Indoor flower epipremium: care, beneficial properties, signs

Indoor flower epipremium: care, beneficial properties, signs

Want to grow a beautiful room flower epipremema? Read useful information about this vine in this article.

Indoor flowers adorn our lives. We love to care for them, watering and transplanting, and plants thank us with their magnificent flowering and good growth.

Read in another article on our website about home flower pedilantus - care, transplant, signs, benefits and harm to humans.

Liana is one of the most beautiful indoor flowers. It is easy to grow them, and care does not require much time. Find out more about the indoor flower epipremum cirrus, especially if you want to plant it at home. This article describes the proper care of this plant. Read further.

Where is the birthplace of the indoor flower "Curriculine": species, varieties, photos

House flower
House flower "Curricular epipremom"

Epipromeum(from the lat. Epipremnum, which means “on the trunks”, as this is due to their ordinary habitat), or it is also called scindapsus. This plant is one of the most popular varieties of perennial vines. Belongs to the Aroid family (from lat. " Amorpho» — « formless" and " Phallus» — « offspring, escape"). Description of the indoor flower Cirrus epipremum:

  • Under normal conditions, the flower can reach before 38-40 meters length, spread a lot on the ground or sit on the trunks of other trees.
  • If we are talking about home flower, then it can grow up to 4.5 meters length. In care is not whimsical, which is only a plus for lovers of domestic plants.
  • Every year this plant can add to its height to 45 cm.
  • It blooms only in its natural habitat. This usually happens from spring to deep autumn.
  • The flowers themselves grow in the form of a cob, so they do not carry any value. They are appreciated more as decorative.

Homeland Epipremnamum consider the tropics of Southeast Asia, namely Solomonov Islands of the Malay Archipelago, as well as Indonesia.

Room flower epipremum (from lat. Epipremnum pinnatum) is a plant that is a certain vine, the leaves of which are strewn with various yellow-green spots. Under normal conditions, the stems can easily reach their legitimate 2 meters of length. Practically do not bloom. Rather, they never even bloom. Look at the photo how beautiful a flower that grows at home looks like:

House flower
House flower "Curricular epipremom"

Indoor flower epipremium: in ida and varieties

Indoor flower The epipremum is golden (from lat. Epipremnum aureum) is a plant that is most often chosen for growing at home. The stems in length can reach up to 1-2 meters. But this is only under normal conditions. On the stems, you can often see greenish leaflets with a certain golden tint. It manifests itself stronger only if the plant is close enough to the light.

The indoor flower is epipremnamum
The indoor flower is epipremnamum

Here is a list of popular varieties of this type:

Epipremnamum Golden Potos
Epipremnamum Golden Potos
  • Golden Potos -Usually its leaves are yellow-gold.
Epipromeum Marble Quin
Epipromeum Marble Quin
  • Epipromeum Thai Marble Quin - Moderate golden, sometimes with white tinted color, relevance in white strokes on the leaves.
Enjoy epipremom
Enjoy epipremom
  • Enjoy epipremom (Joy-n-joy)-its leaves are exceptionally green, with white strokes and strokes in some cases.
Epipremum Pearls and Jade
Epipremum Pearls and Jade
  • Epipremum Pearls and Jade - refers to selection based on the primary marble quin, the color of the leaves is always very diverse.
Aureum epipremom (Aureum)
Aureum epipremom (Aureum)
  • Aureum epipremom (Aureum) - Juicy leaves with yellow interspersed. Such a liana creeps as usual, but the leaves look up.
Epipremum Variegate Pinnatum
Epipremum Variegate Pinnatum
  • Epipremum Variegate Pinnatum - The leaves are beautiful, large, as if covered with a white mesh.
Epiprome Happy Plant
Epiprome Happy Plant
  • Epiprome Happy Plant - Beautiful homemade liana with white leaves. It looks very stylish and interesting in the house, perfectly complements the rest of the green plants with its appearance.
Epipremum Skeleton
Epipremum Skeleton
  • Epipremum Skeleton - With its appearance it resembles a skeleton. The holes in the leaves look interesting, since nature itself made them.
Epipremum Godzilla
Epipremum Godzilla
  • Epipremum Godzilla - If you first see this flower, you might think that it has wound. His leaves are slightly twisted, dark green. But it does not fade, this is the usual and normal appearance of a flower of this species. Attracts attention against the background of other indoor plants.
Epipremum Neon
Epipremum Neon
  • Epipremum Neon - Another beautiful variety that stands out against the background of other colors. It seems that the leaves really shine in neon color.
The epipremum is spotted
The epipremum is spotted
  • School epipremum,or you can still find the name "painted" (from lat. Scindapsus pictus) - liana, which sprouts long up to 15 meters. The surface of its stem on a young plant is very smooth, but with an increase in age, it begins to form numerous growths. The leaves have an ovoid shape, slightly elongated in length approximately on 12-15 cm, but in width just 6-7 cm.
Epipremum Exotica
Epipremum Exotica

The most famous varieties at the moment: Argyraeus (silver spots that are scattered very chaotic) and Exotica (Leaves at silver points and strokes, an unusual shape).

Epiprome: Useful properties

Botanika lovers claim that growing an epipremnamum at home allows you to fill the house with vigor, a great mood even in the worst and rainy everyday life. The epipremum has useful properties. Here are from the facts proven by science about this plant:

  • Absolutely increases the endurance of the human body who is simply nearby.
  • It has a stimulating effect on the mind, increases the intensity of its development.
  • Positively affects people's well -being, both on the emotional and physical levels.

In addition to the fact that this plant is beautiful, it still favorably affects a person. However, many people are afraid to grow it at home according to signs. Read further.

Epipromem: signs

Before reading, we warn that signs work only with those people who believe in them.

  • They say that Epipromeum - It is the plant that will separate you with your husband. All these plants are very dangerous for those who do not want to live all their lives alone.
  • This is one of those very representatives "Muzhegonov". If you are alone, you cannot get married if you have such a flower at home.

Nevertheless, it is worth clarifying once again that no flower is to blame for the fact that your personal life has not set. Therefore, some people believe in signs, while others do not, and they breed such beauty at home.

Plant Epipremium: Features of growing at home

As mentioned earlier, caring for a plant Epipromeum very simple. It is for this reason that this flower can very often be found in houses and apartments of people who green their “fortress”. Features of growing at home:

  • The most important thing is to provide a place where the epipremum will stand. It should be with scattered light, with a pot and soil suitable under its features.
  • It is also necessary to provide the optimal temperature and humidity for the plant, sometimes fed fertilizers in a timely manner, water.
  • In no case do not touch the leaves when the flower is in the rest period, otherwise it may die.

These are the most important requirements for plant care. As you could notice, they do not have any feature. Read more about leaving further.

Indoor flower SCIDAPSUS EPEPREMMEMENT: Care at home


If you have taken up growing indoor flower of SCIDAPSUS Epipromeum, then you should know such basics at home:

  • In the summer you need to observe the temperature not higher than 18-24 degrees Celsius, and in winter - not lower than 13 degrees Celsius.
  • Air humidity should be quite high. Of course, the plant is resistant to drought, but this does not cancel the fact that it has to exist very hard in such conditions. It is worth it from time to time to spray its leaves so that development and growth remain only in the plus.
  • It was mentioned above that this plant feels best in multiple lighting, but the flower can also adapt to partial shade.
  • Watering at least once every 5 days In summer, and in winter - at least once a week with warm water.
  • The soil should consist of sand, peat, humus and even leafy ground.
  • From spring to fall, it is advisable to feed the plant with different liquid mixtures for indoor plants - once every 3 weeks. In winter, this is not necessary, which is very convenient.
  • Plant the young plant annually - in early April, and an adult - every 2 years.
  • It is best to propagate with cuttings. To accelerate the process, use the container with water, or a peat mixture with moss.

Important: The plant reacts very painfully to drafts and gases, and also needs support as it grows. Pruning is recommended to be carried out in the spring, while cutting the branches only half of their length.

Liana flowering epiprememum

As mentioned above, liana flowering epiprememum - Not the main advantage of this plant. It belongs to the aroid family, which means that like all other representatives of this family, the epipremum is characterized by an inflorescence in the form of a cob, the length of which is no more 6 cm.

The period of such a specific flowering for us falls in the period of spring-autumn. This happens exclusively in wild (natural) conditions. At home, the plant plays the role of a decorative deciduous flower.

The temperature regime for a flower of epiprememes when maintaining a house

The temperature regime of the flower of the epipremium when maintaining the house is very important. He is very sensitive to blowing and loves warmth, but it is difficult for him to endure the heat.

In the summer season, the most optimal temperature for the plant is 18-25 degrees Celsius, and the air temperature should not fall in winter below 14 degrees Celsius. This is important, because low temperatures very poorly affect the well -being and growth of the epipremnum. Do not forget that air humidity should also be high.

Spraying the plant of epiprememum

From time to time, it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, or to allow the flower to take a full -fledged “shower” under a stream of warm water.

Measures such as spraying the plant are usually administered in special hot weather. In summer, this procedure requires an epipremom in a day or two. Ideally, every day. Such procedures will not be superfluous in the heating season. Especially if you have chosen a place for a flower near the battery or some other heating apparatus.

Epipromem: Lighting and Watering

The epipremum does not stand the direct rays of the sun. The plant will be good under multiple lighting and even in the twilight (in some cases.)

If you choose between the eastern and western window, it is better to put it on the windowsill of the east side. But if for some reason you wanted to assign a western window to the place of residence of the flower, then there is nothing wrong with that. The difference is very small, just spray the plant more often, if the sun is very bright.

It is worth knowing: Do not keep the plant in the northern rooms and in rooms with minimal lighting. Shadow is normal, but from darkness the plant will significantly deteriorate in its appearance. For example, the leaves will not be bright and noticeable, and the shoots will be long and become ugly to crawl to the sides.

As for watering, you should not water the plant too often. The soil should be given time to dry a little. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the roots will begin to rot. An even greater risk can create a moisture, heavy soil structure.

An ideal watering plan:

  • Warm water once every 5 days in the summer
  • Warm water once a week in winter

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Pot and soil for the indoor flower epipremnamum

The indoor flower is epipremnamum
The indoor flower is epipremnamum

The pile for the indoor flower of the epipremium should be chosen carefully. It should be wide, but not quite deep. Such criteria can be explained by a small root system of the plant. It is also worth knowing:

  • From an excessive amount of water, the root system of the flower will begin to rot. To avoid this, it is necessary to select a container with the presence of holes for the output of excess water during and after watering.
  • From an aesthetic point of view, a healthy epipremum will look good in a white plastic pot with bends in the form of tulip sheets. In addition, such containers for planting indoor plants are one of the cheapest and most affordable in price.

Air and moisture permeability are the most important criteria for the normal content of the epipremnum in the soil. When planting, it is advisable to use the most ordinary floral soil. For further transfers, mixtures consisting of humus, peat, turf soil, coarse sand can be used. But in any case, whatever mixture you do, a layer of expanded clay should be put on the bottom of the pot to avoid the risk of rotting of the roots of the plant.

Top dressing and fertilizer of the indoor plant epiprememum

In the winter, it is necessary to provide additional backlight for the indoor plant of epipremium. Then additional fertilizers in the form of universal liquid mixtures will be enough to make once every three weeks.

In the absence of proper backlight, the plant will have to be fed more often ( 1 time in 7-14 days), from spring to end of autumn. In winter, the flower does not need top dressing, it grows well and copes with the lack of vitamins on its own.

Transplant of the flower epipremnamum

Like any other plant, transplant a flower Epipromeum It is only if it is necessary. Do not once again put a flower of stress.

  • It is recommended to transplant a young plant once a year In another pot.
  • This is best done in early April.
  • Next, do it once every 2-3 years- In the spring months, since it is during this period that the epipremum is actively growing.

Important: If you are too lazy to carry out a flower transplant, or there is simply not enough time to engage in such a process, then you can replace the upper soil layer. But this is in extreme cases.

How to understand that the time for transplanting has already arrived?

  • This will be seen in the roots when they completely master the entire space of the pot.
  • The new pot should be chosen a little more than the previous one, since the plant is not needed by a large container.
  • The growth is active only during the transplant, then this process is sharply slowed down.
  • Therefore, the pot should be with a small margin. The plant will be uncomfortable in too spacious capacity. The reserve will be enough within the limits 2 centimeters.

Important: To make the plant easier to transfer the transplant, and a person to perform the process, a few hours before the procedure, it is worth watering the plant. Even if you have recently done this, do not worry. There will be no bad consequences for the flower, since in a few hours you will still take out the plant, plant it in a new pot and completely replace the soil.

Also, do not forget to shorten the overgrown stems before the procedure. The plant does not need them, and you will only interfere in the process.

Cutting of the flower epipremum: when is it better to carry out?

There is no mandatory pruning for the flower of epiprememes. Everything individually for the aesthetic tastes of the owner of the plant. The form of vegetation of the bush depends on the trim. When is it better to spend?

  • If you decided that the time has come, then you should postpone before the beginning of April. So the plant will continue to grow well and will not be significant changes in its comfort.

How much do you need to cut off? No more than half. This is a universal "formula" for indoor colors of this species.

Dormant period in the flower of epiprememes

The flower is epipremnamum
The flower is epipremnamum

A specific period of rest in the flower does not exist. The most active growth and development of the plant occur during spring-summer-in months from March to October. Based on this, we can conclude that it is at this time that it is worthwhile to feed the epipremom more actively.

The completion of this process occurs when the temperature threshold is set within 14-15 degrees Celsius. This is what will be a bell that the plant passes during the rest. This temperature is the best indicator for the epipremom that the time has come. The growth slows down, and top dressing is needed less and less.

Growing a flower of epipremomes from seeds

Growing a flower of epipremomes from seeds
Growing a flower of epipremomes from seeds

Growing any home plant from seeds is a very complex and troublesome process. Flower Epipromeum - not an exception. That is why it is better to use some other method, and this one is used only in the most extreme case.

  • The main condition for this type of cultivation - preliminary supply of loose soil and the presence of a pot with a hole at the very bottom.

At the end of the seed sowing procedure, it is necessary to regularly water the soil and put the pot in the room with an air temperature not lower than 20 degrees Celsius. After a couple of weeks, you can already see the result. The first sprouts will appear, as it grows, transplant them into separate containers.

Breeding the plant epiprememes with cuttings

Breeding the plant epiprememes with cuttings
Breeding the plant epiprememes with cuttings

Propagation of the plant Epipromeum Cuttings are an easier way. This type of seedling is mainly carried out by apical cuttings. They should be 1-2 sheets.

Advice: You can propagate by dividing the escape into several parts. The main condition is at least one sheet on each escape. From his bosom in the future, new shoots will grow.

Cuttings are simply sealing in any container with soil. This is the whole advantage of the process. Soil temperature - at least 22 degrees Celsius. The process of rooting cuttings proceeds for two and a half weeks. After this, the plants can be planted in permanent pots.

Important: Do not forget to pinch the apical stalks once. This is required to further stimulate the impact on the branching process. The larger the size of the cuttings will be, the more time it will take to form a developed plant - a beautiful vine.

Epipremum - diseases and pests: why do leaves turn yellow?

Epipremium - diseases and pests
Epipremium - diseases and pests

Any home plant will not delight its owner if it does not receive proper care. But there are reasons that do not depend on a person - this is the appearance of various diseases and pests that spoil the appearance of the plant - turn yellow, falls out.

The most common problems:

  • Sharply yellowed leaves flower Epipromeum They say that he lacks top dressing.
  • Brown spots on the leaves - an exact sign of an excess of moisture in the ground, as well as growing in heavy soil. In this case, the plant is recommended to water less often, and often spray, wash the leaves. A better option, so as not to overdry the soil and not fill the plant, will rearrange the epipremom away from the heating device. If there is such an opportunity, then replace the composition of the soil.
  • The tips of the leaves are twisted - This is a direct sign that the plant has too dry soil and air around it. The solution to this problem will be timely watering the flower and leaves with warm water.
  • Black edges of the leaves - This indicates a sunburn. The leaflets need to be carefully trimmed, and the plant will find a new place that it will be better for it for growth and constant location.
  • Pale and small leaves They begin to appear only when too little light is released for the plant. The flower must be transferred to a lighter room, and the problem will immediately disappear.
  • Elongated stem He speaks of a strong shortage of sunlight. This problem can be solved in exactly the same way as the previous one.
  • If the leaflets turn pale, then this can only be due to a large amount of light that falls on them. In this case, on the contrary, you need to remove the pot with a flower away from the window and adapt the plant into twilight.

As you can see, caring for such a flower is simple. It is only necessary to carefully monitor top dressing and watering. Protect from excessive sunlight and fertilize in a timely manner. Then the plant will delight you with a beautiful leaf, turning into a long juicy vine. Good luck!

Do you have such a home flower or are you just going to plant it? Share your advice on caring in the comments.

Video: Epipremium - a general description and a little about care

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