Cosmetics with vitamins: what to choose, tips

Cosmetics with vitamins: what to choose, tips

This article describes the properties of cosmetics with vitamins.

Cosmetics with vitamins have long been available on the market, and there is something to choose from. On store shelves you will find cosmetics with vitamins A, c, e or even with such important and rare as B3, B5 and F. Is it worth using them and if so, what cosmetics with vitamins to choose?

If you prefer natural cosmetic means, then consider products from the site iherb. Here is a link to Catalog of high -quality and healthy cosmetics with vitamins.

Cosmetics with vitamins conquers the market. In many products - not only in creams - you can find mainly vitamins A, B3, B5, C or E and F. Is it just a marketing move, or maybe vitamins in cosmetics really affect the health and appearance of the skin? With the help of this article, we will dispel all doubts. Read further.

Do you need vitamins in cosmetics?

Vitamins in cosmetics
Vitamins in cosmetics

It may seem that the content of vitamins in cosmetics is just a marketing trick aimed at increasing interest in a particular product and increasing sales. But this is not so. Vitamins in cosmetics are one of the most important ingredients of a product that brings real benefits to the skin.

These substances are needed not only by the body, but also to the skin. Those contained in cosmetics have the ability to suppress pigmentation and lighten bleaching, collagen synthesis, or smoothing the surface of the epidermis. Each vitamin fulfills its task, and it is definitely worth choosing cosmetics with vitamins in accordance with the type of skin, its problems and expected results. For example:

Vitamins in cosmetics are needed, since with their help there is a moisture and regeneration of the skin.

What cosmetics with vitamins to choose: tips

The fact that vitamins in cosmetics play an important role, of course, does not mean that you need to run to the pharmacy now and buy them all. On the contrary, when buying cosmetics with vitamins, you should carefully choose the products suitable for the type of skin and its needs. Not all vitamins act on a particular problem, but they can even aggravate it. So what cosmetics with vitamins to choose? Here are the tips:

  • If the skin requires regeneration, smoothing and moisturizing, suitable cosmetics with vitamin B5.
  • The skin, which needs to increase the elasticity, the production of collagen, unevenness, the first signs of aging, as well as acne, should be taken care of cosmetics with vitamin A.
  • The skin that needs severe moisture, regeneration and preventing aging will feel much better means with vitamin E.
  • The skin with discoloration, capillaries, with the first signs of aging and insufficient elasticity will be grateful for creams with vitamin C.
  • Vitamin B3 It will appeal to the skin with shortcomings, low hydration and small wrinkles.
  • In turn, the skin that needs regeneration, protection from the harmful effects of environmental factors (frost, wind, sun), the fight against acne, as well as the prevention of aging, will necessarily be satisfied with the action vitamin F using special cosmetics.

Now let's look at each vitamin separately and how it acts in the form of cosmetics. Read further.

Cosmetics with vitamin A: for the face, body

Cosmetics with vitamin A
Cosmetics with vitamin A

Vitamin A It is usually prescribed in cosmetics called retinol. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most popular ingredients in acne products and anti -aging creams. Vitamin A It is very effective and copes well with imperfections, black dots and insufficient elasticity.

It is worth knowing: Retinol for the face and body has a bactericidal and anti -inflammatory effect, and also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, so it fights with the first signs of aging.

Unfortunately, vitamin A Not devoid of shortcomings:

  • First of all, the use of products with retinol can greatly irritate and exfoliate the skin.
  • This substance also has a photosensitizing effect, which means that products with this ingredient cannot be used until the exposure to sunlight, and it is safer to use them only in autumn and winter.
  • Moreover, reminol cosmetics are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Vitamin A can even lead to a miscarriage or damage to the fetus.

Cosmetics with vitamin A Designed for people with the first signs of aging, lethargy and acne letters. So you can contact them when you want to quickly get rid of skin problems and rejuvenate the skin.

Cosmetics with vitamin B3: for skin and hair

Vitamin B3 You can find in cosmetics called niacinamide. This vitamin is often compared with vitamin A, because it has similar properties. He copes with wrinkles excellently due to the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid. In addition, it strengthens the skin, regenerates it and strengthens the lipid barrier, making the skin more strong and less sensitive.

  • Cosmetics with vitamin B3 It has anti -heat properties, regulates the secretion of sebum and, importantly, can be used for sensitive skin.
  • Although its action is similar to the action of vitamin A, it is less aggressive and does not cause such side effects as when using products with retinol.
  • So, if you use such creams on an ongoing basis, then there will be no talk of irritation and peeling.

It is also interesting that vitamin B3 enhances the effect of other cosmetics. Therefore, it can be used, for example, in the form of cosmetics with vitamin C., for example, for hair. Vitamin B3 also enhances the action of sunscreen, so this is good news for everyone who is not indifferent to harmful effects Uf and Ufa.

Cosmetics with vitamin B5: Benefit for the skin

Cosmetics with vitamin B5
Cosmetics with vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 most often known as panthenol or D-panthenol. You can usually find it in soothing, moisturizers and skin care products after tanning.

  • Vitamin B5 has strong moisturizing and soothing properties. It is delicate, very pleasant for the skin.
  • It regenerates, very moisturizes, restores the lipid barrier and strengthens the skin. It is important, it acts very quickly, and the first effects of the use of cosmetics with vitamin B5 can be seen even after a week of regular use.
  • These products have no side effects and usually do not cause sensitization.

Cosmetics with vitamin B5 It should be used when the skin is dry, sensitive and prone to allergies. It is worth knowing that such a substance does not clog the skin. Therefore, cosmetics with it can be used by people prone to acne and eels, and wanting to moisten their skin.

Vitamin C in cosmetics: What is combined with?

Vitamin C in cosmetics
Vitamin C in cosmetics

Vitamin C In cosmetics, it is very popular. In products you can find it called ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is a favorite beauty ingredient among Koreans. Has a brightening effect, evens out skin tone, reduces small wrinkles and strengthens the capillaries, so it is ideal for skin care with rosacea. This substance gently exfoliates and stimulates the synthesis of collagen, due to which it rejuvenates the skin.

It goes well with such substances:

  • Niacinamide
  • Retinoids
  • Aha acids
  • BHA acids
  • Peptides
  • Probiotics

That's why vitamin C It is actively used in creating any cosmetics, starting from the night cream, and ending with masks, exfoliating agents and foams and sun oils.

Products with vitamin C are useful in the treatment of skin problems, for example, psoriasis and eczema. In addition, this substance enhances the natural protection of the skin from the sun. Of course, this does not mean that when using products with vitamin C, you can do without protective filters. However, it is worth knowing that their action is intensified thanks to this substance.

Vitamin E: Properties in cosmetics

Vitamin E can be found under the name tocopherol. This substance is also often called youth vitamin, since it has an excellent antioxidant effect and stimulates collagen synthesis. They also say that cosmetics with this substance, “Removes all free radicals” and is a powerful antioxidant. Properties in cosmetics:

  • Vitamin E reduces the erythema caused by ultraviolet, as well as edema.
  • Increases skin tension
  • Moisturizes the upper layer of the epidermis.

It has already been studied that the use of vitamin E in conjunction with vitamin a Increases the reserves of the latter with local use. This means increasing the action of the latter in this area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Cosmetics with vitamin F: widespread use

Cosmetics with vitamin f
Cosmetics with vitamin f

Cosmetics with vitamin f So far it may seem the least popular. Not surprising, because a little is said about the wonderful properties of this vitamin. First of all, it regenerates the skin, prevents aging processes, moisturizes, soothes acne and protects the skin from harmful environmental factors, such as wind, frost or sun. Cosmetic preparations with this substance are universal use.

Cosmetics with vitamin f Ideal for the treatment of skin diseases - psoriasis, acne, and more. This substance is also successfully used for the prevention of rubbing in infants.

Cosmetics with vitamins: pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is known that at this particular time a woman has to abandon many things, and often among them there is her favorite cosmetics. Of course, pregnant and lactating women, as mentioned above, should be abandoned vitamin a, that is, retinol. Although the doses of this vitamin in cosmetics are small, it is better to avoid them and not take risks. It is known that vitamin A negatively affects the fetus. This can lead to a miscarriage or disrupt the development of the unborn child.

Pregnant or nursing women can use cosmetics with other vitamins without fear:

  • C, e and F

Vitamins in cosmetics are combined with different substances, special acids, peptides, probiotics, etc. All this gives excellent results at any age and with any skin problems. Manufacturers find their unique ratio of ingredients to create a truly effective product that will help to cope with any problems. Website Iherb offers the best body care products, skin and hair. These are natural products that have no side effects and almost have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Therefore, feel free to use funds from this resource for rejuvenation and healing. Good luck!

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Comments K. article

  1. I really like the cream of a nourishing universal Aevit Librederm, it is with vitamins in the composition and the price is pleasant

  2. i use vitamin ointment Radevit an asset. There, I use vitamins A E D. as a night cream. And periodically arrange increased vitaminization of the skin. I make a series of masks under the film from it. Having fed with vitamins, the skin comes to life directly.

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