Is there a brownie how he looks, where he lives in a house or apartment? How to find out if there is a brownie in the house: signs of presence

Is there a brownie how he looks, where he lives in a house or apartment? How to find out if there is a brownie in the house: signs of presence

Do you believe in the brownies? Find out from the article what kind of creatures are, how they look and what they bring to people.

Modern man, what is he? To horror pragmatic. More often, he identifies with the comfort of physical and the situation - a good repair, expensive equipment, comfortable furniture.

For religion, faith in magical and magical in his life, if there is a place, then very little. And then he is sincerely surprised that something strange begins to happen in the house: things disappear, technology breaks, dishes beat, rustle and sighs are heard. So shows himself to the brownie. And he is clearly not happy that he did not treat him with due respect.

Is there a brownie?

It is necessary to immediately understand that the brownie is not a person, not an animal, or even any creature that has a physical shell. He is the creation of esoteric, astral.

The existence of a house by scientists has not been proven. It is not attributed to any of the existing species of living beings and is not allocated to a new one. All the photos in which the keeper of the house is allegedly captured in one of his likeness are considered hoaxes, since their authenticity is not confirmed.

Moreover, a person with a rational warehouse of the mind will be able to find a scientific, quite logical explanation for all the tricks of the house, which will convince himself and others that creatures do not exist.

One version: Brownie is a good spirit that protects the house or apartment.

But our ancestors believed that in every house there is a guardian spirit, a mystical creature, which, with a good attitude towards it, protects the home itself and everyone who lives in it. The Slavs called the Brownie Course God (from the Ukrainian "Kut" - the corner).
The house was respected, tried to appease him, left toys and food. He could even have his own corner and sleeping place. And no one was surprised by the hints and warnings that the brownie gave to people, and sometimes his pranks. He was the patron saint of his home, defended him from fires, a criminal attack, and the family living in him gave health, a secure life. He looked through the brownie and cattle and pets. And he was fed only when the households were poorly treated.

Important: the brownie was considered a family member, and sometimes its head. It was not for nothing that he was called the “master”, “uncle”, “grandfather”, “brother”.

Where does the brownie come from in a house or apartment? What is the nature of this creature? There are very different opinions on this score.

  1. According to one version, the brownie is a ghost, the spirit of one of the dead family members. Either the fact that he died first, or the one who sinned a lot, did not repent and could not move into another world, remaining forever the guardian of the home.
  2. According to another version, the house is a clot of energy left by the inhabitants of the house. If it is good, positive, then the brownie will be kind, if angry, negative - it will fade and scare people.
  3. Some of our ancestors believed that the brownies are the descendants of Adam and Eve, who are forced to live next to people, but to hide from them because of their terrible appearance.
  4. Also, the Slavs thought that God himself sent the households to the houses.
According to the church, the brownie is an unclean force, a demon.
According to the church, the brownie is an unclean force, a demon.

Important: the church has its own opinion on this. Orthodox Christianity does not deny the existence of brownies, but considers them demons, "from the evil one."

In believers who have icons at home, go to church, try to lead a charitable lifestyle, repent in their sins, correctly educate their children, and there is a guardian angel in the homes. And they no longer need any other “defender”.
If the inhabitants of the house sin, faded, converge, conjugate, conduct mystical rites, if there are no icons in it, a demon may well start - a brownie who will include everyone in the house of evil. And such a house needs to be cleansed.
The fact that some people consider to be cohabitation with the brownie, keep his figures and images, Orthodox priests explain to the fact that even more than a thousand years after the baptism of Russia, they cannot get rid of pagan traditions and idols. Indeed, in fact, the brownie is the god of the pagan pantheon of the ancient Slavs.

Important: in occultism there is the concept of "egregor". It means condensate of energy, continuation of thoughts, feelings, human experiences. If the brownie is an egregor, it exists while they believe in it. Being pagan gods, they were relevant. And now, when and not that deify, but even doubt their existence, they can really disappear.

Brownie in the house: what does it mean is it good or bad?

So, the brownie lives in the house. To the worse or to good? After all, some advise to crush him, feed and entertain, while others - to expel, survive, conduct a rite of purification. For example, holy water, as described in this article.

If a person is deeply believing, he will never want to cohabit with the unclean, especially, appease it. But most of us rarely distinguish religious dogmas, beliefs, signs. For such brownies, this is good. It is believed that he:

  • saves an apartment or house from fire, robberies, other troubles
  • helps the family, in the apartment of living
  • following cleanliness in the house
  • creates comfort
  • indicates a malfunction of household appliances
  • plays with young children and pets
  • warns about troubles, gives signs
  • attracts material well -being
The brownie monitors order in the house and is very angry if it is not observed.

If the house tricks, breaks or scatters things, makes noise, scares households, this does not mean that it is bad. The main food of this creature is not milk with bread or cookies, as many people think, but energy emanating from family members. If they are sloppy, quarrel with each other, evil towards others, the house becomes the same. In order for him to turn into the keeper from the dirty trick, you need to change his behavior and try to make friends with him.

VIDEO: Brownies: kind or evil who are they?

What does the brownie look like: a photo of a real living house good?

You ask the child how the brownie looks like, he will immediately describe a good shaggy, smeared saga kuzu from a famous children's cartoon. You ask an adult - he will describe his grandfather with a long beard and a mustache, in a shirt or straw noodles. He lives behind the stove and groans, as it is old.

Is the brownie really similar to a person, only less growth? As a spirit, it has no specific physical embodiment and can be presented in different images:

  • tangle of wool
  • creatures similar to a cat covered with wool, with clawed paws, long ears, rare, sharp teeth and yellow eyes
  • shadows
  • one of the dead family members
  • cat gray or smoky

Some describe the brownie, as the creature is sweet, dense, rounded. Others are like something bad, shredled. The appearance of this creature largely depends on what lifestyle people lead. If they are sloppy, they do not follow the order in the house, the brownie has to do everything for them. From this he loses weight, becomes exhausted and looks really scary.

The brownie describes how a creature with yellow eyes similar to a cat.
The brownie describes how a creature with yellow eyes similar to a cat.

Now there are photo and video cameras in every mobile, you can shoot anything. Therefore, the Internet has become mottled with supposedly brownies. It is difficult to determine on them whether they are genuine or not. The pictures see shadows, some vague silhouettes, it is difficult to make out. Nevertheless, from some of these photos, goosebumps run around the skin, so it is better not to watch them to the faint and nerd and impressionable.

Photo of the brownie.
Brownie in the photo.
It is very difficult to say whether the brownie is captured in this photo.

How to find out if there is a brownie in the house: signs of presence

Brownies do not always make themselves felt by some signs. If the house and the family are safe, they just do their job. But more often their presence is still noticeable:

  1. At night, you can hear steps similar to the steps of a pet, as well as oh and sigh. You don’t have to be afraid, good spirit just messing around the household.
  2. Animals see brownies. If a cat or a dog is hardened for a long time in one position and stares at an empty place, they look at the house. Cats still love to play with him.
  3. It is believed that children under 7 years old see brownies. Guide spirits do not offend, amuse the cradle, swing the cradle, comfort when they cry.
  4. A brownie can host in the kitchen - tear off the cabinet, rearrange the kitchen utensils.
  5. If some thing was searched in the house, and then she was found in the most prominent place, this brownie helped.
  6. If rustles, oh, howls are heard near some electrical appliances, it itself turns on and turns off, this brownie suggests that it needs to be checked for serviceability.
  7. The brownie can howl and cry, foreshadowing the misfortune: a serious illness or death of one of the family members.
One of the appearance of the brownie.
One of the appearance of the brownie.

Important: it happens so, a person is read out by a book or enthusiastically wanders the Internet, while he eats something tasty. He bit, put on a plate. He is sure that another piece remained, once again reaches for a plate, but there is nothing there. This is the brownie decided to treat himself!

Where does the brownie live and hide in the house, the apartment according to the beliefs of the Slavs?

According to the beliefs of the Slavs, the brownie lives in warm and cozy places - behind the stove or on the stove.

In apartments where there are no such furnaces, he lives in a secluded corner, forced furniture, in a pantry or a large closet.

Favorite place of the brownie - in warmth, behind the stove.
Brownie's favorite place - in warmth, behind the stove.

If a person has strong intuition, he can feel the habitat of the house. It can be calculated with the help of a pendulum, vine, through other rites. But it is better not to do this: the owner - the father likes to stay incognito, will make itself felt, if necessary.

Where do the brownies come from in new houses?

Ideas about where the brownies come from in houses are very different.

  1. According to one of them, the deceased owner of the house or the one that built it becomes.
  2. For another, brownie to decent people, strong families, good masters, God himself sends as a reward.
  3. Paranormal phenomena experts believe that it appears home in a living house, that is, such where the energy of its inhabitants has already accumulated.
  4. If the house is new, I want it to be guarded by a good spirit, the brownie is called through special rituals. A family who moves from an old place and wants to take the owner from there can try to take it with him. But this is extremely difficult to do, since the house is a settled creature, having chosen a dwelling, he is unlikely to leave him.
  5. If not the whole family moves, one of its members, a chance to take the brownie with him even less.

Doom is needed in the house and for what?

The amulet is the brownie.
The amulet is the brownie.

In the cartoon about the house of Kuzu, the crow and Baba Yaga could not get enough of him. “Happiness fell!” They said. Our ancestors considered this creature as well. The brownie registered the farm, symbolized fertility, gave health to people and animals. They tried to make friends with him, left him the hotels.
Now not everyone will be happy with such cohabitation.

  1. Firstly, people who see the brownie experience fear and, they say, can be numb or turn gray.
  2. Secondly, the life and way of life of families is very changing. It becomes difficult to live a house. The spirit can be frightened, the vacuum cleaner and the TV, loud music are angry. Yes, and he can with difficulty find a secluded place in a small apartment. And the evil brownie is trouble. He makes noise, scares people, hides things, scatters cereals, and his milk sours. It remains either to make peace with him, accept his rule, or try to drive him out, conducting the rites of cleansing the home.
  3. It is already clear that the Orthodox Christian, the leading righteous lifestyle, certainly will not tolerate evil spirits at home. For him, the brownie is evil. After all, an angel of the Guardian and the house under one roof will not get along, the latter is clearly not needed here, it is more necessary to get rid of it.

VIDEO: Brownie. How to check whether there is a brownie at home?

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Comments K. article

  1. An article is bred, designed for dark, near people. It would be better to talk about articles from the messenger of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

  2. When I read this, the cat stared in one place and does not even see me!

  3. the brownie helped me several times at home, the animals of the brownie saw, with a dog and a cat, and my husband and I only heard, and the brownie saved our children twice, no one will convince me that they do not exist) ... ... I am even sorry for those who do not see the nifiga Further your own nose

  4. I also think that there is a brownie. And I also have it in my apartment. Moreover, kind.

  5. and we also live a good household) he drives a cat

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