Facial serum with vitamin C: what is the use, what effect, skin preparation, reviews

Facial serum with vitamin C: what is the use, what effect, skin preparation, reviews

Serum with vitamin C for the face is the best care product. How to apply it and what benefits, read in the article.

Recently, there are more and more rumors about wonderful effects from the use of serum with vitamin C.. New products appear on the market, which bloggers on the Internet and make -up artists on TV write and tell.

Read on our website an article about best facial washing. You will find a rating thanks to which you can make a choice.

Does the face really bring impressive results and how it actually acts vitamin C On the skin? Read more more.

What is the effect of serum with vitamin C for the face?

Whey with vitamin C for face
Whey with vitamin C for face

This beneficial substance is considered absolute "Must-HAVE" The list of cosmetics for daily care. Many people still believe that proper nutrition is enough to replenish the reserves of this useful vitamin.

Unfortunately, although it is recommended to take it with food, our skin, in fact, is the last place where it will get, and, in addition, it will “accept” a very small amount of this vitamin. Much more effective - 20 times (no, this is not a mistake) - a way to provide the skin of the face with vitamin C, this is regular use serum with vitamin Cwho can work real miracles.

Active vitamin C for the skin of the face in serum: Reliable antioxidant

The most important feature of active vitamin C. For leather faces, and, therefore, serum containing it is its antioxidant effect. This means that it neutralizes the so -called free radicals responsible for the aging of the skin, as well as for the occurrence of various diseases, even such serious ones as cancer.

  • The intensity of the activity of free radicals, in turn, depends on our lifestyle.
  • This is influenced by factors such as smoking, alcohol use or taking certain drugs, for example, contraceptives or antidepressants.
  • Although the human body is naturally adapted to the fight against such threats independently, it is thanks to the production of antioxidants, its effectiveness decreases with age, and their number in the skin decreases.

Here comes to the rescue serum with vitamin C. This is a reliable antioxidant. But does this mean that it should be used only for mature skin? Read further.

Who should use serum with vitamin C for the face in the form of cosmetics?

Serum s vitamin C. For the face in the form of different cosmetics, creams, can be used by people of almost any age. Who should use it?

  • Such a cosmetic product will help young people get rid of scars from acne.
  • A woman in adulthood is to deal with signs of skin aging (for example, wrinkles) and align her color.

When searching for serum with vitamin C. On store shelves, it must be remembered that pharmacy cosmetics usually contains a very small dose of vitamin - insufficient to provide expected results. Although, of course, there are those in which it is contained in sufficient quantities, you should also think about the preparation of serum from vitamin C. on one's own. Below the text will be described recipes. Read further.

Vitamin C in serum: What is the benefit?

No wonder vitamin C He “stole” the hearts of many women and cosmetic companies that willingly add it to lotions, gels, tonics, masks and many other facial and body products. Regular (remember, regularity - the basis of each care) use of the product gives a number of excellent results. What effects do vitamin C in serum have on the skin of the face? That's the benefit:

  • Stimulates the production of collagen skin
  • Restores elasticity and elasticity
  • Brightens and evens out the tone of the skin
  • Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes
  • Provides better skin oxygenation
  • Smoothes and gives shine
  • Has a calming and anti -inflammatory effect
  • Reduces wrinkles and prevents premature skin aging
  • Reduces the visibility of bursting capillaries, and also strengthens their walls, preventing further changes
  • Makes the face more rested
  • Protects the skin from sunlight

Naturally, these are not all advantages. It is impossible to list all the advantages, since there are a lot of them. You just need to take and use, and then enjoy the result.

How to choose a serum for a face with vitamin C (C)?

Whey with vitamin C for face
Whey with vitamin C for face

Selection of serum for face with vitamin C. (C) depends primarily on the type of our skin and what effects we want to achieve with its help. We can choose from three different options, because in the face cosmetics vitamin C is present in three forms:

Vitamin C:

  • The name in the composition - Inci, that is L-ascorbic acidwhich is considered the most effective form of vitamin C.
  • It has a strong antioxidant effect, brightens and stimulates the regeneration of the skin, and at the same time perfectly exfoliates a dead epidermis.
  • However, working with him is not easy. The acid quickly loses its properties due to the effects of water or light, and, in addition, its concentration in many cosmetics is definitely too small to bring the famous impressive results.
  • It provides them only when it is present in the concentration at least 10-15% (maximum may be 20%). This is the easiest way to get it by preparing it yourself serum with vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid.

Tetrahegexildezil Ascorbat:

  •  The oil -soluble form vitamin C..
  • The serum prepared on its basis is more delicate and acts more slowly than with ascorbic acid. Thanks to this, it does not cause irritation (therefore suitable for sensitive skin), and after longer use, gives visible results.
  • Due to its consistency, it is well absorbed by the skin, supports acne treatment and more durable than ascorbic acid.
  • Choosing products with concentration within 3-10%.

Ethyl ascorbic acid:

  • This is the most stable form vitamin C.specially designed by scientists.
  • It is more durable than others (retains its properties up to 12 months), and additionally dissolves in water.
  • This type of serum with vitamin C is well absorbed into the skin, does not cause irritation and is suitable for all skin types, but the results will have to wait longer.
  • It is also the most expensive of the three available options.
  • To make a cosmetic product effective, its concentration should be a minimum 10%.

So, you can study the composition, now it is important to correctly apply the product. Read further.

Facial serum with vitamin C: application rules

A great advantage of use vitamin C. For the face in the form of serum, it is that the effect of its action can be seen after a short time, and sometimes even after first use.

However, it should be borne in mind that, using it from time to time, we get only a temporary improvement in the condition of the skin. Therefore, it is worth introducing serum with vitamin C. In your skin care, so that with daily use it is possible to achieve persistent results. In fact, it does not matter if we use the product in the morning or in the evening. As part of intensive treatment, we can do this even twice a day.

As you can see, there are no special rules for applying. The main thing is to use the product constantly to achieve better results.

Preparation of the skin for applying serum with vitamin C for the face before using the cream

Whey with vitamin C for face
Whey with vitamin C for face

Special preparation is not required, but still some events will have to be performed so that vitamin C is better to penetrate the structure of the skin. Here's what you need to do before applying serum for the face:

  1. Step 1.We clean the skin with lotion or micellar water and washing gel. It is best to use mineral water, and not water from the tap, since the substances contained in it can negatively affect the condition of our skin.
  2. Step 2.We refresh the skin, wiping it with a tonic, which also restores its natural pH.
  3. Step 3.We apply our serum with vitamin C on slightly wet skin and leave until completely absorb.
  4. Step 4.Finally, we apply our favorite cream (or oil) for the face and proceed to possible makeup.

So, we studied detailed instructions for application. Now let's figure out the variety of funds that are now sold at different retail outlets. Read further.

The best facial serums with vitamins C, A, R and E: Rating

Of course, it is better to choose the best means to care for the face. After all, the state of your skin will also depend on the quality of cosmetics. Below you will find a rating of the best serum for face with vitamin C, p and E. These are the vitamins that are simply necessary for youth and elasticity of the skin.

  1. Levrana (Lezanna) 30 ml - bleaching serum with vitamin C and P
  2. Korean serum - You will find many different funds from the manufacturers of this country. For example, It’s skin. All funds are high -quality and good in composition.
  3. Serumdipity is a real breakthrough in cosmetology. Excellent anti -aging serum for the face.
  4. Likato -serum from the brand Likato Professional. The results are amazing - after a couple of weeks of use, even deep wrinkles are smoothed.
  5. Avon - The famous brand has Russian women. Crusts are very popular.
  6. The nature of Siberik "Living Vitamins. Energy" - High quality whitening serum. Perfectly cleanses his face and smoothes facial wrinkles. Only natural ingredients.
  7. Jumiso - Serum of good quality, without side effects. Suitable for sensitive face skin - there will be no rashes and other types of manifestations of allergies.
  8. Anew - A tool with stem cells, perfectly rejuvenates and smoothes the upper layer of the epidermis.
  9. Serum with vitamin C and A from "Tasteville" - It is popular with women. It has a soft effect, perfectly nourishes the skin.
  10. Recast - Fighting well even with deep wrinkles.
  11. Sephora - Effective care, a lot of benefits in the product, starting from nutrition, and ending with smoothing.
  12. Azelik - In addition to anti -aging, it has a bacteriostatic effect.
  13. Hyaluronic Mattering serum for the face - it is recommended to use the course. First every day for deep moisture and nutrition. Then combining with the main care - to maintain the effect of fresh, radiant skin with an even tone.

Want to buy the highest quality cosmetics? Choose serum on the site iherb - These are good means from which there will really be a result.

These are the most popular remedies among women. They are all good and high -quality. You can buy such serums in a pharmacy or in cosmetic stores. However, the best remedy will be prepared at home, independently. Read further.

Homemade face for face with vitamin C: recipe for preparing the solution, how much can you store?

A well -groomed face with a homemade serum with vitamin C
A well -groomed face with a homemade serum with vitamin C

A good alternative to ready -made cosmetics with vitamin C - Homemade Facial Seer. The main advantage is that by preparing it on our own, we can be sure of the concentration of vitamins and the quality of individual ingredients. We also control the suitability of a cosmetic for use. You will not buy all the packaging, the contents of which over time can lose your properties, but do as much as you need. We prepare the required amount of cosmetic for several applications, so it always turns out to be fresh.

The recipe for the preparation of the solution is a home serum with vitamin C 5%:


  • 5 ml of vitamin C in drops (can be bought at a pharmacy)
  • Vitamin E in soft capsules or drops
  • Upon request: a little distilled water
  • Dark glass bottle 10 ml (carefully washed and disinfected)
  • Plastic measuring cup and/or syringe (with a needle) for measurement

Warning:When preparing homemade serum with vitamin C, it is strictly impossible to use simple water (neither tap room nor even boiled), since the substances contained in it immediately split vitamin C. In addition, it is forbidden to combine ascorbic acid with vitamin A, retinol, d-panthenolor Plant extracts. Otherwise, such a tool can cause allergies and harm the skin.


  • First pours into the bottle vitamin C and E: on 1 capsule for concentration 1%-for oily skin or 2 capsules for concentration 2%-For dry skin (their contents can be taken with a syringe).
  • Share the remaining part of the container with distilled water.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Before each use, shake the bottle several times.

How and how much to store home serum with vitamin C?

  • Keep this tool in a cool place, inaccessible to direct sunlight, up to two weeks.

As you can see, making such a cosmetic product at home is simple. It turns out useful, natural and high quality.

Facial serum with vitamin C: reviews

If you cannot choose a tool for your skin care, then read the reviews of other women. Each of them found its own way to rejuvenate and make the face beautiful and fresh. Here are reviews about face serum with vitamin C:

Victoria, 25 years old

I really like the remedy for the leftist. In addition, I know the people who founded this brand. This is a young family from St. Petersburg, which wanted to use only natural and useful cosmetics, especially before the birth of the baby. In their line and care cosmetics for children. The serum with vitamin C is well smoothes the skin, whiten and gives freshness.

Lyudmila, 30 years old

I love all the products from the nature of Siberik. These are really living vitamins for the whole organism, and even more so for the skin that often suffers from the effects of external factors. I have been using serum for a long time and are very happy, since I constantly get compliments about my beautiful face.

Inna, 50 years old

With age, the skin becomes dry and lifeless. To always stay young, I use serums from different brands. Many people like: from Avon, Azelik, Likato, etc. The result is always amazing. I advise such a tool to all my familiar women.

Video: Vitamin C for the face. Types, benefits and how to use in the summer

Video: 10 products with vitamin C. Korean cosmetics, luxury, pharmacy cosmetics

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Comments K. article

  1. The main benefit of vitamin C for the skin is that it improves collagen absorption. But in serum it definitely is not ... either creams are needed, or additives. I prefer the latter, leaving from the inside is more important. I accept the Evalarovsky marine collagen. Just in the composition of vitamin C, there is+in general the dosage is good and the price is profitable, especially if you order in the online store. My age is not given to me, it pleases))

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