How does a cat agree with the brownie and which kittens are better to give for a wedding? Folk beliefs about mysterious animals - cats

How does a cat agree with the brownie and which kittens are better to give for a wedding? Folk beliefs about mysterious animals - cats

Do you have a cat in your house? Let's find out what its presence brings you and what color you need to choose.

All cats are inherent in love for freedom and independence, as well as amazing calm and grace. Watching how regularly she bypasses one dwelling in the house after another, it seems that you and your household are under supervision. Already for this, pets are worthy of respect and care.

Cat in the house: signs

Mysticism and cat, especially black, usually coexist side by side. So it was and has been from the time of the Middle Ages - then, seeing the darkness of the luminous eyes of an animal, capable of almost without sound, like a ghost, to move along the back streets, people in fear tried to hide from his appearance.

In addition, it was believed that these small representatives of the cat family helped dark magicians conduct various rituals. The protection from evil spirits could serve as a black cat with at least one hair of a lighter shade on a dark background.

It will take a lot
It will take a lot

Listen to the cat in the house, according to signs She will predict any change. Folk signs say: the behavior of your pet is able to predict any future changes in your house and environment: a visit to a guest, an alleged disease (accident), as well as a change in weather conditions.

So, signs about the cat:

  1. The pussy is washed out - perhaps the guests will please.
  • The legs of the animal during the process are cool - guests will come unexpectedly or with bad intentions; Warm paws guarantee the arrival of friends or relatives
  • During the washing process, it is recommended to say the following: “Black is behind the ear” - and the cat will wash more diligent.
  • In the case of the arrival of the guests, the phrase usually sounds: "I did not have time to wash the pussy, as the guests granted."
  • If no one has honored you with a visit, joke: "A catfish cat: so much washed, but did not soap the guests."
A cat
A cat

In these signs about a cat in the house Residents of most eastern states believe, as well as Chinese and Japanese. Asians, seeing how the pussy scratches his ear with his paw, prepare for the arrival of important people. It is believed: if you take a piece of wool from the cat’s tail (pet) and leave it on the shoulder of the outgoing guest who brought positive emotions to the house - this person will certainly become a frequent guest with you.

Folk signs about cats: Determining the weather

Signs about the cat:

  • The cat peacefully sleeps up the abdomen - there will be warming or even heat.
  • The sleep of an animal with a muzzle under a belly means inclement weather or cooling.
  • The cat curled up - there will be a cold.
  • Reaches for the stove Cat in the house - sign To the frost.
  • Fluttered the tail and licks it - expect a blizzard.
  • It licks the tail and tries to hide his head - the weather with the rain is possible.
You can determine the weather
You can determine the weather
  • Invites the wool on his head with his paw - to beautiful weather.
  • Licking wool Cat in the house - sign To inclement weather conditions.
  • Causes behind the ear - it is possible to rain or snow.
  • “Sharpenes claws” about the wall - to strong winds, about the floor - to the snowstorm, blizzard, on the leg’s leg to change the weather.

Sea signs about cats

Most experienced sailors say that the presence of a cat on the ship is lucky. Animals also help predict a storm and broadcast about the changes in weather conditions.

Sea signs with cats
Sea signs with cats

For example, the sailors of the English fleet, observing the behavior of a ship cat, determined how the weather at sea would change.

Signs about the cat:

  • Cat meowing during the flight spoke of a difficult journey.
  • The cat playing on the ship predicted: the wind will blow in the back, and drops of rain - beat in the face.
  • The cat, sitting with a back to the fire, portended the approach of the storm.
  • Washing the muzzle over the ears predicted the beginning of the season of heavy rains.

How does a cat agree with the brownie?

According to a long tradition, which is observed today, in a new dwelling it is ahead of the owners to launch black cat with a white spot. She is able to prevent death to attract a happy energy, having agreed with mystical creatures, like a brownie, about protection for households and a peaceful coexistence with them. That the cat sees brownies,it is also known from our ancestors.

The cat sees brownies
The cat sees brownies

Anxiety in one of the corners of the cat's house in the house - Signs noted that the owners should perform the “cleaning” of this site, reading prayers and, thereby destroying various kinds of negatives.

The color of the cat’s wool and its abilities: and signs

Signs about the cat:

  • Black cat: The sorceress helps to perform dark rituals, a huge force emanates from these animals that can aggravate the “sixth feeling” among their owners, as well as endowing them with wisdom.
  • Red: Attracts prosperity and good luck to the house and family.
  • Gray: It is distinguished by restraint, calmness, symbolize love, respectful and devoted attitude. Perhaps that's why better to give for a wedding Gray kittens.
For the wedding
For the wedding
  • White: special cats endowed with the gift of healing. They are able to eliminate pain, reduce moral and physical suffering, give the body harmony.

Remember, your pet is unique, he will always warn you about danger, you just need not to ignore his signs. For example, do not rush to open the doors into the house if the cat reacts to it with hissing. Do not distract pussy while playing with someone, invisible to the eye or when it looks into space. It is at this moment that the cat tries to conclude an agreement with mystical forces, providing your protection and well -being.

Video: Cats Signs

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