Why can't you knock on the table: signs - what will happen?

Why can't you knock on the table: signs - what will happen?

People belonged to food and the table themselves, at which they ate, with special respect. This was one of the important traditions of our ancestors, which is why it is important to know why it is impossible to knock on the table.

Since a long time, people treated the table in a special way. Since it was at the table, as a rule, at breakfast, lunch and dinner, all family members gathered. Behind him, they discussed the most important issues, made decisions on how to cope with problems.

In addition, all the food that was present on the table was considered as an offer of God. Therefore, during the meal, people still prayed, thanked the Almighty for his gifts.

Why can't you knock your fingers on the table?

  • Why can't you knock on the table? Any rude words, appeals to the surface of the dining table could lead to major troubles For all family members. Parents tried to regularly remind their children about this precisely during the meal.
  • But at the moment, both unreasonable children and their unenlightened parents often they are disrespectfully tapped, hit, pounding on the table. They do not even think about what consequences can be expected due to such actions.
  • But there are still people who are familiar with signs. They know that such behavior is sometimes brought to people severe punishments.
  • Putting your fingers on the table - many people have such a habit. However, not everyone knows that tapping can annoy surrounding people, bring troubles, grief, troubles to households. The knock sometimes causes problemsRelated to finances, bring poverty.
  • If every day you knock on the surface of the table with a finger, each family member will behave over time aggressively, nervously. This can lead to the fact that in the house people will scandal, quarrel.
  • Since long time, parents of their own children scolded when they began to indulge in, knock on the table. Very often, the kids were left without lunch or dinner for the fact that they did not obey.
  • But at the moment, not only children, but even adults do not listen to this signs.

Why can't you knock on the table with a fist?

  • In ancient Russia, the dining table for people was associated with "God's palm". They believed that it was God that presented people with food, and therefore knocking on his hands - this was considered big sin. Such an action drove each household in poverty, could just scare away financial success.
  • In addition, such insulting behavior drove away from the house of the brownie. If he heard knocks on the table, offended or generally left his home.
  • People today think that when the brownie is offended, he forever ceases to help the household. They start in the house loss of things Items, people quarrel, conflict among themselves.

If the brownie leaves the home, the house can be in great danger. This can lead to fire, theft.

  • If one of the households saw that someone pound on the table with his fist He immediately asked the brownie apologize. The brownie was also allowed cHANK. To do this, he was treated to milk, cookies, sweets and other sweets.

Fist on the table It is possible only if it is necessary to drive the evil eye.

  • This superstition acts only when the table itself is made of natural wood. It was assumed that ancient perfumes settle in wood. They can drive away the evil eye from people, protect them from damage, troubles, misfortunes.

What items cannot be knocking on the table?

  • People thought that they were awaiting the terrible punishment if they started click on the table. Since long time, the eggs of people were associated with the emergence of a new life. Therefore, due to a bad attitude towards them, a person could expect murder, severe death. But the most famous interpretation of this superstition is happiness that could leave people from such an action.
He can leave happiness
He can leave happiness
  • There was also another superstition, because of which people did not knock an egg on the table. They thought a knock could attract a fire. If you knock on the table for a long time, more than one fire will occur.
  • You can’t knock on the table with an egg, especially if it is Easter, because a person can expect sin in a triple size, because the consecrated eggs were a symbol of the resurrection of Christ.
  • People thought that after such an action the culprit would be greatly punished. Success, financial well -being will forever part with him. Therefore, before eating, the egg must be broken with a spoon or hit on a plate.
  • In general, you can’t tap on the table with any objects, whether it be a spoon, fork or keys. These elements warn us that in housing Each person may begin troubles.
  • In fact, there are a huge number of superstitions that are associated with the table. And therefore, it is not only forbidden to knock on it, but also to put foreign elements on the surface, for example, empty glass containers (a bottle), paper bills, a trifle, keys.
You can’t leave
You can’t leave

Of course, time is rapidly running, and therefore these signs have lost their own relevance. Today they are only able to cause anger among hostesses, especially if the furniture is damaged. But people who are quite superstitious observe these rules. They behave properly during the meal, scold those who suddenly start knocking on the table.

Video: Folk signs about the table

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