Signs and beliefs about the threshold of the house - positive, negative, about the threshold and animals: where did you come from? Signs about the threshold in various states

Signs and beliefs about the threshold of the house - positive, negative, about the threshold and animals: where did you come from? Signs about the threshold in various states

Since ancient times, the threshold that leads to the house, people paid special attention. They believed that the threshold is considered the border between households and the outside world, is it so?

Today, magicians and sorcerers consider the threshold a kind of energy object. They argue that the threshold is able to protect, store housing from the penetration of evil forces from the outside. The threshold has a large number of magical qualities, can form a positive space near people.

Where did the signs about the threshold come from?

  • In fact, each housing begins with the threshold. The house begins with it not only from the physical side, but also with the magical side. As far as the threshold of the house will be “strong” magically, all household households will be so successful.
  • It is unfortunate, but at the moment, people almost do not pay attention to this aspect. And then they begin to wonder why their house Luck, finances, well -being leave, and instead comes negative, disease. As a rule, the cause of such misfortunes - the threshold simply cannot cope with its own protective function.
  • Our ancestors, as written above, believed that the threshold is the border between the house and the environment. Using the threshold, the outline of the house closes. If they use it wrong, households may encounter troubles.
  • The threshold is the beginning of an important path, roads. And all because when a person steps over the threshold, he leaves the house or vice versa, goes inside the room, starting or ending his own path. In ancient times, each border designation was important. The threshold is considered one of such symbols.
  • Until today, a huge number of statements have been able to preserve in our native language and will accept about the threshold, for example, "go beyond the threshold." Often in the old days people made very high thresholds. With this method, they tried to protect their own home. And that's why evil forces are difficult to overcome such protection.
High thresholds
High thresholds
  • Also, one cannot not note the following fact: when a person steps over the large threshold, he fades a little. This means that a person bows to the owners of this housing, as well as the icons that are inside.
  • It is also worth noting that in Russian villages remote from the cities, even today people make high rapids in the houses in front of the front door. They also add low door jambs.

Signs about the threshold: Magic protection

  • Even in ancient times, during the construction of housing, people laid amulets in the threshold, and under the threshold - talismans. Above the door entrance and the threshold itself was hanged Security amulet. As amulets, people used, for example, to the horseshoe, some kind of sharp object or twig of a magic plant (wormwood, aspen, etc.).
  • Today, people also hang burning pepper and garlic over the threshold instead of talismans.
Protect the house from evil forces through the threshold
Protect the house from evil forces through the threshold
  • Of course, the thresholds of new houses, cottages are completely unlike those thresholds that were in old houses. However, here you can protect your own family, knowing signs about the threshold. If you do not have the opportunity to place a protective amulet under the threshold, then draw it or draw some kind of drawing on the threshold using any sharp object.
  • As a protective image is suitable horseshoe or cross. These signs will mean that the entrance to your house for ill -wishers and bad people is forever covered.

Signs about the threshold in various states

Almost every nation has such signs about the threshold have a negative value. The ancient Romans began to use them for the first time. People at that time tried to treat any subject with great respect, since God has been responsible for any of these items. So, for example, the threshold was under the auspices of the goddess Vesta. Therefore, it was forbidden to step on the threshold. A little later, the patron has changed at this part of the dwelling. They became a god named Limensin. His people considered the real "guard" of the threshold.

  • There is such a sign on the territory of Morocco, as well as Armenia - people think that different perfumes live near the threshold. So that they do not cause harm to the household, on the surface of the walls, people apply images of crosses.
Threshold - place of spirits
Threshold - place of spirits
  • Residents of Muslim countries think that ginns live under the threshold. If someone unexpectedly distorts them, they will definitely take revenge. That is why people try to carefully step over the threshold. They also believe that they cannot be on the doorstep, all the more to sit.
  • Our ancestors thought that A brownie lives in the threshold. For them, he was a defender of the house and all those living in it. The brownie people never worried, thinking that he could be offended, leave the house forever. They specified their defender with all their might, treated them with various sweets. On the threshold at night, people also put milk and laid some crackers.

Signs about the threshold: Is it possible to advance?

  • Stepping on the threshold, as many folk Signs about the threshold, you are disturbing the spirits who live in the house and guard it. These spirits can be the ancestors who have long been dead or ordinary brownie.
  • When you step on the threshold, You thereby show disrespect for spiritsAnd therefore you may encounter trouble. Difficulties can attract not only the keepers of the house who will be offended. If they leave your housing, you will be without protection. As a result of this, large problems will affect you, for example, furniture or household appliances will begin to break in the house. You will encounter diseases, and accidents will haunt you everywhere.
  • In addition, when a person for a long time on the thresholdhe launches all into the house Negative energy. And from the home itself happiness comes out with joy. A person simply deprives himself of good luck, luck, prosperity. In addition, the threshold has always been considered a symbol of the beginning of a new path.
You can’t stand for a long time
You can’t stand for a long time
  • It is a long time to be on the threshold - this means not to rush with your own endeavors. This most often leads to unnecessary uncertainty in their own abilities, difficult choice, failures in all matters, work.
  • The people were previously forbidden to the bride after marriage to stand on the threshold, to cross through it. Otherwise, the marriage could become unhappy, quickly falling apart. By tradition, the groom took his bride in his arms, and only then brought her into the house.
  • Today, the threshold is still considered some kind of sacred object. Many people did not even stop hanging over the front door of the amulet, trying to protect their own house from troubles.

Signs about the threshold are positive

Signs about the threshold:

  • It is necessary to throw a little through the threshold on Saturday rice cereals. On the path that will get from rice, wealth will come to your housing.
  • When you will revenge gender, better do it to the center of the room, from the threshold. So you will never affect the problems associated with finances.
  • When the bride leaves the house, he will leave to get married, it is necessary to wash the floors (the threshold cannot be touched). After that, the bride will never return home, she will be happy with her chosen one.
  • If a girl wants to quickly find a man, marry him, her you can not sweep the floors in the direction of the threshold. It is necessary to sweep the floor, starting from the threshold, heading for the table.
From the threshold
From the threshold
  • If a long -awaited guest is expected in the house, but it does not go, then it is necessary to shit the tablecloth lying on the table above the threshold. If you believe in this sign, the arrival of the guest will significantly accelerate.
  • Before the rite of the child’s baptism, it can be protected from the drawings of evil forces. So that evil could not affect the child, the evil eye, damage, is necessary, it is necessary put a sharp knife under the threshold.
  • In the jamb of the door or in the threshold you need to stick a pin or other sharp object. After that, the witch can never go into the house.
  • Having stepped over the threshold, do not go back home. Having completed this, a person is always waiting for luck on the road.
  • In order to attract prosperity to housing, a young couple must put an open castle under the threshold when the newlyweds will leave the house, go for a marriage. When the young couple returns, the lock needs to be closed, the key is definitely thrown away.
  • So that there is always a lot of money in the house, according to signs about the threshold, under it you can hide a nickle.
  • In ancient times, many young women used the threshold during fortune telling. When they left the bathhouse, they stepped on the threshold only with their left foot. And the right girl went to the ground, while they pronounced a special conspiracy that could bewitch the guy.

Signs about the threshold negative

Signs about the threshold:

  • If a guy or a young girl long are on the threshold, They may not find their soul mate for a very long time.
  • The expectant mother can not sit on the threshold or porch - this is a very bad sign.
  • If a young girl will pass water over the threshold to someone so that he would drink, she will not marry.
  • You can’t eat when you step over the threshold. Evil forces can master this person.
  • You can not take out the garbage by the threshold when the sun comes in. Otherwise, a person can get on the damage, evil eye.
  • Never mark from the threshold. You can get all the wealth from the housing.
  • Bad sign sleep near the threshold of the front door. The brownie will be angry, as he does not like it.
  • It is forbidden to greet someone through the threshold. You can quarrel with this person.
  • Not worth it sit on the threshold. You can get sick.
  • If the threshold creaks, then one of the households will get sick or die. The threshold must be repaired quickly.
  • If you stumble on the threshold when you leave the house, badly. This means that a person’s path will be unsuccessful, some kind of trouble will happen to them.
  • You can not shook your hand over the threshold. The fact is that, having violated this rule, negative energy can penetrate the house, and with it different evil entities. As a result, the house will leave money, the households are constantly scandalous, household appliances and furniture break. Also, people living in the house are also awaiting other troubles.
To troubles and quarrels
To troubles and quarrels
  • You can't objects transfer to another person through the threshold. This can lead to financial losses, according to signed about the threshold.
  • If the pregnant woman blows through the threshold, then complex birth can be expected. And the child who will be born will begin to regain food.
  • The seller should not stand on the threshold of his store. Otherwise, he will lose his own buyers.

Signs about the threshold and animals

Signs about the threshold:

  • A pregnant cat or a small kitten sits on the threshold of the house? You can not drive the animal. It is better to leave the cat at home. The pet will bring peace and prosperity to the family, will be able to protect against ill -wishers.
  • If a A black cat sits on the threshold, So the house needs reliable protection against evil spirits. Someone wants to harm people in housing using witchcraft.
  • If a black kitten comes to the threshold, and his paws will be snow -white, it needs shelter. He will only bring good luck, prosperity financially.
The cat is on the threshold
The cat is on the threshold
  • A person who will decide to shelter a cat of 3 colors will always be successful in business.
  • If the cat lay down on the threshold, you cannot pass through it, you can not rush. On the way of the owner of the house, there may be a threat of his life or some problems. In this case, it is better to go somewhere a little later.
  • When the cat escorts its own owner, and on the threshold it meow strongly, life is extremely careful. The journey will be dangerous, unsuccessful.
  • If a a dead cat will be on the threshold - It is worth expecting bad news and difficult situations. Of course, this “surprise” could only throw an ill -wisher. The cat needs to be buried away from the house, and the housing will be cleaned using a candle. You need to start the procedure from the door, walk throughout the house in the direction of the clockwise. The candle should be lit. You also need to read the prayer "Our Father." Returning to the door, you need to cross the door 3 times with a given candle, put it out with your fingers. A visit to the priest’s house, who will conduct a ritual of consecration of housing, will not interfere.
For good luck
For good luck
  • Is there a cat on the threshold, which is aggressive, hisses? According to signed about the thresholdThis house is threatened with troubles or evil forces.
  • If a bird was on the threshold, it is worth expecting important news. If there is a dead bird, the news will be bad.

Video: Signs about the threshold

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