Banana from cough: recipes for adults and children, contraindications, reviews. Folk remedies for coughing with banana: recipes

Banana from cough: recipes for adults and children, contraindications, reviews. Folk remedies for coughing with banana: recipes

Sore throat and severe cough can be cured with a delicious drink from the banana. How? This will be discussed in the article.

Autumn is in full swing: protracted rains, piercing the wind and, of course, a cold. But nobody likes to get sick: young mothers measure their children with horror and already represent these painful techniques of tablets and mixed, and adults, having felt unwell, immediately go to the pharmacy for expensive chemistry, which only facilitates the symptoms for several hours.

What to do? That's right, try natural medicines. And today we will tell you not about inhalations over potatoes, and not about mustard and banks, and not even about raspberry jam. We will tell you delicious cold recipes, which are based on a banana.

Cough recipe with banana and honey for adults and children

The fact that banana in the southern countries replaces 80% of the usual products for a long time. Even in our restaurants, dishes with green bananas, desserts from fried bananas and all kinds of liqueurs and tinctures from them are already found. But few use bananas as a medicine. And in vain.

Very often, a cold begins with a very unpleasant symptom - sore throat. Adults can easily cope with this unpleasant sensation through pharmacy “tuxedos”. For the most part, children do not like eucalyptus, mint and other special notes in therapeutic sweets, so this recipe will help mothers cope with piercing in the throat quickly and effectively, without resorting to pharmacy drugs.

We will need:

  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 ripe banana
Banana with honey from coughing
Banana with honey from coughing


  • To begin with, chop our banana and turn it into a gruel.
  • Add honey to it, mix. Now this gruel needs to be warmed up in a water bath. When heated periodically, stir. As soon as our “jam” begins to darken - it is ready.

This tool must be used as follows:

  • Adults can be consumed without restrictions of 1 tsp.
  • Children - up to 5 times a day for incomplete tsp.
  • The recommended period of use is 5 days. The product can be stored in the refrigerator, but is used only when it heats up to room temperature, for the children you can heat a little.

The advantage of this remedy from the perspiration is that in the preparation it is very simple, and the necessary ingredients are available in almost any housewife.

Banana with milk from cough: recipe for a child and adult

This prescription of the medicine also differs in its simplicity, but from this it is no less effective compared to others. Rather, even the opposite. Such a tool can be given even to children, because it does not have sugar, cocoa and honey.

Ingredients for 1 portion:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 glass of milk
Banana with milk from coughing
Banana with milk from coughing

How to cook:

  • We turn the banana into a homogeneous mass, add a glass of milk to it, mix everything thoroughly and put it on fire (in a microwave oven).
  • After boiling, the banner-milk medicine must be cooled to the state “sufficiently warm” and let the patient drink.

Such a drink is recommended to be consumed in warm form, within 3-5 days at night. If we talk about the children, then they can give them medicine before daytime sleep and at night.

Such a cocktail does not contain additional allergens, so the mothers of small babies really fell in love with. Adults also do not stand aside and are happy to be treated in this way, but they can afford to add a little honey or sugar to the cooked liquid.

Cough recipe: banana, cocoa, honey, milk

Probably, each of us in childhood had to drink hot milk with butter and honey. With this “magical” drink, mothers and grandmothers played us at the first symptoms of a cold. The taste of such a medicine is remembered for a long time, but not everyone likes it. Therefore, there are good news for gourmets - try a new recipe for traditional milk with honey. You will definitely like it.

To prepare 1 portion of miracle means, we need the following ingredients:

  • Cocoa (3 tbsp)
  • Milk (1 cup)
  • Banana (the more sleeping, the better)
  • Honey (natural, better buckwheat; 1 tsp)

Now proceed to the very cooking process.

  • The first thing we do is to clean the banana and turn it into a monotonous mass (we wander with a fork, three on a grater, chop in a blender - as you are convenient).
  • Now add cocoa to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  • Next, add milk to this mixture - gradually pour a thin stream and stir the mass. If a homogeneous mass could not be achieved, it does not matter - a mixer or blender will help us. When you got a homogeneous banana-milk mass, we put it in a microwave oven for 30 seconds. The liquid should be well warm, but not hot. Add honey, and our delicious cure for the common cold is ready.
  • If the liquid is too overheated, it's okay - boil it, let it cool a bit and add honey. You will not spoil this taste. Do you love even sweeter? Add more honey. However, be careful with this ingredient, since its excessive use can cause an allergic reaction.
Therapeutic recipe
Therapeutic recipe

So that our drug dessert is effective to take it as follows:

  • Drink enough warm banana milk is better before bedtime for 5 days, but if possible, then several times a day will not be superfluous.
  • The cough will gradually become not so “prickly”. The dry cough will become more “wet”, and after some time sputum will begin to retreat.

This drug prescription is more like a culinary prescription of a delicious dessert, however, as practice shows precisely the combination of all these ingredients and gives the promised healing effect.

Banana, water and honey from coughing: folk recipe

Of course, already in the very name of the recipe, such an ingredient as “water” immediately catches your eye, but do not rush to draw conclusions. This warm cocktail is not inferior to its dairy analogue. In addition, such a medicine can be used by those people who have an allergy to milk ingredient.

So, we need to take:

  • Several ripe bananas (where without them)
  • 1 cup of hot boiled water
  • Honey


  • In a saucepan or large PIAL, we turn bananas into a homogeneous mass. Add a glass of water, mix and put on fire (in a microwave oven).
  • As soon as the therapeutic cocktail boils, turn off. Let us cool.
  • Add honey. You can choose the amount of honey at your discretion, this will depend on how sweet your medicine will be. If you prepare the product for the child, then adding honey, take into account the characteristics of your baby (diathesis, allergies).

Such a mixture can be given to both little children and adults. It is used in warm form. If the cough is strong, for adults and children over 3 years old you can add a planter tincture to this cocktail (2 tsp-for adults, for children-1 tsp) or rosehip syrup.

Banana from cough
Banana from cough

It is worthwhile to use in this way:

  • Give children and adults to drink a quarter and a third of a glass 4 and 3 times a day, respectively, is drunk in warm form.
  • Such a medicine perfectly eliminates the cough, and also accelerates the process of expectorant of sputum.
  • Honey, in turn, favorably affects the entire body and strengthens the immune system.

Banana with cough sugar: folk recipe

If you have no milk and honey at home, or you do not like their combination, it's okay - there is this recipe for you.

The basis of this drink from cough will be sugar, water and, of course, ripe bananas:

  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. Love as a messenger - add more, but remember that sugar is not a useful product and contributes to the development of many diseases.
  • Boiled water - 1 cup
Banana from cough
Banana from cough


  • While the water boils (and we need boiling water), we rub the bananas with sugar.
  • Then add a glass of boiling water to the resulting mass, mix thoroughly and put the mixture on the fire.
  • As soon as the mass boils, she is ready. This tool quickly spoils, so you need to cook fresh every day. As usual, it should be consumed every day for 5 days. But mothers of small children should pay attention to the presence of sugar in it, and provide for the likelihood of allergic reactions in a child. In this case, it is necessary to limit the reception of the product or reduce the dose of sugar in it.

This treatment method is perfect for eliminating the "deaf" cough.

Cough cocktail with banana: folk recipe

As you can see, banana cocktails are not only very tasty, but also very useful. Such a cocktail is suitable exclusively to adults, children under 12 years of age should not be given such a tool. It has a fairly acute taste. This banner-implant drink has a warming effect and quickly eliminates coughing.


  • Ripe banana
  • A piece of ginger
  • 1 tsp. honey
  • Glass of water
Therapeutic bananist-implant drink
Therapeutic bananist-implant drink

The first thing we will do is to clean it and rub ginger (the number of crushed ginger should be placed in the article). It can be rubbed or chopped with a knife:

  • We put a small saucepan on the fire with a glass of water. While the water boils, knead the banana into a homogeneous mass.
  • When the water boiled, add chopped ginger and banana mass there. As soon as the first signs of a boil appear - turn off, cover and let stand.
  • In a sufficiently warm bananist-immobury water, add honey. Our cocktail is ready. If someone loves, for taste you can add a slice of lemon.

It is advisable to drink such a cocktail in warm form before bedtime for 5-7 days. The medicine warms the throat, eliminates the cough and soreness.

Banana from cough: contraindications

All the recipes described above are safe, but there are still restrictions on their use:

  • The first thing to pay attention to is the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the recipe. If you or your child is allergic to at least one of the components of the components, you should not use such a medicine.
  • Young mothers should also not forget about the diathesis and other unpleasant consequences of using a large amount of sweet little children.
  • People with diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system and a tendency to increased gas formation do not recommend bananas-based products.
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that all the prescriptions indicated above have bananas that should not be consumed by patients with functional disorders of the biliary tract.
  • Another important point is restrictions on the use of bananas by people prone to a quick weight gain. This category of people can use the tools described above no more than 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days.
Pregnant women should be careful when self -medicated
Pregnant women should be careful when self -medicated
  • We do not recommend that pregnant and lactating breasts do, in the case of colds or SARS, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • In no case can you use a bananite-implant cocktail with ulcers, tumors, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as gallstone disease, stones and sand in the kidneys and bladder. In addition, ginger is contraindicated in patients with arrhythmia and heart failure, at body temperature above 38 degrees, in the presence of inflammatory skin diseases and diabetes.
  • It also draws attention to the fact that, despite the popularity of these methods and their effectiveness, no one canceled the visit to the doctor. Do not ignore this recommendation, because without consulting a specialist you can hardly correctly assess the state of your health, and, therefore, you cannot treat yourself correctly.

Banana from cough: reviews

Despite all the simplicity of the above recipes, they really help. You can verify this by reading the reviews of those who have already tried exotic recipes for themselves or their children.

  • Irina, 26 years old, mother of 3-year-old Daria:I used to use hot milk with honey from coughing. The child drinks it well and does not refuse the drink. The last time I tried to add a banana puree to milk with honey. It turned out very tasty, and the cough after almost 2-3 receptions became expectorant. Now the daughter herself asks for banana milk as soon as she begins to cough.
  • Alena, 23 years old, mother of 4-year-old twins Alexandra and Daniil: as soon as one child gets sick, a chain reaction is turned on - and immediately begins to cough the second. Previously, it was problematic to drink them with raspberries - they do not like and do not want to drink under any pretext. Milk with honey does not suit us - an allergy to honey, but a banana water came up perfectly to us. Only I give less water to drink everything at a time. Children like it, they drink with pleasure, and after 3-4 days of daily warm banana cocktails-the cough becomes “wet” and sputum begins to retreat.
  • Margarita Sergeevna, 63 years old, grandmother of 3-year-old Lera and 8-year-old Denis: the bride’s bride, my mother Denis told me a gruel recipe. When he was small, he did not want to drink mixtures and various pills, but he liked the banana and honey. I would never have thought it was so effective if Lerochka had not got sick. My second daughter -in -law, the mother of Lera, called the doctor at home. While the doctor was not there, I prepared a remedy for banana and honey, and when I asked the doctor if it was possible to give it to such little, she answered me that now it is a very popular remedy among young mothers who do not want to give small synthetic medicines. And she advised to give her granddaughter on an incomplete part l. 3-4 times a day. We did so. A few days later, the baby became easier to cough, and soon sputum went.
  • Alexey, 27 years old, manager: it so happened that in the middle of the week I was sick. The authorities did not let go home, but I know that pills and cough powders do not help me. He arrived home, complained to his wife. She prepared a banner-implant tea for me. I drank it before bedtime. In the morning, she made me the same tea in a thermos. Already on the third day, I felt much better, the cough was almost a verse, the runny nose passed. A good recipe for those who do not have the opportunity to get sick for a long time.
  • Marina, 29 years old, mother of 10-year-old Anton: as always with the advent of cold weather, my Anton caught a cold somewhere at school. His cough was just terrible, it was audible through the wall, as it coughs. He does not drink milk with honey according to a grandmother's recipe, but a cocktail of milk, honey, cocoa and banana went “with a bang”. Although I did not particularly believe in the effectiveness of this tool, after a couple of days Anton began to cope much easier. Yes, and the milk-banana cocktail asked to do several times a day, unlike simple milk with honey. I don’t know how how, but this recipe has helped us to cope with the cough in just a week and not to miss the school.

As you can see, not only medications can help improve the patient's condition. Our usual food products cope with this task no worse. Follow your body, use our cough recipes and be healthy!

Video: Treatment of coughing a banalno-honey mixture

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Comments K. article

  1. I do not exclude that in the banana there are substances that are useful for coughing. But it seems to me that the concentration there is too small. Maybe there will be benefit, but this is not a medicine. As an addition to the same Gedelix - yes. Or as lactism. But not as an alternative to drugs.

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