Eye tumor: Reasons, how to get rid of when to see a doctor immediately?

Eye tumor: Reasons, how to get rid of when to see a doctor immediately?

This article describes how to get rid of the eye tumor. You will find out for what reasons she appears and what to do.

Eye or circles under the eyes are common cosmetic problems and usually do not require a visit to a doctor or any special treatment. However, in some cases, they can also be a sign of a more or less serious health problem. How to find out when to sound the alarm?

Read how not to look swollen. The skin around the eyes is very thin and soft, therefore sensitive to any external and internal influences. What could be related to the tumor around the eyes and when is it appropriate to see a doctor? This is written in this article. Read further.

Excess of salt: a common cause of the eye and face tumor

Eyes swollen from the excess of salt
Eyes swollen from the excess of salt

Salt in the body delays water and can cause edema throughout the body, and the eyes are no exception - this is especially often in the morning after a very salty dinner. Excess salt is a common cause of the tumor of the eyes and face. What to do?

  • It is not recommended to use more than 5 g of salt per day, which corresponds to one teaspoon.

Do not exceed this norm. This really will help if you learn to salt food. Do not salt it best at all. It is better to crush already in a plate than in a pan. You will not put a lot of this product on your plate, but in the common pot you can overpower.

Read the article on our website about the best diuretics for edema. You will find a list of drugs with instructions, herbs, folk remedies, as well as the doctor's recommendations.

Crying - tumors eyes from tears: what to do?

Crying, especially for a long time, causes accumulation of fluid around the eyes, causing edema for a short time. What to do? Fortunately, tumors of the eyes from tears disappear shortly after you stop crying. Therefore, you do not need to do anything, just wash and calm down.

Lack of sleep: how to get rid of a tumor under the eyes in the morning

Not only swelling, but also redness of the eyes, circles under them or swollen eyelids-all this can be due to lack of sleep. The muscles around the eyes are weakened, which can lead to the loss of collagen (elastic tissue) at this stage. As a result, fluid accumulates in this area, causing skin edema. How to get rid of a tumor under the eyes in the morning?

  • Such edema from insomnia can hold 24 hours.
  • If you are sleeping well, such a symptom can become constant.

You should sleep at least 6, and ideally 8 hours a day - no less. Only in this case, the face will be beautiful, the skin is young, and the eyes are without edema.

Allergy: How to remove the tumor from the bite of the midges in front of your eyes?

The eyes of allergies are swollen after a midge bite
The eyes of allergies are swollen after a midge bite

In response to allergens such as pollen, dust, mold, chemicals or animal hair, and even insect bite, protective eye cells produce histamine protein, as part of an immune response. As a result, the eyes can be swollen, red, itchy, sensitive or watery.

Such an allergy is usually easy to treat, it is enough to take an antihistamine - Loratadine, Cetrin, Zodak Or other. You can also rinse your nose with salt water or instill your eyes with an artificial tear or special droplets.

However, in the case of removing the tumor from the bite of the midge in the eyes, an additional remedy may be needed. The fact is that many insects leave a sting, saliva at the site of the bite and can even infect some diseases. Therefore, the wound must be washed at least with soap water. The fact is that near the eyes it is impossible to treat the skin with alcohol, soda or other similar drugs.

Important: If you drank a tablet from allergies, washed with soap and water, and the swelling does not pass and the condition worsens, consult a doctor. The fact is that many insects tolerate dangerous diseases that require immediate treatment.

It is best to avoid allergens, but it does not always work out. Therefore, you should always have antihistamines at hand. Allergies released without a prescription are also included - Claritin, Benadril, decongestants - Sudfefed, Afrin, eye drops - Vizing, Alawi. The doctor can also prescribe a medicine to reduce the sensitivity to allergen.

Infections: how to treat the eye tumor?

With the development of infection, bacteria, viruses, different chemicals and other stimuli are to blame for the eyes. The sebaceous glands (halazion) or the expansion of the eye socket cavities can also occur. Barley may appear. Such manifestations include, in addition to edema of the lower and upper eyelids, redness and the appearance of suppuration. How to treat the eye tumor in this case?

Advice: In no case should you rub your eyes! The infection can be transmitted from one eye to another. Compress with a wet clean towel will help to relieve suffering and reduce the pain.

If you suspect you have an infection, consult a doctor. He will prescribe antibiotics or other drugs to relieve pain and discomfort on the eyes.

The clogged lacrimal ducts: why does the eye tumor appear, how to remove, how to determine a malignant tumor?

Eyes swollen due to clogged tearful ducts
Eyes swollen due to clogged tearful ducts

The lacrimal ducts remove tears and natural moisture from the eye. Why does such an eye tumor appear?

  • If the lacrimal tubules are clogged or locked, the liquid can accumulate around the eyes.
  • This leads to edema, as well as excessive lacrimation, vastness of vision, redness, pain or pus.

The cause may be an infection, makeup particles or eye injury. Usually the problem goes on its own within a few days. How to remove what to do? Here are the tips:

  • Warm compresses and washing the eye with a sterile saline will help.
  • You can brew the chamomile, strain the solution and apply in a warm form to your eyes, moistening a clean napkin.

In severe cases, the duct can be blocked due to a malignant tumor. If the problem does not disappear in a few days, be sure to consult a doctor. He will determine the true cause of the disease, conduct diagnostics and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Injuries with a brush for makeup, mascara or fingernail: what to do if your eyes are swollen?

You can not scratch around or directly in the eye very carefully. Women often injure the eye sockets with makeup brush, in mascara, when they paint or with a fingernail. Similarly, after a blow by any stupid object, the eye socket will fall a little, moves away. This will lead to blood in the area of \u200b\u200bits location. In this case, edema or bruise will necessarily appear.

What to do if your eyes are swollen after such an injury? Here are the tips:

  • Rinse the eye sockets with water to wash off a cosmetic product if it gets inside.
  • Wipe with a slightly clean cloth.
  • Run the eyes with an artificial tear or other drops that help remove the edema: Vizin, sodium sulfacil or others.

If the edema did not go through during the day, then contact an ophthalmologist.

Mononucleosis is a strong tumor and edema of the eye: what to do?

Changes in vision and the appearance of the area around the eyes are a sign of mononucleosis. There may be even a strong tumor and edema. This infectious disease is transmitted through saliva, as well as with coughing or sneezing. In addition to the eyes, swelling can appear on tonsils, neck and armpits. The eyes with this pathology are reddish and painful. Redness appears in the neck. There is also a headache, severe fatigue, skin rash, fever appear.

Important: If you suspect the presence of mononucleosis, consult a doctor.

It is better not to engage in self -medication, as this can lead to the progression of the disease and a decrease in general immunity.

How to help yourself at home and when to go to the doctor with a tumor around the eyes?

Eyes swollen
Eyes swollen

From the foregoing it follows that swelling under the eyes in most cases passes on its own. As part of home treatment, cold compresses with water, gel or using tea bags help. Light massage of the face also provides relief. Even a slight eye infection can pass quickly if you just drip your eyes, for example, with an artificial tear.

However, if the edema does not disappear after 24-48 hours or if redness, pain, the release of white mucus or pus are added, a feeling of compression, clouding of vision, increased lacrimation, increased body temperature, consult a doctor. He will conduct appropriate examinations, prescribe anti -allergic drugs or antibiotics, steroid drugs (medicines, ointments, drops) or offer other necessary corrective measures. Good luck!

Video: Inflammation of the eyelids - blepharitis, halazions, meibomites

Video: edema - causes of edema. How to remove bags under the eyes?

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