How to plant grapes: seedlings, cuttings?

How to plant grapes: seedlings, cuttings?

From this article you will learn how to plant grapes so that it starts, and soon pleased us with a crop

If you plant a bush of grapes correctly, and it will take it, then after 3 years you can already harvest. How to plant grapes? When is it better to plant it, and in what way? We find out in this article.

How to choose healthy grape bushes?

So that the bushes of grapes do not Soon after landing, and they went in growth, you need choose them, in accordance with the following requirements:

  • Annual, with a well-developed root system, at least 5-6 roots
  • The roots are not damaged, on the cut of white, and if the color of the spine is brown, the seedling is not suitable for landing
  • A plant of about 0.5 m long should have not only 1 barrel, but be with several shoots, 15-20 cm long
  • The leaves are bright, tender to the touch
  • The thickness of the shoots is about 1 cm
  • Bark of the tree should be even, without cracks, elastic, light brown color, without spots and dead areas
Healthy grape seedlings and the process of planting them

How to prepare bushes grapes for landing?

Before planting grapes, make him survival test: Cut the top of one shoot 1 cm if the twig of a light green color inside, then the seedling will easily take root.

What else does the survival of grape bushes depend on?

  • The roots of the bush of grapes should not be too long, but not short - about 15 cm.
  • Before planting the plant, it must be soaked in boiled cooled water or stimulating solution (“rhizome”) for 12-15 hours.
  • Before planting, you need to stir the clay soil with water to make a liquid solution and dip the roots in it.
Preparation and planting of a grape seedling

What time to plant bushesgrapes?

In the spring, grapes are planted when the daily temperature is set 15 degrees of heat, and the soil temperature is 10 degrees of heat.

In the fall, grapes are planted when there is no longer a summer heat-at the end of September, early October, while warming (5-15 degrees).

Attention! In the fall, grapes need to be planted in order to plant more than 3 weeks before the frost, otherwise the vine may not have time to take root, and freeze in winter.

Grapes are planted both in spring and autumn

Where to plant bushes grapes?

You can plant grapes anywhere - he does not like:

  • Places blown up by winds, that is, drafts
  • Shaded places
  • Swallowed land
  • Near the wall, but from the north side

Grapes are best growing along the fence or walls from the southern or southwest side. We retreat 0.5 m from the wall, and you can plant.

Attention! The distance between the grape bushes is 2 m, the distance between the grape rows is 2.5 m.

What soils love grapes?

Grapes grow well on such soils:

  • Chernozem
  • Sandy ground
  • Fertile soil with small stones

Grapes do not survive on such soils:

  • Clay
  • Peaty
  • Swampy

Attention. In a soil where water stagnates for a long time, a lot of salts that are harmful to grape roots. The grapes die from them.

Best grapes grow on light sandy soils

How to plant grapes with a seedling?

How to plant grapes with a seedling in the fall or spring?

  1. For the bush of grapes, we dig a square hole with sides of 80 cm.
  2. We prepare it in advance, and not at the moment when we plant the vine.
  3. If groundwater in these places is close to the surface - pour a drainage layer (sand with pebbles, gravel), about 10 cm thick at the bottom of the hole.
  4. Above the drainage layer we pour 2-3 buckets of compost or humus.
  5. Then, to 3-4 buckets of chernozem, we add to a glass of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 1 kg of ash, mix and pour into the pit on compost.
  6. On top of the chernozem with fertilizers we pour 10 cm of chernozem without fertilizers so that the roots of grapes do not receive a burn.
  7. Pour 2-3 buckets of water on top, and leave the pit for 3 weeks so that the soil settles.
  8. 2 weeks before planting grape seedlings, we begin to harden them: we take them to fresh air, in the shadow, every day, the first day - 15 minutes, the second - we add to 15 minutes another 30 minutes, so every day we add for 30 minutes for 30 minutes. The remaining days out of 2 weeks, if frosts are not supposed, leave the seedlings in the air and at night.
  9. To plant grapes, select a cloudy day.
  10. After all the fertilizers are poured, we have a hole with a height of 0.5 m. In the center we pour a small hill of chernozem.
  11. On the side of the hook, we drive a pipe, plastic or iron, about 1 m long into the ground. It will serve for the grape bush with a support, and through it you can pour water in a drought, directly to the roots.
  12. We install the grape seedling on the hill, straighten the roots so that they are not bent, sprinkle with the Black Earth land by 10 cm.
  13. We plant seedlings up to 25 cm heights vertically, if longer than 25 cm - put them under the slope.
  14. If the grapes were vaccinated, then the vaccination should be above the ground, and not underground, otherwise the shoots are not vaccinated.
  15. If there are few rains in the fall, then you should pour the planted grapes several times, if there were rains, you do not need to water it.

Attention! Grapes are watered only with warm water, heated in the sun.

Not hardened grape seedlings after planting them in the spring react to the soil in the sun, as if they were planted in the fall (prepared for the winter): they do not grow in growth, the branches take a wood shape.

Planting grapes with a seedling

How to plant grapes with cuttings?

In the spring, grapes can be planted with cuttings, but before the cuttings need to be prepared:

  • Grape branches, up to half a meter long, they are also cuttings, harvested in the fall in dry weather.
  • We wrap the branches in cellophane, and store all winter in a dry room, at a temperature of not more than 5 degrees of heat.
  • In winter, check the cuttings, if they are instilled, and moisture formed - dry them.
  • In the spring, before planting, in 15 days, we build the roots - we take out from the basement into a wet, warm and ventilated room, put it in a box under an inclination, sprinkle with soil.
  • Then we cut the stalk so that there is 1 cm from below to the kidney, and on top of 2 cm above the last kidney.
  • We soak the prepared cuttings for 1 day in water from 1 tbsp. l. honey.
  • Then we dry the cuttings, prepare a mixture of wax and resin (15 g each), water and paraffin (300 g each). We heat the mixture until the paraffin melts, and dip the upper part of the cuttings to the kidney into it, we make sure that we do not dip it with the kidney, otherwise it will not be able to bloom.

Video: 100% Super way to root grape cuttings

What mistakes are often made when planting grapes?

Frequent errors when planting grapes:

  • Grapes with small roots or their small amounts may not take root, but dry out.
  • On grapes not suitable for this area, the crop may not have time to mature, and such grapes will have to be uprooted.
  • If you plant grapes near the trees or on the north side of the house, he can spend all his strength on growth, and if there are clusters, then only on the tops of the vine.
  • If you dig a shallow hole for planting grapes, then the plant may not have enough nutrients, and this will affect the crop.
  • If you dig up a too deep hole for planting grapes, this can slow down its growth, since the soil at depth is colder.
  • If you plant grapes too thick, it can more often hurt with fungal diseases.
  • Grapes must be planted in places where groundwater underground is located below 1.5 m.

Attention. Grapes are planted 3-5 m from tall trees.

How to prepare planted grapes for winter?

We prepare grapes for winter:

  • Before the onset of winter, we cut the shoots of grapes, leave only the grape vine with 5 healthy kidneys.
  • We take a plastic 2-liter bottle or more, cut the top, pierce it on the side, cover the bush of grapes, fall asleep with earth, no more than 5 cm of the bottle should remain on the surface.
  • We remove the poured ground in the spring, and remove the bottle.
You can cover grapes for the winter with straw

So, now we know how to grow grapes in our country house or garden.

Video: How to plant grapes in the spring?

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