Why do doctors advise not to drink pills, but to do injections? What is the difference in pills and injections, which is better, safer - injections or tablets?

Why do doctors advise not to drink pills, but to do injections? What is the difference in pills and injections, which is better, safer - injections or tablets?

In this article, we will talk, which is more effective and safer - injections or tablets.

Eternal topic for disputes - which is better than injections or tablets? This is a very good question and to answer it, you need to carefully figure out what is safer and whether one can replace the other. That's exactly what we will talk about this in our article.

What is harder and what is safer: injections or tablets?

What is safer - tablets or injections?
What is safer - tablets or injections?

First, let's find out what is safer - injections or tablets? The first in the body gets by bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, and the latter-just through it. Moreover, it is believed that injections are much more effective than tablets.

As a rule, subcutaneous injections are used when this is the only way to administer the medicine into the body. For example, insulin or heparin cannot be used simply inward, because the effectiveness of them will be minimal.

In addition, injections are very good at the very beginning of treatment, when you need to quickly achieve a good concentration of matter in the body. A few days after the input of antibiotics, doctors usually prescribe tablets.

In terms of safety, funds in any form give a result and do not have a dangerous effect. The main thing is to take into account the presence of side effects. They can appear if drugs are not suitable for a person for various reasons.

What is the difference in pills and injections?

What is the difference between injections from pills?
What is the difference between injections from pills?

Many are interested in how tablets or injections differ from each other. In fact, there are only two differences in pharmacokinetics and the placebo effect.

The tablet form has a slower suction rate into the body. Some people have incomplete pharmacological bioavailability, which requires a long accumulation in the body. In some cases, there is a chance that the drug will pass through the liver.

In any case, if not deepened, the patient will not feel the difference. And this is just a placebo effect. It was established that injections have a great effect of “self -hypnosis”, and therefore patients just believe that the dropper is better than tablets.

It is only important to understand that injections have a large list of side effects.

To date, injections are used mainly for intensive care or if the patient cannot take a pill, for example, he is in a coma. Well, when the situation is normalized, tablets are already being used.

So, in fact, these two forms of drugs practically do not differ from each other. The difference is that the effect of injections becomes noticeable much faster than from pills.

What is more effective tablets or injections?

What is more effective - injections or tablets?
What is more effective - injections or tablets?

Such a question very often arises. In fact, in terms of effectiveness, tablets or injections do not differ. As we said above, both options are allowed to use, but only the speed of exposure will differ.

In some cases, injections, like tablets, can be less effective. We have already talked about insulin. So, for those who put injections, tablets will be ineffective. There are also groups of drugs that are effective only in tablet form, for example, muscle relaxants.

Injections also have low efficiency in the treatment of chronic diseases. In such cases, it is just required that the medicine acts gradually and for a long time. Well, after the injection, it quickly enters the bloodstream and is excreted from it in a short time.

Is it possible to replace antibiotic injections with tablets?

It is clinically proven that injections or tablets can be replaced. For example, take ceftriaxone. For children, it is also effective in both forms. The recovery speed, as well as the risk of relapse, does not differ. The same applies to many other drugs.

Is it possible to drink injections instead of pills?

It happens that people are interested in whether you can not choose injections or tablets, but simply choose a way to drink an injection. Perhaps in some case it is permissible, but it is better to use forms for their intended purpose.

Video: Is it true that injections are more effective than taking the drug inside - Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. If the joints begin to hurt, I immediately take anesthetic. Now I switched to Amelotex in tablets, it suits everyone. Injections are not for me) the price is affordable, it is reliably anesthetized. Of all the painkillers, which before that I drank, Amelotex likes most of all.

  2. thank you for the article

  3. a normal article ... you can read ... .. It's good that you are not checked by doctors .... then I would have to read for half a day and realized nothing to quit anything

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