Adaptation to high temperature: How is adaptation to the heat?

Adaptation to high temperature: How is adaptation to the heat?

Most people do not tolerate high air temperature. However, few people think that it can be dangerous to health and life.

If you often have to be on the street in the summer of the year, you need to know the basic rules that will allow you to comfortably endure the heat. So is it possible to get used to the heat? From this article you will learn how to adapt to high temperatures.

Body temperature control

  • During illness, body temperature often rises. She says that the body occurs in the body, which needs to be treated. A healthy person has the optimal body temperature - 36.6 ° C. By evening, it can increase by half a degree, and decreases by dawn. Women are more susceptible to changes in body temperature and are easier to adapt to fever. This is due to the menstrual cycle.
  • If a person is exposed, and will be in a cold room, the temperature of his body may fall to +20 ° C. After strong physical activity, the temperature of the muscles increases to +40 ° C. If it exceeds the value of +42 ° C, this can provoke death from a thermal blow.
Satady adaptation to high temperatures: Table
Stages of adaptation to high temperatures: Table

What is the danger of high temperature?

If the temperature of your body reaches +41 ° C, a thermal blow occurs. This leads to a violation of the system of thermoregulation of the body.

You can recognize the thermal blow by such symptoms:

  • dry skin;
  • flaming face;
  • sharp headache;
  • lack of strength;
  • irritability;
  • blurred consciousness;
  • violation of coordination.

With the above symptoms, consult a doctor. If you endure pain or self -medication, you can provoke death from a thermal blow. First of all, the brain is damaged.

With the first symptoms of a warm blow - you need to cool the body. For this, the person is watered with water at room temperature. You can also attach ice to the place where the blood vessels (groin, neck or armpits) are not deeply located.

How to adapt to high temperature?

  • If you moved to a country with a hot climate, or you have to work on the street in the summer, you need to control body temperature. It is important to know the basic rules that can easily adapt to high temperature.
  • Next, the most common recommendations of doctors will be described to adapt to the heat. If you follow them, then you will not cause any harm to health.
Time for adaptation
Time for adaptation

Easy recreational activities

  • Get used to the heat gradually. You should not be on the street for a long time when the high temperature is held. In the early days of the heat, try to be on the street no more 60-90 min.
  • At this time, try to show physical activity (playing the ball, walking or working in the garden). Follow the state of your body. If you feel malaise, return home. With each subsequent day, increase the time on the street so that the body gradually get used to hot weather.
  • You can go out into the street early morning, When the air temperature did not reach a high mark. In the following days, go out later. A gradual adaptation will allow your body to get used to the heat, and it will be easier for you to endure it.

Gradual increase in the temperature in the room

  • If you plan to go to a hot country, then the air conditioner will help adapt to high temperatures. Adaptation to the heat will take at least two weeks.
  • The essence of the advice is that every few days you need to increase the air conditioner temperature by 1 ° C. You will not even feel how the body will get used to high temperatures. This will allow you to feel comfortable on the street in the summer.

It is important to remember that the temperature in the room should not be lower than the street more than 5 ° C. So easier to adapt to the heat.

Cool in the room

  • If the windows of your apartment come south, try to close them during the day. To do this, you can use blinds or a regular bedspread. Open the windows only at night, and with awakening, close again.
  • Install in the room fan. Its purpose is to blow out the room. Therefore, you should not direct it towards yourself. It is better if it turns 90 or 180 degrees. So hot air will not stagnate.

Moral preparation for high temperatures

  • Before you go out, drink about 300 ml of cold water. This will restore the body's water balance. Calm down, and get ready for the fact that you will have to sweat.
  • It is important to stock up on patience. The human body does not quickly get used to changes. You will need a few days to learn how to cope with the heat.

How to lead an active lifestyle in the heat?

  • There are people who regularly play sports. It doesn't matter to them what the weather is outside.
  • In order not to experience the body for strength, you need to correctly adapt to high temperatures and continue to lead an active lifestyle in the heat. There are several rules for this, which will be discussed further.
You need to get used to activity gradually
You need to get used to activity gradually

Adhere to short bursts of activity

  • Start actively spending time in the heat gradually. The first few days are better to perform exercises one approachSo that the overall stay on the street does not exceed 15 minutes.
  • After that, you can gradually increase the number of approaches so that the body adapts to high temperatures. Try to do after each approach break. Drink water and rest a bit.
  • Watch your own well -being. If there is no strength left, it is better to return home, or increase the time of the break. Literally after 1.5-2 weeks, the body will get used to this weather, and you can lead an active lifestyle at a usual pace.

Drink more water

  • If you like to run on the street, ride a bicycle or walk for a long time, drink before the load a glass of cold water. Do not forget to fill the body with clean water during sports, so that it tolerates the stuffiness better.
  • After all, activity, even minimal, provokes abundant sweating. And it is important to maintain the optimal water balance.
  • You can take ordinary drinking water with you, or sports drinks. They will help restore the water balance in the tissues, as well as make up for electrolytes. So your training will be more effective.

Heat and health: protection and preservation

  • To quickly adapt to high temperatures, try to wear in the heat High -quality light clothes. To feel comfortable in hot weather, give preference t -shirts and short sleeve shirts.
  • You should also abandon trousers and jeans in favor short or Bridge. It is better to wear clothes from moisture repellent and natural fabrics.
  • You will feel better if you wear cotton or linen wardrobe items.
  • Give preference light shades, because they better push the sun's rays. Dark tones in clothes will attract the sun, so you will become hotter.
  • Do not neglect headdresses. Men should opt for caps, but women are ideal for women hats or Panama. They are combined with any clothing, and protect against a sunny blow.
  • Follow the quality of your nutrition. Give preference to products, which include enough electrolytes, minerals and vitamins. In hot weather, one should not refuse spinach, fruits, vegetables and legumes.
Products with electrolytes
Products with electrolytes
  • Eat a little salt food daily, because it delays moisture in the body. Thanks to this, dehydration can be prevented. If you follow your figure, use more products that contain a lot of proteins (lean meat, eggs, fish and nuts). Such nutrition for a long time retains a feeling of satiety, and you do not have to overeat.

Adaptation to high temperature: Basic recommendations

  • Before proceeding with adaptation to high temperature, undergo an examination by a doctor. If there are any health problems, you should first eliminate them, and then begin to adapt to the heat.
  • Do not wipe the sweat which formed on the skin. It will cool the body naturally.
  • Follow the color of your urine. Dark shades indicate that you have dehydration. Drink more water. Before training, eat in small portions. Overeating in combination with heat can lead to attacks nausea and vomiting.
Adaptation tips
Adaptation tips
  • Do not neglect in hot weather sunscreen. It is better if the factor of its protection is at least 50 SPF. So you protect the skin from burns and premature aging. In addition, in the sun you need to walk in sunglasses so as not to disturb the quality of vision.
  • Try to drink less in hot weather coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol. They cause dehydration, which will only worsen your well -being.
To be easier to transfer the heat
To be easier to transfer the heat

So, now you know how to adapt to the heat. The most important rule is to follow your well -being. The body will make you know when it is better to return home. You should not be in the heat through force, because it is dangerous for health and life. Be healthy.

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Video: How to adapt in the heat?

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