Shefler Flower - Care at home. Shefler: diseases, top dressing, reproduction, signs, pruning, transplanting, reviews

Shefler Flower - Care at home. Shefler: diseases, top dressing, reproduction, signs, pruning, transplanting, reviews

Sheflera care at home.

Shefler is a perennial plant of the familyarali. It is found in tropical countries, including Australia, China, Japan and Oceania. It is small trees or bushes. In this article, we will tell you how to care for the Sheflera.

Shefler: Care at home

Florists prefer culture thanks to beautiful, spectacular leaves that are similar to a human palm. Sheet plates are located at one point, are umbrellas. In the West, a culture is called an umbrella of gnomes or an umbrella tree. Culture branches like ficus Benjamin. That is why amateursbonsai They grow it as a homemade soliter plant. Often, trees of various forms are formed from it. The culture has a small thickness of the stem, so it is planted several units in one pot. The stems are associated, forming a common barrel, which is intertwined. If this is a single tree, then he needs a support due to a very thin stem. 

Shefler, care at home:

  • Shefler It is easy to grow in room conditions, because it is unpretentious. Contains substances that, when in contact with the mucous membrane, can cause an allergic reaction or irritation.
  • Therefore, pruning and watering should be carried out in gloves. Flowers prefer light in the cold periodshefler Put on the windowsill, which is located on the south side of the room. However, in the summer it is necessary to remove it by protecting from ultraviolet radiation. Usually it is located near the window, in the southern part of the room.
  • Culture grows perfectly on the western or eastern side. Please note that in a room where there is little light, culture feels bad. If the apartment goes to the shady side, it is worth choosing varieties with dark green foliage. Varieties that are distinguished by colorful and bright leaves love light. He loves humidity, so he adapts well the conditions in the house. It is necessary to carry out constant spraying of defended water. It is necessary to maintain a temperature within 23-26 degrees.
  • Watering should be constant, but fillshefler it is forbidden. It is necessary to use defended water, prevent the drying out of the soil. In winter, the amount of watering is reduced. Do not let the water stagnate. As a result of this, decay may be observed, and culture will quickly disappear. 

Shefler Flower: Home Care, Pruning

It needs pruning, thanks to this it becomes much more magnificent. As indicated above, often several seedlings are transferred to the pot so that they are intertwined with shoots, a thickening stem. Culture takes shape of a tree due to regular pruning.

Shefler flower, home care, trimming:

  • However, if you do not make a trim according to the rules, this can harm and provoke the death of culture. The fall of the leaves speaks of improper care. However, you should not be upset, perhaps the flower can be saved.
  • Carry out low pruning, almost under the root. This may work if the root system is healthy. The stump is watered and covered with wet moss so that the upper part of the cut does not dry out. With proper manipulation, you will soon see young shoots. 

Shefler Flower: Care in winter

Winter forsheflers - This is a period of rest and peace. It does not grow, does not give new, young shoots.

Shefler Flower, Care in winter:

  • In winter, it is necessary to put a culture on the windowsill, in a bright place, at a temperature of 16 degrees.
  • Watering is carried out in winter once a week.
  • In the cold season, a temperature is reduced to 18 degrees. The lowest limit that can withstand the plant is +12 degrees.
  • Culture is not suitable for the winter garden or growing on the balcony. It is worth protecting from drafts, and not put near heating devices. 
  • In winter, if the culture is near the heating radiators, it must be regularly sprayed. Do not bring too much moisture for the root, it is better to do this with a sprayer. Let the flower eat through the leaves and stems, and not through the roots. If the culture grows slowly, practically does not give new shoots and leaves, this speaks of a small pot.
  • If a long period of time was not transplantedsheflerBe sure to transfer it to a larger pot in the spring. The plant is unpretentious, however, like any culture, pests can overcome it. 
Eight -leafy
Eight -leafy

Shefler Flower: Care at home, transplantation

As for the transplant, young plants need it annually.

Shefler flower, home care, transplant:

  • Every spring it is necessary to transplant. Adult sprouts transplant as necessary.
  • This must not be done every year, but once every few years. The root system is increasing, it may not have enough space in a cramped pot.
  • The container for transplantation is selected several times more than the previous one. Be sure to take care of the drainage. 
  • It is worth using slightly acidic, light soil. A mixture consisting of peat, sand, humus in a proportion of 1: 1: 3 is selected. Sand and turf ground are often used in a ratio of 1: 2. 

Shefler flower: care, reproduction at home

There are several methods of propagationsheflers. Culture can be grown by sowing seeds, cuttings, or air layering. Seeds can be purchased in garden centers. Sowing is carried out in January or February, that is, in the cold season. It is necessary to sow in a mixture of sand and peat, which are mixed in equal proportions. Seeds are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to get rid of pathogenic microflora. After that, a zircon or epin is introduced. 

Shefler flower, care, reproduction at home:

  • These are growth stimulants that improve rooting, and stimulate rapid growth. After sowing, it is necessary to moisturize the soil with a spray, remove in a dark place at a temperature of 24 degrees.
  • Be sure to cover the pot with glass or film so that a high level of humidity is maintained inside. Vit the soil from time to time and moisturize it.
  • Do not forget to provide an air flow, because the surface can be covered with mold, and pathogenic microorganisms will begin to develop. After you get two leaves, it is necessary to transplant seedlings into small pots.
Large leaves
Large leaves

Shefler Flower: Propagation with a sheet

The easiest way to make a propagation with cuttings.

Shefler flower, reproduction with a sheet:

  • To do this, use lignified cuttings and the upper parts of the stem. For rooting, the landing is carried out in a mixture of peat and sand.
  • The cuttage of the cuttings is treated with stimulants of growth and roots, the container is covered with a film.
  • Optimum growth temperature +22 degrees. Do not forget about ventilation. 

Shefler flower: signs

Shefler is a plant that not all lovers of indoor cultures strive to grow at home. Many believe that it is an energy vampire, intervenes in a positive aura in the house. But esoterics and knowledgeable people claim that the flower absorbs only the negative, cleansing the house. It is recommended to install pots with a plant in the bedroom. During sleep, a person’s thoughts will be cleared, and negativity is absorbed. This will allow you to relax and sleep well. It is recommended to install a pot of culture in the room of a student or student. This will improve memory, and the learning process will pass much faster and more successful. 

Shefler flower, signs:

  • Shefler can warn its owners about the impending misfortune, or unpleasant events. If the leaves are twisted, this indicates the deception of someone from close people. 
  • If the leaves are unexpectedly darkened, the flower cannot cope with the negative that is present in the house. Talk to loved ones, try to settle all the problems without scandals. Do not hide important information, do not try to deal with problems yourself, this will lead you to a dead end. 
  • If the plant has ceased to let new shoots, green leaves, stagnation awaits you in financial matters, or depression. 
  • A good sign, if the culture grows rapidly, gave a lush crown, a large number of green leaves. Esotericists are sure that this promises an increase in the family, perhaps a couple will have a child. It is recommended to install in offices, care, fertilize and water. If the culture pleases with a large number of green leaves, this promises success and financial well -being. In a reception enterprise, the plant can absorb negativity, and protect the office from ill -wishers. 

Soil for Sheflera at home

An important step is the right choice of soil. Culture prefers light, drained soils that pass the air well.

Soil for Sheflera at home:

  • Among them, it is worth highlighting special soil forsheflersor cook it yourself.
  • Mix sod, humus, leafy soil and sand. There are substrates that can be purchased in garden centers.
  • They are designed to grow this plant. 

Sheflera leaves turn yellow, what to do?

Culture needs top dressing, and every week, starting in spring. It is worth alternating top dressing, apply nitrogen, complex drugs for indoor crops in one week, and the next time organic. In winter, the flower does not need fertilizers. During this period, the amount of moisture is reduced, fertilizers are not applied. It is recommended to reduce the temperature to give culture peace. 

Each owner of the indoor plant independently decides when to feed and pruning. Experts recommend trimming the top. After it, the side leaves and branches will begin to grow. The plant will become more magnificent and voluminous. Leaflet cut off from the top can be put in water and rooted. This will grow additional seedlings. By the state of the leaves, you can determine what the flower lacks.

Sheflera leaves turn yellow, what to do:

  • If they darken at the tips, the culture lacks fertilizers. 
  • If the leaves dry at the tips, then the plant does not have enough moisture. 
  • If darkening is observed on the ends, stop watering. This speaks of an excess of moisture. 
  • The yellowing of the crown indicates a deficiency of minerals and stagnation of moisture.

Sheflera diseases and their treatment

Below, we consider the most common ailments that the chefler is sick with: 

  • Shield 
  • Spider mite 
  • Trips 

Sheflera and their treatment:

  • Please note that such a plant must be taken to a separate room, and put away from other plants so that they do not infect.
  • It is necessary to dilute laundry soap in the water, and using a sprayer, apply to the roots, stems. Using a tissue moistened in soapy solution, it is necessary to remove the shield and a spider mite.
  • If this did not help, and the plant is completely covered with pests, it is necessary to spray with carbophos. Repeated processing should be carried out after 2-3 weeks. 
  • With an excess of moisture, not only darkening of the leaves at the ends is possible, but also rotting the roots. In this case, a transplant with the removal of the affected roots will help. It is necessary to wash the roots under running water and cut off damaged areas with sharp scissors.

The soil that was used to plant a Sheflera must be thrown away. It cannot be reused, it contains spores of mold and pathogenic microorganisms that grow in the process of rotting of the roots. It is necessary to use a new substrate. If it is not, it is allowed to calculate the existing soil in the oven for 2 hours. You can treat the soil with carbophos.  


Shefleier care: reviews

Below can be found with the reviews of flower growers that growshefler 

Sheflera care, reviews:

Svetlana. I have many colors, including most violets. Recently presented to name dayshefler. I do not like it when they give fresh flowers, but I could not refuse such a gift. The plant is very magnificent, with a large number of sheets. I liked it very much, I care, as well as all cultures on the windowsill. Recently, the plant began to fade. “Googling”, I realized that this is because of a large amount of light, because almost all my plants are on the windowsill from the south side. Transferredshefler In a shady place, fed with complex drugs for home crops. The plant came to life, began to delight with new leaves. I hope it will soon recover. 

Alexandra. I do not like home flowers, but brought a small process from work. I really liked the plant that was in the office on the windowsill. From the secretary I learned that the plant repels the negativity, so I decided to start it for myself. From a small process that I cut off the uterine tree, a bush grew. I do not fertilize anything, I just water it. Put on the windowsill from the western side. There is not very much light here, but forsheflers It is enough. Culture does not tolerate ultraviolet radiation.

Veronica. I love homemade flowers, I try to acquire new items that I see in the garden center. Now it's not cheap. When I was visiting, a pretty plant noted, I asked the hostess of the process. It turned out that this is a chefler, it looks very beautifully reminiscent of a Bonsai tree. The stems are thin, so I acquired an additional support. On the Internet I learned that plants can be weaved with stems, forming a thick trunk. I want a tree to grow with a thick stem. I hope I will succeed. The tree is unpretentious, in winter I often spray, but I water only once every 7 days. In winter, plants need peace. 


We advise you to read articles on our website:

You need to feed universal fertilizers, which are often used for other domestic crops. Typically, top dressing is carried out once or twice a month, in the spring-summer period, when there is an increase in a large number of young shoots. Feeding a tree after the appearance of the first leaves is recommended.

Video: Shefler flower, home care

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