Which doctor treats: a brief description of narrow medical specialties

Which doctor treats: a brief description of narrow medical specialties

Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully live without doctors. However, given the large number of medical specialties, it is not always possible to understand which specialist to record.

Read more about the most common specialties in this article.

Which doctor treats: a brief description of popular narrow medical specialties


  • Every pregnant woman knows what the obstetrician should do.
  • This specialist is obliged to accompany the patient throughout pregnancy, as well as help her during childbirth.


This doctor takes part in the treatment of problems caused by the immune system. He also determines the presence and source of allergic reactions, and then prescribes treatment.

Often they come to an allergist with such diseases:

  • respiratory allergy;
  • rhinitis caused by allergies;
  • asthmatic or allergic bronchitis;
  • dermatitis;
  • chronic viral infections that are at the stage of relapse;
  • bronchitis.


Translated from the Latin language means "man." This representative of narrow medical specialties is engaged in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases developing in the male genital organs.

For men
For men

This specialist needs to be recorded if there is a suspicion of such diseases:

  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • impotence, etc.

As soon as you feel discomfort in the genital area, you should consult a specialist. Andrologist also specializes in the treatment of testicles.


  • Without this specialist, operations do not undergo operations.
  • The anesthetist is engaged in the introduction of painkillers, and also controls the life functions of the body during surgery.


  • This doctor needs to contact this doctor to diagnose and cure sexually transmitted diseases. These are diseases that are transmitted sexually. Both men and women can contact a doctor.
  • Often, people turn to the venereologist when the situation is quite neglected. This provokes certain difficulties in treatment. That is why it is advisable to contact a specialist in the early stages of the disease so that there is a chance to recover.

Most often, a venereologist is treating such diseases:

  • chlamydia;
  • genital herpes;
  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis.


  • Unfortunately, in the last few years, more and more people get acquainted with this doctor. He is engaged in the treatment of spine diseases. It is advisable to make an appointment with him if you have a sedentary job or you often have to wear weights.
  • If the first signs of osteochondrosis or radiculitis are detected, you need to immediately make an appointment with a vertebrologist. It will help you in a short time to "become on your feet."


  • This doctor is engaged in the study of viruses and parasites that are inside the cells. Considering that often a person does not feel the presence of the virus in the body for a long time, it is advisable to undergo a preventive examination by the virologist every six months.
  • So you can find a problem in the early stages, which will accelerate the process of recovery.


  • This doctor treats diseases that develop in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It can be an ulcer, gastritis, etc.
Treatment of gastrointestinal tract
Treatment of gastrointestinal tract


  • This doctor is treating women. It should be contacted if you need to diagnose and cure the disease of reproductive female organs.
  • Pregnant women and women in labor also turn to the gynecologist. As you know, a gynecologist needs to visit at least 2 times a month as a prevention.


  • This doctor is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.
  • If you notice redness and rashes on the skin, immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist. This will cure the disease in the early stages.


This doctor is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases. Often they are treated with such diagnoses:

  • cirrhosis and hepatitis;
  • toxoplasmosis and mononucleosis of the infectious type.


  • This doctor is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are localized in the ears, in the throat or in the nose.
  • Often you need to contact it if there are signs of colds.

Expert in narcology

  • This specialist needs to be addressed to cure drug addiction and substance abuse. If you or your loved one have dependence on tobacco, alcohol and drugs, it is advisable to consult a narcologist.
  • It diagnoses the stage of the disease, and prescribes comprehensive treatment. If the situation is emergency, and urgent detoxification is needed, a narcologist can be called to the house.
  • Often, narcologists work in special closed establishments where patients with addictions are treated.


  • This specialist is studying how it functions human nervous system. He also treats diseases of the nervous system.
  • If you have frequent headaches, sleep problems or with the vessels of the brain, urgently sign up for an appointment with a neurologist. He can also help if there are problems with hearing, memory or vision.
Observation of the nervous system
Observation of the nervous system


  • The specialist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of internal organs.
  • It is to him that you need to contact in the first place.


  • The specialist diagnoses and treats diseases that are localized in the urinary system. It not only prescribes comprehensive treatment, but also helps to determine the cause of the disease.
  • The urologist can treat not only women and men. There are even children's specialists.

Other common narrow medical specialties

There are a number of other important medical specialties:

  • Hematologist. A specialist who studies and treats diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Cardiologist. It should be contacted if there is a chance of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Cardiac surgeon. This doctor performs heart operations and vessels.
  • Mammologist. This is a specialist who is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of female mammary glands.
  • Chiropractor. Such a doctor needs to contact such a doctor in order to cure violations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe musculoskeletal system.
  • Neonatologist. This is a children's doctor who specializes in the treatment of newborn and premature children. He also looks after them in the early days of his life.
  • Nephrologist. He is addressed by people who have violations in the work of the kidneys.
  • Orthopedist. This specialist needs to contact this specialist to correct the deformation of posture or foot. The orthopedist also helps to cope with adverse consequences after injuries.
Heals deformation of posture
Heals deformation of posture
  • Oncologist. A doctor who treats benign and malignant tumors.
  • Ophthalmologist. Diagnoses and treats eye diseases. He can also prescribe lenses or glasses.
  • Plastic surgeon. You need to contact him to correct the disadvantages of appearance. For this, a surgical operation is performed.
  • Proctologist. This doctor needs to contact this doctor to cure diseases of the rectum.
  • Pediatrician. Families in which there are small children turn to him. The pediatrician helps to diagnose and cure child diseases.
  • Psychiatrist. This doctor needs to contact this doctor to recover from a person’s mental disorders.
  • Psychologist. He is addressed by people who have mental or emotional diseases.
  • Pulmonologist. A doctor who treats the respiratory system diseases.
  • Radiologist. A doctor who diagnoses the disease using the method of radiography.
  • Resuscitator. A specialist who helps to support and restore the vital functions of the body. Especially if the disease threatens human life.
  • Rheumatologist. A doctor who treats inflammatory and dystrophic diseases that affect the connective tissues and joints.
  • Reflexotherapist. A specialist engaged in the treatment of certain diseases. For this, it affects biologically active points.
  • Somnologist. This specialist needs to be addressed if there is sleep disorders. He will also help you prevent nightmares and insomnia.
  • Dentist. This doctor is treating tooth and oral cavity. It is recommended to visit the dentist annually for the purpose of prevention.
  • Sexologist. This doctor is addressed by couples who have problems in the intimate sphere. It helps to determine the cause of the problem, and then appoints the ways to solve it.
  • Toxicologist. A specialist who diagnoses and treats food and other types of poisoning. He can also give recommendations that will prevent poisoning.
  • Traumatologist. A specialist who treats injuries. It also helps to prevent unpleasant consequences after injuries.
He is addressed after injuries
He is addressed after injuries
  • Phlebologist. This specialist studies veins, and also helps in the treatment of vein diseases.
  • Pharmacologist. A specialist studying the problems of drug therapy.
  • Phthysician. This doctor is engaged in diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Children and adults who have suspicions of tuberculosis are directed to him.
  • Surgeon. He is engaged in diseases, the treatment of which requires surgical intervention. It is he who performs most complex operations.
  • Epidemiologist. A doctor treating infectious diseases.
  • Endocrinologist. A doctor engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system. Often, people who develop thyroid diseases develop.

As you can see, there are a large number of medical specialties in which it is easy for an ordinary person to get confused. However, with the help of this article, it will be much easier for you to decide which specialist to make an appointment with.

Which doctor to sign up: reviews

  • Zinaida, 47 years old:At the age of 30, my hair began to fall out strongly, and problems with weight appeared. After a long examination, it turned out that I had problems with the thyroid gland. The therapist sent me to the endocrinologist. Thanks to the prescribed drugs and vitamins, my condition improved markedly.
  • Nadezhda, 41 years: After the birth of a child, she adhered to breastfeeding for several years. However, after the mammary glands became quite dense, and I turned to the mammologist. Thanks to comprehensive treatment, after a few months, the situation was normalized, and discomfort disappeared.
  • Eduard, 27 years old: In adolescence, to match friends of an older age, began to smoke. After that, it was not possible to give up this bad habit on his own, and I had to contact a narcologist. Thanks to his recommendations, I have not smoked for 2 years.

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