Indoor plant Croton: care and cultivation, landing and reproduction at home

Indoor plant Croton: care and cultivation, landing and reproduction at home

Growing a beautiful indoor plant a croton is simple. But you need to care for it correctly.

The plant is very beautiful. It fascinates its colorful leaves and interesting veins on them. Such a room flower is easy to grow with good humidity. Use well -drained soils with humus. Croton needs bright light with a small number of direct sunlight for bright leaves. In the shadow can lose its color.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to wipe the leaves of indoor plants so that they shine?".

This plant prefers high humidity. In order to increase it in the room, put the pot on a pallet with a damp pebble. Water regularly, during the vegetative period in order to maintain the soil wet, but not raw. The plant does not need rest in the period, but loves when watering is reduced in autumn and winter.

Description of croton - indoor flower: features, photos of species with names and flowering plants


The indoor flower of Kroton from Malaysia, the Pacific Islands and North Australia. This is wood-root perennial plant up to 15 cm in height. In some regions it grows in floral containers and is a plant 60-120 cm in height. Here is the description and features of the flower:

  • Popular due to its embossed, expressive leaves.
  • Shiny, leathery, soft leaves are usually bright colors: varying in yellow, pink, orange, red, bronze, purple and green colors, plus the combination of these shades As stains or border on flowers.
  • Oval or lanceolate leaves (up to 45 cm in length).
  • The color of foliage can vary from time to time, each time representing something bright.

When you first see a flower, you will fall in love with it. This indoor plant is amazingly bright and memorable. Get to know him better and make sure that it can be grown at home.

We studied the encyclopedia and were surprised that this representative of the flora has different species. This miracle can be collected by collecting various varieties under one roof, it can be given in the form of a bouquet. Especially entrepreneurial can be done by business, growing decorative specimens in your greenhouse, and the result of labor to offer lovers of exotic. We are sure that there will be a lot of people who want, because it is simply impossible to resist his beauty. See how beautiful these flowers are.

Here are a photo of the species with the names:

Codium variegated (Codiaum variegatum) Variegatum
Codium variegated variege-gatum
  • Codium variegated variege-gatum- The main representative of all cultures of codiums.
  • In nature, you can find either a shrub up to 1.5 meters high, or as a 4-meter tree with smooth branches and leaves only at their ends.
  • At home, it can reach a length of up to half a meter or even slightly higher.
  • Large, up to 25-30 cm leaves are located on the branches. They are located one after another.
  • Leaflets are leathery, dense. There may be different colors.
  • The flower grows for a long time, over several months.
  • The breeders brought out different types from it, with different shapes and color of the sheet.
  • In this codium, they are oval in shape, the leaf plate is flat.
Codium Petra (Codiaeum Petra)
Codium Peter
  • Codium Peter-Greenish leaves with yellow threads.
  • A beautiful bush of small size, grows up to 50 cm in height.
  • The leaves are large, they "look" up.
  • Bright threads-wagons are an additional decoration of culture.
Codiaum Excellent Codiaeum)
Codium exelent
  • Codium exelent- The upper leaves are greenish with yellowish spots.
  • The lower burgundy leaves.
  • The leaves are large, in appearance, like an oak.
  • The bush is growing compact and beautiful.
Codium Mix (Codieum Mix)
Codium mix
  • Codium mix- This is the name of a whole group of such types of colors.
  • Often it contains types of crots that are derived from other types.
  • Leaves can be different colors and even multi -colored, painted in a chaotic order.
Codium Mrs. Aston.
Codium Mrs. Ace-Ton
  • Codium Mrs. Ace-Ton- Similar to the tree.
  • The leaves of the plant up to a year, interesting cream colors, as it grows, first become yellow, then green.
  • On one "tree" you will see all the colors that can have leaves of this culture.
  • The flower grows high, if it is to be careful for it, then it will be beautiful and all covered with leaves.
Codium Mummy (Codieum Mummy)
Codium Mammy
  • Codium Mammy- narrow leaves that can twist in the form of a spiral around its axis.
  • The color of the leaves is interesting-orange, red colors, with dark green stripes, except for the upper plates.
  • A very interesting plant, perfectly adorns any interior.
Codium Zanzibar (Codieum Zanziebare)
Codium Zanzibar
  • Codium Zanzibar- thin leaves (width 1.5 cm), grow up to 40 cm in length.
  • They are multi-colored, but most of them are dark green, with small yellowish dots.
Acube -shaped croton (Codieum Ucubaprominent)
Croton is acube
  • Croton is acube- A beautiful and unusual look.
  • The leaves are dark green and completely strewn with yellow specks.
  • In order for the bright color of the leaves to remain for a long time, it is necessary to illuminate the place of growth of colors well, otherwise this culture can be green, thereby losing its peculiarity.

Here are a photo of a flowering plant:

Croton flowering
Croton flowering

Such a plant is dioecious. Therefore, the male and female flower blooms differently. Flowers should be left only when you want to get seeds and grow young hybrids. Usually the arrows are removed, as they look ugly (the arrow grows high, pale inflorescences are very small). They are also removed so that the culture does not spend the substance useful for its growth.

Video: Codium. Bright plants all year round

Possible problems with Croton are how to care: diseases and pests, what to do if the leaves dry?

Croton diseases
Croton diseases

Various diseases and pests can wait for your favorite. Attacks are possible:

  • Thyroids
  • Spiders
  • Powdery workers
  • Spider mite
  • Aphids or whiteflies

The fight against these pests is simple and effective. Watch not only the health of your pet, but also neighboring colors. Dangerous can be a whiteflower for fuchsia, eucalyptus, bellen, geranium, gloxinia, ferns.

To get rid of the pest you need to wash the flower well with either a strong solution of water and soap, or tobacco mixture, or use store preparations:

You can, for example, add a little kerosene to the tobacco infusion, and spray the leaves with this solution. Prepare a tobacco solution is simple: in 1 liter of hot water, put 1 teaspoon of tobacco. Insist for a couple of hours, and then you can apply. If you decide to add kerosene, then no more than 10-15 drops per 1 liter of oxen, otherwise the leaves will “burn”. Many gardeners simply publish the soil with tobacco dust. This also helps to protect plants from pests.

The leaves on the croton can dry due to insufficient watering or lighting. When the flower receives proper care, such a problem disappears.

Video: Why does the foliage of Croton dry up or fly around? Problems of growing at home

Croton: landing and reproduction at home

Croton seeds for planting
Croton seeds for planting

The landing begins with the creation of an earthen mixture consisting of peat, sand and chopped sphagnum. The prepared mixture must be placed in a clay or plastic pot, after 1/4 filling it with expanded clay for drainage.

Propagation can be carried out in three ways:

  1. Cuttings
  2. Layering
  3. Seeds
Croton stalk
Croton stalk

The most acceptable planting with cuttings. Features are as follows:

  • Take the tops (8-10 cm) from the obsessed barrel, on which there is a pair of green leaves and kidney.
  • Be sure to cover the shoots with a polyethylene or glass jar to create greenhouse conditions.
  • When to plant in the ground, they will “tell” the roots that usually appear in a month and a half.

The transplant is usually carried out in early spring. Copies up to 3 years can be transplanted annually. How to care for transplanted representatives of the flora:

  • Add a slightly acidic humus substrate and transplant in a lump of the previous land, do not expose completely the roots.
  • When to transplant specimens that are more than 3 years old, they will tell the roots that appear on the surface of the earth in a pot.
  • A very important point is the selection of the size of the pot. He should not be much larger than the previous one, Kron does not like this. It is necessary to take a slightly larger size so that the roots without stress can master the formed new territory.

Is it possible to carry out propagation with a leaf? It is better not to take risks, experienced gardeners propagate the flower with seeds, cuttings or layering.

Video: How to propagate a croton with cuttings? Croton - rooted with cuttings

Indoor plant Croton: care and cultivation at home

People who first see a crown indoor plant always ask the question: “How to grow this miracle?” Growing such a plant is painstaking work. Here are the rules of care and cultivation at home:

  • It is necessary to maintain a constant air temperature - about 25 degrees, and soil - about 30 ° C.
  • Daily (1-2 times) spray the leaves with water to keep the plant in a humid and warm environment.
  • If the croton drops the leaves, then in the apartment a draft.
  • Water in a timely manner.

Read more about watering and moisturizing the flower described below. Read further.

Indoor flower Croton: Watering

A separate topic in the process of cultivation is watering. It is on him that most of the success in breeding a beautiful and healthy handsome man depends. Problems may occur if watering with cold water from the tap. At home, it is best to defend the liquid in the vessels specially designated for this until it purchases at room temperature.

The process itself can be partially carried out by spraying the crown. This is especially true in the winter, when central heating works in the apartment and the air is very dry. If moisture is not enough, buds fall. With modern devices, spraying is very easy to carry out, buy a regular sprayer or nozzle for him in a store and pleases your pet with a cloud of wet air.

Cutting Croton: when is it better to do?

In order for your green friend to look handsome, pruning is necessary. When is it better to do?

  • If the plant stretched up and lost part of the greens during the winter, cut the top of 15 cm and put in a vessel with water for germination.
  • And in the rest, pruning is carried out by the creation of a hemp 10 cm high.

Thanks to such manipulations, the flower will “flush” during the spring and by summer will turn into a bright handsome man.

As you can see, breeding is a complex process, but lucky and conscientious are waiting for luck. Do not give up your hands if you have fallen. This happens with beginners, and this should be treated as gaining experience. The main thing is, if you fail to analyze the situation and figure out why it happened so as not to repeat the mistakes. Drink and you will succeed. Any work that is done with pleasure and a good mood gives a positive result. Good luck and patience!

Video: Croton (codium) - secrets and features of growing

Video: Croton. What did I change in the care of the croton? Indoor flowers

Video: Croton care

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