How to wipe the leaves of indoor plants so that they shine?

How to wipe the leaves of indoor plants so that they shine?

Many flower growers to make their indoor plants more beautiful, use a certain trick - polish them. By this, they achieve an amazing effect. It seems that the plant grated by wax, beer, gel, or spray-polish, the plant seems to begin to glow from the inside and acquires a seductive clean shine.

What plant leaves can be polished, and which ones can not be? Consider further.

How and why wipe the leaves of indoor plants?

  • If plants with dense leaves in the form “live” on your windowsills in pots “live” in pots fikusov, Dieffenbachia, Krotonov and others, then their leaves can be given a matte shine with polishes.
  • But yukka, Drazena, Clivia And other plants like them, you should not risk. From such wiping the leaves they will begin to hurt.
  • Only already formed plant leaves can be polished. Young, only recently unfolded, such a procedure is contraindicated.
  • Wipe the leaves of indoor plants to shine, you can Only already at the formed sheets. It is impossible to affect the back side - this is harmful to them.
  • Wipe the leaves not only to give them a wax-denta beauty, but also for that so that parasites do not start on plants, and to remove dusty plaque.
The leaves will shine
The leaves will shine

Stores for wiping leaves

  • In specialized stores, you can choose from an abundance for your plants from an abundance polish or spray, about the properties of which you can cope with the seller-consultant.
  • Among the advantages of store funds: they are effective, quickly give leaflets amazing shine, have a beneficial effect on plant development.
  • Among the minuses: The toxicity that accumulates in plants is possible; In addition, store polishes are not cheap.
Purchased remedy
Purchased remedy

How to use purchased polishes and sprays for wiping leaves:

  • First of all, you need to carefully study the instructions that is given on each packaging of industrial means. Usually they are either at first spray on the fabric, or they are done directly on the leaf itself, and then rub it with a soft rag until all the leaves begin to shine.
  • Immediately after you process all those plants that have planned, be sure to ventilate the room in which you worked. When conducting processing, use protection products (glasses and mask), and at the end of the procedure, take a shower and change clothes.

How to wipe the leaves of indoor plants for shine: with your own hands at home

How to wipe the leaves of indoor plants for shine? You can wipe the leaves with home flowers with a polish made at home. We will list you those means that are most effective and harmless.

  • You need to mix one part of the beer (it should be non -alcoholic) with two parts of water. Checked: beer Plant leaves are perfectly wiped, and it does not harm them. But do not forget to dilute it with water.
  • Wiping the leaves amber acid, you will not only give him gloss, but also have a therapeutic effect. To wipe the leaflets, you will need to dilute one tablet of amber acid in 150 ml of water, moisten a soft rag in this mixture and wipe them until they sparkle.
  • Clean, not diluted water castor oil Moisten a napkin and rub it with leaves. Castor oil produces a therapeutic effect on the plant.
  • Silicone brush apply a split on the leaves egg yolkand then grate, using a paper towel for this - after such a procedure, the plant will be filled with gloss. But in the summer, egg yolk is undesirable, since a specific smell will proceed from it under the influence of heat, on which insects will fly away.
  • Mix one part of the water and two parts milk, moisten the sponge in the mixture and wipe it with the leaves of flowers. The splendor of such a tool is not as active as from others, but it works, and, moreover, it is completely harmless to plants.
  • You can also wipe the leaves of orchids. banana peel. Remove the inside of the peel in the hand and rub it with the leaves of the indoor plant. After rubbing the peel on the leaves, its particles will remain - they will need to wipe them with a soft cloth.
  • You can take one part citric acid, two parts of glycerol and dilute with a small amount of water. The leaves of orchids will shine with such a mixture from rubbing, but glycerin is not the best tool for plants.
Leaf care
Leaf care

Why is it better not to wipe the leaves of indoor plants?

The better not to wipe the leaves of indoor plants:

  • Using bee wax The leaves disappear the ability to breathe. In addition, the leaves appear uneven shine, and they are covered with wax rolos. Wax can also be clogged at the leaves of the mouth.
  • Using alcoholic beer In the form of a polish, the plant begins to hurt, covered with spots, as if from a sunburn.
  • Using alcohol (ethanol) leaf plates are damaged; Due to the overlapping, the leaves are covered with whitish or brown spots.
  • Glycerin The mouths of the leaves are clogged, although the shine from it is excellent. But it is better to use castor oil or amber acid, which are very useful for plants.

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Video: Care for indoor plant leaves

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