clematis do not bloom: what to do? Clematis in landscape design: ideas, best photos

Clematis flower: landing, transplanting to another place, growing and leaving in open ground, reproduction with seeds, cuttings, air layouts, pruning, top dressing, preparation for winter. Why does clematis do not bloom: what to do? Clematis in landscape design: ideas, best photos

Instructions for growing clematis.


Clematis is a well -known perennial who is common in our country in the form of vines. This plant is mainly used to decorate fences and fences. In this article, we will examine in detail the methods of growing clematis, as well as the features of caring for them.

What does the Clematis flower look like: photo

It is worth noting that there are a lot of varieties of clematis. Among them there are shrubs and half -brushes, as well as grassy perennial plants. But in our country they mainly use vine species.

In grassy species, the shoots are green. The faceted clematis is distinguished by the beauty of its colors, which consist of 5 or 10 petals. Terry forms have more than 70 petals. The middle is very similar to a furry spider, with a large number of stamens. The color of the middle may differ from blue to red. The fruits of this plant are numerous seeds.

There are a huge number of colors. Most often, these are 4-8 petals, thin, which have pointed shape. The petals are not very wide.

Clematis flowers
Clematis flowers
Clematis flowers
Clematis flowers
Clematis flowers
Clematis flowers

When is it better to plant clematis: spring or autumn?

You can plant clematis in the ground in spring or autumn. Depends on when you get the plant. If you purchased a flower in the summer, then it makes no sense to wait until spring. Therefore, it is best to plant it in September. This is the most excellent point for planting. The fact is that it is at this time that the cold begins and the plant enters the passive regime. That is, in the standby mode. It does not grow, but as if freezing until spring. Do not plant plants too early, that is, in the summer. Because re -growth can begin. If you land it later, then the plants will not have time to take root and will simply die because of the winter cold.

If the root system of the plant is open, then there is no way to plant in the fall. The best time is spring, namely April or early May. It is also necessary not to miss the time. After all, if you plant a plant late, you will drive a life rhythm. This will cause an insufficient set of forces and wilting the plant.

Where it is better to plant clematis on the site: Choosing a place

You need to carefully choose a place for planting a plant.


  • First of all, you should choose a sunny place, so if you choose a shady area, then you may not wait for flowering.
  • In addition, it is necessary to observe such conditions that the root system of the plant does not dry out, does not overheat.
  • Very often, clematis is planted near houses, walls or fences. But in this case, you risk flooding the roots of the plant and contribute to their decay.
  • To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to tear out the grooves in such places and monitor the current of the water. It is impossible for the roots to be constantly moist, as this will contribute to decay.
  • Shady places for planting plants do not go under. It is also worth avoiding places with winds and drafts.
  • Choose a place that some rooms cover, but at the same time the lawn should be fairly bright and well-lit.
Clematis landing
Clematis landing

What do Clematis seeds look like?

Clematis seeds are small boxes that are very light. They are flying with fluffy scales. This allows them to move well during the blow of the wind and fixed in the soil. There are also columns or long hairs. They are necessary so that the stems and leaves of the plant develop from them. These seeds gather in one large box.

How to plant Clematis seeds for seedlings at home?

To grow clematis from the seeds is a rather painstaking business on which you will have to spend a lot of time, as well as forces. You can learn more about growing this plant from seeds in the video.

Video: Clematis cultivation from seeds

What kind of soil does Clematis like?

Of course, the most ideal option is the average soil, which is a mixture of loamy, loose and water permeable. But unfortunately, not all regions can boast of such soil, so to plant clematis will have to prepare the soil. If surface waters are located closer than 1 m to the ground, you will have to take care of the drainage. That is, dig a trench, pour draining material there. It can be crushed stone, sand or broken bricks.

Only after that is a layer of soil and planting a plant is poured. It is worth remembering that during planting in a place, that is, into a pit for planting a plant, it is necessary to pour a layer of 10-15 cm of expanded clay or broken brick. After that, humus, peat, mineral fertilizers, ash and flashed lime are mixed with the soil. It is such a mixture that needs to be filled with a hole. Only after that it is necessary to plant a seedling.

Clematis flowers
Clematis flowers

How to plant Clematis seedlings in open ground in the spring: description of technology, distance between clematis during landing, video

Clematis is planted in a certain way. At the same time, it is better to prepare a landing pit in advance, since they are planted mainly not in the ground, but in a special mixture. It takes time that this land is a little coded. And mineral fertilizers were well sucked into the soil.


  • In order to plant a seedling, it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of 70 cm, the diameter should be 60 cm.
  • Now 15 cm drainage is laid out to the bottom. This is expanded clay or broken brick. After that, it is filled with special soil.
  • To prepare it, it is necessary to mix two parts of organics, that is, humus or compost, with two parts of the Earth. In this case, the soil should not be the one that you have removed from the pit, but the purchased, garden.
  • After that, 1 part of peat is found in the mixture, and 1 part of the sand. Further, 120 grams of mineral fertilizer, 180 g of dolomite flour and a couple of glasses of ash are introduced into this mixture.
  • All this is thoroughly mixed and the pit is filled. It is best to leave the prepared area for a week. After that, the sprout is planted.
  • The root neck is buried by about 10 cm and after that abundant watering is carried out. In addition, near the roots of clematis, it is best to plant low -growing plants that will shade the root and prevent the soil to dry.

How quickly clematis grows, what year does it bloom?

Clematis is a plant that takes time in order to grow. The fact is, if clematis is planted in the ground, then for about 2 years you should not expect flowering. Because mainly these two years develop roots and shoots. About the third or fourth year, flowering can be expected. It is carried out from June to the end of summer, if it concerns an adult plant. If this is a young plant, then the flowering period can be a little shorter.

Clematis flowering
Clematis flowering

Do I need to pinch clematis in the spring?

In order for Clematis to grow well and bloom abundantly, it is necessary to trim or pinch. It is held in about the second year.


  • At the very beginning, if you have an early-flowering clematis, then pruning is carried out after the plant has grown to a level of 20-30 cm.
  • After the sprout rose 50-70 cm, it is also cut. After this pruning, the following, that is, the latest, is carried out at an altitude of about 120-150 cm.
  • If you have clematis that bloom in the summer, that is, not early, then the first pinch is carried out about 10 cm from the ground level. The second after the sprout reaches a height of 30 cm. The last when it reaches a height of 50 cm.

When to open clematis after winter?

In the winter, clematis usually hides after trimming. This contributes to its good preservation until next year. It prevents freezing at the roots. It is necessary to open clematis somewhere at the end of April. But this must not be done completely, but half. It is final to remove the cover in the first half of May, after which loosening the soil is carried out, as well as its mulching.

Clematis after winter
Clematis after winter

Clematis - care, top dressing in the spring, during budding: description of technology, fertilizers, video

Clematis, to stimulate growth, immediately after wintering, it is necessary to reveal and take care of them correctly. Most often, gardeners have the most work in the spring, because it is necessary to open clematis, loosen the soil well, also mulch and make mineral fertilizers. You can watch more about how to feed clematis in the spring in the video.

Video: Clematis care in spring

Clematis - care, top dressing in the summer: description of technology, fertilizer, video

Feeding in the summer is carried out with the aim of stimulating a large number of buds, as well as their bright flowering.


  • Basically, before the clematis begins to bloom, that is, during the formation of buds, it is necessary to water the plants with mineral fertilizers.
  • Azofoska is ideal. It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of substance in a bucket of water and water the plants. After that, another processing is carried out, at a time when the lush color of the plant is already observed.
  • This processing is carried out in order to extend the flowering period. At this point, complex fertilizers that contain trace elements are used. It is best to apply mineral fertilizers to the soil along with wood ash. It takes about 100 g per square meter of soil.

Video: Clematis care in the summer

Clematis - care, top dressing in the fall: description of technology, fertilizer, video

The fact is that clematis are flowers that bloom quite a long period of time. Therefore, they are significantly weakened. In order to prepare plants for the next year, it is necessary to perform all events in the fall. Basically at this time, plant pruning is carried out. It is necessary about 20-25 cm from the ground level to completely cut off the shoots of the plant. That is, vines. Next, mineral fertilizers are applied. Please note that if the earth is very wet, it is better to make dry fertilizers.

Any mineral fertilizers, also bone flour are suitable. It needs about one glass per square meter of soil. Further, if the soil is wet, then the fertilizers are applied in dry form and sealed into the soil. If the soil is dry, then it is necessary to dilute the fertilizer in warm water and after dissolving watering.

Video: Clematis care in the fall

Clematis 3 groups of trimming: Description

Clematis are divided into three groups according to trimming options. The fact is that not all clematis are cut equally. More information about three types of trimming of different types of clematis can be found in the video.

Video: Three types of Clematis trimming

How to cut and propagate clematis with green cuttings: Description

Clematis propagates best the cutting method.


  • The ideal option for cuttings is spring. That is, before the start of the flowering period, it is necessary to choose a stalk, which is at the level of 30 cm from the soil.
  • The lower cut must be carried out at a level of 6 cm below the nodule. It should be oblique, and the upper cut should be straight, and be at a distance of 12 cm from the node.
  • If the cuttings have large lush leaves on the side, then it is necessary to cut them half. Cuttings withstand about a few days in the water until the roots appear. Or root directly in the soil.
Clematis cuttings
Clematis cuttings

How to propagate clematis with air lashes: Description

Reproduction by air layering is the most painstaking and time -consuming. Clematis is not always rooted in this way, and not often in gardeners it turns out in this way to propagate the plant.


  • It is necessary to find a kidney with developed leaves and cut the stem to half. After that, the stem is thoroughly moistened, processed by some kind of growth stimulant.
  • Then it wraps in moss and cellophane. The top is cut and tied to the support. After that, you must wait for the roots to germinate through moss.
  • As soon as this happens, the escape can be cut off from the bush and transplanted into the ground.
Propagate clematis with air layouts
Propagate clematis with air layouts

How to transplant clematis to another place: tips, technology

Experienced gardeners recommend transplanting clematis every 5-6 years. The fact is that the roots themselves are very impoverished and the plant can begin to fade. For this, spring or autumn is selected. An ideal option will be the period after trimming or early spring. In this case, a pit is dug up on the bottom that is laid out the drainage. Next, the mixture is placed such as when planting plants, that is, when planting a young cuttings. In the same way, the roots are placed, sprinkled with soil and moisturized. You can watch more in the video.

Video: Clematis transplantation

When to cut clematis for the winter?

The type of trimming is selected depending on the type of clematis. If you do not know what kind of plant it is, then the best option is to leave stems 40 cm high. In other cases, you should adhere to the rules regarding each type of clematis. It is best to trim in the fall, that is, in September.

Cut backlit for the winter
cut backlit for the winter

How to cover correctly, insulate clematis for the winter?

Clematis for the winter must be covered. This contributes to their preservation and abundant flowering for the next year. It is best to take cloth covering with a spruce spruce. With its help, plant bushes fall asleep. Before the shelter, it is necessary to treat the root neck with a burgundy liquid or a solution of copper sulfate. This will prevent the development of fungus and various diseases. Also, instead of spruce, you can use only or ordinary film. In this case, the bushes are sprinkled with a mixture of sand and peat. And then they cover with a film. It is allowed to build wooden frames, which are also covered by the Toli.

Clematis did not wake up after the winter: what to do?

Clematis are very tenacious plants, so do not rush to dig or destroy them if you did not see young shoots in the spring. Experienced gardeners note that the plant can stand for a year. But next year, a new growth begins. Therefore, if you did not see the first sprouts, take care of the place of landing as if there is an ordinary living clematis. Water them with bio -appropriations, that is, humus or horse manure. You can also use mineral fertilizer. Sprinkle the place with a mixture of peat and sand. Once every 1-2 weeks, it is necessary to treat with chicken or horse manure.

Clematis did not wake up
Clematis did not wake up

Why does clematis do not bloom: what to do?

There are several reasons for the lack of flowering:

  • Lack of light
  • Moisture lack
  • Roaming of moisture
  • Incorrect pruning
  • Insufficient fertilizer
  • Diseases

In order for your clematis to bloom well, you need to take care of them. That is, constantly fertilize, mulch the soil. Water once a week in large portions, as well as carry out pruning in a timely manner and tear off the leaves from the lower part of the stem.

Clematis does not bloom
Clematis does not bloom

Why do the leaves of clematis turn yellow: what to do?

Sometimes these plants may turn yellow with leaves. There are many reasons for this phenomenon.

  • Nematodes
  • Larvae of the May beetle
  • Fungal diseases
  • Viral ailments

In order to prevent yellowing of the leaves, it is necessary to dig the plant immediately after its yellowing and look at the roots. If they are damaged, then carry out pruning and transplanting the plant to another place. Next, processing is carried out using insecticides. Be sure to process the root neck in the burgundy mixture or copper sulfate in the fall. This prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the roots of the plant. Thus, it will be possible to avoid yellowing of the leaves and death of the plant.

Clematis leaves turn yellow
clematis leaves turn yellow

Clematis: diseases and their treatment

Clematis, like any other plant, is subjected to a huge number of diseases.

List of diseases:

  • Gray rot Often affects the shoots, stems and leaves of the plant. In order to cure clematis, it is necessary to carry out foundationazole. Clematis is also processed and watering in spring and autumn this substance for prevention.
  • Rust. Because of this ailment, leaves are deformed, turn off. This is a fungus that affects both young and old shoots. Therefore, do not ignore the disease and be sure to treat it. The ailment is treated by spraying plants with a burgundy mixture. You can also process copper oxide.
  • Necrosis. It is also a fungus that is caused by a sapphopter. It affects the leaves that after that begins to die, covered with olive spots. To get rid of the fungus, it is necessary to remove the affected old leaves, as well as treat with drugs that contain copper. It can be a burgundy mixture or copper sulfate.
  • Septoriosis. This is also a fungal disease that is manifested by gray spots and a red border. In order to cure this ailment, it is necessary to treat it with a 1 %solution of copper sulfate.
Clematis diseases
Clematis diseases

Clematis in landscape design: ideas, best photos

With the help of clematis, you can decorate the personal plot and your house. To do this, you can use the advice of landscape designers or perform the design yourself. Below are the most successful photos with a pretty design in which Clematis was used.

Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design
Clematis in landscape design

Clematis is a beautiful liana that can protect your house from the sun or make a cozy gazebo. In order for the plant to bloom abundantly, be sure to carry out preventive processing and properly take care of the plant.

Video: Clematis care

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