What icons must be in the house: a list, names, from which they help, where to arrange it correctly?

What icons must be in the house: a list, names, from which they help, where to arrange it correctly?

The icon is the most important amulet of the house. In this article you will find out what icons should be kept at home.

The icon is not just a happy amulet. The icon is an image due to which the appeal from man to God is coming. And only, if the prayer was read sincerely, she can help, bring prosperity to the family, protect the house.

Mandatory icons in the house: List

Each icon is considered a prototype of the depicted saint. Earlier in the houses, the icons were located in the eastern corners, even in the temple itself the icons are always located in the eastern part. However, today, many believers in apartments and houses may be in an uncertain place. Therefore, you must choose the most convenient place in which you will be most comfortable praying.

Place at least one icon in the house. We offer you a list of those icons that you can also put in your house:

  • The icon with the image of Jesus Christ. As a rule, it heals from serious diseases and ailments. The icon, which depicts the crucified Jesus, calms, protects from disasters, puts on the right path, supports in difficult times. It is necessary to place the icon in the place of honor of the house, highlight it with the dominant part in the house.
  • Icon with the face of the Holy Virgin. Maria is considered a way of pure love, she forgives, gives patience and humility. There are a huge number of such icons. From the Virgin, you can ask for health, good spouse, children. God's Mother is the patroness of every woman. Consequently, the brides are taken very often with the face of Jesus to get married, and after that they are stored in the house as a family amulet.
  • The icon, which depicts Nikolai Sin. People turn to it if they want to solve a difficult problem, leave a hopeless position. Also, from St. Nicholas they ask him to heal from a heavy ailment.
Placement of icons
Placement of icons

The listed icons are considered mandatory, they protect the family, bring well -being, are symbols of harmony. For these icons, select the angle or distribute nearby on the wall. It is desirable that they are in a quiet, cozy place. In order for every family member to have the opportunity to betray his soul in a secluded place before God and the saints.

  • In addition, a special amulet of housing will be an icon that depicts Semi -fire Mother of God. It can be located opposite the entrance or above the door leading to the main room of the house. This image is able to protect all households from scandals, gossip, from ill -wishers, and housing from thieves.
  • Important will be the face that depicts The Holy Trinity. The face will bring love and peace to the house. Also, the image helps in difficult times, solves numerous problems, cleanses of sins, removes a negative state. It is desirable to place the icon in the eastern corner, as well as at the head of the head, so that it is a certain protection.
  • Image "unfading color". The icon is able to endow with force, put on the right path. She also retains beauty, youth, love, relieves various temptations, fills her family with confidence, gives hope for a good future. It is located mainly in the most comfortable corner where you can pray.
The angle for prayer
The angle for prayer
  • The image of the guardian angel. This image is considered the most popular. He protects a certain person, can respond to each help. It is able to heal, give love, save from sins if a person will ask his defender. You can put in any convenient place at home or in the room of a person whose angel is depicted on the icon.
  • The next mandatory icon is an image of Orthodox holidays. For example, baptism icon or with the image of the "Christmas of Christ".
  • The icon on which is depicted Secret Office. Relieves heaviness from the soul, blesses the prepared food, gives peace during severe falls. It does not matter where it will be placed. But the best places are a kitchen and a dining room.

What icons should be in the kitchen?

The kitchen is the room in which all family members most often gather. In every Orthodox family, for starters, before eating and at the end of the meal, people read a small prayer that blesses. Therefore, in the kitchen you can place a small number of icons:

  • The icon on which Christ is depicted by the Savior
  • The image of the Virgin
  • Icon with the image of the Holy Trinity
The icon for the kitchen
The icon for the kitchen

You can choose one of these icons or at the same time. You can still hang the image of the secret party. A real assistant who helps in cooking - Efrosin Palestinian. This saint served completely disinterestedly, went alive in paradise, after which he returned to the ground. In the temples, the monks honored the gifts of Euphrosin, stored them, distributed them to those who needed help.

Just imagine how much your food will become useful and good if you hang this icon in the kitchen. It is desirable that she is above the table, so you can pronounce a prayer to the saint for a blessing before eating.

What icons should be in the living room?

The living room is the main room of each housing. Here you can hang the following icons:

  • The icon on which the Savior is depicted. The best among them is an icon with the image of the Lord Almighty
  • The icon on which the Virgin is depicted. In this case, give preference to the Kazan Virgin Mary
Kazan Virgin Mary for the living room
Kazan Virgin Mary for the living room

Place the face with the Lord on the right, and the Blessed Virgin Mary is on the left. If you believe in your family, then place the icon in the believer’s room. If you can’t do this, then buy a warehouse icon. It can only be installed during the prayer.

What icons should be in the hallway?

Leaving the house every day, going into the world of temptations and deception, it is necessary to pray to the heavenly patron, ask him to make the way safe and directed to kind people. It is important that you teach this to your own children who trust all people. It is necessary to thank the saint for the intercession for returning home.

Cover protects from the world of temptations
Cover protects from the world of temptations

You can protect your own house from bad people if you hang the following icons in the hallway:

  • The image of the Iveron Blessed Virgin Mary
  • The image of the cover
  • The icon on which the holy trinity is depicted

Select one icon, strengthen it over the front doors. You can also hang in the hallway the image that all households honor.

What icons should be in the bedroom?

In this room it is allowed to place only certain icons. However, at the next condition - if the husband and wife legalized their own marriage and got married, it is recommended to hang the following icons in the bedroom:

  • Icons that depict the Virgin
  • The face of the Savior of Christ
  • The image of Peter and Fevronia. They are considered patrons of family happiness
  • The image of the healer Panteleimon
  • The image of Nicholas the Ugodnik
  • The icon depicts Spiridon Trimyphuntus
  • The name of the saint
Patrons of family happiness
Patrons of family happiness

Place the icons above the bed or on the bedside table. You can also highlight the corner for prayer on the window where put not only the icons, but also the lamp for the church candle.

What icons should be in the nursery?

Children who are born in an Orthodox family should learn from childhood to pray, turn to the saints. In addition, each icon will store peace and health of children. Therefore, in the nursery there should be their own images.

Place such icons at the head of the head. You can choose a name or measured icon. On the face should be a saint who has the same name as your child. The measured icon is ordered when the child was born, selected according to the growth of the newborn.

The following icons will be appropriate in the nursery:

  • The face of the Savior
  • The face of the Virgin
  • The icon on which the guardian angel is depicted
May God protect your child
May God protect your child

You can also hang other faces that give health and well -being for your child. Remember that God loves children very much, we are all his children. Therefore, teach children to prayer from a small age.

What icons should be in the office for work?

If certain difficulties appear that directly relate to work, inspiration disappears, the envious is overcome, it is necessary to turn to the saint. The icon needs to be placed in houses in its office or directly at work.

Choose an image, given your own life activity. If your profession does not have your own patron, then put a face with the image of a patriarch.

We offer you a small list with professions and their patrons:

  • Student. The icon with the image of the martyr Tatyana is suitable. She helps in study, gives the mind.
  • Trade worker. The face of Nicholas the Wonderworker is ideal. Brings good luck in trade.
  • A profession that concerns work on the Internet. The best image is the one on which the Mother of God is depicted. He makes his career successful, everyday things successful, brings well -being in material terms.
  • Sailor, motorist, tourist worker. The image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the sovereign Mother of God, is suitable. They bring health, do more success than business, correct the financial situation.
  • Medical worker. Icon with Luka Crimean. Protects at work, brings good health.
Icon for health workers
Icon for health workers
  • Diplomat, postal worker. The best icon with the image of the Archangel Gabriel. Protects at work.
  • The teacher of the orphanage, an employee of the nursing home. The ideal icon is the one that depicts the Bethlehem baby. Gives patience and mercy. Children gives physical health.
  • Teacher, researcher. The icon of the Virgin of Kaluga. Allows you to constantly reach for knowledge, study new sciences.
  • Civil servant. It is better to choose an icon with the image of the Mother of God of the economiss. Makes the rule wise and fair.
The patron saint of civil servants
The patron saint of civil servants
  • Sportsman. The ideal image is God's Mother. Gives good luck and success in achievements.
  • Aviation worker. For this profession, the face of the Savior of a non -competitive Savior is suitable. Allows you to safely complete the flight, protects against evil ill -wishers.

Where can I keep the icons at home?

There are no certain rules for being in the house of a particular icon. For proper placement, you just need to follow common sense.

  • Place the icon in completely any room. But in the bathroom or in the toilet the icon, of course, will be inappropriate.
  • You can not place an image of about TV, tape recorder, personal computer and other similar technology. This is because to make the rite of prayer it is necessary to concentrate, and such elements, even if they do not work, will attract your attention from habit and will distract you.
  • Do not place a face where there are cosmetics, inappropriate books, toys, various figurines. Near the faces, posters with singers, actors, famous personalities should not be placed.
  • It is also not advisable to place a picture or reproduction near the icons, even if they have religious content.
Place the icons in the appropriate place
Place the icons in the appropriate place

And most importantly, never place the icons near some pictures. And it does not matter who is depicted in these pictures. Priests categorically forbid to do this.

Video: Where should the icons in the house be located?

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  20. I want to buy what icons should be at home

  21. Interested in what icons should be at home

  22. Interested in which icons should be at home.

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