How to properly consecrate and clean the apartment, house, office, office, workplace, car, store with holy water? Prayer for the consecration of the apartment, houses, cars with holy water

How to properly consecrate and clean the apartment, house, office, office, workplace, car, store with holy water? Prayer for the consecration of the apartment, houses, cars with holy water

From our article you will learn how to independently conduct a rite of consecration by holy water of your home, car and workplace.

We all know that our thoughts with strong desire can materialize into reality. The most unpleasant thing is that this applies to both our dreams and our anxiety. It has long been proven if a person is afraid of some kind of illness, then sooner or later she appears to him. In addition, anger, envy and swearing has a negative effect on a person.

If in the house in which the family lives there is a lot of negative energy, then it will inevitably begin to poison people's lives. That is why it is extremely important several times a year to cleanse the space around you from negativity. You can conduct a rite of purification with the help of Epiphany water and a church candle.

How to clean the apartment, house with a candle and holy water from the negativity yourself?

Cleaning living space with a flame of a candle
  • As already mentioned at the beginning of our article, negative energy is able to destroy the well -being of the strongest family, so if you began to notice that a cat stopped entering the house or for no reason your indoor flowers began to fade, then it was time to clean the housing from negativity. It is best to use water consecrated to the baptism of the Lord for these purposes.
  • It is believed that it is she who is able to remove all the negativity present in the house, thereby returning it to the household peace and prosperity. But in order for the rite to really help you, it is necessary to prepare for it correctly. To begin with, you must clean the apartment as carefully as possible. Throw away all the old things out of your home, remove dust from all surfaces, change all the beds if possible, hang clean towels in the bathroom and wash the floors.
  • Pay special attention to the front door. It also needs to be washed well, and then immediately spray with holy water. Thus, you will seal the entrance to your home and do not give poor energy to get into it. After that, get into the bath, bathe and change clothes in all clean. Then become in front of the icons, cross yourself and read our prayer. When this will be done to proceed directly to the rite of purification.
  • Light the candle and slowly, go around all the rooms of your house. If in the process of cleansing you saw that in some place the flame behaves very restlessly, stop there and cross it three times with a church candle. If even after that the flame hesitates greatly, repeat the procedure again. Usually, after the second time, negative energy disappears. Yes, and if during the cleansing who begins to knock on the door, do not respond and do not let you into the house. It is likely that this is the person who harms you and your relatives.
  • After the whole house is bypassed, take the Epiphany water and with the help of wheat spikelets spray all the walls of the house, paying special attention to the corners. Be sure to open all the cabinets and bedside tables and also dubulate them with holy water. After this is over, stand again in front of the icons and ask the Almighty Grace.

How to properly consecrate and clean the office, office, workplace, any room?

Office consecration rules
  • As a rule, there are always a lot of negative energy at the workplace of a person. After all, no matter what friendly team, all people come to work in different moods. Most often, they bring home problems and troubles with them. All this negative has a feature of accumulating and starting to make discord between colleagues. For this reason, it will be better if you try to sanctify your office, workplace or even the office in which you work.
  • But remember, this rite is also necessary in a clean room. Therefore, or ask for the service personnel in advance or do cleaning with colleagues. The last option will be preferable for you as such actions you will begin to leave positive energy in the room without purification. When everything is removed, take the holy water, and starting on the east side of the room, move through all the rooms of the office.
  • Spray the walls, furniture and ceilings with water, while not forgetting to additionally put baptisms on the windows and doors. This whole process should be accompanied by a prayer of our father, or simply a sincere request for blessing. When the sanctification ceremony is finished, close all the doors tightly and wait for the holy water to completely dry. While this process takes place, your workplace without your participation will continue to be filled with good energy.
  • Yes, if you want the effect of this rite to not go anywhere, then do not be lazy and spend it once a month. To do this, just stock up on church water and keep it in a glass container, also consecrated, if possible. So water will not lose its life -giving properties for the long time.

How to properly consecrate and clean a store for good trade in holy water?

The consecration of the store with a priest
  • If you want your business to prosper, then be sure to sanctify the store in which the goods will be sold. It is desirable to do this before the opening. So you will not only save the room from negative energy, but also create a lock on the input of the negativity. So, the first thing you should do is to lay out all the goods on the shelves. All things should be neatly laid out (up to the smallest leaf), empty boxes are thrown out, and the floors are washed.
  • Pay special attention. If you want coming people not to leave you your negativity, then type the well water, dilute the salt in it and add a couple of drops of baptismal water here, and wash the entire floor surface with the resulting solution. When the floors are washed, take the holy water and go around the room in a circle, putting crosses from the holy liquid on all surfaces, including on the product.
  • After that, light the church candle, put it in the center of the room and wait until it burns out completely. While the candle is burning all the time read our Father or pray to Nikolai the Wonderworker. Ask for that at this moment no one distracts you, you should be concentrated exclusively on prayer and on your desire to be a successful person.
  • As soon as the candle melts, collect its remnants and throw them out of the store. Then take dry sage and wormwood and also walking in a circle, fumigate the whole room with them. This will help strengthen the effect of holy water and will not allow negative energy to get into your store from the street.

How to properly consecrate and clean the car with holy water?

Car consecration
  • Since we live in a very rapidly developing world, the machine for us is not a luxury, but a means of movement that helps us to cope with all the tasks and problems as quickly as possible. Due to the fact that we stand in traffic jams a lot, the car is gradually overtaken by the anger and irritation of drivers and their passengers.
  • Therefore, if you do not want all this negativity to begin to have an effect on you, then be sure to clean and consecrate your machine. You can consecrate the car in two ways. If you do not know how to do it right, then just go to the church that you go with your family, make a little donation to the temple and ask for a priest that he will conduct the desired rite.
  • In this case, you will need to open all windows, doors and hood and wait until the holy man does everything according to church rules. If you want to do everything yourself, then buy three small icons in the church, for example, Nikolai Wonderworker, Mother of God and Jesus Christ. Bring them home, tune in to the right way and taking the holy water with you, go to conduct the ceremony.
  • It is best to do it on Sunday after the morning service. Sit inside the car, attach the purchased icons and start reading our Father. During reading, spray with water seats, steering wheel, mirrors and all panels. When everything is consecrated inside, do the same actions outside. Then again return inside the car and already without sprinkling, just pray before the icons.
  • Yes, and do not forget that God's blessing is always with you, never faded in the car and do not put it in wrong places. If the negative energy is present in your car at least occasionally, the effect of the consecration and purification rite will disappear very quickly.

How to spray corners in the apartment, house, room with holy water for cleansing?

Recommendations for the cleansing of angles with holy water
  • Holy water gives a positive effect only if it is used correctly. She does not like anger, envy and cries. All this very negatively affects its structure, gradually making ordinary liquid. Therefore, if you want it to really clean the rooms, then at least in the place where it is worth it, try to maintain a peaceful atmosphere. You need to start cleaning the corners in your house from the red corner. First, put your thoughts in order.
  • Then kneel down in front of the icons, dodge them as low as possible and ask them for help. If you wish, you can read the prayer to the "Life -giving Cross." Then pour the holy water into a clean porcelain bowl, and scooping up a little liquid from it, sprinkle the icons. During this, say the following words: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. After that, following clockwise, go to the next corner. Get opposite him and calm down completely, read the corner to sprinkle the angle.
  • Start sprinkling from the lowest point, gradually moving up. As soon as you finish with this angle, proceed to the next and clean it with the same method as the previous one. When you return to the red corner, kneel down again and read the prayer to the holy martyr Vasily. Then leave the room and let the Holy Water take a divine miracle.

Prayer for the consecration of the apartment, houses, cars with holy water

Prayer No. 1
Prayer No. 2
Prayer No. 3
  • We all know that Christian prayer is able to work miracles. Therefore, if you want to strengthen the action of holy water, then accompany the process of consecration of an apartment or at home with a certain prayer. This will help you protect yourself as well from bad eyes, words and actions. You can read such prayers both directly above the water, and while you sprinkle the walls with it.
  • When you do this, it does not matter the main thing that at this moment your thoughts be clean, and the soul is configured for dialogue with God. In addition, always remember that at home, as in the temple, a woman should read prayers with her head covered. Therefore, before starting to conduct the rite, be sure to tie a scarf on your head and put on a cross cross. As soon as you are ready, begin to pronounce the words of prayer in an undertone.
  • In no case do not rush, do everything without unnecessary fuss and without the slightest doubt. Try to make all your words be spoken quite clearly and, most importantly, sincerely. You need to read prayers over water at least 3 times. There is an opinion that only in this way can God hear the request of the prayer.

Video: How to prepare for the consecration of a home?

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