Check the acidity of the stomach, which analysis? How to check the acidity of the stomach at home, without a doctor?

Check the acidity of the stomach, which analysis? How to check the acidity of the stomach at home, without a doctor?

Methods for determining the acidity of the stomach of the house and in a medical institution.

Increased acidity can cause a lot of troubles, pain. In addition, acid is often thrown into the esophagus, provoking ulcers, serious diseases. In this article, we will tell you how to check the acidity in the hospital and independently, at home. 

How to check the acidity of the stomach of the house?

To determine it is necessary to perform several simple populations.

How to check the acidity of the stomach of the house:

  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, it is necessary to dissolve 10 g of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water, stir and drink. If after that the belch is followed, this indicates increased acidity. Acid reacts with soda, with the release of water and carbon dioxide. If there is no reaction, then the acidity is reduced. 
  • You can use apple juice. It is best to use a drink made independently from grated apples. In the same way, early in the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to grate two apples on a grater, squeeze the juice and drink through cheesecloth.
  • If, after taking juice, unpleasant, cutting sensations and pain occurs in the stomach, this indicates increased acidity. After all, apples can provoke heartburn. 

How to determine the acidity of the stomach without tests?

Sometimes a litmus indicator is used for these purposes. However, the method is inaccurate, and is a way of preliminary evaluation, but not applicable for prescribing treatment.

How to determine the acidity of the stomach without tests:

  • It is necessary to purchase the test strips of litmus paper. Immediately on an empty stomach after waking up, it is necessary to put a piece of paper in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tongue for a few seconds.
  • Before the manipulation, you can’t eat and drink anything. If the strip turns green or blue, this indicates reduced acidity, a lack of acid in the stomach.
  • If, on the contrary, the test strip is stained in bright orange or reddish color, this indicates increased acidity. The strips can be purchased at a household or at a pharmacy. 

What analysis should be taken to the acidity of the stomach?

No drugs after conducting studies at home cannot be taken on their own. The fact is that the doctor must determine what the increase or decrease in the acidity of gastric juice is associated with. Depending on this, the treatment method, as well as a list of drugs, is determined. Unfortunately, not all drugs can be suitable for a particular patient, depending on its features.

What analysis should be taken to the acidity of the stomach:

  • Often, the change in acidity is provoked by the infection of Helicobacter Pilory, which must be treated with antibacterial drugs. Therefore, the use of proton pump inhibitors, various enzymes in solving the problem will not help until the main cause of the disease is eliminated.
  • They do the same with gastritis or ulcer, engaged in their treatment. Preparations that normalize acidity on an ongoing basis may be prescribed. In most cases, for a rapid decrease in acidity as a result of heartburn, it is recommended to take phosphalugel or almagel.
  • They absorb an excess of hydrochloric acid, translating the acidity of the stomach into neutral. 

Signs of increased acidity of the stomach: symptoms

You can determine reduced acidity if in a person the food is absorbed extremely slowly, which can cause pulling pain in the stomach. At the same time, belching has the smell of rotten eggs, a metal taste in the mouth can be observed. The chair is changing, there are constipation that alternate with diarrhea. Nails break, skin dries, increased gas formation can be observed. 

Signs of increased and low acidity of the stomach, symptoms:

  • With increased acidity, frequent constipation, and intestinal colic and pain are also observed. Early in the morning after awakening, a person may have an unpleasant sensation similar to arising between long interruptions in food. There is a sour or bitter belch after eating. With increased acidity, heartburn often occurs, but this is not the main symptom. 
  • You can determine the acidity at home with a lemon. It is necessary to cut off a small slice, eat it. If this fruit does not seem too sour, this indicates reduced acidity, if, on the contrary, the fruit seems terrible, it cannot be eaten, a person has an increased value of acidity. 
  • To normalize the condition, it is necessary to find out the acidity. It is best to use not home methods for these purposes, but professional in a hospital. To normalize the value of acidity, drugs are prescribed, but you will have to sit on a diet. 
  • If a person has high acidity, it is recommended to exclude garlic, onions, sour berries and fruits. In addition, strong tea, coffee, as well as alcohol, adversely affects the state of health. When eliminating these products from the diet, it will be possible to completely normalize the value of acidity, to improve well -being. With reduced acidity, foods are wandered in the stomach for a long period of time, poorly digested. Therefore, it is imperative to exclude fried, fatty dishes, as well as butterflies, alcohol. 

What analysis determines the acidity of the stomach?

Normally in the stomach areap\u003d 1-2, in different parts of the stomach, the concentration of acid varies. In the hospital, an analysis is usually prescribed, during which gastric juice is taken, by introducing the probe inside the esophagus. Part of the liquid is selected by this probe and its study is carried out. The resulting value is averaged, since acidity is measured in a particular place. At home, it is not necessary to analyze to determine acidity.

One of the optimal diagnostic methods is video gastroscopy, video colonoscopy. Video gastroscopy involves the introduction of a thin probe into the stomach area, with a camera at the end. As a result, it will be possible to fully control the condition of the mucosa, diagnose an ulcer, gastritis, or other serious pathologies.


What analysis determines the acidity of the stomach:

  • With this probe, there is the possibility of a fence of biological material for analysis, with the determination of acidity and prescribing drugs. It is best, if diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear, contact specialists for complete examination and diagnosis.
  • After all, sometimes certain methods do not give an exact result. They do not allow you to find out for what reason specific ailments arise.
  • Video gastroscopy - The visualization method, which is the most accurate, informative. Additionally, they can prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for determining tumors, cysts, or neoplasms. 
Indicator strips
Indicator strips

How to determine the acidity of the stomach by blood test?

One of the most informative tests for determining diseases of the gastrointestinal tract isgastpanel. This is a comprehensive examination of venous blood. A blood test is taken from a vein.

How to determine the acidity of the stomach by blood test:

  • The components in its composition allow you to determine the presence of problems with the intestines or stomach. During this analysis, antibodies are determined to Helicobacterpylori. This is a bacterium that can cause gastritis, ulcer or cancer of the stomach. It provokes poor absorption of vitamin B12, can reduce hemoglobin.
  • During this analysis, it is determinedpepsinogen. This is a hormone that is produced in the stomach and duodenum. It allows you to determine the condition of the gastric mucosa.
  • During the analysis, the level of gastrin is determined. It is also a hormone that produces hydrochloric acid. If its indications are higher or lower than the norm, this indicates gastritis, increased acidity.Gastpanel - This is the optimal non -invasive method that does not require swallowing the tube, the probe, is absolutely painless. It is he who allows you to determine atrophic gastritis, ulcer, infection of Helicobacterpylori, defeat of the duodenum.

Bispery examination of the secretory function of the stomach: Acidotest

If there are contraindications for gastroscopy with swallowing a probe, use indirect methods. One of them is a test using a special drug.

Bispery examination of the secretory function of the stomach, acidodestest:

  • Two tablets give a patient on an empty stomach, and after an hour and a half, urine collects. After that, they give two more tablets And they look at the color of urine. In the drug contains resin, which interacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  • If there is too much of it, then the resin stains the urine in red. If a person has low acidity, urine will have a standard yellow tint, because there will be no resin in the urine.
  • If the environment is neutral, then the urine will acquire a light pink shade. If the urine is stained in bright red, this indicates high acidity, the release of a large amount of acid in the stomach.
Acidity indicators
Acidity indicators

It will be useful to read the following articles on our website:

Do not self -medicate and make diagnoses. This is fraught with complications and the development of chronic diseases.

Video: How to measure the acidity of the stomach?

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Comments K. article

  1. I try not to drink juices, especially on an empty stomach. But still from time to time, heartburn begins. Well -chewing tablets of Izogozhoff help, always take these pills with me, you never know what. I also accepted them during pregnancy, their gynecologist recommended me, then I had regular heartburn, but many have it.

  2. A sure sign of increased acidity of the stomach is hungry pain and severe heartburn, especially after something to eat. But for greater fidelity, it is better to carry out the Federal State Duma and take the appropriate tests. Most often, with such violations, the proton pump inhibitors are prescribed (preparations ending on “-prazol”. IPN of the latest generation-sodium rabeprazole preparations (rabeprazol-SZ, stey) are considered the most preferable.

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