How many months can a child give a fresh banana and banana puree in complementary foods? Does banana allergies in children? How to choose a banana for a baby? How to cook banana mashed potatoes: recipe

How many months can a child give a fresh banana and banana puree in complementary foods? Does banana allergies in children? How to choose a banana for a baby? How to cook banana mashed potatoes: recipe

The article will tell you in detail about how to introduce a banana into the diet of a child.

Banana in feeding infants: benefit and harm

Banana is a common and healthy food product known around the world. In many countries, it replaces good nutrition and is the main source of energy for adults and children. This fruit is well stored, thanks to a good and dense peel. In addition, its cost is always available at any time of the year.

Important: the main advantage of the banana is its nutritional value, a rich vitamin and mineral composition and its inability to cause allergies. It is known that the banana improves the work of all systems of adult and child body, strengthens the immunity and makes the digestive tract actively work.

When a banana can be given to a child:

  • After the baby turns six months, he can already be introduced to the banana.
  • It should not be fully fed with the fetus, but let you try to dry or chew the pulp - you can.
  • In cases, if the taste of the banana likes the child, take a small piece of the fetus and grind it in mashed potatoes.
  • The child should feed the child with 6-7 months of life 2 or 3 times a week.
  • Banana should be introduced into the diet only in cases where you have already allowed it to try vegetables and this went very well.
  • In any case, always focus on the preferences of the baby and his wishes, if he asks for a banana, do not refuse.
Banana - child nutrition
Banana - child nutrition

How many months can a child give a fresh banana and banana puree in complementary foods?

Dosages and portions of banannex to babies:

  • Up to 6 months -starting with 0.5 tsp. rare mashed potatoes, but without exceeding 3 tbsp. For one meal.
  • 8-9 months-thick mashed potatoes or a whole fetus (from 3 tbsp, but not more than half of the fetus in one meal).
  • Up to 1 year -half or one small fruit (no more than 1 meals and once a day).

Important: you should not feed the baby with a banana before bedtime, since this food is difficult to absorb and it can simply not digest overnight.

Does banana allergies in children?

The banana is considered a hypoallergenic product, but in rare cases, or when the baby overeats the permissible amount of fetus per day, an allergic reaction can be caused, which is characterized by food poisoning, indigestion or rash on the skin. An allergy from the banana should pass on its own on the next day or quickly enough with the use of antihistamines.

Can Banan harm a child?
Can Banan harm a child?

How to choose a banana for a baby?

The choice of ripe and delicious fruits will give not only a pleasant taste, but also the benefit of the child.

How to choose:

  • Do not choose bananas too green - These are unnecessary fruits. They are more difficult to digest the baby stomach and to everything else, they have a cotton taste without any sweet shades (in other words, the child will not like the taste).
  • You can not buy bananas with brown spots -these are the consequences of decay of the fetus or its damage as a result of a blow, pressing. Fruits with brown spots and stripes have already begun to rot.
  • Pay attention to mucus and smell. Very often, bananas in stores are stored incorrectly and as a result, boxes with fruits are covered with water of an unpleasant odor, sticky to the touch. Such bananas can still be edible, but very soon they can begin to rot and ferment.

Important: choose small fruits of a beautiful saturated yellow color, elastic, but not too hard. Brown nettle on the banana is a sign of its sweets.

Which bananas to choose for a child?
Which bananas to choose for a child?

How to cook banana mashed potatoes: recipe

Banana mashed potatoes are quite simple:

  • Very small children who are just starting their complementary foods should be crushed by a blender.
  • Such mashed potatoes will be liquid and homogeneous, it will easily be absorbed.
  • More adult children can be rubbed on a fine grater or completely stolen with a fork in the bowl.
  • You should not add anything to banana mashed potatoes, for mashed potatoes, choose sweet fruits.

How and to what porridge to add a banana for a baby?

Banana puree can improve the taste of porridge, add sweets and aroma to it.

What porridge can be added to:

  • Oatmeal
  • Rice
  • Millet
  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Pearl

Video: "Enter the banana into feed"

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