Tulip flower: description, characteristic of the plant for children, photo. How many petals of tulip: quantity. What are the petals of the tulip, what is the stem: color, shape. Ordinary tulip - the homeland of the plant

Tulip flower: description, characteristic of the plant for children, photo. How many petals of tulip: quantity. What are the petals of the tulip, what is the stem: color, shape. Ordinary tulip - the homeland of the plant

In this article, we will examine in detail such a flower as a tulip.

In this article, we will consider a very beautiful and delicate flower - a tulip. We will also try to tell you the most detailed information about the flower.

What does the tulip flower look like: photo

One of the first flowers to be found in March is a tulip. Incredibly delicate and stable species of lily, which can stand for a long time even after a cut. Therefore, such flowers are very fond of women for one of the most famous holidays of spring - March 8.

  • It is very easy to recognize a tulip among other colors. There is always one bud on the stem, although multi -flowered species are also found, but rarely. One flower consists of 6 petals, simple or terry. The most common shape of the flower is gorgeous, but there are other, for example, stellar, cup -shaped, liliytnoye.
  • To date, you can find tulips not only of different shapes, but also of different colors, starting with white to even blue colors. Two -tone and colorful varieties of tulips are also found.
  • The stem is straight and has round sections. From the middle of the stem, 2 to 6 elongated petals depart, depending on the type of plant. The coloring of the leaves also ranges from bright colors to the blue, and striped types of leaves are also found.

It is very easy to grow flowers and you can find tulips on almost every summer cottage. Tulips are unpretentious, but still love heat, so if by spring the soil does not warm up to a certain temperature, the flower does not groan to dissolve the buds, but the leaves will grow. Also, in sunny weather, the flower dissolves the petals, and after sunset, it closes. Tulips are planted in bulbs that can delight with their flowering at least 6 years.

The type of tulips
The type of tulips

Tulip consists of:

  • Bulbs - from which a flower is grown
  • Tulip root
  • Stolona - the underground stem of the plant, which is designed for nutrition, vegetative propagation and protection
  • Fruiting stem
  • Leaves
  • Colors

Ordinary tulip - the homeland of the plant

Tulips are perennial flowers that relate to the liley family, the class of one -day and the genus of the tulip. The word “tulip” came to Europe from the Ottoman-Persian dictionary and means fabric for a national headdress. After all, the flower petals are incredibly delicate and pleasant to the touch.

Tulips are considered the most famous spring flowers, and everything is considered to be the homeland of Central Asia, or rather Persia, but today you can find many types of tulips in Kazakhstan, Turkey, India, Europe, etc. By the way, in Turkey, already in the 16th century, more than 300 species of plants such as tulips were known.

Tulip is ordinary
Tulip is ordinary

The main supplier of most colors is Holland. And since 1702, during the reign of Peter I, a department was created, whose duties included the supply of flowers from Holland.

Tulip: plant characteristics for children

Tulips are incredibly beautiful flowers and are quite unpretentious in care and cultivation, which is why they are well -deserved popular in countries with a temperate climate. The structure of the flower is very simple, but depending on the type of plant, the shape and size of the petals, leaves and stem can change.

There is an innumerable number of varieties of such a popular flower, 114 main species and a huge number of hybrids are distinguished. Conditionally, tulips can be divided into such subspecies:

  • Simple - they resemble a glass in shape, have one bud, a stalk is approximately 30 cm high, and is considered low. Late types of simple tulips have large flowers and reach a height up to 75 cm
  • Terry species have large and heavy flowers, and the stem does not grow above 25 cm. Often such flowers have a very bright color
  • Fringe - unique in that at the edges of the petals it has a fringe, and therefore an incredibly beautiful view of tulips. The height of the stem reaches 80 cm.
  • The Lilian view is sophisticated and really resembles Lily, but it has a very bright color, they can also have several colors
  • Parrot tulips have an amazing form, which resembles the feathers of the parrot, and are also characteristic of a very colorful color, from a combination of light shades, to a combination of pink with black
  • Green -color tulips got their names thanks to the green back of the petals.
Tulips there are a large number of varieties
Tulips there are a large number of varieties

Tulip is a perennial plant, blooms by the beginning of spring, but with the advent of summer the leaves fall. A flower can resume annually for 5-6 years, of course, depending on the type of plant. Often, tulips hybrids have a life of not more than 26 months.

Today, tulips are used not only for decoration, but also found the use of the beneficial properties of the flower in cosmetology and medicine. Tulip oil is suitable for the treatment of rashes, and in folk medicine the tulip is used to treat cardiovascular diseases. The petals, leaves and bulbs of the flower are considered edible and are widely in demand in cooking around the world.

What family of plants does Tulip belong to?

The family of lily (onion) includes many representatives who are common throughout the globe. This family also includes the whole genus Tulip. Many species of this kind are decorative and beautiful, flowering plants for which the formation of stocking organs, such as onion, rhizome and corm, are characteristic.

  • The leaves have an elongated long shape, as well as always solid.
  • Due to the presence of onions and rhizomes, all representatives of the liley are related to perennial plants, and are resistant to weather changes. Of course, if you do not damage the root system of the plant. It is laid only once and after damage is not restored.
  • The flowers often have the correct shape and are slightly more developed on the one hand, that is, they belong to two -symmetric plants.
  • Representatives of this family are widespread for the most part in territories with a temperate climate, but are also found in hot countries.
  • Plants of this family are propagated by a vegetative way (rhizomes) or seeds.

There are many subspecies of the lily family, for example, technical, vegetable, medicinal, decorative. Tulips belong to the latter.

What is the shape, height of the plant in a tulip flower?

In many people, spring is associated with an incredible flower - a tulip. Such unpretentious flowers have become loved for many gardeners and summer residents, and therefore today you can find an incredible amount of their varieties.

  • Due to the fact that tulips are perennial and do not require special care, it is planted on an industrial scale. The shape of the petals, the height of the stem depends on the type of plant. The height ranges from 5 to 90 cm.
  • The stem has a cylindrical straight shape, but can bend under the weight of heavy buds in some species of this kind.
  • A blue shade of petals gives a wax coating, I have an elongated shape.
  • At the very top of the stem is a flower, if the plant is multi-color, then the buds can be from 2 or more. The usual flower has only 6 petals and 6 stamens, but depending on the type of tulip, this amount may change. The color of the bud also depends on the species, and recently you can find the most unusual colors of tulips on the windows of shops and in the gardens of housewives, for example, purple, snow-white, purple and even almost black flowers.

The length of the flower itself can reach up to 12-15 cm, while the diameter ranges from 3 to 12 cm, and in open up to 20 cm.

Characterization of tulips
Characterization of tulips

The shape of the bud can be very different and it depends on the type of tulip:

  • Lily -like
  • Star
  • Bocal
  • Cup

How many petals do tulip have: quantity

Tulips are very common and popular decorative flowers that accrue a huge number of varieties and shapes. Of course, often the petals have almost the same shape and size, are located in two rows. In a conventional flower, the bud has 6 petals, respectively, if there are 3-5 buds on the peduncle, then the petals will be 18-30.

But even among the classic lile -shaped appearance, and natural tulips you can find flowers with 8 petals, and therefore the number of petals on various types of this kind of flowers ranges from 5 to 10 on one bud.

Due to the fact that tulips have a huge number of varieties, while they adapt well in different countries of the world, such a flower is very popular among gardeners.

Description of the tulip - forms of petals, stem, leaves, colors, aroma

Tulip is an incredibly beautiful flower, in many countries it is a symbol of love and happiness, so giving a red bouquet of tulips - this is a recognition of love. Also, they say that nobody can be given yellow flowers - for separation, but this is considered the most just such colors as tulips, because The yellow color is a symbol of sadness.

Tulip consists of such parts:

  • The roots are numerous and thin, undesirable.
  • The stem is straight, branches only if several buds are placed on the peduncle. The height ranges from 5 cm to 1 meter, depending on the type of plant
  • The leaves have an elongated shape and a blue color, thanks to the wax coating on the surface. The number of leaves can be from 1 to 12
  • The fruits of the plant are a box with seeds, which is formed after flowering and drying. Further, with the help of wind, these seeds are spread over long distances
  • The onion resembles ordinary onions, thanks to it, the flower is long -term and withstands temperature changes
  • Stolon is an internal stem with which the plant feeds on
  • The flowers have the most different shape, depending on the species. The shape of the petals can be oval, round, elongated, pointed, rhomboid and with fringe edges, etc.
Tulips can have a different shape and color
Tulips can have a different shape and color

Colors are also very diverse, there are both plain petals and a combination of various shades and even with the addition of interspersed and stripes. Tulip is an amazing creation of nature, which has a unique fresh aroma, which is associated with spring, the beginning of life and flourishing. Flowers after the cut will delight not only the eye, but also fill the room with a pleasant aroma. Unfortunately, tulip oil is almost impossible to get and therefore artificial aromas of tulip are used in the perfume industry.

Video: varieties of tulips

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  1. Cool flowers tulips!

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