What does the doctor vertebrologist heal: what diseases, how is diagnostics carried out?

What does the doctor vertebrologist heal: what diseases, how is diagnostics carried out?

Vertebrologist is a highly specialized doctor. From the article you will learn what and how he heals.

When a person begins to hurt some part of the body, then there is a panic immediately. Which doctor to go to an appointment? What treatment will be prescribed? Of course, you can first go to the therapist for a consultation, and he will already direct to the highly specialized doctor.

Read on our website an article about Dr. Bubnovsky, who helps to successfully improve the spine and remove back pain. His methods are used by thousands of people who no longer hoped for existence without pain. This is really a doctor with a capital letter.

Do not lose time if you are preventing you from living normally and fully discomfort in a particular part of the body. Contact the right doctor, especially if it hurts a lot. For example, the spine is worried. What to do in this case? Who to contact for advice? Read further.

Which doctor treats the spine?

Vertebrologist treats the spine
Vertebrologist treats the spine

In modern medicine, there are many different narrow -profile doctors. Previously, if people had problems with bones, they turned to a traumatologist or surgeon. Now, with problems in different parts of the body, you can seek a consultation with a narrow specialist. For example, if there are problems with the spine, then it is worth going to the vertebral. What kind of diseases does this specialist treat? How is the treatment procedure carried out? Read further.

Vertebrologist: Who is it?

Vertebrologist (from lat. "Vertebra""vertebra") is engaged in the diagnosis and cure of various diseases of the spine. A distinctive feature of such a doctor is his versatile view of the disease.

It is worth knowing: Survation in a vertebrologist is especially necessary in school age. It is then that in the largest percentage of the subjects, they reveal the curvature of the spine of varying degrees.

Therefore, parents should regularly take their child for examination, and not wait for his spine to bend to such an extent that it will be striking. It should be borne in mind that the treatment of scoliosis:

  • AT 6-8 years It will be easy, will not take much time and money.
  • AT 12 years It’s also not too late to treat treatment, but it will take longer than time.
  • But after 18 years The chances of complete recovery are almost zero, perhaps only easy adjustment.

What does this doctor treat? Read further.

Vertebrologist: What treats, what diseases?

Vertebrologist treats diseases associated with the spine
Vertebrologist treats diseases associated with the spine

The doctor, who has chosen the profession of a vertebrologist, is engaged in the treatment of many diseases, but they are all associated with the vertebral column. Among them, the following pathologies are most common:

Scoliosis (from lat. "Skolios" - "oblique"):

  • This is a lateral curvature of the spinal column.
  • This pathology can cause serious problems with internal organs.
  • With the development of scoliosis, the chest bones are deformed, nerves are pinched, due to the displacement of the vertebral sectors, squeezing the lungs, bronchi, stomach and other organs is possible.


  • Distribution disorders occurring in articular cartilage.
  • This pathology most often affects intervertebral discs.
  • Osteochondrosis is characterized by acute pains in the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe spine, aches in the limbs, their numbness.


  • This is a disease of the spine, localized in its lumbosacral department.
  • This disease is characterized by acute pain on the sciatic nerve and on the posterior surface of the legs.
  • The reason for this pathology is squeezing the sciatic nerve as a result of another disease, for example, the protrusion of the disk.


  • One of the most common diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  • With this pathology, the roots of the brain nerves are affected, the cause of which is their compression due to another pathology - for example, osteochondrosis.
  • Radiculitis is characterized by acute pains in the affected area - especially with sudden movements, hypothermia, muscle spasm.


  • This is a shift of one of the vertebrae relative.
  • As a result, intervertebral hernia develops, nervous tissues are compressed.
  • Therefore, this disease is accompanied by acute pain in the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe spine.
  • As a result of the course of such a pathology, a number of health problems are possible, for example, impaired leg sensitivity, deterioration of the functioning of the pelvic organs, impaired gait.

Lumbago (from lat. "Lumbus" - "lower back"):

  • These are sharp pains in the lower back, regardless of their genesis.
  • Lumbago is a rather serious symptom. Especially if the pain arose sharply when raising a heavy object. Such a sudden lumbago indicates the loss of the intervertebral disc.
  • As a rule, the patient does not suffer from Lumbago for more than a half to two months, after which the attacks of sharp pain cease


  • This is a curvature of the spinal column, or rather, its upper part.
  • This pathological change can be both acquired and from birth, both physiological and pathological (developed due to the transferred pathology, for example, rickets).
  • This deviation provides a rather great danger to the patient’s overall health, since the kyphosis is characterized by narrowing of the chest. This leads to a violation of the lungs and weakening of the muscles of the press.

In addition to the above pathologies, the vertebrologist also treats some other diseases:

  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Hlying injury
  • Osteoporosis
  • Disk protrusion
  • Aneurysmal bone cyst
  • Back pain and neck of obscure genesis
  • Spondylosis
  • Hemangioma, as well as other diseases of the spine

Who is a neurologist-vertebrologist-what does he treat? Read further.

Who is a neurologist-vertebrologist: what he treats?

This is one of the most necessary specialists in any clinic. It helps not only with the cure of the spinal column, but with the ailments associated with nerves in this area. A neuropathologist-vertebrologist will heal the following diseases:

If you contact the therapist, and he will make a preliminary diagnosis from the above list, then he will definitely send to a neurologist-vertibrologist. For example, a stroke may be a result of increased blood pressure, which in turn can develop due to osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine. Therefore, it is important to get an appointment with a good therapist who will make the correct preliminary diagnosis and see the whole depth of health problems in order to really help to recover completely.

How does the doctor vertebrologist treats spinal diseases if the back, cervical vertebrae hurts, is the intervertebral discs bother?

This is how the doctor Vertebrologist treats spinal diseases
This is how the doctor Vertebrologist treats spinal diseases

A doctor working as a vertebrologist uses many different methods in the treatment of patients, uses various approaches to the disease. It is that in the arsenal of a vertebrologist there are many effective methods that gives him the opportunity to effectively eliminate diseases of the spine of almost any severity. In vertebrology, methods of various areas of medicine are closely intertwined:

  • Orthopedics
  • Traumatology
  • Neurology
  • Manual therapy
  • Reflexology

The reason for the development of this industry of medicine was precisely the problem of coordinating the actions of doctors of various orientations with each other. And before the manifestation of vertebrology, many diseases of the spine required the intervention of several doctors. Thus, vertebrology is a direction of medicine, which includes several other areas.

How does the doctor vertebrologist treats spinal diseases if the back, cervical vertebrae hurts, is the intervertebral discs bother? Here are a few methods and methods:

  • Medication methods of treatment
  • Massage
  • Physiotherapy
  • Reflexology
  • Therapeutic blockade
  • Physiotherapy
  • Surgical intervention (in the most rare and complex cases)

In recent years, a fairly large number of new methods of surgical intervention have appeared, including the most minimally invasive. The reason for this was the best tolerance to patients of such types of methods than conservative. Among the new methods of treatment in surgery are as follows:

  • Discoctomy (laser, puncture, endoscopic and percutaneous)
  • Annuloplasty
  • Spine traction
  • Microdiscectomy
  • Vertebroplasty

It is worth noting that vetebrastry is the latest method of treating the vertebrae. It is one of the most successful techniques, since to fill the fracture site with special medical glue does not need either cuts or general anesthesia. Therefore, vetebrage is perfectly tolerated by patients.

Diagnosis of this specialist is simple and aimed at studying the condition of the bone apparatus. Read further.

How is the Diagnostics of a vertebrologist carried out?

Diagnosis of a vertebrologist
Diagnosis of a vertebrologist

To date, vertebrology uses the following diagnostic methods:

  • Radiography
  • Ultrasound
  • Tomography
  • Clinical tests

All these are simple almost painless research methods. Each person is familiar with them more than once to study the health status of a particular organ. But in order to undergo an examination, you need to prescribe a doctor.

Where do you need to go to the vertebrologist? Read further.

Vertebrologist: Where does he accept?

Vertebrologist accepts in state and private clinics. The direction to it can be obtained from the therapist. But you can go to a consultation without this document. It is worth noting that this is a specialist in a narrow orientation, and often in small cities there are not enough such doctors. Therefore, in this case, you will have to go to a consultation to another city - a regional or district center.

Manual therapist and vertebrologist: What is the difference?

Manual therapist and vertebrologist are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and cure of the human bone apparatus. Both specialists have higher education. The vertebrologist receives additional knowledge after the internship. It is worth noting that he has the skills of a manual, who can successfully cure the problems associated with the vertebral column.

The difference between these doctors is that the manual therapist helps the patient get rid of the pathologies of the joints of the upper and lower extremities, the vertebrologist has knowledge for the treatment of diseases associated with the spinal column and radicular nerves.

Have you been at a welcome or manual therapist? Have you noticed the difference in treatment?

Video: Vertebrology

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