What saint is the house, family, children, health: icons and prayers. Strong Orthodox prayer-reinforcing all the saints for help, in gratitude, for all occasions: Text

What saint is the house, family, children, health: icons and prayers. Strong Orthodox prayer-reinforcing all the saints for help, in gratitude, for all occasions: Text

Prayers for all occasions.

In complex everyday situations, people turn to God. The Almighty hears their sincere prayers and helps the asking. So that God helps your trouble should be correctly addressed to him and his assistants. You will learn about saints and prayers from this article.

What saint and the icon protects the house from the fire, protects against thieves and enemies

One of the mandatory attributes of the Orthodox religion is the icon. She is an image of the image of a saint. Of course, a believer can always turn to God when he needs it.

But sometimes it is difficult to concentrate your thoughts in prayer. The icon is the symbol that helps the Orthodox tune in to contact with the Lord. An icon that was not consecrated in the church is just an interior item. But the sanctified - it is a powerful amulet that protects your housing from adversity.

It is important to know what kind of icon you need to place in the house so that it protects from robberies and disasters. Reliable shield from fires and lightning Such icons serve: ·

  • Saint Nikita Novgorod - protects against evil energy. It also eliminates humanity and souls. You need to place it in the main room.
St. Nikita Novgorod
St. Nikita Novgorod
  • Brains are inexperienced - it also protects people working with fire or weapons.
Burning bush
Burning bush

It is customary to ask for strength to the protection of their home and material property from theft and robberies: ·

  • St. Theodore Tiron the Great Martyr - it is recommended to place an icon if thieves' dishonest people live near you.
Theodore Tiron
Theodore Tiron
  • The Mother of God "Sign" - protects against robberies.
The icon of the Mother of God
The icon of the Mother of God "Sign"
  • St. John the Warrior - helps to find thieves and find stolen. You need to hang the image above the front door.
John the Warrior
John the Warrior

Icon will help against the evil eye of unkind people, envious people and thoughts of enemies:

  • Semi -fire - the Blessed Virgin is depicted, whose body pierced the seven arrows, symbolizing the suffering that she had to survive. This icon can also pray for human mercy. Hang it opposite the door in the dwelling. It is believed that people with unkind thoughts will not be able to cross the threshold of housing where this shrine hangs.
Semi -fire icon
Semi -fire icon
  • The Ostrome icon of the Mother of God is a strong amulet against damage and the forces of the dark. They also turn to her, asking for the world. Helps to avoid quarrels in the family.
Ostrome icon of the Mother of God

Do not forget that the icon is not the Almighty itself or the holy saints, but only their images. Therefore, refer to prayer not to the icon, but depicted on it to the saint. Priests always say that they honor the icon, but do not worship it. You need to worship the Father of Heaven.

As a amulet, the icon works only in cases where your faith in the Lord is strong.

Important: properly place icons-shackles on the eastern wall of the house.

In the old days they did just that. Now, given the modern layouts of our apartments, it is allowed to hang images of saints and in other places. Only you need to follow the main rules:

  • choose such a place for the icon where the whole room is visible. Wash and cross it.
  • a place for images is selected once, do not move them unnecessarily.
  • before you install the icon, go through all the rooms with it.
  • between the icons on the wall do not hang paintings or other decor
  • do not place them near the noise source (TV, music center)
  • you can decorate the shrines with flowers or embroidered towels.
  • do not store icons in closed boxes or cabinets
  • you can put candles next to her, lamp  

Prayer is a protective house

In various situations, believers ask God or saints about protection. Such an appeal, in fact, is a prayer that can be mental or pronounced aloud.

This is a person’s attempt in moments of his weakness to receive help from higher powers. Sometimes, leaving our house even not for long, we are covered by anxiety for its safety. What can we say about situations when we are leaving for a long time?

In order to save your home from unkind people and disasters, they use a prayer-reel. It also helps to get rid of the negativity and adverse energy of the house. You can turn to the Almighty or to the saints who protect the home:

Prayer for the survivor of the dwelling
Prayer for the survivor of the dwelling

How to read a prayer correctly so that it helps to protect your house:

  • go to church.
  • write notes for the health of your families.
  • before the images of the Son of God, Nicholas the Sailman and the Blessed Matron of Moscow, put the candles.
  • type of holy water.
  • buy candles (12 pcs.).
  • in your house, light them near the icons.
  • read the prayer.
  • wash your face and household water from the church.
  • spray in the corners of the dwelling with the remaining water.  

The following tips will also help to protect your housing from negativity:

  • invite the priest to the house so that he has consecrated the room.
  • try not to quarrel and not swear in the house.
  • leaving the house, bless it.   

Family icon is a keeper of a hearth that helps in love and family life  

It is believed that in every house there should be icons. In difficult life situations, the images of saints help people.

With the appeal to icons, the believer is easier to cope with adverse circumstances. The family icon brings special grace. It is believed that a strong family can only be based on a single faith and spiritual intimacy.

Family icon - Joseph, Maria, Jesus
Family icon - Joseph, Maria, Jesus

The family icon is transmitted from generation to generation, and represents the spiritual shrine of the family. Predification to have a family icon has come from the time of Ancient Russia on such an icon can be depicted:

  • heavenly patrons of family members.
  • saints, especially revered in the family family, can also become an icon with which any favorable events in the family and wonderful cases, or an old shrine, stinging with all generations are associated.  

To possess a family icon that protected more than one tribal knee means to have a powerful amulet for your family. Such a shrine is endowed with a special, very strong positive energy.

Not all families have such shrines. You can choose an icon yourself that will help you create and save a strong loving family. Traditionally, the keepers of the family hearth are considered icons with images: ·

  • Murom miracle workers of Peter and Fevronia - contrary to all trials of those who managed to preserve love. Having died in different monasteries in one day and hour, after the death of their body were together.
Peter and Fevronia
Peter and Fevronia
  • Saints Joachim and Anna - the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The icon is considered the patroness of childless couples.
Joachim and Anna
Joachim and Anna
  • The holy martyrs of Adrian and Natalia - underwent tortures in the name of Vera, Adrian died, and Natalya died on his coffin.
Adrian and Natalia
Adrian and Natalia
  • Saints of Self, Guria and Aviv - patrons of married women. The icon helps to direct the family in the right direction and bring harmony to family life.
The patrons of married women
The patrons of married women
  • The Blessed Virgin Mary “Inexplicable Color” - keeps peace and love in the family, reconciles in moments of quarrels and disagreements.
"Inexplicable color"
  • The Mother of God is an “indestructible wall” - takes away from the family testing and trouble. Helps to return the wrong spouse to the family.
"Unbalanced wall"
  • St. Matron Blessed - a faithful assistant in family affairs, will help to find a way out of a difficult situation.
Matrona Moscow
Matrona Moscow
  • The Iveron Mother of God helps to avoid conflicts and swearing in the family.
The icon of the Iveron Mother of God
the icon of the Iveron Mother of God

Place the icons in the house - patrons of family happiness. They will help to maintain good relations in your family, love and respect for each other, soften quarrels, and help in difficult days.

Prayer for family well -being and happiness            

For each person, family, relatives are the most important component of life. Smells and quarrels between loved ones inflict deep spiritual wounds and take away strength.

Sincere prayers will help to save in the family of prosperity, love and happiness that are addressed to the Father of Heaven or the patrons of the saints. You can pronounce it in your own words. The main thing is sincere faith and divine love in the heart and your soul.

Family prayer
Family prayer

Icon bringing good luck and prosperity to the house, family

It’s good when our loved ones are prosperous, and the family lives in a stable prosperity. Sometimes it happens that luck seems to turn away from us, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot get out of difficulties.

Icon icons with the image of saints will help to overcome family problems and bring to your house:

  • Saint Spiridon of the Trimifunta Miracle Worker - an assistant in material and housing problems. They pray for this icon about the successful sale or purchase of a house if there are not enough funds to purchase important purchases.
Icon of St. Spyridon of Trimifunta
Icon of St. Spyridon of Trimifunta
  • The Holy Great Martyr Tryphon - in the old days he was prayed during hunger. This image will serve as a reliable shield from damage to property, financial problems · John the Gracious - helps to gain stable prosperity and material well -being  
The icon of the Holy Great Martyr Tryphon
the icon of the Holy Great Martyr Tryphon

Prayer for well -being and money and luck

We all know: money is not the most important thing in life. However, no one wants to be in poverty. And we all want monetary stability and financial well -being.

In order to avoid difficulties in money and bring good luck to life, you can ask about that God or an angel of your guardian. Use such prayer words:


 With requests for abundance, Orthodox are often addressed to the saints:

  • Spiridon Trimifunta
  • Wonderworker Nikolai
  • Tikhon Zadonsky
  • Ksenia Blessed
  • John to the Merciful

The strongest icon from diseases that helps in health

We do not think about health until we or our loved ones befell the ailment. Unfortunately, even the latest achievements of medicine cannot overcome some diseases. And believers ask for healing from higher powers.

In Orthodox iconography there are a number of miraculous healing icons, which are especially revered by the people. There are many legends about how the image of the saints helped to get rid of terrible ailments and even blindness. What icon should I contact to ask for health and loved ones?

  • The image of Jesus Christ is considered the most important icon that helps with diseases and suffering. The Savior himself experienced terrible physical torment, so he understands the pain of the asking person
  • The icon of the Virgin "Skoro -daring" is one of the most healing icons. The people are known for its miraculous ability to heal.
The icon of the Virgin
The icon of the Virgin "Skoro -Listen"
  • The image of St. Panteleimon is one of the most powerful patrons of people who experience physical suffering. His image is able to protect even from terrible diseases. The saint is also prayed when a difficult operation is ahead   Healing icons are located near the bed of the sick and turn to them with prayer daily.
St. Pantelimon
St. Pantelimon

Prayer for healing and health

In the case of diseases of your or your relatives, use the divine power of words. Pray to the Lord or the Saints Great Martyr for the patronage of you and about health.

Believe, heavenly healers will hear every asking and suffering. They provide their assistance, eliminating physical torment and giving the power of the spirit.


Prayers for the health of a heat man have truly enormous strength. It is necessary that he be baptized in the church. You can pronounce prayer words in the temple or at home, turning to images.

Saint, protecting children

The clergymen say that children have a special trusteeship in heaven, as they are still defenseless and clean before the world. A child baptized in the church has his own guardian angel. They also care about him The Savior and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Among the Orthodox saints there are those who are especially patronizing small children. This is due to the peculiarities of their acts in earthly life. The main patron holding the children is a saint Stylian Parfagononsky.

Stylian Parfagononsky

From an early age, he was distinguished by the desire for holiness. Having reached the age of majority, he distributed property to the poor, accepted tonsure and settled in a cave. After the Divine grace descended on Stiliana, he began to heal the sick. He especially devoted his life to the treatment and spiritual education of children.

In addition, Holy Stilian was considered the patron saint of babies, who only had to be born. Women suffering from infertility appeal to his help and ask them to give them children. On the icons, St. Shtilian is depicted with a baby in his arms. Read it November 26.

Such heavenly patrons also protect children from evil forces and misfortunes:

  • The Wonderworker St. Nicholas
  • Holy Martyr Neophy Nicaean
  • Holy baby - martyr Gabriel Bialystok
Gabriel Bialystok
Gabriel Bialystok

Saint, in whose honor the child is named after  Icons with the image of these assistants of God must be placed in the child’s room. The ministers of the church pay attention to the fact that these images are not a charm for a child. The Almighty sends help through the prayers of the saint to whom you turn through the icon.

Prayer for the health of the child                

The most powerful prayer is, of course, the maternal prayer for the health of the child. Because there are no thoughts and words more sincere than the Molba of the mother about her child.  

When a child is sick, loving parents are ready for anything, if only the ailment retreated. However, do not forget that the prayer for your children is not a bargaining with heavenly forces.

Often in the woeful moments we give God any oaths, if only he helped in the healing of our relatives. And when the recovery happened, we forget about the promised.

The prayer for the health of the child should be conscious, devoid of thoughtless vows. After all, the heavenly healer helps us without asking anything in return.  The Orthodox be treated with prayer for health to children: it is accepted:

  • Jesus the Savior
  • Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Healer Panteleimon
  • Matron Blessed Moscow
Pray for children
Pray for children

You need to pray about the recovery of children correctly:

  • decide which saint you will pray.
  • go to church and write a note about the health of the child.
  • put the candles in front of the icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the Holy.
  • in prayer, first ask for forgiveness for your sins and weaknesses.
  • ask to heal the servant of God (name) from the disease and not torment the soul with His suffering.
  • when pray for a child under seven years old, say "God's baby."
  • type of holy water.
  • read the prayer at home, putting your hand on the head of the child.
  • wash it with holy water.
  • it is better to pray several times a day, even when you just thought about your child.  

There are many canonical prayers to heal children. They can be found in prayer prayer or Internet. But you know when you ask for the healing of a child, you can speak in your own words, it is not necessary to memorize texts by heart.

Prayer for children
Prayer for children

God will hear you in any case, because prayer comes from the heart. The clergymen say that the Lord is merciful to the words of the Mother, so you can pray to him for an unbaptized child.

The patroness of women for marriage

Almost every worldly girl wants to create a family by marrying a good man. In the Orthodox understanding, the purpose of marriage is not only the birth of children, but also spiritual unity. Therefore, you should not be shy to ask the Lord for marriage.

The desire to meet a worthy man in order to live with him in love is natural and natural. Sometimes believers or her parents go to temples and monasteries, where the relics of saints or miraculous icons are stored. There they offer their prayers, asking heaven to arrange their personal life.

Often with such prayers they appeal to the icons:

  • The Great Martyr Paraskeva Fridays - it has long been considered the main patroness of girls for giving way. The martyr is not only a healer from different ailments, but also helps girls marry love. In the old days, the icon with the image of Paraskeva stood in every house and helped women in marriage.
  • The Fedorov icon of the Mother of God - this miraculous icon is revered as a reliable patroness of young virgins for marriage.
Fedorov icon
Fedorov icon
  • The "unfading color" of the Blessed Virgin Mary - helps the right choice of her husband.
  • Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - he is addressed in many difficult life situations, he helps to arrange a happy marriage.
  • Andrei the First -Called - it is recommended to pray to her to the parents of the daughters so that they are chaste and safely get married.
Andrey the First -Called
Andrey the First -Called
  • Matrona Moskovskaya - comforter of lonely hearts and the keeper of the family, helps young girls find family happiness.
  • St. Seraphim of Sarov - helps women get married already in adulthood.  
St. Seraphim of Sarov

Prayer for marriage

The words of prayer spoken on the holiday have a special force The cover of the Virgin. Many girls are waiting for this day in order to ask heavenly forces about marriage. They pray about this before the face of the Mother of God.

Before contacting the intercessor, you should prepare:

  • let go of resentment, forgive those men with whom you have not developed a relationship.
  • get battered, clean not only spiritually, but also physically.
  • give up in your home, your home should be harmonious.
  • ask the parents of their blessings · Say the words of prayer.
Prayer for marriage
Prayer for marriage

You can also handle prayer to other saints close to you in spirit. No special words know.

Ask what worries you: about the desire to get married, about the fear of loneliness, about how you see your future husband and marriage with him. At the end of the prayer, do not forget to thank the saint for his help and for what you already have in your life.

Among believers, a prayer for the marriage to St. Joseph is considered very powerful:

Prayer to Joseph
Prayer to Joseph

Remember what is heard by our faith. Miracles happen more often than we think.

The strongest icon in the world

In the Orthodox world The strongest is considered the icon of the Mother of God "Tsaritsa" (Greek. Pantanassa). This is a small image dated to the 17th century. This icon is located in Greece, in the Vatopedic monastery, on the Holy Mount Athos.

Since the beginning of the current century, this miraculous shrine began to the 0th. It depicts a Virgin Most Pure in the clothes of a crimson color, sitting on the throne. In the hands of the Virgin, the baby, the Son of God, holding a scroll. And in the background, two angels are depicted.

The strongest icon
The strongest icon

This image of the Mother of God has a powerful healing force. The miraculous properties of this shrine are known in the world.

She helped many people get rid of terrible diseases, including cancer. She is also addressed by people who pray for their children if they have become alcoholics and drug addicts.

Mandatory three icons that should be in every house

There are a large number of icons with images of the faces of saints. This is due to the fact that there are a great many needs and needs of human needs.

Each saint is endowed with a certain gift for his work or suffering. People turn to them with prayers.

There are no restrictions on the number of icons in the house. You can place as many shrines as you consider necessary.

However, do not get too carried away. After all, a person’s faith is measured not by the number of icons, but by his thoughts and actions.

Orthodox Christians have icons endowed with the greatest divine force, and therefore especially revered by believers. These are holy faces:

  • Savior (The most popular images - saved the Almighty or saved the miraculous).
Savior miraculous
Saved the Almighty
  • Virgin Mary (For a home iconostasis, such icons are often chosen: Kazan, cover, Vladimir, “unfading color”, “tenderness”, “sudden -deduced”).
Icon "Touch"
Kazan Mother of God
Kazan Mother of God
  • The Holy Trinity Life -giving (as a symbol of unity and love).
The Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity

It is believed that they should be present in the house of all Orthodox Christians. But some clergymen say that images are mandatory Son of God and the Virgin.

They are taken to the wedding, and then they are left in the house as the guardians of the family hearth. And a person chooses a third icon himself. It can be a face:

  • Holy Panteleimon healer.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • A saint, in whose honor you or family members were baptized.
  • A saint who is your guardian angel.

Strong Orthodox prayer-reinforcing all the saints for help, in gratitude, for all occasions: Text

There are a great many Orthodox prayers: about health, marriage, from the Eye of the evil, etc. In difficult times, we read them, turning to the assistants of heaven.

And there are “universal” prayers, amulets for all life situations. The effectiveness of their words is strengthened by time. Learn such prayers yourself and teach them your children. Explain that prayer is communication with our Lord.

A very strong prayer, a real “shield”, even in very dangerous situations, is this:


It also protects man from the troubles of a dashing appeal to his guardian angel:

Prayer to the guardian angel
Prayer to the guardian angel

Prayer request 12 Apostles for help:


Such prayers are allowed to read mother over her child if he is too small to understand the meanings of prayer words.

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Comments K. article

  1. i love gentlemen, but there are no intermediaries between me and the Lord. Amen.

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