How to cut and bandage the umbilical cord to the newborn?

How to cut and bandage the umbilical cord to the newborn?

The procedure for bandaging and cutting off the umbilical cord in newborns.

The umbilical cord is the organ through which the child is food inside the womb. The kid cannot breathe on his own and get rid of life products, for this the umbilical cord is intended. In this article, we will tell you how and what to properly bandage the umbilical cord.

How to trim the umbilical cord in newborn children?

The organ consists of arteries and veins, with the help of which blood with useful substances, saturated with oxygen, enters the child's body. Through the arteries, life products are withdrawn. There is an opinion that it is necessary to instantly cut the umbilical cord in order to reduce blood loss. However, scientists have proved that this is a wrong judgment. Immediately after childbirth, the child’s body is compressed. This happens during its passage through the birth canal. Part of the blood is thrown into the umbilical cord. The child in the process of birth loses part of his blood, the restoration of which takes time.

How to cut the umbilical cord in newborn children:

  • To avoid reducing hemoglobin, doctors recommend removing the umbilical cord not immediately, but after a few minutes. For several minutes, the umbilical cord continues to pulsate, if you carefully look, you can see the pulsation.
  • Blood continues to come from the placenta in the body of the child. The kid already knows how to breathe on his own, and the products of life do not enter the mother’s body. These several minutes are especially important, allow you to get the maximum of useful substances from the mother.
  • Through the umbilical cord, the child receives the remains of blood and nutrients, which significantly reduces the likelihood of serious ailments in the postpartum period.
  • You can determine the need to cut off the umbilical cord by the presence of pulsation. After a few minutes, the pulsation stops, the color of the organ changes. It becomes whitish, and the veins and arteries are practically not identified. This suggests that all the blood that was in the placenta has already passed into the child’s body, the umbilical cord can be painlessly removed.

Why immediately cut the umbilical cord?

The cut -off of the umbilical cord immediately after the birth of the child is necessary in critical cases.

Why immediately cut the umbilical cord:

  • Obtaining is observed. In this case, it is necessary to remove the child from the embrace of the umbilical cord as quickly as possible
  • The need for resuscitation measures that cannot be performed on the stomach in the mother
  • Lack of breathing

In other cases, in the progressive maternity hospitals of Europe, immediately after childbirth, the umbilical cord is in no hurry to cut off. The child is laid out on the mother’s stomach, then on the chest, providing bodily contact. After a few minutes, the umbilical cord is carried out, after the pulsation is stopped. Reflating the umbilical cord in the late period is considered the most useful for the mother and the child.

Umbilical cord
Umbilical cord

When is the umbilical cord in the maternity hospital?

Obsteters distinguish between two options for cutting off the umbilical cord.

When the umbilical cord in the hospital is cut, periods:

  • Early, within the first 60 seconds after the birth of a child
  • Late, which lasts for several minutes, hours after childbirth

The World Health Organization supports the second option, believing that this is a great way to increase the concentration of hemoglobin, to reduce mortality in the early infancy. If the child does not need emergency assistance and resuscitation procedures, it is not necessary in the early period, during the first 60 seconds after birth, cut off the umbilical cord. It is necessary to wait until the child on the body of the mother takes the first inhalation on his own.

How to cut the umbilical cord in the baby?

The procedure for the birth of a child with a slap in the buttocks is wrong. For the baby, this is severe stress, since the child is inhale by causing pain. It feels like a child is a burn. The World Health Organization believes that the child should take the first breath independently, being on the body of his mother with an uncircumcised umbilical cord.

How to correctly cut the umbilical cord in the baby:

  • Within a few minutes after childbirth, the child lies on the stomach of the mother, connected by the umbilical cord with the bosom of the woman in labor. Part of the blood from the placenta along with oxygen enters the child's body. The newborn begins to breathe on his own. Thus, double breathing is observed: through the umbilical cord and lungs. This option of starting the work of the lungs is the most gentle and optimal, associated with the minimum number of complications.
  • It is proved that such children are less likely to suffer from pneumonia, they do not accumulate fluid inside the respiratory system immediately after childbirth. Children born in this way are stronger and receive high balls on the Apgar scale than newborn, in which the umbilical cord is cut during the first 60 seconds after birth.
  • Now the umbilical cord is not bandaged in the maternity hospitals. A few minutes after childbirth, the umbilical cord is praised using a special plastic clamp. A small cord is left, which completely dries and disappears for several days.

Among the older people, there is an opinion that the form of the navel depends on the skill of the midwife or doctor taking birth. However, modern doctors dispelled this myth, since the form of the navel and its convexity in no way depend on the method of its ligation. Many people think that the umbilical cord is tied to the knot, but no one does it.

Umbilical cord
Umbilical cord

How is the child's umbilical cord?

In Tibet, there is a tradition not to cut the umbilical cord until it completely ceases to function. Immediately after childbirth, the child is laid on a woman on her stomach, but they do not cut off the umbilical cord. She gives birth to a placenta that is laid out next to the child. For several hours and even days, when the pulsation inside the veins of the umbilical cord ceases to be observed, it is cut. However, doctors consider this method risky, since there is a high probability of blood poisoning and connecting a bacterial infection. Indeed, for several minutes, blood continues to depart from the placenta and enter the child’s body. Perhaps the penetration of viruses, bacteria from the environment.

What is the ligation of the navel in the child:

  • Previously, for dressing, they used threads. One thread was located at a distance of 2 cm from the abdomen of the child, and the second at a distance of 15 cm from the first node. With the help of an acute scalpel, the umbilical cord was cut slightly closer to the thread, which was near the abdomen.
  • Now the clutch technique has completely changed, it is swelling using clamps and clothespins. In modern maternity hospitals, they squeeze the umbilical cord at a distance of 2 cm from the tummy using a special surgical clamp.
  • They do the same at a distance of 10 cm from the first clamp. In the middle of the resulting site, pruning is carried out. Closer to the first clamp, the clothespin is attached. A small cord or the so -called stump, after a while he sniffs and disappears along with a clothespin.

In modern maternity hospitals, hemorrhage is carried out not with the help of a scalpel, but with the use of special surgical scissors. They differ in high sharpening, and cut no worse than a scalpel. But to control the tool is much easier, which allows you to make clear, verified movements.

Does the child hurt when the umbilical cord is cut?

There is an opinion that when the umbilical cord is cutting, the child feels severe pain.

Does the child hurt when the umbilical cord is cut:

  • This is not true, so there are no nerve endings in the area. In general, this is a system resembling a pipeline inside which veins and arteries go.
  • They are surrounded by a special jelly -like mass, which prevents the refraction and destruction of blood vessels inside the womb and immediately after birth.
  • Thus, a child inside the mother’s abdomen can move freely. It is believed that the more mobile the child, the longer the umbilical cord.
  • In general, its length is 50-100 centimeters.
Tibetan tradition
Tibetan tradition

Why is the navel in a newborn sticking out?

The form of the navel, its appearance is not related to the method of cutting or bandaging. The fallen navel, in the shape of a flower, is found in people who have no problems with the bladder, gastrointestinal tract. Immediately after cutting off, the veins in the child’s stomach turn into ligaments or cords. Some of them continue the functioning, being an integral part of the blood system of the child. It is proved that part of the veins and blood vessels can feed the bladder, or the testes in men. Also, these blood vessels can enrich the pelvic organs with blood.

Why is the navel sticking out in the newborn:

  • A convex navel, which resembles a bead or pea, is associated with pathologies of the abdominal cavity. Most often it is a infant hernia that takes place up to three years. Some children are born with neurological ailments, or suffer from increased anxiety. As a result of a constant scream and tension of the abdominal muscles, an umbilical hernia may occur, which manifests itself as a convex navel. If such a navel is found, it is best to seek a doctor’s advice. He will make an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, will be able to detect pathologies at an early stage of development.
  • Parents accuse the incorrect form of the navel of the non -tuning midwife, which poorly coped with the bandage or attachment of the clothespin. The convex navel has nothing to do with the medical staff. The umbilical hernia is observed in every fifth newborn if it is born on time, and for every third premature child. This is facilitated by heredity or congenital disorders in the work of the internal organs of the child. Most often this is due to the incomplete closure of the umbilical ring.
  • It can be observed in connection with pathologies of the abdominal cavity. In this case, the umbilical ring does not close immediately, the veins, and the arteries do not immediately turn into ligaments. The fabrics are scarred extremely slowly, so part of the intestines can be bulged through the navel. This is what provokes bulges in the navel zone. With the right behavior of parents, strengthening the muscles of the press, pathology takes place up to one year. Sometimes violations can be observed up to 5 years. If, despite all the efforts of doctors, using conservative treatment and massage, hernia remains after 5 years, it is operated on.
  • Some parents, so that the navel does not stick out, take the child to the grandmother. With the help of simple manipulations, this bulge can be corrected, but an experienced surgeon should carry out the procedure. Strong pressure can lead to pinching of internal organs, even tissue necrosis. In order for the navel to take the correct position, they are slightly pressed on the hernia area. After that, two folds are formed in the navel zone, connecting the left and right parts of the abdominal cavity among themselves. The adhesive plaster is applied to this fold to connect the parts. The bandage is left for several days, it prevents the re -protrusion of the internal organs through the umbilical ring. There are enough three overlaids of the adhesive plastry to make the hernia disappear and no longer stick out.
Childbirth in water
Childbirth in water

Can a navel unleash?

In an adult, the navel has a formed scar that cannot be untied. However, in severe physical exertion and violations in the work of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, a protrusion in the navel can be observed.

Can the navel unleash:

  • Such bulges are hernias, the size of which depends on the severity of pathology. Their treatment can be operational or conservative. Often for these purposes it is recommended to wear a bandage, strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  • With prolonged ignoring the problem, part of the intestine, which is covered with scar or connective tissue, may protrude. In this case, surgery is necessary. In children, due to the use of clothespins and special clamps, the navel diverges extremely rarely. It is believed that babies practically do not suffer from such pathology.
  • Previously, when threads were used for dressing, the navel was untied much more often. This is due to the skill of the midwife and the use of a special sea node. During a strong crying of the child, the abdominal muscles are tensed, and the stomach increases in volume. The navel is unleashed only if the technology of its ligation was not respected. That is why we switched to the use of plastic clothespins, with them the navel is untied much less often. Now it was possible to reduce the occurrence of pathology to zero.

How to bandage the umbilical cord to the newborn correctly?

In modern maternity hospitals practicing partner birth, they often offer a man to independently cut the umbilical cord for the child. Almost all manipulations are performed by medical personnel, cutting off the umbilical cord is symbolic.

How to bandage the umbilical cord to the newborn correctly:

  • Immediately after childbirth, with the help of clamps, the umbilical cord is fixed at a distance of 2 cm from the abdomen of the child, and at a distance of 15 cm from the first clamp. A section is carried out in the middle.
  • Thus, between the first clamp and the end of the umbilical cord, there is a distance of about 10 cm. Closer to the clip, the father of the child attaches a clothespin.
  • Part of the umbilical cord, which is behind the clothespin, The father of the child cuts, processes the wound. 

This is a good way to strengthen the family and increase the participation of a man in the birth process. It is believed that such a manipulation brings up the spouses, the man feels responsible.At this time, one of the midwives spends time with the child, removes the remains of blood, weighs, and the doctor helps a woman give birth to a placenta. Seams are imposed, in the case ofepisiotomy. This distracts the father of the child from the spouse.

After childbirth
After childbirth

Useful articles about health:

Some patients believe that all the blood that is in the umbilical cord flows from the mother’s body, so it must be cut as soon as possible. In fact, the umbilical cord is connected to the placenta, the main purpose of which is the nutrition of the child. A few minutes after childbirth, the placenta is born, that is, the fruit place. Accordingly, the umbilical cord is removed with it. All the blood in the placenta will definitely come out. The difference is whether it will enter the child’s body or flow into the obstetric capacity.

Video: How to cut the umbilical cord to the newborn?

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