Indoor cypress in a pot: care at home, transplant and reproduction

Indoor cypress in a pot: care at home, transplant and reproduction

Often in houses you can see cypress, it belongs to evergreen plants, so it pleases the eye to all residents. But not all owners know about proper care.

Plant needles contain a large amount of aromatic oils used in the treatment of diseases. Cypris is used for the manufacture of ships, furniture and decor items. This article will describe in detail about the tricks of cypress care, which grows indoors.

Indoor cypress: brief description

  • Indoor cypress, which grows in flower pots, has differences from a plant growing in nature. The main and only difference is the size of the bush. The shoots of culture are rather soft. They are covered with small leaves with scales. The leaves are in shape an elongated rhombus.
  • The sheet plate is characterized by a dark green tint. In the sunlight, you can notice a bluish reflection. On the bushes are formed small fruits. They have an egg -shaped shape.
  • The cones are covered with thyroid scales that hide the seeds of the plant.
  • Some countries believe that cypress in a pot symbolizes grief. It is preferred to plant on cemetery graves.
  • There is another opinion that home cypress symbolizes immortality. It is described in the sacred book - “Bible”, as one of the plants in the Paradsk Garden.
Home tree
Home tree

Cyprus indoor: care at home

  • Cypress prefers to grow in a tropical climate. If you want the plant to please you with a pleasant coniferous aroma and fluffy crown, try to create conditions that will resemble a natural environment.
  • It is best to place plants on the windowsill. Do this at the eastern or northern window. The light should be scattered. But at noon there should be a shadow so that the needles do not yellow under the influence of active sunlight.
Should be in the scattered light
Should be in the scattered light

Optimum temperature

  • Cypress is a culture that prefers a tropical or subtropical climate. Therefore, cypress in the pot should be placed in warm places with good lighting. In summer, the room should be temperature from +17 ° C to +24 ° C. No additional plant care products are required.
  • In winter, the pot is transferred to the room where there are no devices for heating air and direct heating. In the cold season, lower the temperature in the room to the range from +5 ° C to +10 ° C.

Location and lighting

  • Cypress is a plant that prefers sunlight. Therefore, a sufficient amount of sunlight should seep into the room where the pot with indoor cypress will be located. But, they should not directly fall onto the crown, otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid damage.
  • In winter, when there is not enough sunlight, install in the room devices for artificial lighting. If the cypress is not enough, the crown will become more elongated, which will violate the natural development of the plant.

How to water cypress?

  • Cypress needs to be watered regularly and abundantly. But, try to determine the optimal volume of water. If the plant receives too much water or is a lack of watering, then it can suffer and lose the beauty of the crown. There are frequent cases when improper watering led to the death of the plant.
  • From April to October Water plants abundantly. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to moderate. In cool weather, cypress is watered twice a month. When the street is warm, watering is carried out with an interval of 1 week.
  • Do not forget to spray the leaves of cypress. Use settled water at room temperature. Spraying is recommended using a spray gun. The procedure is carried out every day, preferably before lunch.

Optimal humidity

  • In nature, cypress prefers to grow near a reservoir.
  • That is why culture feels well if air humidity is within from 80% to 90%.
The wet the air, the better
The wet the air, the better

If you planted cypress at home, then there are several ways to maintain the optimal level of humidity in the room:

  • spraying;
  • using a humidifier of air.

Soil for planting cypress in a pot

  • Plant homemade cypress in the soil with a loose structure. If you do not want to cook it yourself, you can purchase a finished mixture in the store. To make the right soil yourself, mix sand, garden soil, peat and soil from deciduous forest in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 2.
  • Choose flower pots that are equipped with holes for water removal. ¼ pot should be filled with a drainage layer (polystyrene, expanded clay or chopped brick). The soil is poured over the drainage.

Feeding and fertilizer of cypress

  • Cypris refers to exotic cultures. Therefore, it is not recommended to use ordinary fertilizers that are suitable for other indoor plants. Humus is destructive for culture.
  • It is best to use Liquid mineral fertilizers, which are sold in specialized stores. Check in advance with the seller whether the coniferous remedy is suitable. Fertilizers are applied no more than once every 30 days. Look carefully at the composition of the fertilizer. It should not contain nitrogen. But magnesium is a mandatory component.
  • In winter, they are also used liquid fertilizers, which includes minerals. Enter interval - 1 time in 45 days.
Combine several components for the soil
Combine several components for the soil

How to transplant cypress?

  • Cypris is recommended to transplant every 2 years. This can be explained by the fact that nutrient components are washed out of time. Therefore, replacement is required. It is recommended to proceed to the transplant in the middle of April. Given the sensitivity of the roots of the cypress, the transplant is carried out by the transshipment method.
  • Pre -pour the soil to make it easier to extract the plant from the pot. After cleaning the roots of the old soil, and look at the root system. If you see a small process, cut it with a clerical knife from the main part, touching a little roots.
  • The place where the young process was separated from, process Garden Varto disinfect him. Move the plant into a separate pot. Adult cypress transplant into a large pot, and the process in a smaller container. A small copy must be covered with a jar of glass to speed up the rooting process. When you sprinkle the plant substrate, control that the neck at the roots remains not closed. Otherwise, the plant will not be able to develop, and will die soon.
Transplant every 2 years
Transplant every 2 years

Cypress propagation at home

There are several ways to breed cypress:

  • cuttings;
  • growing from seeds.

More details about them will be described below. You yourself choose the option that is suitable in a certain situation.

Propagation of cypress seeds

  • Seeds that will be used for planting must be prepared. It doesn’t matter if you bought them in a store, or collected it yourself. First stage - stratification. Wrap the seed in the fabric, and place on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. There they should lie for about 2 months.
  • 12 hours before planting, immerse the seeds in clean warm water. Add a little to the water "Epin" or "Cornevin". It is better to breed drugs, according to the instructions, so as not to make a mistake.
  • On the bottom of the box in which the seeds will be planted, lay out drainage. The best option is wood bark. After covering drainage by the soil, which is suitable for planting coniferous plants. Plant the seeds according to the 4x4 cm scheme. Put the box in a warm room. Make sure that the substrate remains moisturized. Otherwise, the germination of seeds will decrease significantly.
  • When the height of the seedlings is about 5-6 cm, move them to single flower pots. The root neck should remain above the substrate so that the plant can develop. Put the containers with seedlings in a place with good light, and provide full care. A year later, the bushes will grow to 25-30 cm.

Propagation of cypress at home

  • Often gardeners use the cuttings method. Cuttings remain after cutting the plant. Choose for planting only those specimens that contain a “heel”. Remove the leaves from the bottom of the branch, and put in the jar. Fill the container with a solution of "rhizome" to stimulate the formation of a strong root system.
  • After a day, remove the cuttings from the container, and rinse under running water. Treat the section of the cut with coal powder. In the boxes filled with the right soil, plant the cuttings. Deepen them by 1/3. Pour the soil with clean water, and cover each copy with a jar of glass. With an interval of 2-3 days, remove the shelter so that the plant can breathe.
  • Plant ventilation is carried out for 1-2 hours, and then again they need to be covered with a jar. The roots are formed after a month and a half.

Pests of cypress

  • Indoor cypress suffers less from pests, compared to plants that grow in a natural environment. But, home culture is often amazed spider mites. Pests appear if the humidity is low.
  • On the bushes of cypress you can meet false and regular shield. Therefore, you need to know the ways to fight pests.
  • To get rid of insects, it is necessary to process the bushes with a solution "Aktellik." To prepare an effective agent, mix 1 liter of water and 2 mg of the drug. Second processing is carried out in a week.

Cypress diseases

  • Indoor cypress is rarely affected by diseases. But, often problems appear due to poor-quality care. If a large amount of moisture accumulates in the ground, develops rot in the roots. It is difficult to fight her.
  • First you need to move the seedling to new soil. The damaged parts of the roots are pre -cut. In the process of transplantation, take care of a high -quality drainage layer.
  • Control the frequency and abundance of irrigation in order to prevent the development of root rot.
Such diseases may appear
Such diseases may appear

Often, parts of the bush begin to dry and covered with yellow spots.This arises for such reasons:

  • insufficient moisture in the air
  • poor water for soil irrigation
  • rare watering
  • lack of light
  • low temperature in the room

To cope with dry needles, it is necessary to determine the cause of this situation. As soon as you normalize optimal conditions in the room, the bushes will stop drying.

  • If you notice yellow spots on the leaves of cypress, then there is not enough nutrients in the soil.
  • As soon as you normalize the quality and frequency of top dressing, everything will work out.

So, now you know how to properly care for indoor cypresses. If you follow the above rules, then the plant will please you all year round with a rich shade and the incredible beauty of needles.

We also prepared the articles useful for the gardener and gardener:

Video: Secrets and features of growing indoor cypress

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