Fufanon Nova from pests in the garden - composition, instructions for use, effectiveness, compatibility with other drugs, hazard class for humans and bees, reviews

Fufanon Nova from pests in the garden - composition, instructions for use, effectiveness, compatibility with other drugs, hazard class for humans and bees, reviews

Fufanon Nova: All about the fight against pests the best insecticide

Horticulture is a great pleasure if you know how to feed your plants, scare away pests from them, and how to remove all kinds of diseases. One of the best assistants to the gardener is the drug Fufanon Nova, which we will talk about in this article.

Fufanon Nova: What is used for?

Fufanon Nova is a new generation insectoacaricide, which bypassed the chemicals of Fufanon and Aktellik, thanks to the new formula. This is a phosphoruscorganic intestinal insectoacaricide, which will save gardeners and gardeners from almost all pests in a personal plot.

If your garden, and even a flowerbed, insects attacked your garden, Fufanon Nova will easily solve this problem. After all, it destroys up to 99.9% of pests common in our latitudes.

Fufanon Nova: Composition

The composition of Fufanon Nova is 100% Malation. In the finished version, for spraying, the nova fufanon is diluted with water for subsequent spraying.

How does Fufanon Nova work on pests, what is the effectiveness of the drug?

In order to understand how Fufanon Nova acts, you should understand how the active substance works. Malation penetrating with food inside insects affects the central nervous system and the nerve endings of insects, the result of this effect is paralysis. After a few hours of paralysis, insects die. With a number of experiments, it was revealed that after processing fufanon new insects on the site die 100%during the day.

Malation does not affect insect eggs, so it is recommended to re -use the drug after 30 days. It is also worth noting that if neighboring plots with your garden or garden are not processed by Fufanon Nova, insects again attack your site after time, so it is recommended to process it comprehensively for the greatest efficiency.

Fufanon Nova
Fufanon Nova

Fufanon Nova: At what temperature does it work?

Fufanon Nova is recommended to be used at a temperature of +17 ° C to +20 ° C. If the temperature is below +5 ° C - there is no meaning to process, since insects are found in sleeping mode at this time. During the heat, there is also no sense in processing, since the drug will dry quickly on the foliage, and evaporates without giving the proper result.

If processing is required in hot summer weather, it is recommended to process in the evening, after 20.00.

Fufanon Nova: Instructions for use, dosage for different cultures

Depending on the type of plants growing in the personal plot, various dosage and frequency of spraying with the drug Fufanon Nova are required:

  • The whole garden (from greenery, to tomato - all garden plants) - are processed three times, according to this scheme. With the mass landing of the garden, when everything was planted, it has been broken, and 14 days have passed since the last landing - the first processing. At the end of June and late August. At the same time, do not forget to observe the minimum interval of 30 days;
  • Strawberry - The favorite berry on the site is most often attacked by insects. For processing it, Fufanon Nova is recommended no more than once a year, and only after a complete harvest;
  • Malinniki - Special pride in the site. And a beautiful raspberry with a large juicy berry is a real reward for the works of the gardener. It is recommended to process from insects with this type of drug twice a year: at the time of flowering, and 14-20 days after harvesting;
  • All kinds of shrubs, including rose hips, roses - one processing per year, as soon as the plants bloom;
  • Currant As if attracting insects and the only one on the site that requires thorough processing: before flowering for the first time, after harvesting 3 times with a cycle of 30 days;
  • Grape It is processed twice: the first time, as soon as the buds open, the second time-40-45 days after the first processing;
  • Trees, especially apple trees, They are processed with the full opening of the kidneys, and then 2 more processing once every 30 days.

It should be understood that dissolving the drug in water for all species of plants is necessary in the same proportion.

How to breed Fufanon Nova in water?

The drug Fufanon Nova is divorced for all species of plants according to one formula:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 6 g of the drug.
Spraying the garden Fufanon Nova
Spraying the garden Fufanon Nova

How much fufanon is NOVA for spraying plants?

Depending on the type of plant, a different amount of the drug is necessary. To dilute the required amount of the drug, we have prepared an approximate dosage depending on the type of plant:

  • 1 m 2 garden - 100 g of diluted drug;
  • 1 m 2 flower beds - 150 g;
  • 1 m 2 grapes-150-200 g;
  • 1 m 2 shrubs of currants, roses, gooseberries, rose hips - 200 g;
  • 1 m 2 blacks and raspberries-100-150 g;
  • For 1 small tree-2000-3000 g;
  • 1 tree over 3 years old-10,000 g.

Fufanon Nova: When to process fruit trees, shrubs and other crops?

For processing the drug Fufanon Nova, there are two main criteria: the temperature and growth time: plants:

  • Insects wake up with the first to shift the kidneys - this is the time when you need to process the garden for the first time;
  • As soon as the plants are planted in the garden, they are attacked by insects. Two weeks after planting - it's time to process the garden for the first time;
  • During flowering, the plants can be treated from insects, but at least the ripening of the fruits;
  • The autumn processing of the garden and the garden from insects is mandatory, before winter. Otherwise, there is a risk of seeing the mass attack of insects at the first spring rays of the sun.

What is the waiting time before harvesting after processing Fufanon Nova?

During flowering, processing from insects with the drug Fufanon Nova is allowed. But during fruiting it is better to avoid this type of processing. Processing is allowed in extreme cases, but at the same time it is worth considering the interval before ripening for at least 20 days.

If the fruits are ripened earlier - it is not recommended to eat them.

Spraying the garden Fufanon Nova
Spraying the garden Fufanon Nova

What can Fufanon Nova be mixed with: compatibility with other drugs

The drug for insects of Fufanon Nova does not make sense to mix with other drugs for insects, since they will only block each other's actions, and will not bear double effectiveness.

Fufanon Nova can be mixed with biological products and hummi-drugs, which will become additional assistants for a beautiful garden.

Fufanon Nova: Is it possible to use fruit trees, shrubs, vegetables, berries during flowering?

Fufanon Nova is allowed to treat during flowering, but it is not recommended to treat at the moment when the ovary has already gone. It is also worth remembering that the drug is considered dangerous for bees, and during pollination of plants try to use it with maximum caution or not to use it at all.

Fufanon Nova: Danger class for humans and bees

Fufanon Nova has a 3 -class class of danger to humans and bees, since it has no smell and bees can die, in contact with processed flowers. This is extremely bad for both bees and ecosystems, and for the gardener himself, whose trees, shrubs and garden pollinate those very bees.

Fufanon Nova destroys almost all types of insects in the garden and garden
Fufanon Nova destroys almost all types of insects in the garden and garden

Fufanon Nova: Is it washed off rain?

Fufanon is new to the rain, so it is recommended to use it 3-5 days before the predicted rains. If the rain passed within a day after processing, analyze how effective the drug has dealt with insects and, if necessary, repeat the treatment.

Fufanon Nova: How to breed for indoor plants?

Fufanon Nova can also treat home plants. To do this, 1 g of the drug is taken per 1 liter of water, and sprayed with open windows and subsequent good ventilation.

Fufanon Nova: What pests does it help?

Fufanon Nova helps to get rid of the whole army of insects, which we brought in the table.

Plot Leaflet Mite Sawfly
Black aphid Gallicians A raspberry beetle Shield
Green aphid Weevil Belyanka False shielding
Trips Belkolka Median Trips
Powerfronts Stocks Firing All types of flies

Fufanon Nova from pests in the garden: reviews

Kirill: Fufanon used for a long time from pests, but without a respirator it was impossible to process, and in the respirator you can go out in the spring and summer. When Fufanon Nova appeared, I sighed. And the sector of action is wider for me, and it is easier to process. I recommend to everyone!

Alice: Last year, more than ever, insects attacked my garden. I fought in different ways, and everything is not successful until the neighbor prompted - Fufanon is new. I process regularly and since then I do not know what pests are in my garden. Very pleased.

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Video: Fufanon Nova - Instructions for use. Insect killer in the garden

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