When is it better to take a shower in the morning or in the evening, which shower is better to take?

When is it better to take a shower in the morning or in the evening, which shower is better to take?

Reception of a shower is an integral part of a person’s life. Some people prefer to take a shower in the morning, and some prefer the evening soul.

From this article you will find out which of them is right when it is better to take a shower?

When is it better to take a shower: Features of the morning shower

  • If a difficult week awaits you, where you need to show not only professional skills, but also creative abilities, it is better to take a shower every morning. Psychologists are convinced that reception of a shower in the morning helps to accelerate brain function.
  • You will not be distracted to process information coming from the world around them. Your thoughts will be concentrated on solving a difficult problem.
  • During taking the shower, alpha rhythms are activated. They allow the brain to relax, and make a “reboot”. Now it will be easier for you concentrate on non -standard ideas. When you go to the shower, take a sheet of paper and a pen with you. As soon as a brilliant idea comes to mind - write it down.
  • The morning shower is useful for men. In the morning, the number of platelets in the body increases. If you cut through during shaving, then the blood will stop quickly.
It is also important to choose the temperature
It is also important to choose the temperature

The main advantages of the morning shower include:

  • Improving mood. American scientists conducted a study in which 1000 women took part. Most of them noted that the morning shower contributed to raising the mood.
  • A feeling of attractiveness. About 70% of women noted that the shower in the morning helped them relax and feel more attractive.
  • Alternative to caffeine. The morning shower helps to arouse the body, so it can replace coffee. By the way, if you are interested in when it is better to take a contrast shower - it is in the morning. After all, such a change in temperature conditions contributes to vigor for the whole day.
  • Replacing breakfast. If you take a cool shower in the morning, you can reduce your appetite.
  • The benefits of the skin. During the morning shower, you cleanse the skin from fat, which stood out during the night.
  • The fight against depression. Scientists believe that the morning shower helps to activate the “blue spot” of the brain. This contributes to the production of norepinephrine, which helps to fight depression.

Which shower is better to take in the morning? The advantages of the cold shower in the morning include:

  • Narrowing of blood vesselsbecause of what the blood flow improves through the body. This will accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Reduced body temperatureTherefore, the body will spend more energy. This helps to accelerate metabolism, and burn more calories.
  • Getting rid of edema and cellulite. In addition, cool water helps reduce vascular inflammation.
  • Rejuvenation. You can get rid of keratinized cells, which will accelerate tissue regeneration, and allow you to get rid of small wrinkles.
  • Improving well -being. It is better to take a cold shower, because it accelerates the heartbeat, which is why a person feels better.
  • Strengthening the lymphatic system And strengthening the immunity.
Choose according to the features of your day
Choose according to the features of your day

Which shower is better to take before bedtime: features of the evening shower

  • If you have a lot of nervous during the day, and you have accumulated a lot of thoughts, it is likely that it will be difficult for you to fall asleep. In this case, the best option is to take a shower in the evening. Water in this case should be warm.
  • When you leave the shower, body temperature will fall, and will serve as a signal for the body that it is time to go to bed. Also warm shower reduces the amount of cortisol in the bloodbecause of which a person falls asleep faster and calmer.
  • Evening shower helps to cleanse the skin and prevent pollution of bedding. Most people believe that if they do not sweat during the day, then taking a shower in the evening is not necessary. However, it is not. During the day, dust and dirt accumulate on the skin. This provokes the clogging of pores, and as a result, the appearance of acne on the skin.
  • In the most unfavorable situation, this will provoke the appearance of more dangerous dermatological diseases. If you take a shower in the evening, you can cleanse the skin. Dust and dirt do not scrap on bedding, and you do not have to change it too often.

Other advantages of the evening shower include:

  • In the morning you will need less time to get together. After all, you will not take a shower.
  • More time will remain at the reception of breakfast.
  • It is not recommended to take a dry skin of a dry skin type in the morning, because the water will dry it even more, especially if the weather is cool on the street.
  • Evening shower helps to get rid of fatigue.

Can a shower be taken twice a day?

  • If you cannot decide what time of day to take a shower, do it 2 times a day.
  • Dermatologists believe that this will positively affect the condition of the skin.
  • Reception of a shower twice a day reduces the likelihood of dermatitis.

Which shower is better to take after training?

  • Each experienced coach tells his customers that it is better to take a shower in the gym. Most beginners who are just starting to put their body in order ignore this advice. Often this leads to skin problems.
  • When you play sports, harmful substances from the body through the skin are eliminated. This is due to the fact that during sports, metabolism is accelerated. If you do not wash them off, then they will score pores. This will lead to the development of bacteria, and the appearance of rashes.

According to statistics, 80% of athletes who do not go to the shower at the end of the exercises are faced with dermatological diseases. After a long course of treatment will be required.

To enhance the effect of performed exercises, you should choose the right temperature of the water.

Cold and hot shower:

  • Doctors advise taking a contrast shower. It will allow the body to cheer up, and activate most body systems.
  • If you signed up in the gym to lose weight, then a contrast shower will help accelerate the burning of fat cells. Remember that it is not recommended to sharply switch to a contrast shower so as not to provoke the stress of the whole organism. It is also not suitable for people with weakened immunity or diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Correct reception of a contrast shower
Correct reception of a contrast shower

There are basic rules for receiving a contrast shower:

  • Start with warm water, which is comfortable for you.
  • When the body relaxes, reduce the temperature of the water. You should not water yourself with ice water so as not to provoke a cold.

It is not recommended to take a contrast shower for people who have tumor diseases, or there is an inflammatory process. If your immune system is in order, you should not run into the shower at the end of classes. Wait for about 30 minutes, and then proceed to water procedures.

When you heat the body with warm water, muscle tissue growth occurs. With the inclusion of cool water, you can prevent crepeature. A constant change of water temperature will accelerate the blood flow so that all internal organs receive more oxygen. Contrast shower helps to reduce weight and prevent sagging of the skin.

Hot shower:

  • Reception of a hot shower after the gym can cause stress to the body. It can be taken by people who are emphasized on power training. The main condition is the lack of health problems. If you have heart or vascular diseases, give up such a procedure.
  • Hot shower helps to fight muscle pain, withdraw harmful substances, and also strengthen metabolism. With the help of hot water, you can relax and relieve the voltage.
  • Doctors recommend taking a hot shower 5-10 minutes before the start of training. This procedure will improve articular mobility, and can replace a long -term warm -up. If you want to take a hot shower after sports, do it after 60-90 minutes. After the end of the lesson.
  • If you like to take a hot bath, then on the day of class this should not be done. Some athletes prefer to visit baths and saunas immediately after training. However, this cannot be done so as not to provoke diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • It is better to wait a few hours. Stiring in the steam room should be no more than 15 minutes.
The influence of hot and cold water
The influence of hot and cold water

Cold shower:

There are people who prefer to take a cold shower for hardening the body. They note that such a procedure helps to increase muscle tone and restore them after increased training. It is noted that a cold shower provides an anabolic effect.

The main advantages of such actions include:

  • increased skin elasticity;
  • oxygen saturation;
  • activation of blood flow;
  • muscle contraction.

It is not recommended to take a cold shower immediately at the end of classes. Otherwise, the body will experience double stress, and will enhance the protective properties that are not needed in this case. As a result, a person will face a weakened immunity, slowed down muscle growth and a deterioration in blood circulation.

Stress also provokes a lack of nutrients in the body. If you are a lover of a cold shower, take it half an hour after training.

The time and features of taking a shower depend on human preferences. If you are training in the morning, then a contrasting morning shower is suitable. After evening training, an evening warm shower is better for an evening workout.

How to take a shower right?

  • If you are going to take a shower, set correct temperature. If the water is too hot, then provoke dry skin. Too cold water can lead to a cold and the formation of a capillary grid on the body. Swim in water, the temperature of which from +25 ° C to +35 ° C.
  • If you live in the house not alone, for each family member should be warrous and sponge. When finish water procedures, spread the accessories neatly so that they are completely dry. After bathing, apply to the body cream or milk, So that moisture does not evaporate from the skin.
  • It is important to monitor the condition of the hair when you choose the time for bathing. If you have thin hair and oily scalpGive preference to the morning soul. If you wash them in the evening, in the morning they will be more dim.
  • Owners of thick hair can take a shower at any time of the day. If you wash your head and took a shower before bedtime, let your hair dry completely, and only then go to bed. Moisture remaining on the hair will accumulate on bedding and provoke the development of microbes. Because of this, you may have dandruff and irritation of the scalp.
Do not forget about the rules
Do not forget about the rules

When is the best to take a shower: reviews

  • Alexander, 30 years: I prefer to take a shower in the evening. So I want to relax after a long and stressful working day. In the morning I can’t make myself wake up half an hour earlier.
  • Victoria, 23 years old: If you need to wash your hair and look fresh, I wake up early, and take a shower in the morning. On weekends I can afford to sleep, so I give preference to evening bathing.
  • Victor, 30 years: After training, I prefer to take a hot shower. Given that I am not a lover of common showers, so after classes I immediately go home. Hot shower helps to relax, and tune in to sleep.
  • Nadezhda, 42 years: Perhaps I'm too clean, but I prefer to take a shower twice a day. In the morning, it helps me to wake up, and recharge with energy for the whole day, and in the evening I wash off fatigue, and cleanse the skin. Therefore, I have no skin problems, and in my 42 years I look for 30 years.
  • Inna, 54 years: Training is an integral part of my life. For more than 10 years I have regularly visited the gym to support myself in shape and look younger. Not only a complex of power and aerobic loads helps me in this, but also a contrast shower. I accept it in the gym, after an evening training, so I come home not tired, and is full of strength to do household chores.

As you can see, there is no difference in when you take a shower: in the morning or in the evening. It all depends on your lifestyle and your own preferences. If you need to wake up faster, and you have free time, take a shower in the morning. To tune in to sleep, give preference to evening bathing. You can also take a shower twice a day to preserve the youth of the skin.

Articles about health on the site:

Video: The most useful time for taking a shower

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  1. I prefer a contrast shower. It turns out to strengthen the vessels and is useful for immunity. Today, health is in the first place. Even a banal runny nose causes panic. Therefore, I rest on live seasonal vitamins. In the spring, the choice is certainly not great. Therefore, you have to connect pharmacy options. But without fanaticism. I choose with a minimum, but useful composition. For example, recently I liked the effervescent tablets of Buzin Evalarovsky immunity. The composition is not overloaded: an elderberry, vitamin C and zinc.

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