The best vitamins with iherb for pregnant women

The best vitamins with iherb for pregnant women

Overview of the best vitamins C Iherb during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the load on the mother’s body increases, the need for some vitamins and minerals increases. Now the body is working for two, so a pregnant woman and fetus need nutrition. Depending on the gestational age, a multivitamin complex is selected that can cover the needs of a woman. 

Vitamins for pregnant women in trimester

It is worth giving preference not to comprehensive drugs that are suitable at any time and at any time, but to substances that cover the daily norm during pregnancy in each individual trimester, since needs change almost every day.

Vitamins for pregnant women in trimester:

  1. In the first trimester All organs and systems are laying, therefore, important vitamins and trace elements during this period are vitamin B2, folic acid, iodine, iron and vitamin C. It is believed that vitamin B9 prevents the development of defects in the nervous tube, pathologies of the child's nervous system. In addition, iodine, iron is involved in the formation of the circulatory system, with their deficiency in the mother, a decrease in hemoglobin can be observed, which is fraught with oxygen starvation for the child. 
  2. In the second trimester The inclinations of the main organs and systems are formed, it is necessary to apply all the forces so that they develop normally, there are no malformations. Therefore, important substances in the second trimester are group B vitamins. During this period, they help blood circulation, improve skin elasticity, and stimulate the development of vision in the child. During this period, calcium is also important, vitamin D. It is this symbiosis that contributes to the development of bone tissue, prevents the deterioration of the state of health, hair and bones in the mother. With a lack of calcium and vitamin D, the child can suffer in the future rickets, various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bone tissue. It is important to consume iron and iodine. Since during this period a huge load on the thyroid gland, it is necessary to include in the diet products rich in iodine: sea cabbage, chicken liver. 
  3. In the third trimester The load on the internal organs and systems of the pregnant woman increases due to the active growth of the fetus, its constant movement inside the mother’s abdomen. Therefore, sufficient consumption of vitamins A and E. It is they that contribute to normal blood circulation between the mother and the child, the nutrition and development of the placenta. Vitamin E improves the elasticity of the uterus, preparing it for childbirth. It is also important to consume group B vitamins in order to improve the skin condition of a pregnant woman, to prevent dryness. In the third trimester, it is recommended to acceptmultivitamins, with the addition of calcium and vitamin D. The load on the skeleton of the mother increases, therefore there may be various complications. Pregnancy leaves an imprint on the health of a woman. Nausea, vomiting is possible, the need for vitamins, trace elements, amino acids increases. 

The best vitamins for pregnant women with iherb in the first trimester

During the choice of vitamins in the pharmacy, you can be confused, because almost every manufacturer offers several options.Iherb It will help choose the right drug, given the needs of the pregnant woman related to the peculiarities of her well -being. 

The best vitamins for pregnant women with iherb in the first trimester:

  1. One of the good options to support the development of the cardiovascular system, and the proper functioning of the child’s brain, is the drug California Gold Nutrition prenatal. It contains fatty acids that take part in many chemical processes in the body. These acids are found in the brain. Thanks to the proper functioning of the brain, the work of almost all systems and organs is established. 
  2. Garden of LifeVitamin Code. This is a complex of microelements andmultivitaminsthat are used before and after childbirth. Contains vitamins A, C, D, E, B vitamins, as well as calcium, biotin, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium. This is a complex drug that takes into account the needs of a pregnant woman for vitamins and trace elements. It contributes to the bearing of the fetus, improves blood formation, excluding the development of defects and congenital diseases in a newborn. There is no sugar and gelatin, as well as other ingredients that may affect the health of a person who uses exclusivelygluten food. 
  3. Brain Strong prenatal. This drug is intended for women who are in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it contains maximum folic acid. This reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the brain and nervous system of the child, contributing to the development of vision. The drug relieves pain of the joints, which often occurs due to weight fluctuations during pregnancy. In addition, it helps to stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic area, preventing edema. 
  4. Super NutritionSimply One. This drug is designed for women who plan pregnancy, or are already worn under the heart of the baby. The composition contains more than one substance, but a lot of nutrient additives, vitamins and trace elements. Thanks to this, the drug covers the daily norm, which is necessary for a pregnant woman. The product is complemented by folic acid, which reduces the risk of a defect in the nervous tube, as well as pathologies of the brain and spinal cord. The drug B12 is supplemented, to improve blood circulation. Some of the substances that make up the complex are designed to reduce nausea, poor health during pregnancy. Biotin, as well as pantothenic acid, reduce the acidity of the stomach, helping to get rid of heartburn, which often becomes a satellite of pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. 

Vitamins for pregnant women 2 trimester C Iherb

The second trimester of pregnancy is often called the honeymoon, because nausea has passed, in general, the woman feels better. However, from the 14th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to consume more iron, because right now the processes of hematopoiesis, saturation of the baby’s body with oxygen are taking place. Therefore, often during this period, a woman suffers from anemia. It is necessary to introduce more iron, vitamin B9, which protects against possible malformations of intrauterine development. 

Vitamins for pregnant women 2 trimester c iherb:

  1. It is during this period that it is best to use21stCentury, Prenatal complex. It contains 222% folic acid, B vitamins, vitamin D and C. Calcium and zinc were introduced. Thanks to this combined composition, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of anemia. 
  2. MegafoodBaby & Me 2. This drug is characterized by a high content of vitamins B12, B6, D. The main direction of the work of these vitamins is healthy bones, teeth, hair. These are precisely those organs that most often suffer in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the child increases significantly in size, as well as its bone tissue grows. 
  3. Nature’s WayAliveWomen’s Energy.This is a comprehensive drug, the main purpose of which is to maintain a pregnant woman in good condition. That is why the product contains all the necessary substances to replenish the reserves of vitamins and trace elements required by a pregnant woman. Improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair. In addition, it improves mood, promotes rapid digestion of food, eliminating heartburn, which often happens in the second trimester. The drug increased the content of vitamin B6 and B12 to improve vision, as well as connective tissues in the body of a woman and a child. 
  4. Nature’s Bounty. The drug is made in the form of chewing tablets, which are saturated with vitamin D, B6 and folic acid. The content of cyanocobalamin, biotin is increased. Thanks to this, the condition of the skin and hair improves. Also, the drug contains collagen, which improves skin elasticity, prevents the appearance of stretch marks. In addition, prepares the body for childbirth, improves the condition of the skin. Therefore, the drug is recommended to be used in the second trimester, when there is active growth and an increase in the abdomen. 

What vitamins to order pregnant women on iHerb in the third trimester?

In the third trimester, a woman is preparing for childbirth, in general, the body relaxes. Therefore, during this period, complex drugs with vitamin E content, which strengthens smooth muscles, can be excluded. It is recommended to use drugs that improve digestion in the third trimester, strengthen bone tissue. 

What vitamins to order pregnant women on iHerb in the third trimester:

  1. MinamiNutritionSupercritical Prenatal. This is not a combined drug, but a drug that contains exclusively omega-3, 6 and 9 unsaturated fatty acids. This is purified fish oil, the need for which increases during pregnancy. The drug improves the condition of the hair, nails. At the same time, the quality of breast milk is improved during breastfeeding. The drug is recommended for taking in the third trimester of pregnancy, during breastfeeding. 
  2. Rainbow LightPrenatal One This drug is perfect for mothers, which are located on the third trimester of pregnancy, as it helps to fight the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs. The composition contains the necessary trace elements, as well as B vitamins. In addition, the manufacturer introduced zinc, magnesium, chromium and manganese. The drug is recommended to be used not only in the third trimester, but starting from the first months. This will help prepare the female body for the birth of a child, to maximize the likelihood of fetal anomalies. 
  3. Fairhaven HealthPEAPOD. There is no drugmultivitamins, and contains exclusively calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3, for better absorption of the above trace elements. This is ideal for women who are preparing for childbirth, that is, in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period that women feel fatigue, they can feel pain in the back, in general, the state of health of the spine worsens. To strengthen the bones, it is recommended to take this particular complex, which saturates with calcium, magnesium. 
  4. Now Foods. Is notmultivitamin The drug, but the product is recommended in the third trimester of pregnancy. It contains probiotics that improve digestion, reduce the likelihood of heartburn, which often happens with pregnant women due to raising the uterine level and pressure to the internal organs. 

Vitamins for pregnant women herb: reviews

Below you can find the reviews of women who tested and tested vitamins on themselves iherb 

Vitamins for pregnant women iHerb, reviews:

Veronica. I am a regular client iherb, I buy a lot of things for women's health. During pregnancy, I acquired the drugNatural FactorsWomensense, which the Contains an acid omega. In addition, the product is saturated with oil of primrose, linseed oil, linoleic acid. This helps maintain heart health, joint flexibility, skin purity. I bought this particular drug, took it together withmultivitamin the complex, because the quality of the skin has significantly worsened.After a month of admission, The condition of the face improved, acne almost completely disappeared. 

Ruslan. I do not really trust the drugs ordered on the Internet, but my mother is a regular buyer Iherb. She always buys some additives, and helps a lot of things. Therefore, after prescribing a doctormultivitamin complex from the pharmacy, I acquired similar in composition on iHerb. The composition is much better, the price is democratic. In addition, I received a discount of 12%for the first order. Now I don’t know if there is a discount, but then I was lucky. That is why my mother gave me a whole list of drugs in the load. 

Alexandra. It was my third pregnancy, I gave birth to a child. In the third trimester, my friend advised me by a complex drug with iherb. She often buys a lot of things on the site for herself. I can say that vitamins are no worse than pharmacy. I continued to take the drug after childbirth. Thanks to this, there were no problems with lactation. Now I specially purchased drugs and vitamins to improve lactation. 


Useful articles about the site iherb:

Salt food is iodized by salt. However, this may not be enough, because pregnant women need are higher than ordinary people. Therefore, it is recommended to acceptmultivitamin Preparations that contain the required dose of iodine to cover the daily rate. Vitamin C is used to improve immunity. 

Video: Vitamins for pregnant women


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Comments K. article

  1. Hi all! Pregnant women, tell me what vitamins do you take? Is everything appointed individually?

  2. Of course individually! And only a doctor! I love Aicherb, but all vitamins and additives only after consulting with a gynecologist. Now, for example, I generally switched to Botoffi Punalia bars, the doctor talked about this innovative product, I liked the idea. The composition is excellent, contains a probiotic for better absorption of vitamins, plus chocolate taste. I'm happy)

  3. thanks

  4. And I, too, now I accept the Biotoffi complex. Very like. There, there are many things useful for the baby and me, starting with a folic and ending with a probiotic, and even a form of release - chocolate bars. Convenient and useful.

  5. And I, too, now I accept the Biotoffi complex. Very like. There, there are many things useful for the baby and me, starting with a folic and ending with a probiotic, and even a form of release - chocolate bars. Convenient and useful.

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