Roses - care, top dressing, pruning, processing from diseases and pests after winter in spring. How to plant a rose in the spring in the ground or transplant to another place?

Roses - care, top dressing, pruning, processing from diseases and pests after winter in spring. How to plant a rose in the spring in the ground or transplant to another place?

Planting and caring for roses in the spring. Proper pruning of roses in the spring. Rose vaccination procedure for rosehip. Feeding and processing roses in spring from pests and diseases.

What could be more beautiful than flowering, fragrant roses?! These flowers are a real decoration and pride of any garden. But, as you know, many flower beds, roses are rather picky and capricious plants. These beauties require maximum attention, correct and timely care.

This article will help novice pinks grow chic bushes and not lose them in such a person responsible for them - in the spring.

When to open roses in the spring?

Rose opening procedure after winter
Rose opening procedure after winter
  • Many pinkovs who did not have time to get enough of the fact that their favorites began to take root in their kindergarten, are faced with the fact that in the spring after the opening of the rose bushes, they begin to die. Before the unfortunate gardeners the question arises: “Why is this happening?” After all, in winter, the roses were correctly covered, and in the spring, after the opening, they had a fresh, healthy look and even threw the kidneys. The answer is simple: "reputation."
  • In the spring, when all nature around begins to wake up, the same thing happens with roses. Their bushes are reviving, young buds appear on the branches. But the catch is that, despite the development of the upper part of the pink bush, its lower part, that is, the root system, is still sleeping. This is due to the fact that the air under the influence of sunlight and plus temperature is already warmed up, and the earth remains still frozen.
  • When the snow begins to actively melt, the water formed in the process of melting accumulates at the roots of the bushes and stagnates there, which provokes the process of decay.
  • This state of affairs suggests that you should not rush to open roses, but you can’t delay this procedure. In the first case, you can get frostbite of the bush, and in the second - reproduction.
When can I open roses after winter?
When can I open roses after winter?
  • Experienced rosovers recommend revealing roses after winter gradually.
  • Firstly, the most optimal shelter for these whimsical beauties is an air-dry system.
  • Secondly, with the first March rays of the sun, it is desirable to throw a little snow on the bare areas of such a system. Stamping, ground cover and weaved bushes are also best sprinkled with snow.
  • Thirdly, from the end of March until the beginning of April, it is necessary to completely clean the pink shelters from snow. Another important event is the location close to the roses of the extergue channels, which will allow meltwater to not stagnate in the growth zone of bushes, but drain into specially designated places.
  • Also in this period, it is necessary to begin to prepare directly the tops of the plant for their soon exposure. To do this, it is recommended to open the side sides of the shelter and give the roses the time to well ventilate. After that, the shelter must be smell again, leaving small gaps at the top for gradual ventilation inside it.
Open the roses in the spring
Open the roses in the spring

The soil around miniature, ground -covering, standard and climbing roses, covered by spruce or foliage covered for the winter, must be loosened slightly in order to ruin the soil tasted over the winter. It is also advisable to lift the edges of the shelter of such bushes in order to allow the bushes to ventilate.

It is possible to finally free the roses from their winter shelter only when the street is warm on the street, and frosts are still possible at night. The main indicator of the readiness of pink bushes for opening is the soil melting to a depth of 20cm.

It is necessary to free roses from the winter “savana” gradually, step by step, day after day:

  • Step 1 - Open the ends of the shelter
  • Step 2 - Open the East side
  • Step 3 - Open the North side
  • Step 4 - we remove the shelter completely
  • Step 5 - Put the roses with paper or spruce

Free roses must be put in order after winter hibernation - to remove unfit, dry branches and foliage, as well as clean the ground under the bush from old leaves and branches.

When is it better to plant and transplant roses - spring or autumn?

Autumn or spring landing and transplanting roses - which is better?
Autumn or spring landing and transplanting roses - which is better?

You can plant and transplant roses, both in spring and autumn. In more northern latitudes, with a wet climate, planting pink bushes and summer is also possible.

If you still choose in between spring and autumn, then many pinks prefer to transplant their favorite in the fall.

The autumn time boasts of those favorable weather conditions that are necessary for roses in the first days, weeks after planting:

  1. The stability of the weather is if in early spring frosts and night frosts are still very likely, then in September-October they are rather an exception to the rules.
  2. Increased humidity-autumn pores are characterized by humidity of 85-90%, but only up to 60%of the spring.
  3. Rains - there are also much more of them in the fall than in early spring.
  4. Seasonal sales of seedlings - at the end of the horticultural season, you can purchase cherished seedlings at more affordable prices than at its beginning.

The only disadvantage of the autumn planting of roses is the difficulty when working with plants with an open root system. In spring, such seedlings will take root better than in the fall.

How to plant a rose in the spring in the ground?

The spring planting of a rose in the ground has several main stages and important points.

The safety of planting material

How to store rose seedlings?
How to store rose seedlings?
  • Store roses seedlings at a temperature of up to +5 degrees (on the balcony, veranda, in the refrigerator).
  • Buy packed roses should not be disclosed.
  • If the purchased seedling of a rose has a root system in appearance, then the soil around it can be slightly moistened.
  • Store planting material in a horizontal position.

Preparation of the site for landing

Choosing a site for planting roses
Choosing a site for planting roses
  • The optimal place for planting roses will be a well -lighted piece of land protected from winds.
  • It is forbidden to plant roses in lowland places where there is accumulations of melt water in the spring and after autumn rains.
  • As for the composition of the Earth, here roses do not show special whimsicalness - they manage to get along in any soils (subject to rosehip vaccination).
  • To plant the bush, it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of 70cm (the depth of the pit will directly depend on the size of the rhizomes of the seedling).
  • If the selected plot of the Earth cannot boast of anything but sand, then you need to add clay, compost and a little mineral fertilizer to the dug hole.

Rose planting

Rose planting
Rose planting
  • We take out roses seedlings from the storage.
  • Gently open the root system of seedlings.
  • Cut damaged roots to a healthy flesh.
  • We cut each spine for a couple of centimeters.
  • We adjust the roots that are distinguished in the background of others in length to the general parameters.
  • We soak a rose seedling in a growth stimulant for several minutes.
  • If necessary, process the roots of the seedling with a light solution of copper sulfate.
  • We install the bush in the pit so that the vaccination at the rosehip looks to the south, and after filling the pit, it is 6-8 cm under the level of the earth.
  • The installed seedling is covered with land to half.
  • We carefully water the future rose.
  • We fall asleep the remaining space.
  • We tamp the earth around the seedling.
  • We hill it 15-20cm in height.
  • Cover the seedling with translucent material.

When planting a rose seedling, another method can be used:

  • We tear out the hole
  • We abundantly fill it with water with a heteroauxin tablet diluted in it
  • We lower the seedling into the pit
  • Gradually fall asleep, carefully compacting layer by layer
  • The planted bush in watering does not need

The optimal time for planting a rose in the spring is the end of April - early May.

How to feed roses in the spring for lush flowering in the garden?

Spring feeding of roses
Spring feeding of roses
  • Any plant needs top dressing. Roses in this case are no exception. In order to enjoy the colorful, fragrant buds of these beauties in the summer, they must be fertilized in the spring.
  • The first feeding of roses in spring is carried out during the period of buds of the kidneys.
  • After winter, roses need nitrogen and phosphorus.
  • The queen of the flowers is capable of urea and rotted manure (humus) with nitrogen.
  • As for phosphorus, they can feed the rose by introducing superphosphates and ammophos into the soil.
  • When combining urea and phosphates, it is worth considering that the latter also contain nitrogen, because the amount of urea is desirable to reduce.
  • To make mineral fertilizers around the pink bush, it is recommended to organize a circle with a radius of 30cm. In the resulting circle, it is necessary to fill in mineral fertilizers and mulch them.
  • Fertilizers can also be applied to the soil in a diluted form during irrigation.
  • You can add manure or compost to the hole for fertilizers.

Rose processing in spring from diseases and pests

Spring roses treatment from diseases and pests
Spring roses treatment from diseases and pests
  • The rose, like many other plants, is subject to various diseases and pest attack. Spring is a great time to prevent such cases.
  • On the shelves of horticultural stores today you can find a lot of universal means that allow you to protect pink bushes from several problems at once. Having processed the garden beauty according to the instructions, you can avoid most diseases and invasions of pests for a whole year.
  • Very well proven itself as a prevention of Bordeaux liquid. With a 15% solution of this substance, it is recommended to treat the rose during the buds of the kidneys. For insurance, such a procedure can be repeated in a week or two.
  • In the fight against worms and aphids, spraying the earth under a pink bush with a 35% solution of iron sulfate can help. The first signs of such problems may be yellowing of foliage and the formation of rust on it.
  • A solution of mullein or ash will help to overcome the powdery dew. Spraying with these substances will help not only get rid of the disease, but also feed the plant.
  • The main rule of rose processing is its implementation in a not bright, calm, dry day.

Rose trimming in spring for beginners

Spring pruning of roses for beginners
Spring pruning of roses for beginners

Pruning of roses in spring is a very important procedure that affects the number of flowers on the bush and its correct formation.

Here are the basic rules of spring pruning of pink bushes:

  • We make trimming after the appearance of mature kidneys
  • First of all, we remove all sick and old branches and leaves
  • We make the cut to a healthy flesh (healthy flesh has a light shade, the patient is dark)
  • The kidney over which we plan to make a cut should look out the bush
  • We make a cut at an angle at a height of 1cm from the kidney
  • We work in the garden only a disinfected, sharp tool
  • We protect our hands during trimming with dense gloves
  • When cutting, we leave only strong, powerful branches
  • Branches that look inside the bush, ruthlessly remove
  • We form the bush so that it has the shape of a dome or bowl
  • We cut small bushes to 30 cm in height, large - up to 1m
Methods of cutting roses
Methods of cutting roses

There are three types of roses pruning:

  1. light
  2. average
  3. strong

With easy trimming, the branches of the pink bush are shortened only by a third. Such pruning is shown only for some varieties of roses. You can use it for other varieties of pink bushes, but not very often, since it can lead to stretching branches and reducing the number of buds.

The average pruning imply a cut of branches of roses is half. Most often, it is applied to an adult tea hybrid rose.

When severe pruning, pink bushes are customary to cut to 3-4 kidneys above the ground. Such pruning is most often applied to young bushes, but it can also be used for old, tired rose bushes.

Rosa vaccination for rose hips in spring

Rose rose vaccination is a very important manipulation that allows the rose to become more resistant to frost and less whimsical.

Rosa vaccination on rose hips means a twisting of the schedule (rose) to the cart (rosehip).

Such manipulation can occur in two ways.

Method number 1

Rose vaccination to rose hips OPELING
Rosa vaccination for rosehips - OKULING

The first technique implies the preliminary cultivation of a one-two-year-old rosehip bush (the prickly rose, wrinkled, May or dog) and the subsequent trim of rose kidney to it. Such a vaccine is carried out before the buds starts (end of April - early May).

The algorithm of action:

  • In the fall, we dig a young rosehip and put it in a pot.
  • The same sometimes cut the desired cut of the rose.
  • We store both sprouts in a cool place (basement).
  • 7-10 days before vaccination, we begin to actively water the rosehip.
  • The day before his landing, we provide him with especially active watering.
  • On the day of vaccination, we rake the soil from the root neck of rosehips and clean it of dirt.
  • Cut the healthiest kidney from the rose along with a stump of 3cm.
  • Gently cut the kidney from the wood, leaving only the bark adjacent to it.
  • On the root neck of rosehips, we make an incision in the form of the letter “T”, trying not to damage the wood.
  • Moving the edges of the incision.
  • We insert the bark with the kidney into the formed hole and close the edges of the cut.
  • We check that the rose kidney is outside, and the bark was covered with rosehip bark.
  • We carefully fix the edges of the cut with electrical tape or polyethylene.
  • We dig up the land.
  • After a couple of weeks, we swim the vaccine and check if she took root.
  • If the rose takes root, then it will have a green color, if not, then brown.
  • With a negative result, we repeat the procedure slightly below the first vaccination.

Many gardeners do not like this method of vaccination due to its duration-you will have to wait a couple of years while the rosehip grows, and then wait for the appearance of buds for some time. Therefore, some rosovers prefer the second method, faster, rose vaccinations on rose hips.

Method number 2

The second method of rose vaccination on rosehip
The second method of rose vaccination on rosehip

This method of vaccination is recommended to be used in early spring, in mid -March

The algorithm of actions:

  • Cut the stalks with two kidneys in a rose.
  • In the basal part of the rosehip at the top we make two oblique cuts forming a deepening.
  • Insert the stalk into the section.
  • We fix the cut of the rose to rose hips with island or other material.
  • We lower the vaccine in a box with sawdust, moss or needles.
  • We place the box in a room with a temperature of from +10 to +15 degrees.
  • After three weeks, we transfer the box to a room with a temperature of from +14 to +19 degrees.
  • A month and a half after vaccination, the rosehip with a rose is planted in open ground, after removing the dressing material.
  • On top of the sprout, we fall asleep with earth in the shape of a hill and cover with polyethylene.
  • Gradually, with the growth of the shoots, we rake the earth from the bush on cloudy days or in the evening.
  • When 3-4 sheets appear, we cut the top of the escape, while we do not touch the side shoots.

How to care for roses in the spring after winter: tips

Roses care tips spring
Roses care tips spring

Every spring is the most crucial period in the life of roses. By violating the rules of spring care for these beautiful bushes at least once, you can finally lose them. Therefore, it is so important to follow all the rules and tips given in the article.

We wish you to enjoy these luxurious colors and every year to acquire more and more interesting and, delighting, their varieties.

Rose planting in the spring: video

Rosa vaccination for rosehips: video

Rose pruning in spring: video

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