How to breed tomato paste for canning, blanks: proportions, recipes for lecho, what pasta to choose for juice?

How to breed tomato paste for canning, blanks: proportions, recipes for lecho, what pasta to choose for juice?

This article will open a topic on how to breed tomato paste for canning. It turns out from such a product you can make juice similar to tomato without much effort.

Real tomato juice can not be compared. But sometimes, in order to save time and money, paste is used for canning. It is not always possible to spend money on tomatoes that are sold in the market or in supermarkets not cheap. How to breed paste for canning - we will consider further. The only thing that should be taken into account is the proportions and quality of the pasta itself. It is not difficult to determine the characteristics of the product, it is enough to read the composition. If it consists of tomatoes for the most part, then this is exactly the product that is necessary for use. By purchasing just such a paste, it can be diluted with hot, cold purified water.

How to breed tomato paste for blanks?

So, we will find out how to breed tomato paste for cooking vegetables for the winter, if you do not know the subtleties. People close to the ground will not approve such a drink because real juice from ripe tomatoes, and even from their site cannot be compared with anything. Manufacturers make juice from natural tomato paste on a production scale professionally, at home it can be diluted on their own no worse.

It is not difficult to cook the drink, the ingredients are sold in any store - this is salt, paste from ripe tomatoes, purified water. It is advisable to add this product without sparing so that the finished juice is like natural. Just do not use low -grade paste for drink. If you use a natural paste of tomatoes, then a delicious rich aromatic juice will come out of it not only to quench thirst, but also for the harvesting of vegetables.

Paste diluted
Paste diluted

It is also simple to cook the product from the paste - to dilute it with water and that's it. But preparing juice from tomatoes is a laborious lesson that requires money and time. And in the real juice of tomatoes there are many useful substances (minerals, vitamins). Of course, there are more benefits in real juice from tomatoes than in paste juice.

When choosing a juice paste, pay attention to the composition of the product. Many manufacturers add harmful substances to it for long -term storage, or do not use natural products for manufacturing. You better buy goods, which include tomatoes, salt and other ingredients of natural origin.

To cook juice, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Purified water
  • Paste
  • Spices, salt.


  1. Take the paste, enough four tbsp. tablespoons per liter of water, mix.
  2. In order to give taste, add salt and spices.

If you like juices with more saturated tastes, then add more pastes to the water.

How to breed tomato paste - recipe

Lovers of tomato juice can make a drink from tomato paste if there are no tomatoes in the house. Such juice is used, both just a drink and for cooking conservation, soups, gravy, etc. The price of tomato juice made of paste is quite high. Therefore, to know how to breed tomato paste for canning is useful to know everyone. It is more profitable to cook a drink with your own hands than buy in supermarkets.

Pasta from tomatoes

IMPORTANT: Choose only such a product as tomato paste for the preparation of fragrant juice. Refuelings, ketchups, liquid sauces for the process are not suitable. The priority of canned food with dry components, in the product can be at least 25-40 percent of the thick mass of tomatoes. See so that there are no dyes, harmful thickens, etc. in the paste. The consistency is checked as follows - it is enough to take a jar with the contents, shake well. If the consistency is liquid, it will become delayed, because such a product is not suitable for juice.

The thicker the pasta, the less it will be required for tomato juice. There are various proportions for the preparation of juice, in particular, learn how to breed tomato paste for preserving different consistency.

The process of cooking juice:

  1. Dilute thick fresh paste from natural tomatoes in proportion - one to three
  2. In order for a liquid nectar - dilute the tomato paste in the following way: dilute one tablespoon in 225 ml of water. Such juice has a liquid consistency.
  3. To get thick juice from ripe tomatoes, use three tablespoons of thick and fragrant paste on a glass of 225 ml of water.

You can also salmon juice or add more pepper, sugar to the drink.

How to dilute tomato paste for tomato juice for blanks and lecho?

You can cook lecho according to various recipes. There are many variations, lecho differs by composition, by cooking. If you cook lecho according to a classic recipe, then in any case it is necessary to use sweet pepper and tomato juice. It is interesting that now there are other recipes for such preservations for the winter from cucumbers, vitamin eggplant and zucchini.

But this will not be about this, but about tomato juice. It is this drink that is important in the taste of lecho. If you do everything right, then the juice must be prepared from tomatoes. However, there are no fruitful years for tomatoes. Sometimes it is completely unprofitable to grind them for juice. And it is better to cook a paste drink. Therefore, you need to know how to dilute tomato paste.

Lecho with sweet pepper

There are such recipes for making pasta for lecho:

  • So, we have already familiarized themselves with the quality of the product, now dilute a thick paste of tomatoes with water in a proportion of one to two. Saturated juice suitable for cooking lecho will come out.
  • If the paste is thick, holds well on a spoon and does not flow out, then you can add water to it in a proportion of one to three.

These finished drinks should still be boiled with lecho for five to seven minutes. So the workpiece will be well stored in winter. It is interesting that even despite the “artificially” cooked paste in the composition of the lecho, the workpiece will be tasty, fragrant, healthy. It differs little from the one that is prepared with juice from tomatoes. Pepper has an excellent aroma, and sugar, salt, citric acid - I will not allow you to treat quickly.

Pasta from tomatoes
Paste is thick

Please note that the taste of blanks for the winter directly depends on the juice from tomato paste:

  • The ingredients that make up the paste itself are mainly only tomatoes. Thickeners, dyes, harmful preservatives should not be present there. It is enough that there is still water, sugar, salt.
  • When preparing conservation from vegetables, pay attention to the taste of finished juice from tomato paste and water. It is impossible for it to be completely fresh and tasteless, because it is the drink that acidifies vegetables, gives a certain aroma and tints the dish in coral color. If you do not taste paste or juice, but this happens, then do not use it, otherwise ruin the entire workpiece.
  • Using ready -made juice from paste from ripe tomatoes, remember the approximate proportions of its cooking: one to two or one to three.
  • If the juice seems unsalted to you, then correct this drawback yourself. To do this, add the salt to the juice ordinary, kitchen, but in no case iodized. It does not go for conservation.
  • Before laying vegetables, boil juice with salt, sugar, etc.
  • Usually, according to the recipe, the components of the blanks are first fried in a small amount of oil, and then the juice is added. They boil vegetables a little, scatter into banks, sterilize, roll up.

How tomato paste with water is bred - the choice of pasta

We examined how to breed tomato paste, but which pasta is better to choose for the manufacture of juice - the question is not simple. There are many products of different manufacturers on the shelves of supermarkets and shops. It will be difficult to choose the right paste immediately. After all, canned pasta varies also with taste properties, despite the almost the same composition.

  • Some manufacturers add more sugar, others are smaller, also the product may be sour or not. Therefore, it is recommended to try various products to decide which the taste of tomato paste is more suitable for you. Nevertheless, it is better, of course, to choose a product with a minimum sugar content or without it.
High -quality tomato paste
High -quality pasta
  • If you take the paste in glass jars, then you can check the density of the contents with shaking. If the pasta is liquid, it will look like ketchup. This is a bad sign, choose a thick product. High -quality paste is always thick. After all, you can make a qualitatively paste from tomatoes by wiping tomatoes, and then boiling. In good conservation, there will be few liquids, more dry products. Thanks to this content, beneficial acids, minerals, vitamins enter the human body.
  • Ready -made juice of pasta that is sold in hypermarkets is much more expensive in price than the one you cook yourself. And tomato juice from tomatoes will cost 4-5 times more expensive, what you dilute yourself. Yes, there are more useful components there, but they are also available in tomato paste. And you can control the density of the drink yourself. Not so difficult to learn this. You can make it as thick as you like it.
  • From one jar of pasta, you can prepare a whole cylinder of juice. And use it to preserve vegetables, blanks.
  • In tomatoes there is a substance called lycopines, there are a lot of it in processed tomatoes. Due to this substance, harmful cholesterol is reduced, the immune system is strengthened, it also rejuvenates the skin cells, and reduces the likelihood of blood clots in the bloodstream. Thanks to such a paste, the work of the heart muscle will improve, the vessels will strengthen.

If you choose a paste by the location of the manufacturer, then take the one that is produced in the south. It is better that the manufacturer grows his own tomatoes, and does not make purchases, where it is cheaper. The color of the pasta should be red, uniform, without any intransigence. Shades can vary because for pasta can use different varieties of tomatoes. The following are the following to the quality varieties of tomato:

  1. Tomato paste: “Uncle Vanya”, “Green Rei”, “Pomi”, “De Cecco” - all these manufacturers grow their vegetables, prepare natural products.
  2. Pastes: “Lutik”, “Tomatti”, “Mutti”, “Paya” - these products are produced in tin jars, therefore, if you open them, it is better to use it immediately or sprinkle into glass dishes.

All these pastes are produced from high -quality raw materials. Therefore, the juice of them for blanks will turn out the best.

You can also read articles on a similar topic here:

  1. Tomatoes twisted through a meat grinder;
  2. Tomatoes in its own juice;
  3. Preparation of tomatoes in tomato paste.

Video: tomato juice from tomato paste

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