Calories in banana and their effect on health: benefit, food value, glycemic index, recipes

Calories in banana and their effect on health: benefit, food value, glycemic index, recipes

There are few calories in the banana. Therefore, you can safely include them in your diet.

Enriching your diet with food additives, various products and all kinds of exotic fruits, do not forget about all famous and favorite bananas. Calories of this fruit increase energy and saturate the body with nutrients necessary for proper functioning. Such a simple and affordable fruit allows you to cook interesting and delicious dishes in your kitchen.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Is it possible to eat a banana with black spots?". You will learn everything about black bananas inside and outside, as well as what can be made of them: recipes with darkened and ripe bananas.

Let's look at the nutritional value of bananas, all the benefits for health that you might not know, and how and in what form to include bananas in your diet. Even if you are familiar with this fact, it is useful to refresh knowledge and strengthen the love of the banana.

How many calories are in raw ripe bananas without a peel?

Ripe bananas without peel are not very high -calorie
Ripe bananas without peel are not very high -calorie

Almost all of us love bananas. They are great for a snack, dessert, or even for a full second breakfast or dinner. According to the Ministry of Agriculture:

  • A small banana without a peel - about 101 grams, contains 90 calories.This is a small amount, given all the benefits for the health that they bring. Try adding a banana to the morning oatmeal for additional sweetness. Over time, you can reduce the amount of honey added, syrup or other additives. The calorie content of small bananas is much lower than honey or jam.
  • A medium -sized banana without a peel - about 118 grams, contains 105 calories. When comparing a snack with a banana or one mugley bar, keep in mind that although they have almost the same number of calories, banana is the best choice. This fruit is much less sugar and fat. So burning banana calories will be much easier.
  • A large fruit without a peel - about 136 grams, contains 121 calories.It can be the perfect meal before training if you have less than an hour left before classes. Carbohydrates in the banana and high potassium consumption will support your vitality and help to recover after training.

Calories themselves are little talk about the quality of food. So, let's look at the facts about the nutrition of bananas and where all these calories come from.

Banans: food value per 100 grams, glycemic index

In 100 grams of banana:

  • Calories - 89
  • Carbohydrates - 22.84 g
  • Fiber - 2.6 grams
  • Sugar - 12.23 grams
  • Protein - 1.09 g
  • Fat - 0.33 g


  • Carbohydrates are fuel for our body and brain, and they account for 90% of banana calories - 22.84 grams of 100.
  • Carbohydrates are a common term for sugars, starch and fibers. The combination of these three components predetermines the advantages that they bring to the human body.
  • The greener the banana, the more starch and less sugar in it.
  • In a ripe banana, starch turns into sugar. It is worth noting that 12 grams of sugar per 100 grams of banana is a lot, given that the recommended daily dose of sugar for women is 25 grams, and for men - 38 grams.
  • The quality of banana sugar differs from sugar added, for example, to confectionery products that you eat with a cup of coffee. You need to know this, but they are not afraid of banana sugar. Unless, of course, you are on the way to weight loss, then it is worth limiting the use of this fruit.
  • The ratio of carbohydrates (starch, sugar and fiber) in the banana makes it a fruit with a low glycemic index. You will remain full and avoid bursts of sugar.


  • This is a type of carbohydrate that our body cannot digest, and it is of good quality.
  • It regulates the absorption of sugar, prevents the fall of its level in the blood, because of which we lose energy after eating, and plays a role in the health of the intestine.
  • Only one medium -sized banana satisfies about 10 percent Fiber's daytime need.
  • Food fibers in bananas reduce the risk factors of many diseases.
  • They help reduce cholesterol and slow down digestion, so you feel satiety longer.

Glycemic index- The banana contains different types of carbohydrates, and it is important to know the proportion of starch, sugar and fiber. Banans are quite rich in sugar, but the amount of fiber and starch makes a banana a fruit with a low glycemic index.

  • Green banana It has a glycemic index about 30 points
  • Guy of a ripe banana It is about 51

This means that after eating a banana, the blood sugar level gradually increases. Food with a low glycemic index helps to reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and is the prevention of diseases associated with these conditions.


  • There is little protein in bananas
  • Medium -sized fruits contain about 1.3 grams of protein.
  • But the quality of the protein in the banana is more important than the quantity. Some studies show that lectin - protein contained in bananas, suppresses the proliferation of cancer cells.

Nevertheless, thanks to other characteristics, bananas remain one of the most popular fruits and snacks among people leading an active lifestyle.

It is also important to note the presence of such useful substances in the banana:

  • Starch - 5.38 g
  • Magnesium - 27 milligrams
  • Potassium - 358 milligrams
  • Vitamin C - 8.7 milligrams

The average banana contains 12% recommended daily potassium and 17% Recommended daily vitamin C. If all these numbers do not make any sense for you, read on. We will consider how these trace elements affect your daily life.

The benefits of bananas for health

Banans are good for health
Banans are good for health

Banana is a simple fruit that we tend to underestimate. Although the number of calories in the banana is small, it contains a wide range of nutrients. One average banana contains 105 calories, 90% of which are carbohydrates. But these carbohydrates are complex, and they do not harm either health or figure. Such fruits are rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium and several vitamins. This unique composition of nutrients makes a banana much larger than just a sweet treat.

The list of advantages of health bananas includes - benefits:

  • Strengthening the health of the heart
  • Regulation of blood pressure
  • Prevention of kidney stones
  • Reducing the risk of stroke
  • Removal of muscle spasms and soreness
  • Alleviation of symptoms of anxiety and stress
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Treatment of insomnia

Any fruit is good for health. It is necessary to consume per day up to 500 grams raw vegetables and fruits, especially people with cardiovascular diseases. This applies to bananas, they can and should be included in the diet to absolutely all people.

The benefits for the cardiovascular system:

  • How much potassium is in the banana? Banana is a fruit rich in potassium. One banana contains 358 milligrams of potassium per 100 grams.
  • Potassium is an important nutrient present in the entire body and necessary for the normal functioning of cells and the balance of fluid. This is one of the reasons why bananas are considered an excellent remedy for a hangover.
  • Food, rich in potassium, replenishes the loss of electrolytes and helps to cure dehydration.
  • In addition to funny facts, potassium is crucial for the proper functioning of the heart and kidneys. One average banana is 12% From the recommended daily norm.
  • Potassium carries a small electric charge that makes nerve cells send signals to the heart in order to beat regularly and the muscles to contract.
  • Potassium helps the body get rid of excess sodium, and this regulates blood pressure. By including bananas in your diet, you will increase your chances to improve heart health.
  • The influence of high potassium consumption is well studied and involves a reduction in the risk of stroke 24%.

Prevention of kidney stones:

  • Prevention is always better than treatment. And eating foods rich in potassium helps to prevent the formation of kidney stones.
  • This reduces the excretion of calcium, which is directly related to the process of formation of kidney stones. And bananas are one of these products.
  • One average banana contains 422 milligrams potassium or 12% Recommended daily norm.

This fruit is ideal for nutrition with an active lifestyle:

  • Have you ever participated in the marathon? If so, then you saw how the runner grabbed the banana and ate it along the road.
  • Banans are full of natural sugar, which is easily absorbed by our body, which makes it an ideal snack before training.
  • If you eat a banana during running or other long and intense exercises, it will make up for the body's energy, giving it an additional glycogen.
  • Banans are rich in potassium and magnesium, natural muscle relaxants.
  • Thus, such a fruit helps to recover after training, reduce muscle cramps and soreness associated with exercises.
  • All these advantages make banana one of the main food products of many athletes.

From physical health to mental:

  • Such a simple fruit as a banana can contribute to your general well -being and physical health.
  • One large banana contains about 12 milligrams Tryptophan and Tyrosin. These substances help the body produce serotonin, also known as the chemical of happiness.

By increasing the production of serotonin in the body, bananas regulate the mood, help maintain calm and concentration, reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Simple ways to include bananas in your diet: recipes

Simple ways to include bananas in your diet
Simple ways to include bananas in your diet

Banana is a light snack. One big fruit will provide you 121 Caloriawhich is enough for a full meal. Another simple option is dried bananas. Many women, especially who want to lose weight, buy such a product for a snack or as a dessert. But the calorie content of banana chips is higher than any other dish in the banana menu.

  • 100 grams of banana chips contain 519 calories.

If you have a little time and the necessary ingredients, prepare a healthy dish from this fruit. Moreover, to do it is simple. Below you will find several recipes that will help you learn to cook. But it is important to note that some of the beneficial properties of bananas can be minimized using cooking methods. For example, when frying, beneficial substances are lost and high -calorie increases - remember this. Here are simple ways to include bananas in your diet - recipes:

Banana pancakes:

Such a dish is a good start to the day and the simplest recipe that every housewife can realize. There are several options, including without sugar and flour. Let's try to cook this way:

Anything you need:

  • 3 medium bananas
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of dark raisins
  • 5 tablespoons of oats
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil

Cook like this:

  1. Mix everything in the food combine.
  2. Prepare one pancake in a pan. You can fry in the form of small pancakes.

The number of calories in oatmeal-banking pancakes is about 327 calories per portion. As a bonus, you get a high percentage of protein.

Banana pudding
Banana pudding

Banana pudding:

Banana pudding is a great way to satisfy a craving for sweets, while preserving all the beneficial properties of a banana, since the recipe does not require heat treatment of fruits. The calorie content of banana pudding can vary from 180 to 300, depending on the recipe. Please note that the recipe may be mentioned condensed milk, a large number of glasses of sugar, butter or fatty cream. All the beneficial properties of the pudding will be nullified due to the high sugar content and saturated fats. Therefore, let's replace at least sugar with any sugar -substitute, and condensed milk - with ordinary cow, solid.

All that will be needed:

  • 650 ml of milk
  • 4 yolks
  • 1 Sugar -substituter bag
  • 50 g of corn starch
  • A pinch of salt
  • 30 g butter
  • 2 tsp. vanilla paste or extract or vanilla pod
  • 200 g of cream
  • 20 g of sugar powder (you can do without it)
  • 2 ripe sweet banana
  • 250 g of vanilla cookies without sugar

Cook like this:

  1. Mix milk with vanilla paste or ordinary vanilla (on the tip of a knife), or extract (1-2 drops).
  2. Put on fire and bring almost to a boil.
  3. At this time, mix the yolks with corn starch, salt.
  4. Add hot milk to this mass, stirring constantly.
  5. Now put the mixture on a slow fire, continuing to stir until boiling and thickening.
  6. Put pieces of chilled butter and mix everything thoroughly again.
  7. Cool the mixture first at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator.
  8. At this time, beat the cream with powdered sugar. You can beat them with a sugar -substiter, the cream will turn out just a little liquid, but in the refrigerator it will freeze anyway.
  9. Remove the chilled cream, transfer to a bowl for whipping and stir well.
  10. Add a third of whipped cream and beat these masses well together.
  11. Introduce the rest of the cream with a spatula carefully. This is necessary so that the pudding has a cream taste.
  12. Now take the shape (one large or somewhat small), distribute a little cream along the bottom.
  13. Clean the bananas and cut into circles. Put the layer into the cream.
  14. Then a layer of cookies. You can lay it out entirely or break it into small pieces.
  15. The cream is again from above. And again, a layer of bananas and cookies.
  16. Now put the remains of the cream, distribute evenly and remove it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  17. Then decorate with chips from cookies or nuts.

Nuts can be caramelized. To do this, fry them in a pan, adding a little butter and sugar. So the dish will be more tasty, and the decoration will be crispy.

Banana bread:

Banana bread is an ideal choice if you have a bunch of ripe bananas and there is no time to eat them until they have deteriorated. You will get the most useful version of the dish and a low number of calories. One such piece of banana bread contains everything 137 caloriesthat a little more than 1 large fruit. There is little sugar and fat in bread, but it is rich in an interesting aroma and taste.

All that will be needed:

Ingredients for banana bread
Ingredients for banana bread

Cook like this:

  1. Beat the oil with the sah. sand.
  2. Put eggs, vanilla, mix.
  3. Press the fruits with a fork and add to the mixture, mix well.
  4. Put flour, salt and baking powder in the dough.
  5. Add cleaned and crushed walnuts, mix.
  6. Put the dough in a greased shape and decorate with nuts.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees-15-20 minutes.

Take the bread from the oven and let it rest on the table.

Banana tea:

Banana tea is an unusual drink that is prepared both from a purified banana and a fruit with a peel. For this, the banana needs to be boiled, and the remaining liquid is banana tea. Boiled bananas may seem incomprehensible to taste, and it is better to refuse them. There are almost no calories in such a drink, but it is a good source of potassium, magnesium and some other vitamins. A similar drink has a positive effect on the quality of sleep. Components such as magnesium, potassium, tripophanes and serotonin help to calm the nervous system and help with insomnia.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “What will happen if you boil a banana with cinnamon and drink this water overnight, before bedtime?”

Video: What will happen if, eat 2 bananas per day?

Video: Banans - help or harm when losing weight?

Video: How many calories are in the banana?

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