How to grow cherries from a bone at home: step -by -step guide for beginners. How to properly sprout cherries from a bone, put in the spring in the ground, cut than to spray, feed: step -by -step instructions. Cherries and pests: description with photos

How to grow cherries from a bone at home: step -by -step guide for beginners. How to properly sprout cherries from a bone, put in the spring in the ground, cut than to spray, feed: step -by -step instructions. Cherries and pests: description with photos

In this article you will learn how to plant cherries correctly in order to get a good harvest, how to care for a tree and how to deal with pests.

Is it possible to grow cherries from a bone?

Many gardeners dream of growing cherries on their site. But this tree is quite whimsical, and often the experiment on growing cherries ends in failure. If you want to enjoy the taste of cherries, you must comply with the requirements for planting, care, watering this tree. We will talk about the intricacies and rules with which you can grow cherries and collect a good harvest.

Many are interested in: is it possible to grow cherries from a bone? Often this idea comes suddenly when you bought or treated you with a delicious fleshy cherry.

Important: cherries can be grown from a bone. That's just waiting for a good crop. This tree will begin to bear fruit for 5, or even 8 years. The berries will be small and sour. In other words, Dichka will grow up.

You can grow cherries from the bone for the experiment. Many people like the very process of such growth and the final result of their experience, for the sake of sports interest. You will be surprised, but in growing Dichs there is benefit.

The wild is ideal for instilling good varieties of cherries. The demanding cherry is exposed to diseases, depending on the temperature difference, and the wild is unpretentious, grows well and can become a real assistant in the formation of the fruit garden.

How to properly sprout cherries from a bone: step -by -step guide

To grow cherries from the bone will have to act in several stages:

  • The choice of material.
  • Preparation of the material for landing.
  • Planting sprouts in pots.
  • Landing sprouts in the soil.

Consider what these stages include.

The choice of material

For growing from the bone, the cherries that you bought on the market are not suitable. The fact is that unripe berries are torn off for implementation, the embryo in the bone is not formed to the end. Choose only ripe cherries from a tree, you can take fallen fruits. Check that there are no chips on the bones. If you collect fruits from different varieties of cherries, sort the seeds in different containers.

Important: there should be a lot of bones. In the process, most of the planting material is removed.

Ripe selected cherries

Preparation of material for landing

  • Dry all the collected bones. Then wrap them in paper, wrap them with a film on top. In this form, the bones should be stored until the end of November in a cool place.
  • At the end of November, place the bones in the water, no longer than 3 days.
  • After 3 days, place the seeds in wet sand, cover the container with a film and put in a cool place with a temperature not higher than 2 °.
  • Water and ventilate planting material every day.
  • It remains to wait for the sprouts to appear.
The sprouted bone of cherries

Planting sprouts in pots

Important: large containers are not suitable for planting sprouts. So rotting can happen. You can take many small pots or one long container.

Recommendations for planting sprouts:

  1. It is advisable to buy soil in the store. It contains all the necessary additives for the growth of a tree.
  2. If you take the soil from the garden, you need to thermally process it. For example, in a microwave or in a water bath.
  3. A layer of drainage (crushed stone, fragments of clay products, expanded clay) should be put on the bottom of the container.
  4. Add coal for loosening the soil to the ground.
  5. Plant the bones in moist soil to a depth of 2 cm.
  6. Cover the container with a film and put in a well -lit place without drafts.
  7. Veat the sprouts every day, make sure that the soil is wet, but do not fill too much.

The landing of sprouts in open soil occurs in the spring, when the snow completely came down, before the kidneys on the trees.

How the cherries grows from the bone

When it is better and how to properly plant a seedling of cherries in open ground - in spring or autumn: tips and recommendations

IMPORTANT: The season of planting cherries depends on climatic conditions. Those who live in the south can plant cherries in the fall. The northern regions with their cold climate will not allow autumn seedlings to take root in winter, here seedlings are appropriate to plant in the spring.

Cherry differs from its closest relative of cherries with less winter hardiness. This is the heat -loving plant. Not always a harsh climate will allow young seedlings to be wintering.

In the south of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova there is a chance that plants planted in the fall will take root and successfully winter.

What characteristics should seedlings have:

  1. When buying seedlings, look at their roots. The roots should not look weak, damaged. The root system needs powerful.
  2. The color of the cut is milk-beige. A good seedling is expressed in a good conductor, this will affect the formation of the crown in the future.
  3. The root neck should not be damaged.
  4. If there are leaves on the seedling, remove them before planting.

Recommendations for planting seedlings in the ground:

  • For planting seedlings, prepare a hole with a width of 0.6-1 m, with a depth of 0.6-0.8 m.
  • Divide the soil into two parts: the upper separately, the lower separately.
  • Take such fertilizers: 2 gum buckets, 0.5 kg of ash, 200 GR of superphosphate, 60 grams of potassium. Mix these fertilizers with a layer of upper ground and pour into the pit.
  • In the ground, drive a stake to tie a young tree.
  • Place the seedling so that the root neck rises above the ground by 5-7 cm. Spread the roots.
  • Sprinkle with a layer of lower soil so that the seedling holds. Then pour in 1 bucket of water.
  • Pour the soil until the final filling of the pit and strengthen the seedling.
  • Tie a seedling to the stake.
  • Slightly compact the soil.
  • Around the seedling, make a circle about 5 cm, and distribute the soil with a roller. Then the water will be applied evenly.

Important: for planting cherries, loams are suitable for loamy or sandy soil. Clay, sour peat, sandy soil is not suitable for cherries.

If you plant a tree correctly, and it will take root, active growth can be observed in the next spring.

Scheme of proper planting of a cherry seedling
Scheme: how to plant cherries

In which direction to plant cherries with vaccination?

In which direction will the vaccination will not matter. It is important in which place you will plant a seedling of cherries.

Important: cherries will take root in well -lit areas. Choose a sunny place for cherries, in the southern or southwestern part of the garden. The place where the cherries will grow should not only be sunny, but also protected from the wind.

Video: How to plant cherries?

At what distance to plant cherries from each other?

Cherry needs cross -pollination. Therefore, it is recommended to plant 2-3 wood immediately so that they pollinate each other.

Important: the distance between the trees is of great importance. While the seedlings are small, this is not critical. But in the future, trees will grow, the crowns of neighboring trees can interfere with each other. They shade a friend, do not give the branches of the room. This affects the crop.

Therefore, at the time of laying the garden, you should take care of the correct distance. It depends on the dimensions of the adult tree and is calculated by the formula: A1+A2 (m). Where A1 and A2 are the maximum tree height.

If it is not possible to calculate the height of the trees or not the place in the garden, the average distance between the trees should not be less than 3-5 m.

Cherry care in the first year of landing and further - watering, top dressing, spraying: terms

Cherry care in the first year is extremely important. It will depend on proper care: whether the cherries will take root or not.


We need to help the tree to overwinter, as the climate shift tolerates painfully.

For this in winter, the trunk is insulated with a burlap. But if the winter is warm, this is not necessary that the tree does not replace. If the winter is warm, it is enough to wrap the barrel with snow, protecting it from the wind.

In winter, rodents are activated, who want to enjoy the bark of young trees. To combat uninvited guests, pesticides are scattered around the trees.


A young tree needs regular watering. Cherry loves water, but does not tolerate stagnation of water. About 3 buckets of water go to the young tree. During the drought, watering young cherries is necessary once a week. If there is no drought, 1 time a month will be enough. Watering is carried out through the hole, which is gradually expanded, as the tree grows.

Top dressing

  • If you make fertilizers into the pit during planting, then additionally no fertilizers, except nitrogen, are required in the next 3 years.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers stimulate the energetic growth of wood. They must be made in early spring or in the second year after planting. In the fall, nitrogen cannot be made.
  • If you have not made any fertilizers during planting seedlings, you can make organic and mineral fertilizers: humus, ash, chicken label, potassium, superphosphate. Fertilizers are applied with watering. Mineral fertilizers should take 3 tbsp watering with mineral fertilizers. superphosphate, 2 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate per bucket of water.
  • You can not overdo it with fertilizers. The result may be the opposite of expectations.


Spraying is carried out in the spring in order to destroy the pests of pests in the ground and bark. For this, the trunks are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid.

The next spraying in the summer is in order to combat insects. For this, copper or iron sulfate, urea are used.

The last spraying is in the fall. Spraying is carried out by iron sulfate or Bordeaux liquid in order to prevent putrefactive diseases.

The young tree of cherries

Cherries and pests: description with photographs and struggle measures

Dangerous pests of cherries:

  1. Cherry fly. Activated in May. First, it feeds on the juice of the leaves, and then on the fruits the cherries begins to lay eggs. Over time, the larva sneaks into the pulp and eats it. The fetus becomes soft and falls off the tree. Inside the fruits are white worms. To combat this pest, dug the soil around the trunk in the fall, and in the spring, spraying with insecticides before flowering.
  2. Aphid. Damages the leaves of the tree and its shoots. You can suspect the presence of aphids on twisted leaves and curved shoots. You need to deal with aphids in 2 stages: in the spring before swelling of the kidneys and after the buds of the kidneys. For the first time, trees are treated with nitrofen, and then metaphos, carbophos.
  3. Cherry mucous saw. An insect that feeds on trees. Greenish-yellow larvae after fattening go under the bark and may not go out of there for 2-3 years in case of drought. You can fight this insect with the help of chlorophos, carbofos, cyanoxes, etc.
  4. Cherry tube. A dark green beetle with dimensions up to 1 cm. It feeds on bark, leaves, fruits and even cherries. The female puts her larvae in the pulp. Methods of struggle: spraying with actellik, Gardona, carbophos after flowering of the tree.
  5. Brown fruit tick. It affects the cherries, leaving the skips on the bark of the larvae. A sign of damage with a fruit tick is a silver tint of a tree. You need to fight the tick in several approaches by different types of acaricides: colloidal gray, metaphos, gold. In a tick, this species quickly get used to the drug.
Pests of cherries: cherry fly
Cherry pests: cherry aphids
Cherry pests: cherry weevil

The most dangerous cherries:

  1. Cocketeral. Small brown points form on the leaves, which subsequently grow. The disease destroys the fruits, wood. Cocketeral prevention - processing of trees with copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid.
  2. Rot cherries (brown, brown, fruit). It is formed as a result of damage to the skin of the fetus. Insects and pests often destroy the integrity of the skin, as a result of which rot forms on the cherries. You can prevent rot by preventing the wood infection with insects.
  3. False tinder. Causes wood rot from the inside. As a result, the tree becomes weak, sick. Methods of struggle: disinfection of wounds of wood with garden variety and processing with copper sulfate, whitewashing with lime, increased frost resistance of trees.
  4. Moniliosis. A fungal tree disease that can destroy a whole garden. Outwardly, the trees look dry - shoots, leaves, kidneys dry and drill. If you notice such a disease on your tree, cut the sick branches, then burn the sick branches. And disinfect the cuts. Copper -based preparations are also used.
  5. Clasterosporosis. The main feature is that the leaves become holey. Methods of combating this disease, as with coke committee.
Cherry Diseases: Clasterosporosis
Cherries: moniliosis
Cherries: fruit rot

How to process cherries from aphids, worms, moniliosis, spring, summer, before and after flowering: funds, terms

A young tree is a tidbit for different types of diseases, insects, birds. Spraying helps to cope with this problem, but it is important to know when and by what means to spray cherries, as pests appear at different times.

The most common spraying drugs:

  • Urea
  • Bordeaux liquid
  • Copper or iron sulfate

To spray the trees, you will need a special compressor or piston pump, as well as individual protection: rubber gloves, mask, glasses, and workwear.

Below is a table from which you will learn about the terms and means for spraying.

Table "Spraying cherries"

Video: How to spray cherries?

How to feed the cherries after planting, in the spring, before and after flowering, in the summer: fertilizers, folk remedies

You can feed the cherries with improvised folk remedies. For this, these funds are used:

  • Chicken droppings. It is made in the spring in diluted form. First, 1.5 kg of litter pour 3-4 liters of water. For two days this mixture should wander. Then add water to 10 l, mix thoroughly and pour the tree.
  • Crushed egg shell replaces calcium, which is so necessary for the growth of cherries. When digging the soil, the shell is made in a proportion of 2 tbsp per 1 m².

Important: too often, fertilizers do not need to be applied. When making fertilizers during landing in the next 2-3 years, there is no need for top dressing. In subsequent years, it is enough to fertilize 1-2 times a year-in the fall and spring.

To combat cherry aphids, you can use such a folk recipe:

  • Make a strong decoction of garlic, onions or dandelions. Leave it for insisting for 2 hours.
  • On 10 liters of a bucket of the decoction, add a finely grated piece of soap.
  • Spray when the aphids on the tree appear.

How to correctly and whether it is possible to cut the cherries in the fall, in the spring, in summer: the scheme of trimming cherries in 1, 2 years, the formation of wood, a bush, video for beginners

Important: cherries need to be trimmed, starting from the first year of life of the seedling. There are three types of trimming: summer, autumn and spring.

In the spring, branches are cut into two stages:

  • In March, they get rid of areas damaged in winter.
  • In April, they begin to form a crown.

In the fall, after falling out the leaves, pruning must be carried out before the onset of cold weather so that the tree has time to recover:

  • First, they get rid of small, weak branches for the purpose of thinning.
  • Then the shoots are shortened by a third.

In the summer, some gardeners do not touch the branches, others prefer to cut them:

  • The first stage immediately after flowering is cut off the branches by pinching for horizontal growth.
  • The second stage of the summer pruning occurs after harvesting. This time you need to cut the branches that have grown after the first pruning by 10 cm.

The formation of the crown ends at 5-6 years of life.

Cherry trimming scheme for 1.2.3 years

Video: How to form cherries?

When, for what year does the cherries fruit after planting?

You can assemble the first cherry crop 3-5 years after planting. Fruiting is determined by a variety of cherries.

Why didn’t it bloom, the cherries do not bear fruit: the reasons, what to do?

The cherries blooms when the average daily air temperature is 10-12º. In the afternoon there should be a temperature above 15º. These are the spring months of the March April.

Consider the reasons why the cherries did not bloom:

  1. No pollination. To do this, you need to plant more than one tree on the site, but several. Cherry is not suitable for pollination of cherries.
  2. Incorrect pruning. The crown should be formed in the form of tiers or a bowl at an angle of branches 50*. Pruning should be carried out on time.
  3. Excess or lack of moisture. During heavy rains with stagnation of water, the soil around the cherries with a special film should be mulched. Water should not be watered too often once a month in the summer and in September 1 time before the start of the cold.
  4. Incorrect landing. The root neck should not be deeply planted in the ground or vice versa - to be highly located. The optimal height is 5 cm above the ground.
  5. Pests and illnesses. The tree may not bloom, as it is affected by the disease.
  6. Frosty winter. The cherries may simply not transfer the winter if the frost resistance of the variety is low and the winter is cold.
  7. The time has not come. Some varieties may not be fruit up to 5 years.
  8. The wrong place. The cherries may not bloom, since the place for landing was chosen incorrectly.
  9. Feeding. If you do not make any fertilizers, the cherries may stop blooming.
Flowering cherries

When does the cherries ripen?

Cherry refers to the berries that you can enjoy before other berries and fruits. The ripening of the first berries depends on the climate of the growth of trees and on the variety.

In the south, cherries begin to ripen in mid -May. By July, the cherries usually finish its fruiting.

Cherry varieties:

  • Early: Early Rubin, Valery Chkalov, Melitopol, Iput, Italian, Franz Joseph. These varieties ripen in mid -May - early June.
  • Medium: French large -fruited, gini, amber, yellow drogan, general, Dnieper. The ripening time is June and the beginning of July.
  • Late: Melitopol dense, Leningrad Yellow, Leningrad Black, Raisin large -fruited. The ripening time is July.

Early varieties are suitable for eating right away, they are mainly not canned. These varieties are soft and delicate. Medium and late varieties are great for blanks for the winter.

Cherry variety - Valery Chkalov
Cherry variety - personal
Cherry variety - Iput

What to do if the cherries froze?

Both the old tree and young can freeze. Most often, young trees suffer after the first wintering. If the first frosts came in the first half of winter, probably the tree will survive this phenomenon normally. The first severe frost that appears in the middle of winter. By this time, the tree was losing frost resistance.

Important: you can determine the freezing of a tree by darkened shoots, kidneys, bark, roots.

When the snow comes down, it will be possible to check if the roots froze. To do this, a neatly small area is sophisticated and a cut on wood is made. If the color is darkened, then the roots froze. In the same way, you can check the freezing of shoots.

If the kidneys froze and darkened, there will be no crop. They will shower. Often this happens in the spring, when frosts suddenly begin.

A frozen tree can not always be saved. There are times when the tree is so damaged that it remains only to uproot and plant a new one. In most cases, the tree can be treated.

How to reanimate a frozen tree:

  1. Cut the patients of the damaged parts.
  2. Frosobines must be cleaned before the start of spring sapotage, treated them with copper sulfate and garden var.
  3. Suvenous circles must be mulched with humus.
  4. The frozen tree needs special care. This is frequent watering, lifting and loosening of the soil.
  5. If the frozen cherries bloomed, 1⁄4 of the colors are left, the rest of the ovaries are removed. This is done so that the cherries restore strength, and not spend them on the fruiting process.

Why is the cherries dry: reasons

The cherries dry out for such reasons:

  1. Diseases
  2. Incorrect care
  3. The close occurrence of groundwater.
  4. Pests

There are two diseases, because of which leaves and branches most often fade:

  • Moniliosis
  • Vertikillosis

Inspect the tree carefully. With moniliosis, the branches dry out, as if struck by fire. With verticillosis, you can see brown spots on a tree from which a gum of one oozes. If the disease is detected, it is necessary to start a struggle:

  1. Remove sick areas, clean the gum.
  2. Process sections with garden var.
  3. Treat the tree with a special antifungal agent that fights with the disease.
  4. Burn the cut branches so that the disputes do not fall again on your trees.
  5. Continue to care for the tree throughout the year, observing the above rules.
  6. In autumn, dig the soil in the trunk circle, apply fertilizers.

Now you know how to plant cherries and take care of it in order to get a rich harvest.

Video: What varieties of cherries are suitable for central Russia?

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