Why is it impossible to go to the toilet in the middle of the night: signs, the opinion of doctors

Why is it impossible to go to the toilet in the middle of the night: signs, the opinion of doctors

Signs, superstitions and the opinion of doctors about night campaigns in the toilet.

Despite the age of high technology, and the development of science, as well as technology, there are still people who believe in signs. Among them you can meet, and such that you can not go to the toilet in the middle of the night. In this article, we will tell you why it is worthwhile to refrain from going to the toilet, and with what it is connected. 

Why you can’t go to the toilet in the middle of the night: signs, opinions of esoterics

Esotericists believe that at night there is a revelry of dark forces. Accordingly, a person who gets out of bed at night leaves her place for dark forces. It is believed that demons, some dark entities, can take a person’s place in bed, which provokes diseases, as well as a deterioration in human health. 

Why you can’t go to the toilet in the middle of the night: signs, opinions of esoterics:

  • Strange, but still do not recommend that you get into the toilet not only esoterics at night, but also doctors. Regarding, it is believed that people who wake up at night are more susceptible to malaise, diseases of the nervous system and insomnia.
  • It is believed that people can face various diseases, such as schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. After three in the morning, demonic forces actively manifest themselves, which can affect the state of human health.
  • Campaigns to the toilet

Campaigns to the toilet

Why you can't go to the toilet at night: the opinions of doctors

Regarding the opinions of experts, doctors do not recommend waking up at night and go to the toilet. The fact is that the dream is divided into several main phases. A person rests only in a deep phase of sleep, and untimely frequent awakening at night can shift these phases. Even one waking up throughout the night can provoke sleep disturbance.

  It is believed that if a person wakes up at the same time every night, he needs the help of a specialist. This is a pathology, it prevents you from resting normally, which as a result affects its health. Why can't you get to the toilet at night? 

Why can't you go to the toilet at night:

  • After awakening, a person is nervous, gets out of bed, his heart begins to beat very quickly. Accordingly, blood pressure rises, the pulse accelerates, which can provoke heart problems. 
  • At night, the light does not turn on, the patient may stumble upon some object and harm himself. That is, an injury may appear. 
  • After waking up, most people look into the phone to see how long it remains before waking up and going to work. This is a kind of load on the nervous system.
  • Over time, with constant awakening at night andlooking The state worsens significantly in the phone, a person does not get enough sleep, constantly tired, which provokes the occurrence of a number of other diseases and disorders.
  • It is worth noting that women who suffer from frequent awakening at night are faced with hormonal imbalance. This is due to the fact that prolactin is formed at night from about 3:00 to 6:00 in the morning.
  • Frequent awakening at night can cause excessive production of prolactin or vice versa, its deficiency. This is very important for nursing mothers who are adherents of breastfeeding.
A visit to the toilet
A visit to the toilet

At night I go to the toilet in a small way, what to do?

What needs to be done so as not to wake up at night? In order not to go to the toilet at night, you must adhere to certain rules.

At night I go to the toilet in a small way, what to do:

  • 3-4 hours before bedtime, try not to consume a large number of salted products. When consuming pickles, as well as smoked food, a feeling of thirst arises. As a result of this, the patient is forced to drink a large amount of water.
  • This negatively affects the state of the intestines and bladder. Thus, when using a large amount of liquid, a person wakes up at night and is forced to go to the toilet in a small way. 
  • Be sure to check the bladder for infections. This is especially true if you restrain yourself, and before going to bed you practically do not drink liquid or tea. 
  • Try to take herbal infusions for the night and abandon coffee with strong tea. This can cause irritation of the walls of the bladder, as well as urination at night. 
Campaigns to the toilet
Campaigns to the toilet

I go to the toilet at night, what to do, how to fall asleep quickly?

What to do if you woke up at night? Of course, try to restrain the urge to the toilet. This is almost impossible if a large amount of liquid was drank the night before. In this case, all attempts will be unsuccessful, you will have to visit the restroom and empty. If you have not consumed a large amount of liquid overnight, try to fall asleep. To do this, change the pose. Very often, urination occurs during sleep on the stomach. Try to lie on your side, close your eyes and fall asleep. 

I go to the toilet at night, what to do, how to fall asleep quickly: 

  • Try not to open your eyes for 2 minutes. Try to relax and slow down the heartbeat. To do this, remember something very pleasant, good. Positive emotions soothe the heart rhythm and nervous system. Thus, the body relaxes and a person falls asleep without much difficulty. 
  • In no case do not look at the phone, do not turn it on. It is advisable to reduce the brightness of the screen to a minimum before going to bed. Bright light activates receptors in the eyes, which then affect the brain. Bright light acts excitingly on the brains, respectively, it is much more difficult for a person to fall asleep. 
  • Try to bend your knees. Very often excessive tension in the muscles of the IKR and abdomen provokes pressure on the bladder and urination. 
  • Increased fluid intake before bedtime provokes frequent urination at night. That is why, first of all, it is recommended to reduce fluid intake at night. However, there are times when a person controls the consumption of water, tries not to drink juices, tea water for the night, but still night trips to the toilet are quite frequent. In this case, you should pay attention to the state of health. 
Frequent urination
Frequent urination

Why do they go to the toilet at night?

There are several reasons why people get up at night in a small toilet.

Why do they go to the toilet at night:

  • Increased blood pressure. Hypertensive patients suffering from high pressure, the slopes at night go to the toilet. This is due to excessive heartbeat and a change in osmotic pressure in the tissues, cells of the body. As a result of this, a large amount of liquid is released, from which it is necessary to get rid of. 
  • People who consume a large amount of salt. It is not necessarily salty products before bedtime, but throughout the day. 1 g of salt attracts about 100 ml of water. Accordingly, patients consuming a large amount of salt food often go to the toilet at night. At the same time, in the morning they often wake up with swelling under the eyes and on the face. This is due to the fact that the kidneys do not have time to process the entire salt solution, and remove it overnight. 
  • Nervous overstrain. It is proved that people who are in a constant state of stress are prone to frequent urination at night. However, in this case, the cause is a violation in the work of the nervous system. Therefore, for the prevention and reducing the number of trips to the toilet at night, it is necessary to reduce salt intake, take sedatives on herbs. Among them, you can distinguish motherwort, valerian and peony. It is also recommended to take vitamins A, B, as well as intramuscular injections.Engage in improving the state of the nervous system. For these purposes, you can practice yoga, or take sedatives.
  • It is worth abandoning bad habits, After all, excessive alcohol consumption stimulates the work of the kidneys and distinguishes a lot of urine. Accordingly, after taking a large amount of alcohol, a person can go to the toilet before three in the morning. Limit the consumption of salted and canned products not only in the evening, but also in the afternoon. That is, try to completely reduce the consumption of such products. 

I go to the toilet a lot at night, what to do?

According to the signs, the night awaken awakening is fraught with the fact that we can lose wealth and frighten good luck. After all, after urination in most cases, people tend to wash away. It is believed that in this way you can wash away luck and success. 

I go to the toilet a lot at night, what to do:

  • In general, if you wake up to the toilet at night more than once, this is not considered a variant of the norm, and first of all you need to adjust your nutrition, drinking mode. In no case do not need to reduce fluid intake, but you need to do it right.
  • It is believed that on a day an adult needs about 2 liters of water. However, in most cases, the lion's share of this volume is used in the evening, which provokes night awakening and urination in the middle of the night.
  • Therefore, tryat night Do not consume a large amount of liquid, and also reduce the consumption of salty, acidic and canned products. Not only smoked fish, salty snacks contribute to the delay of fluid in the body.
  • Very often, the liquid accumulates due to the consumption of pickles, that is, sour cucumbers and sauerkraut. Try to consume these products before lunch, so that the excess fluid that is attracted by salt can come out until you go to bed. 
Night trips to the toilet
Night trips to the toilet

Many interesting articles about health and signs can be found on our website:

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It is proved that people with an excessive body weight, more often go to the toilet at night. This is due to the fact that fat holds water and provokes its release at night. 

Video: Why can't you go to the toilet at night?

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