Tomatoes twisted through a meat grinder for the winter: 22 the most delicious recipe

Tomatoes twisted through a meat grinder for the winter: 22 the most delicious recipe

In this article you will find many recipes of delicious tomato through a meat grinder for the winter.


Almost every housewife is known that through a meat grinder you can skip tomatoes of completely different types. In addition, such processing will not affect the natural taste and initial qualities of tomatoes. Conservation will help enjoy vegetables in winter. According to the recipes that you will find in this article, you can make various sauces, ketchup, adjika, caviar, etc.

Such snacks have a huge number of advantages. Such dishes are low -calorie, can be used as a cold appetizer and as a hot dish. You can also serve them on the table as a side dish and in the form of a separate meal. Study recipes, choose what you like and cook with pleasure according to our instructions.              

Delicious tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter: a simple recipe - how to properly scroll through a meat grinder?

Delicious tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter
Delicious tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter

Many people love tomatoes. Such vegetables from the nightshade family, tasty and perfectly complement any dish, especially in winter, when there are not enough vitamins. But how to scroll through the meat grinder correctly? Here are some tips:

  • Before using a meat grinder, tomatoes must be chopped.
  • Pieces can be both large and small - it all depends on a specific recipe.
  • Regarding the skin - in some cases it can be left. It all depends on the desire of the mistress herself.
  • After that, the resulting paste from tomato and other ingredients should boil. You can add greens, seasonings to it.
  • Further, the mass is poured into banks.

Below you will find a simple recipe that can clearly show that a meat grinder is used not only for chopping meat, but also copes with other foods perfectly. The use of an electrician -grinder or blender is also not excluded if they are at hand. This will significantly accelerate the effectiveness of the process and cooking time.

You will need:

  • Tomatoes in the amount of five kilograms
  • Bell pepper
  • Pepper-horses
  • Favorite spices, greens for taste and aroma


  1. Cut the vegetables large, and after that - grind them.
  2. Carrots should be rubbed in the form of chips.
  3. Remove the partitions from the peppers, cut the vegetables themselves in half rings.
  4. Parsley or dill rinses, cut as smaller as possible.
  5. Tomatoes should “languish” for about half an hour. After adding the remaining components.
  6. The time comes for seasonings: salt, pepper, greens.
  7. Next, proton a tomato snack on the fire for another quarter of an hour.
  8. After that, pour the mixture into the jars and tighten.

Before preparing conservation, prepare a place where banks will cool within a day. In the free corner of the room or kitchen, spread a warm blanket or blanket, lay all the cans at one and wrap well. After a day, the conservation can be removed to the storage site.

Delicious zucchini caviar with tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter: recipes

Delicious zucchini caviar with tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter
Delicious zucchini caviar with tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter

Almost every person loves zucchini caviar. I want to constantly see dishes with this taste of childhood on my table. You can cook delicious zucchini caviar with tomatoes yourself. To do this is just with a meat grinder, and the workpiece for the winter will turn out to be a unique taste. Here is the recipe for the winter:

What is required for cooking:

  • Zucchini in the amount of 3 kilograms
  • A kilogram of onions
  • One and a half kilogram of tomatoes
  • Carrots - enough kilograms, but more
  • Sunflower oil - 250 gr, that is, 1 cup
  • Salt to taste - an average of 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - about four spoons
  • Nine percent vinegar - 2 tablespoons (tablespoons)

How to cook:

  1. A free burner of slabs and several pans is needed. Do not be scared - it is very convenient. After all, each product requires an individual temperature regime. In addition, a separate frying will significantly save time.
  2. The peel is cleaned from the zucchini, the seeds are separated. Cut it with cubes, add vegetable oil. As a rule, it is preparing for about 20 minutes.
  3. Cut the onions with cubes, fry until half consumption. It is necessary to add a quarter of a glass of sunflower oil.
  4. Carrots rub and fry, tomatoes are cut into cubes. Put vegetables on fire-in both cases for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Do not wait until the vegetables are cooled - mix them and scroll through a meat grinder.
  6. Then transfer the mixture to a deep pan, add sugar, salt.
  7. Then put the pan on the stove - for about an hour.
  8. Now the time has come for table vinegar - it is added at the end.
  9. As the appetizer boils, put it on the banks hot and roll it up.

Advice: The vinegar needs to be put on - do not ignore the presence of this ingredient. After all, thanks to him, the blanks will be well stored all winter.

Delicious zucchini caviar with tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter
Delicious zucchini caviar with tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter

Another recipe for delicious squash caviar through a meat grinder with tomatoes.

Take vegetables in such quantities as you have. Usually all vegetables need 2 times less than zucchini. But, if there are a little more, or vice versa, some ingredient is not at hand, it’s not scary, the caviar will still be tasty. Such a recipe is suitable if you made some kind of workpiece, and you have a few vegetables left, so you can use them to prepare such caviar.

Here is the preparation instructions:

  1. All vegetables need to be thoroughly washed. Cut the stalks and noses from the zucchini, cut them with medium cubes.
  2. Remove the seeds from peppers, cut only the pulp.
  3. Grate the carrots with large shavings. Cut the onion in half rings.
  4. Boil water in the pan. Tomatoes are added to it alternately. You need to hold them about half a minute. Then take them out, remove the skin. Next, tomatoes are cut into small pieces.
  5. Take a pan or saucepan - in this container, heat sunflower oil.
  6. Fry the zucchini until half -cooked.
  7. Add carrots, onions and pepper. After that, everything is mixed (fry together for 10 minutes, you can a little more).
  8. You can add garlic - chop the cloves, add to the mixture and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  9. Scroll through vegetables in a blender. Ultimately, it should have a puree consistency.
  10. Add seasonings and spices. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

Now boil the mixture. This process usually takes no more than 20 minutes. Lay the caviar on the warmed jars and roll up.

Advice:It is necessary to constantly stir the boiling mixture and not leave the kitchen, otherwise the caviar can burn. It is better to use young zucchini. They are softer and it is easier to process them.

Tomatoes and pepper, twisted through a meat grinder for the winter: a delicious recipe for tomato caviar with bell pepper

Tomatoes and pepper, twisted through a meat grinder for the winter
Tomatoes and pepper, twisted through a meat grinder for the winter

Sweet pepper is the same popular vegetable in the fall to prepare conservation as tomatoes. Surprise your home and prepare not just twisted tomatoes through a meat grinder, but make them with pepper. Here is a recipe for delicious caviar from tomato with bell pepper for the winter:  

Necessary products:

  • About three kilograms of tomato
  • The same amount of pepper (Bulgarian)
  • Juicy carrot - 900 grams
  • Onions - 900 grams
  • Vegetable oil - a little
  • Various spices and ingredients to enhance the taste of the dish - sugar, salt
  • Apple vinegar - half a teaspoon per 1 jar

What manipulations need to be done in the kitchen:

  1. Carefully disinfect the vegetables.
  2. After tomatoes and pepper are washed and cut into large pieces, they are fried in boiling oil.
  3. After that, all vegetables are connected and twisted.
  4. The result of mixing is poured into the dishes. Season with spices.
  5. For 30 minutes, cook the resulting mixture - no more.
  6. Then lay hot caviar in jars.

Remember: The floor of the spoon of apple cider vinegar under the lid - and conservation will be stored much longer. Many housewives forget about this mandatory stage, and this leads to the fact that the conservation quickly deteriorates, all efforts are going on the drain.

Tomatoes scrolled with garlic through a meat grinder without cooking: recipe

Tomatoes scrolled with garlic through a meat grinder without cooking
Tomatoes scrolled with garlic through a meat grinder without cooking

If you like garlic, then make a snack with tomatoes scrolled through a meat grinder without cooking. The recipe is very simple. You will make a dish for several minutes.

For 5 jars half a liter (enough for a small family), the following components will be required:

  • A kilogram of mature tomatoes
  • Bulgarian pepper - enough kilogram
  • 200-250 grams of garlic (fresh) - you can a little more
  • Salt - one and a half spoons, no more
  • 200-250 gr. Gorky pepper (for those who love sharpness)

Cook like this:

  1. The vegetables are washed, dried, a stalk is cut out.
  2. Peel the garlic, cut the seeds at the pepper.
  3. Everything is scrolled in a meat grinder.
  4. Add salt.
  5. Put the mixture in storage containers.
  6. You can roll up, but you can not twist.
  7. Keep where you will want to roll up, but in a cool place: like a cellar or basement. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

It is important to avoid increased humidity in the place of storage and other adverse conditions. Such a sunset must be used before warming, otherwise it will deteriorate. It is also forbidden to store it for a long time. Therefore, make such a little dish, and for the winter, prepare a rolling up according to a similar recipe, but with cooking. Read further.  

Tomatoes with garlic through a meat grinder with cooking: recipe for the winter

Tomatoes with garlic through a meat grinder with cooking
Tomatoes with garlic through a meat grinder with cooking

Handering on this recipe will turn out to be safer for use, but as tasty as the previous one. It can be stored all winter. Here is a recipe for the winter with cooking tomato with garlic, scrolled through a meat grinder:

What you need for cooking: 

  • Sunflower oil - one tablespoon
  • Pepper (sweet) - 200 grams
  • Five kilograms of tomatoes
  • A pair of tablespoons of salt
  • 700 gr. Garlic for piquancy
  • Six peppers (sharp)
  • A bunch of fresh parsley
  • Sugar spoon
  • A bunch of fresh dill

Cook like this:

  1. Prepare vegetables.
  2. After that, you need to grind tomatoes and pepper.
  3. Put chopped vegetables on gas. Cooking - about an hour.
  4. It is advisable to twist bitter pepper separately.
  5. Parsley, dill, garlic - chop finely.
  6. Salt, pour sugar, pour oils.
  7. Send the greens and sharp pepper to the pan, when the tomatoes are being cooked for about an hour.
  8. Boil another 30 minutes.
  9. Now you can canned and storage banks.

If you want to make a snack not so sharp, then put less acute pepper. In addition, you can not put such a seasoning at all, but roll only with garlic. Pepper, as well as greens, you can add to your taste already immediately before serving.

Tomatoes missed through a meat grinder with onions: recipe

Tomatoes missed through a meat grinder with onions
Tomatoes missed through a meat grinder with onions

If you do conservation with onions, then try to choose this vegetable not too sharp varieties. A light sweetness of onions will add a piquancy to the dish and a unique taste. In addition, this is an excellent preservative and antiseptic. Here is a recipe for tomato missed through a meat grinder with onions:

The ingredients that will be needed: 

  • Two and a half kilogram tomato
  • Two bulbs
  • 200-300 grams of sugar
  • One and a half tablespoons of salt
  • 100 ml. vinegar

What needs to be done - these are the stages:

  1. Pass the washed tomatoes and neatly cleaned onion through a meat grinder separately. You can use the blender, but this is already a modernized option. However, many housewives use it.
  2. Separately, transfer both masses to different pots, cook for about 1 hour.
  3. After that, grind the stewed tomatoes through a metal sieve. Connect with stewed ground onions.
  4. Add sugar, vinegar salt. You can put cinnamon and pepper, this will give piquancy.
  5. The mass is placed on the fire and boiled (about 2 hours, but if you like the paste older, you can reduce the time).
  6. Next, everything is transferred to banks and rolls up.

You can add any spices to your taste. In dishes with onions, this will only improve taste in the end.

Zucchini with tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter: recipe

Zucchini with tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter
Zucchini with tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter

Many may think that the recipe for caviar, but this is not so. It turns out a slightly different taste, but very interesting and unique. The ingredients are simple, the cooking process is fast. Try to make such a blank and surprise your household with a new taste. Here is a recipe for zucchini with tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter:

The ingredients are very simple:

  • 3 kg of peeled zucchini
  • 10 carrots (you can use medium)
  • 10 medium -sized bulbs
  • Ten average tomatoes
  • 100 ml. vegetable oils
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste
  • A couple of spoons 9% vinegar (if households do not like acid, you can even 1 spoon)
  • Five tablespoons of salt (tea)

Cooking process:

  1. Zucchini must be carefully rid of seeds and skins. Now scroll them through a meat grinder. You can substitute a colander so that the juice flows.
  2. Clean onions, cut into cubes.
  3. After that, fry in preheated vegetable oil. When the bow will gain golden color, it must be transferred to a plate.
  4. Carrots are cleaned, twisted.
  5. Then the carrots are fried for 10-15 minutes. It is worth constantly stirring it.
  6. Twisted zucchini are added to the pan, put the fried carrots and onions there.
  7. Tomatoes are twisted and added to an existing mixture.
  8. Add salt and tomato paste. Cooking time - two hours.
  9. After thickening, vinegar is added.
  10. Now you can put all kinds of seasonings. Cook for twenty minutes.
  11. Place the workpiece in banks.
  12. Sustain for half an hour, roll up and wrap it in a warm blanket.

If all vegetables are twisted through a meat grinder, then you do not need to sterilize such a blank. If in the dish it is planned to prepare vegetables with pieces, then cans with the mixture need to be sterilized so that they are better stored during the winter.

Homemade ketchup from a tomato through a meat grinder: Best recipe

Home ketchup from a tomato through a meat grinder
Home ketchup from a tomato through a meat grinder

Ketchup loves all without exception. The meat, fish or other dishes seasoned with it are more tasty. Homemade ketchup from a tomato through a meat grinder differs to taste from a store. Do and try, you will like it. Here is the best recipe for such a workpiece:

 What products will be needed:

  • Five kilograms of fresh tomatoes
  • 80 g of table salt
  • 400 ml. table. vinegar
  • 400 gr. ordinary sugar (sand)
  • 2 bulbs
  • Spices - to taste

Preparation technique - stages: 

  1. The onion is cleaned of husk. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly.
  2. Then you need to cut these vegetables as smaller as possible.
  3. Now the tomatoes should be ground.
  4. Then do the same with onions.
  5. Fold the result of your efforts in a container, cook for about 3 hours. It is important to stir so as not to be buried.
  6. Then add seasonings. The resulting mixture must be welded for about an hour.
  7. Sterminal containers for conservation.
  8. At the end of cooking, put salt, sugar and vinegar. Boil a few more minutes.
  9. Distribute the finished product by conservation containers and roll up.

You can experiment with the preparation of such a ketchup. Add a little ground bell pepper and carrots, and you get a completely different saturated taste.     

Juice from tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter: recipe

Juice from tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter
Juice from tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter

We are all used to the fact that tomato juice can only be made with a special juicer. But what to do if there is no such device, but in a regular juicer a product is obtained without a pulp - for a tomato this is unacceptable. In this case, you can make juice through a meat grinder for the winter.

Here is the prescription: 

  • One and a half kilogram of tomato will be enough for one liter. It is better if they are mature enough, tasty, incredibly juicy.
  • If the vegetables are large - cut them into 4 parts.
  • Pass the prepared vegetables through a meat grinder.
  • After that, everything is poured into the container and boiled for half an hour.
  • After boiling, add salt and sugar to taste. Another 10 minutes of cooking.
  • Foam may appear - it is not necessary to remove it, it will disappear herself if you reduce the fire a little under the pan.
  • Place the resulting finished product according to pre -prepared containers and roll up.

Many housewives wipe the crushed or boiled pulp tomatoes through a sieve in raw forms to remove the seeds. But this is not necessarily, the juice will still turn out incredibly tasty.

Green tomatoes twisted through a meat grinder for the winter: delicious recipe

Green tomatoes twisted through a meat grinder for the winter
Green tomatoes twisted through a meat grinder for the winter

Many people do not consider green tomatoes tomatoes, and in vain. Of these, no less tasty snacks are obtained than from red. A little more seasonings, the ingredients and the dish of a unique taste is ready. Here is a delicious recipe for green tomatoes twisted through a meat grinder for the winter:

Prepare the following products:

  • Kilogram of tomatoes (necessarily green)
  • Poles on onions (on -hand)
  • Half a kilogram of carrots
  • 10-12 garlic cloves
  • Sugar-sand (in the amount of four spoons)
  • Tomato paste - about two tablespoons
  • Salt - one tablespoon
  • One small spoon of ground paprika
  • Vegetable oil in the amount of 100 ml.
  • Ground pepper - one and a half teaspoon
  • A couple of a table. tablespoons of vinegar

How to cook: Stages:

  1. Cut the existing tomatoes into several parts (the stalks must be removed).
  2. Twist them through a meat grinder, and then place in a dish with vegetable oil at the bottom.
  3. Boil the tomatoes, then cover, reduce the fire and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Peel the onions and carrots while the mixture is cooked.
  5. Twist these vegetables on a meat grinder along with cleaned garlic.
  6. Add onions with carrots and garlic to tomatoes and cook a little more, stirring.
  7. Next, all ingredients intended “for taste” are used: seasonings, spices, butter, salt, sugar, vinegar, tomato.
  8. After the caviar is cooked for about five minutes.
  9. The final stage is the distribution by containers and twist.

If you want, you can add your ingredients or remove, for example, onions, if you do not like it. The dish will not become worse from this, but will gain a new shade of taste. You can also cut green tomatoes into slices and boil them in the remaining vegetables twisted in a meat grinder.

Tomatoes, pepper, onions through a meat grinder: delicious recipe

Tomatoes, pepper, onions through a meat grinder
Tomatoes, pepper, onions through a meat grinder

This dish can be made not only tasty, but also fragrant. Everything will depend on which seasonings you add. For example, ground pepper with peas, cloves, caraway seeds, will make a blank fragrant. Grinded dill will add more nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment. Here is a delicious recipe for tomato, pepper, onion through a meat grinder:


  • Tomatoes - three kilograms
  • 300 grams of onions
  • Pepper (it is important to choose precisely Bulgarian, red) - half a kilogram
  • Sharp pepper in quantity - 1 pod
  • Garlic-4-5 cloves
  • Half a glass of sunflower oil
  • Half a glass of vinegar - it is necessary for this workpiece
  • A pair of tablespoons of salt and sugar
  • Various seasonings and spices, depending on how “fragrant” it is planned to make a dish

Preparation instructions - stages:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, save them from the stalks.
  2. Onions are carefully cleaned of all “roughnesses”, cut in the form of strips.
  3. Fry the onion in a pan with butter.
  4. Make tomato puree with a meat grinder.
  5. Bulgarian pepper can be cut into cubes and fry, like a bow, or you can twist with tomatoes, as you want to do so.
  6. You should also ground garlic and bitter peppercorn.
  7. The result of your efforts shimmers into the container.
  8. Now the time has come for increased taste: put vinegar, salt, sugar and seasonings.
  9. Give the ingredients to boil on the stove.
  10. After vinegar is added, you need to cook for about 10 minutes.
  11. Substrate the banks (you can, both roll up and use the covers that are simply twisted).

Such a recipe also helps to “play” tastes. You can make tomato puree with fried pepper and onions out of half of these vegetables, or you can cut only onions, and grind the rest. As a result, one recipe you will make two different dishes.

Ajika from a tomato through a meat grinder for the winter: a delicious recipe

Ajika from a tomato through a meat grinder for the winter
Ajika from a tomato through a meat grinder for the winter

Ajika is a favorite dish for everyone. Some housewives make it very sharp and use it as a seasoning for dishes in winter. Others do not put a lot of garlic and bitter pepper and offer their guests and households, like an independent dish, for example, instead of a salad. Here is a delicious recipe for adjika from a tomato through a meat grinder for the winter:

Should be purchased in advance:

  • 2 kilograms of ripe tomatoes
  • About a kilogram of pepper (sweet)
  • Garlic in the amount of 300 gr.
  • Sharp pepper - in the same amount as garlic
  • Hren-root (it is desirable that it be fresh, recently dug)
  • Vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 jar
  • Salt - to taste

Brief preparation instructions:

  1. It all starts with the fact that the tomatoes are washed, cleaned.
  2. Clean garlic, horseradish and other vegetables.
  3. Everything is grinded, crushed, ground.
  4. Cook until Adjika is boiled and excess fluid disappears.
  5. It is time to salt, add vinegar.
  6. Cook another 2-5 minutes and you can "pack" into sterilized containers.

Adjika can not be rolled, but stored for several days in a cold place under a conventional lid. If you plan to make such a snack for the winter, then it is better to roll up.

Tomato sauce through a meat grinder for the winter: Recipe

Tomato sauce through a meat grinder for the winter
Tomato sauce through a meat grinder for the winter

This recipe for making sauce can be called the simplest. It is suitable even for those housewives who only learn to cook. In addition, this snack is tasty and economical, because for its preparation no “extra” components are required. Here is a recipe for tomato sauce through a meat grinder for the winter:


  • Ripe tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Sweet before - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 5 cloves

Cook like this:

  1. Wash the vegetables. Do not forget to remove seeds from peppers.
  2. Cut the vegetables with arbitrary slices. Grind in a meat grinder with garlic. You can use a blender.
  3. Boil the mashed potatoes for 7-10 minutes over low heat.
  4. Add spices to taste, cook for about 20-30 minutes.
  5. Place the finished sauce in jars and roll up.

In such a sauce you can not even put salt and other spices. In winter, you can open a jar and additionally salt, season with other spices and add chopped greens.

Pepper lecho and tomato through a meat grinder for the winter: recipe

Pepper lecho and tomato through a meat grinder for the winter
Pepper lecho and tomato through a meat grinder for the winter

Lecho is a tasty and light dish that can be consumed both in its original form and as a side dish to something. In addition, cooking it very quickly and simple. This is a very tasty and healthy food that can be enjoyed both in the hot summer and cold winter. However, for this it is necessary to commit a number of certain manipulations. Here is a recipe for gibberry lecho and a tomato through a meat grinder for the winter:


  • 2 kg of tomatoes
  • Pepper - 2.5 kg (Bulgarian)
  • 1 \\ 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. Salt
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves
  • Greens - a little
  • Sunflower oil - 100 gr.
  • One table. spoon of vinegar

 How to cook - stages: 

  1. Tomatoes are washed, dried, passed through a meat grinder.
  2. Pepper is washed, dried, seeds are pulled out of it. Cut the pepper into 4 parts.
  3. Bring the puree to a boil in a large pan. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Add pepper, garlic and boil for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour in vegetable oil, put salt, sugar, reduce the fire. You need to simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Cut the greens and send it to the pan. Cook a couple more minutes.
  7. The pan is removed from the stove, pour in vinegar.
  8. Now Lecho is ready to place the banks. Put pieces of pepper from the pan and fill it with tomato.

Our grandmothers also prepared Lecho, only this dish they called "pepper with tomatoes." You can also add onions cut into quarters to this sauce along with pepper. Remember this taste of childhood and surprise your household with a unique tomato taste.

Zucchini caviar through a meat grinder without a tomato: a delicious recipe for vegetable caviar

Rqual caviar through a meat grinder without tomato
Rqual caviar through a meat grinder without tomato

Probably every housewife was used to it when she cooks vegetable snacks, add tomatoes. They give the dish a pleasant sourness and unsurpassed taste. But try cooking zucchini caviar through a meat grinder without a tomato. It often happens that tomatoes are simply not at hand. In this case, this delicious recipe for vegetable caviar will come in handy:              


  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Onions - 1 kg
  • Sweet pepper –0.5 kg
  • Zucchini - 3 kg
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 tbsp. Sugar spoon
  • Salt, pepper, greens, vegetable oil (to taste)


  1. Vegetables need to be fry separately. The zucchini is washed, fried in a pan with vegetable oil. After transferred to the container.
  2. Rid the onion from the husk and chop. After that, place in a pan and fry. Remove from the stove when the pieces are found with a delicious golden color.
  3. Grated carrots are fried to softness. You can add garlic.
  4. Pepper with pieces can be boiled, or you can chop the smaller and also fry.
  5. Next, the vegetables are stewed for another half an hour over low heat. At this time, add chopped greens.
  6. Then cool the mixture a little and grind everything with a meat grinder.
  7. After spices and salt are added, the mixture should languish for at least another 20 minutes.
  8. At the end, sugar is added, everything is mixed and placed on banks.

If you are a supporter of proper nutrition, then such caviar can be done without frying vegetables. Just boil them until half -cooked, then scroll them in a meat grinder, add spices and greens and boil for half an hour - caviar is ready.  

Tomatoes, pepper, garlic through a meat grinder for the winter: a recipe for delicious caviar from tomato

Tomatoes, pepper, garlic through a meat grinder for the winter
Tomatoes, pepper, garlic through a meat grinder for the winter

The most interesting thing is that you can make tomato workpieces through a meat grinder, without bothering with a recipe. For example, take tomatoes, pepper and garlic. Wash everything, clean, scroll through a meat grinder and put out for half an hour. Add vegetable oil and salt to taste. It remains only to roll up and you can enjoy the unique taste of snacks in winter.

But we will try to enhance the taste by adding a few more ingredients. Thanks to them, the salad will turn out to be unusual, but interesting. Here is a recipe for delicious caviar from tomato for the winter:


  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 4 pieces
  • Onions - 2 heads
  • Garlic-1-2 heads
  • 1 burning pepper
  • On a glass of vegetable oil and sugar
  • 1 carrot, 1 beet

How to cook?

  1. Cut the onions with rings, pepper - straws, tomatoes - finely.
  2. If there is a desire to “enhance the taste”, add carrots and beets. These vegetables need to be grated.
  3. The pan should warm up well. Next, a little oil is poured on it and vegetables are laid out.
  4. Everything is mixed, salted, stews until all the ingredients become soft.
  5. After that, cool the mixture and chop in a meat grinder.
  6. Add the remaining oil, chopped garlic, sugar and burning pepper. The mixture warms up for another 15 minutes.
  7. Put the resulting caviar into jars and tighten.

Such a caviar will have an interesting taste, reminiscent of the taste of caviar from the store. But guests will never guess that it is prepared with the addition of beets, which is very unusual for such dishes.  

A recipe for delicious blanks through a meat grinder - onions, tomato, zucchini: cooking instructions

Delicious workpiece through a meat grinder - onions, tomato, zucchini
Delicious workpiece through a meat grinder - onions, tomato, zucchini

Another type of snack with tomatoes through a meat grinder. The ingredients are the same simple - onions, tomato, zucchini, but in the end you will get an original dish that is suitable for a table for every day instead of a salad. Here is a recipe for delicious blanks through a meat grinder with these ingredients - preparation instructions:

You will need:

  • Zucchini - about 3 kg
  • Onions - 1 kg, you can and more
  • Ripe tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste to enhance taste


  • Remove the skin from the zucchini, remove the seeds, chop. Add vegetable oil and hold on fire for about 20 minutes.
  • The chopped onion should fry in vegetable oil for about 15 minutes - separately from zucchini.
  • Grinded tomatoes are also fried for about 20 minutes.
  • Mix zucchini, tomatoes and onions, twist in a meat grinder.
  • Add salt, sugar, vinegar, tomato paste. The resulting mixture should stand on the stove for another 30 minutes.
  • The snack is ready - it remains only to place it in the corresponding container.

Banks can be used any - 0.5 l, 1 l, 2 or even 3 l. It all depends on the scale of the feast for which this snack is prepared. The main thing is well sterilize the container and apply the caviar in hot form.

Tomatoes with apples for the winter through a meat grinder: delicious recipe

Tomatoes with apples for the winter through a meat grinder
Tomatoes with apples for the winter through a meat grinder

This recipe can be safely called a variety of adjika. If you like such a snack not too sharp, then this method of preparation is for you. It can be eaten not only in the form of seasonings, but also as a salad, as an addition to the second dishes. Here is a delicious prescription of tomato with apples for the winter through a meat grinder:


  • Sweet pepper - 600 gr.
  • Gorky pepper - 1 pod
  • 50 g of garlic
  • 1 kg of tomatoes
  • 100 g onions
  • 200 gr. apples
  • 100 gr. Carrots
  • 30 grams of vegetable oil
  • 25 g of sugar
  • A quarter of a tablespoon of salt

How to cook:

  1. All vegetables move to the sink. Rinse them thoroughly. Defective places are cut.
  2. Apples are better to use acidic varieties, without skin.
  3. Products are cut into pieces.
  4. Grinded vegetables are placed in a meat grinder and grinded. Garlic and bitter pepper are added in accordance with taste preferences. It also needs to be grinded.
  5. After that, select a container with a thick bottom for a mixture, otherwise it can burn.
  6. Now the mixture is placed on the stove. It should be on low heat for about 1 hour. Need to stir.
  7. Burning may be observed, so it is important not to burn. If necessary, reduce the gas.
  8. Add to future eggs, sugar, butter. You can mix and taste. If something is missing, add more.
  9. Next, the resulting mixture is laid out in jars. Twist the rolling and put in a warm place under the plaid.

Advice:If pepper and tomatoes have thick skin, it is better to clean them. To do this, put the vegetables on the baking sheet and hold in an oven for 15 minutes. From vegetables that are baked, faster and easier to remove the skin.     

Carrot caviar through a meat grinder with tomatoes: Recipe

Carrot caviar through a meat grinder with tomatoes
Carrot caviar through a meat grinder with tomatoes

It is better to choose carrots for this caviar, bright, bright orange. Thanks to these tricks, the dish will turn out to be appetizing, tasty and beautiful in color. Here is a recipe for carrot caviar through a meat grinder with tomatoes:   


  • 2 kg of tomatoes
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 kg of carrots
  • 1 tbsp. l. lean oil
  • A tablespoon of vinegar
  • Salt - 35 g
  • Ground pepper - a little

Everything is simple:

  1. You need to wash the vegetables, clean the carrots, and grind in any convenient way - through a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Add spices, salt, butter and boil the mixture until thickened.
  3. As soon as it remains 5 minutes until the pan is removed, add vinegar.
  4. Lay out by prepared containers, roll up and wrap the banks in the blanket.

Advice: Spices should be added based on taste preferences. If there are no fans of spices and fragrant tastes in the house, it is better to use at a minimum. For example, only ground pepper and salt.

Winter salad through a meat grinder from eggplant with tomatoes: Recipe

Building from eggplant with tomatoes for the winter through the winter
Building from eggplant with tomatoes for the winter through the winter

How nice when the dish is ready and it remains only to open the jar, pour the contents into the plate and serve on the table. Make a salad for the winter through an eggplant meat grinder with tomatoes. Here is the prescription:


  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Eggplant - 1.5 kg
  • Pepper - 1 kg
  • 1 kg of onion
  • 1 kg of carrots
  • 1 glass of olive oil
  • 1 \\ 2 cups of sugar
  • Salt - 3 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf-5-6 pieces
  • Pepper - 1 \\ 2 teaspoon

What needs to be done - stages:

  1. Tomatoes should be washed, it is better to cut them with slices. Grind and simmer for about 20 minutes.
  2. Cut the eggplant into cubes, having previously removed the stalk.
  3. Grate the carrots on the middle grater-simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Cut the onion in half, chop with a meat grinder, simmer for 15-20 minutes. If you like onions, then it can be cut into half rings and sent to the mixture in this form.
  5. Peel the pepper, cut into cubes.
  6. All ingredients are mixed and stewed together for at least half an hour. Readiness can be determined by appearance - the mixture is boiled and slightly changed the color.
  7. Add black. Pepper, salt, sugar, a little plant. Oils and bay leaf. You can add both in accordance with the recipe and to taste.
  8. The resulting mixture stews a little more. Stir constantly.
  9. You can "remove the sample" and lay out the dish on the tank for sunset.

Despite simplicity, the recipe is delicious, and all your households and guests will like the salad.

Advice: To make the salad a more interesting taste, you can experiment with the ingredients. For example, grind and add other vegetables to the mixture - beets, a little bitter pepper and so on.      

Cucumbers for the winter with tomatoes through a meat grinder: preparation instructions

Cucumbers for the winter with tomatoes through a meat grinder
Cucumbers for the winter with tomatoes through a meat grinder

Such cucumbers in tomato filling are moderately sharp and very tasty. The sauce gives the dish of piquancy and originality. If you do not have Tabasco, you can use red burning pepper. Here are the instructions for cooking cucumbers for the winter with tomatoes through a meat grinder:


  • Cucumbers - about one and a half kg
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Onion-150-200 gr.
  • 4-5 garlic teeth
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar
  • 0.5 tablespoon of salt
  • 0.5 glasses of vegetable oil
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons vinegar (9%)
  • Tabasco sauce - 1 tablespoon

Preparation technology:

  • At first, all products need preparation. Vegetables are washed, cleaned. In cucumbers and tomatoes, stalks are cut off. The onion is chopped.
  • Cut cucumbers in circles.
  • Tomatoes are arbitrary. Transfer them to a meat grinder and twist them.
  • Add oil, salt, sugar, Tabasco to twisted tomatoes.
  • Then put cucumbers, chopped onions, garlic, cut into slices or simply chopped. Cook for half an hour.
  • Pour in vinegar, remove from the stove, put the salad on the banks and roll up.

With the preparation of this salad, you can also experiment. You can remove the onion, or leave it, and add, for example, sweet pepper and carrots slices. It will turn out original and tasty.

Cunning cunning when preparing tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter: tips

Tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter
Tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter

Naturally, in the process, as the preparation of tomatoes through a meat grinder, there are a huge amount of subtleties. Each cook has its own secrets. Perhaps they are known to you, but we decided to publish them, since they will help beginners to significantly improve the taste of snacks, as well as extend their storage period, which is also very important. But, and if you are already an experienced mistress and you know all this, or you have a couple of your intricacies in the preparation of snacks from tomatoes, then indicate them in the comments.

Here are the advice and tricks of cooking in the preparation of tomatoes through a meat grinder for the winter:

  1. Many women believe that only ripe, good tomatoes can be used. However, supported vegetables also sometimes "go into business." It is only necessary to remove the damaged parts. The only nuance is that tomatoes need mandatory boiling.
  2. The more garlic, horseradish, burning pepper in the recipe, The more the workpiece can be stored, these are excellent preservatives.
  3. Spices reveal their taste in the process of preparing and insisting the dish. Therefore, it is better not to “throw” them into the mixture immediately, but to act gradually. In this case, the aroma will be more saturated, and the dish is much tastier.
  4. You need to often try the resulting mixture to tasteTo adjust the amount of sugar and salt in time. After all, the liquid boils in the process of cooking, and the concentration of these ingredients intensifies. If it seemed to you that you had overlapped or crossed the dish, then just add tomatoes twisted in a meat grinder.
  5. If carrots are present in the recipe, cooking time increases, because such a subovful vegetable can ruin the taste of the appetizer.
  6. If you clean the seeds from bitter pepper, this will not only make a better consistency, but also reduce acuity (moreover, significantly).
  7. To cook delicious adjika, need large stone salt, not small or iodized. Both fresh and dried bitter pepper can be added to Azhika. This will not spoil the taste.
  8. Blue pasture - This is a seasoning that makes dull tomatoes more piquant. That is why you can use it to create a full -fledged palette of tastes and smells.
  9. Lecho is much tastier if you do not digest it. Ideally, pepper should remain slightly harsh. Of course, not everyone loves this, but the cooks say that this is how the “right” lecho is created.
  10. Than more sleeping, more like tomatoes, all the more tasty and fragrant will be a dish.
  11. It is important to properly store snacks from duffed tomatoes. It is not necessary that the walls freeze at the storage site. It is also necessary to avoid increased humidity and mold formation.
  12. Pull out, boil, mix the ingredients, boil, pour it into containers - This scheme acts in 99% of such recipes. Often the difference is only in the intricacies of cooking.
  13. If you replace acute pepper paprikaAdjika will become more pleasant in taste and less sharp. This secret is perfect for families in which there are children, or people who do not accept such a taste as “sharpness”.

No need to be afraid to experiment. There are many invented recipes, but you can become the author of a new recipe that many housewives will use. Moreover, each cook, like every homewriter, has its own corporate style of cooking dishes (including vegetables), and its own tricks. Good luck and pleasant appetite!

Video:  Delicious tomatoes in your own juice. Backup recipe for the winter!

Read articles on the topic:

  1.   Calorie content of fresh tomato
  2. Salads for the winter from cucumbers, onions and tomatoes
  3. Eggplant with tomatoes in the oven  
  4. Green tomatoes in Korean
  5. Tomatoes for the winter without sterilization


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