Flower Christmas star: home signs, home care

Flower Christmas star: home signs, home care

If your Christmas star is growing in your house, then read the article. It tells how to care for this plant and how to deal with pests.

On the eve New Year and Christmas A flower boom begins: shops are full of pretty pots with different miniature colors. After all, this is a great gift for the holiday for lovers of home flowers.

Read on our website an article on why violets do not bloom at home. You will learn the reason and secrets that will help to make the flower bloom.

Among various plants on shop windows, stands out in its exotic species poinsettia flower, or as it is more often called Christmas star. More information about how to care for this “miracle” is described in this article. Read further.

Flower "Red Leaf" Christmas star: history, legends

Flower "Red Leaf" Christmas star

Originally flower "Red Leaf" Christmas star From Mexico, where it grows in tropical thickets in the form of a green shrub, which is always green. His high about 4 m. Its story is very interesting:

  • Like a potted plant, it became known about 100 years Thus, thanks to the enterprising gardener, Paul Ekke.
  • He first began to grow and sell this flower.
  • Paul's case was continued by relatives, and now in the American city Ensinitas is being done approximately 80% All Poinsettiy grown in the world.
  • In its profit, this business is approximately comparable with the income received from the sale of bulbs and colors of Dutch tulips.
Flower "Red Leaf" Christmas star

The exotic species of the plant gave rise to beautiful legends associated with its origin and cultivation:

  • Population Central America, whose ancestors were Aztecs and where the plant is also widespread, it is believed that it was a favorite flower of their leader Montesum.
  • He worshiped his patroness - the goddess, who fell in love with a simple young man.
  • But the heart of the goddess was broken by this love, and drops of blood fell to the ground and turned into a bush. At its top, not green leaves began to grow, but bloody red.
  • When in America The colonists appeared and the missionaries preaching Christianity appeared with them, there was another legend, according to which the plant brought to the temple on Christmas A girl from a very poor family.
  • She bitterly regretted in her heart that, in addition to the nondescript bouquet, which she rushed by the road, she had nothing more to bring to the temple for the holiday.
  • With these thoughts, the girl with love laid her bouquet at the legs of the born Christ.
  • After some time, the top of the plant turned into bright red, and the whole plant suddenly became unusually beautiful. Since then, these flowers, similar to stars, decorate Catholic temples per day The Nativity of Christ.

The flower is obliged to Joel Roberto Poinsett. He was not only a diplomat, the first American ambassador to Mexico, but also an avid botanist. The young man collected herbaria and made descriptions of the plants of this country, grown in his flower garden the most curious of the found copies of the Flora of Mexico. He was called a flower, now known throughout the world.

What is the name of the Christmas star: Poinsettia flower

Flower "Red Leaf" Christmas star

Plant "Christmas star" called "Poinsettia". Such bright inflorescences have several other names:

  • Latin - Euphorbia Pulcherrima.
  • Systematic - The most beautiful, from the genus Spurge, family Military.
  • Christmas staror Bethlehem star - The shrub got this name for the fact that the flowering period coincides with the Christmas holidays and, in addition, bracts resemble a star.
  • It is also called Flower of the Holy Night.
  • In Chile, it is called Crown And, and in Spain Easter flower.

This is a very interesting flower that can bloom not only with red petals. Read further.

Home flower Christmas star - How does it bloom: photo in the fall, what colors of flowering exist?

Home flower Christmas star
Home flower Christmas star

What Poinsettia looks like - home flower Christmas star? The photo above and below shows what beauty awaits you in the fall and winter if you plant such a plant at home.

Home flower Christmas star
Home flower Christmas star

So beautifully the plant blooms. Description:

  • This is a small bush tall no more than 50 cm With dark green leaves having gear edges and a small petiole.
  • The sheet has an elongated egg -shaped shape, 10-15 cm in length.
  • The main decoration is not flowers, but bracts with the same shape as the leaves, but slightly smaller in size and very different in color.
  • By the time of open flowers, they become bright scarlet.
Flower Christmas star
Flower Christmas star

Now varieties are bred not only with red leaves. There is also a flower with foliage of this color:

  • Pink
Home flower Christmas star
Home flower Christmas star
  • White
Home flower Christmas star
Home flower Christmas star
  • Lilac
Home flower Christmas star
Home flower Christmas star
  • Burgundy
Home flower Christmas star
Home flower Christmas star
  • Lilac
Home flower Christmas star
Home flower Christmas star
  • Combining several shades
Home flower Christmas star
Home flower Christmas star

The flowers themselves fade into the background, if you compare them with the brightest bracts. They are minimal size, collected in flower sockets, the shade have plain-pale yellow.

Home flower Christmas star
Home flower Christmas star

Flower Christmas Star: Choice in the store

Flower Christmas star
Flower Christmas star

If it is decided to give New Year to your friends or relatives a gift in the form Christmas star, then at the outlet you need to be careful and choose a suitable copy. The criteria for choosing a flower is the following:

  • Immediately pay attention to pots with poinsettiastanding on racks without packaging, and make a choice among them. Packaging can hide the flaws and poor quality of the plant.
  • The bush should be evenly developed from all sides, individual stems should not stick out and violate the overall composition. Boarded areas of twigs should not be visible from under the leaves.
  • Leaves of saturated dark green color. If there are wilted, drooping, with yellow spots or completely yellowed leaves, then the plant is oppressed and it should not be bought.
  • Bracts are completely painted in the color characteristic of the variety. They should not have greenish spots, which indicates the underdevelopment of the plant.
  • A careful examination of colors is important - You can touch one of them with a finger. There should not be pollen on them. If it is still present, this suggests that soon the vegetation of the plant will end and the bracts will fall, the plant will very quickly lose their decorativeness.
  • Touch the soil in a pot. It should not be overly moistened or, conversely, dry. Both that and another indicates a poor content of the flower. If it is at home, it may just die.

But now - the purchase is made. By the way, do not buy a plant on the street, it will immediately endure at home, because Low temperatures will destroy it. Now you need to correctly bring the plant to the house. At t below 15 ° C Poinsettia should be covered and located in a box or wrapped in a packaging paper sheet, otherwise transportation will very poorly affect it.

Flower Christmas star: Rules of watering, how else to care at home to bloom?

Flower Christmas star
Flower Christmas star

Rules for watering a flower Christmas star Simple:

  • In the summer you need to moisturize the soil 2 p. in 7 days, in winter - 1 p. during the week.
  • In any case, you need to focus on the condition of the soil in the pot - it should be slightly moistened.
  • It is forbidden to shimmer the soil, because the roots can be affected by various rot.
  • It is also dangerous and complete overdrying of an earthen coma, only a slight drying of the upper layer of soil is allowed.
  • The watering fluid is taken only warm and, it is desirable that it settles during the day and night.
  • It is also necessary to spray the flower with warm water, slightly moisturizing and the air around it.

Read on our website an article on how to properly transplant a room flower. Learn the advice of professionals so that your flowers are always luxurious.

How else to care at home to bloom? Here are the tips:

  • For good flowering, it is important to provide the plant with sufficient lighting.
  • But straight burning rays of the sun should not fall on the bush.
  • Poinsettia also reacts positively to the temperature regime, which should be during flowering not higher than 16 ° C.

Read more about what else needs to be done so that flowering is beautiful.

How to trim the Christmas star?

Flower Christmas star
Flower Christmas star

To make Poinsettia bloom repeatedly, it is necessary to trim the fused bush. Flowering in this bush occurs only on young shoots. How to cut flower Christmas star?

  • This process begins after the bush has faded and the leaves almost all flew around.
  • Before trimming, you need to dry the earthen lump well, but not until completely dry.
  • Now on each stem find the first kidney from the ground. It will be located approximately in the place where the already fallen leaf grew. The kidney is very small, but still you can notice it.
  • Carefully cut the stem on the sharp secateur on 0.5 cm Above this kidney.
  • Juice will immediately perform on the cut, so the work should be carried out in gloves.

After trimming the earth in a pot, pour.

Room flower Christmas star: reproduction rules, transplants

Room flower Christmas star
Room flower Christmas star

If necessary, poinsettia can be propagated. But this is not so easy to do. We need certain skills and experience with this plant. Here are the rules of transplantation:

  • Propagate a room flower Christmas star Cuttings that grow after trimming.
  • In length, they should be at least 9-10 cm, well developed without signs of diseases.
  • Cut the stalk under the knot, which connects the stalk and the stem.
  • Now install the stalk in a vase with a warm liquid for a few minutes so that the juice comes out of it.
  • Prepare a pot with loose, soil with soil with special fertilizers.
  • Process the cutting cut of the cuttings with a rhizome or any other stimulant of the growth of the roots.
  • Having made the hole, immerse the stalk by about one third in the soil. Pour it well.

The rooting will occur within 20-30 days.

Christmas star - Flower after flowering: Care rules

Christmas star - Flower after flowering
Christmas star - Flower after flowering

Usually a flower Christmas star present as a presentation for the New Year. A few weeks will pass and the plant will drop the leaves, the stems will be exposed and it seems that it has died. But this is not so. Poinsettia passes during sleep. If, after flowering, to provide it with proper care and content, then for the next year - in winter, it will again bloom and become decorative. What needs to be done for this? Here are the rules of care:

Christmas star - Flower after flowering
Christmas star - Flower after flowering
  • Reduce watering to a minimum, the earth in the pot should be almost dry, especially since you need to make top dressing.
  • Cut the stems so that they are length no more than 15 cm From the level of the soil in the pot, as in the picture above.
  • Put the bush in a cool and dark place where t within the limits +13-14 ° C. Usually this place can be found under the bathroom or in the pantry. If there is a cellar, you can place on the lower rack, where the coolest place. Here the flower will stay until May.
  • When spring comes, place a pot of poinsettia on a sunny windowsill, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on the container and bush.
  • Watering and feeding resume. Pour the liquid 2 p. For 7 days.but do not pour water, the soil should be slightly moisturized.
  • Feeding no more than 1 p. in 20 days. complex min. Flowering for colors.

As soon as the growth of young buds and stems begins, follow the following:

  • Pounsettia transplant to fresh soil. To do this, choose a little more than the old one. The soil can be bought in a store. This can be specialized - with a set of trace elements necessary for the plant, or universal. In any case, you need a loose, breathable with neutral p.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the old pot.
  • Remove the soil layer  above And carefully shake the ground from the lower roots.
  • Then you need to place it in a new vessel With half the earth. At the same time, make sure that the roots do not bend or intertwine.
  • Now carefully fill up the pot to the top. It is necessary to ensure that the root neck is at the same level as the old pot. It remains only to shed all the soil with a warm liquid.

Poinsettia should increase a vegetative mass. Growth will continue until the end of October. Now create excellent conditions for her so that the bush blooms well. For this, light day time is reduced up to 10 hours. You can do this by covering the pot with a large box so that the light does not penetrate inside. Continue to do this until the bracts begin to open. After that, go for normal care.

There is another interesting home flower - Palma dracaena. Read about his departure, it is simple, and grow at home. Such a plant is also called a tree of happiness.

Red flower Christmas star in the house wither: what to do?

Red flower Christmas star in the house worships
Red flower Christmas star in the house worships

It is always unpleasant when domestic plants die. It happens that a red flower Christmas star The house is withering. What to do? This can happen for various reasons:

  • First check the soil - whether it is overlaw.
  • Perhaps the plant does not have enough light - move it to the most illuminated part of the windowsill.
  • If the surrounding air temperature less than 18 ° C, then this can also cause leaves falling. Report the container with the bush to a warmer windowsill.
  • Poinsettia very poorly tolerates a sharp change in the temperature and humidity of the air, so you do not need to open a ventilation window if there is a flower near it.

Dry air is also not the best option for growing such a plant. As mentioned above, it must be periodically irrigated with a warm liquid, not forgetting to moisturize the surrounding air.

Flower Christmas Star: Diseases and Pests

Flower Christmas Star: Diseases and Pests
Flower Christmas Star: Diseases and Pests

Poinsettia, like many domestic plants, is subject to disease. They can affect the flower Christmas star And pests.

  • Leaf plates can get sick with powdery mildew. This occurs at low temperatures and constant and strong watering. Just in case, for prevention several times for vegetation, treat the leaves with phytosporin.
  • Gray rot and fusarious wilting Constantly affecting the plant. Prevention measures are the same.
  • Too frequent overflows Plants can provoke various root rot. You can fight them with the same phytosporin or other biological product, for example, tricepermin.

There are also a lot of pests. The web of a spider mite is especially dangerous - the enemy of all indoor colors. He loves dry air, so more often moisturize the space around the flower and the leaves themselves with a spray gun. Trips, shields and whiteflies can attack Poinsettia during the growth of green leaves. They are destroyed using special insecticides, which are easy to purchase in any flower store.

Why does a Christmas star not blush: reasons

Flower Christmas star does not blush
Flower Christmas star does not blush

It happens that the leaves of this plant all the time are green. It is clear that this is not the norm. Why is the Christmas star not blushing? These are the reasons:

  • Poor care for the plant. Provide all the necessary growth conditions, and it will thank with its colorful flowering.
  • The most important factors are the temperature and humidity of the soil and air - about this already mentioned above.
  • Compliance with daylight hours is also very important when growing.

Advice: Do not rearrange the pot from place to place without much need. This causes severe stress in the plant, which also negatively affects it.

Christmas star - signs: why do leaves turn yellow and fall in the flower?

Christmas star - leaves turn yellow
Christmas star - leaves turn yellow

The Christmas star is a magical and even magical flower. He can improve relations between relatives and reconcile, if they are in a quarrel, remove the spell and improve health. It's believed that:

  • After a wedding celebration, you can put it near the bed of newlyweds.
  • So the appearance of the baby will accelerate, and the newlyweds will never change.
  • At another time, the bush is better to keep in the living room or other room where no one is sleeping.

It is worth knowing: Poinsettia juice is saturated with poison, so put the container with the plant away from children and animals in the living room.

Here are signs why the leaves turn yellow and fall in the flower, although it should bloom violently:

  • If the leaves sharply become yellow or fell, then this indicates the presence of damage or evil eye from one of the households.
  • The Christmas star is usually a decor for the New Year holiday. It is believed that such a violent flowering flower has the power of healing and brings success.
  • Young spouses who are unsuccessfully trying to conceive the baby should purchase a young bush. If it blooms, they will have a newborn.
  • Sharp yellowing, falling of leaves, wilting inflorescences and red bracts, indicates problems with well -being among family members.

The plant tries to alleviate the condition of the sick, while consuming a lot of energy, and may die. Below will be even more. Read further.

Flower "Home Christmas Star" - Home Signs: Influence on Energy, Health

Flower "Home Christmas Star"

Like any living creature flower "Home Christmas Star" He subtly feels the atmosphere in the house where he lives. Here are signs for home and influence on energy, health:

  • A good, beautiful bush with elastic dark green leaves suggests that everything is safe in the house, home energy wears a positive charge. Luck and well -being will not leave this house.
  • But, if suddenly the hosts noticed that not quite positive changes occur with the flower, although he receives everything necessary for normal growth, so something was wrong in the family. Quarrels, resentment - all this negatively affects the flower. Try to find out not hiding any of the homework of their discontent or trouble at work.
  • It is possible that one of the home has health problems. Then the Christmas star will look oppressed, trying to take on the negativity. At the same time, she spends a lot of her vitality and at the same time can even die.
  • The plant signals to the owners that someone is trying to bring damage or evil eye to the house. This is evidenced by a sharp change in the color of the leaves and their subsequent rapid falling.

As mentioned above, there were cases when the plant helped married couples, which for some reason could not have children. Such families gained well -being, the husband once and for all got rid of jealousy, and his wife got the opportunity to give birth to a child.

The Christmas star is very beautiful. When he appears in the house, the energy and the atmosphere in it immediately changes for the better. Therefore, if you don’t know what to give friends or loved ones for the New Year holidays, then buy Poinsettia and make a surprise to your family. Good luck!

Video: Secrets of Care for the Christmas Star - Poinsettia

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