How to knead the dough: culinary tips and secrets, life hacks, reviews

How to knead the dough: culinary tips and secrets, life hacks, reviews

Culinary secrets of preparing various types of dough.

In our country, the tests from the test are the most popular, and this is not surprising. The fact is that the flour is very inexpensive, but with its help you can prepare a mass of delicious, diverse and very satisfying dishes. In this article we will talk about the secrets of preparing various types of dough. 

How to knead the dough on dumplings?

Dumplings are considered one of the classic and traditional dishes of Russian cuisine. The most important thing in this dish is tasty, juicy stuffing, with a large number of spices, onions. In fact, this is not so. The taste of the dish depends significantly on the quality and taste characteristics of the dough. Despite the fact that the composition includes only salt, water and flour, there are a lot of secrets that allow you to achieve an ideal dough that will only emphasize the taste of juicy minced meat. There are many recipes for making dough for dumplings, with the participation of milk, vegetable oil and eggs. 

Below, consider the ingredients that are added to the dough for dumplings: 

  1. Eggs. They increase the elasticity of the dough, making it plastic, and help to stretch. Thus, in the process of cooking and modeling, dumplings retain their shape, do not fall apart, and the filling remains inside, the juice does not follow. 
  2. Vegetable oil. This ingredient is not in the classic recipe, but it is added if it is necessary to freeze dumplings. Vegetable oil improves the adhesive abilities of the dough, contributes to a tight connection of the edges among themselves, and improves elasticity. Even in welded form, such dumplings are not for a long timebendedAnd do not darken. 
  3. Milk. This is not an obligatory ingredient that is included in the dough for dumplings. It is mainly added in order to make the dough softer and tender. It is most often used if dumplings are prepared for children. 

Ingredients for preparing dough for dumplings: 

  • 280 g of flour 
  • 140 g of water 
  • 10 g of salt 

There are several rules that should be followed when preparing dough for dumplings. The main task is to make it plastic and elastic. 

How to knead the dough on dumplings:

  • Many housewives argue that it is very difficult to knead such a dough due to the fact that very little water is contained in the composition, and the dough is very tight. Therefore, a lot of time is required to knead such a lump. To simplify the task, adhere to the rules.
  • Use ice water. The fact is that it contributes to the release of a large number of gluten, thereby increasing the elasticity of the mass. 
  • Dissolve the salt in water and use the solution. In no case do not add salt to flour. In the process of kneading, such a lump will crack in places where salt crystals will be. As a result, you will not get elastic and soft dough. Most likely, in the process of cooking, it will fall apart. Within 30-40 minutes after the test is kneaded, it is necessary to let him relax so that the flour gives the entire gluten.
  • The dough will become elastic and soft, it will stretch well. Cover before cooking with a damp cloth, and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. It is such manipulations that will roll the dough, despite the fact that it is quite tight. It stretches almost to infinity, and contains a large number of elastic components. Even the wet minced meat will not flow out, the dough will maintain its shape. 

How to knead the yeast dough?

The yeast dough in its composition is significantly different from the usual, fresh, which is prepared for dumplings and dumplings. He has completely different tasks. This makes the dish as magnificent, air and saturated oxygen. There are several rules that are fundamentally different from the dough for dumplings used in the preparation. 

There are several options for making yeast dough: 

  • Opical 
  • Furious  
Viennese yeast dough for baking
Viennese yeast dough for baking

How to knead the yeast dough correctly:

  • Mostlyfurious The method is used if cakes, pies, fried in a pan are prepared. The opaque method is used in the preparation of a butter, buns, which are distinguished by a high holding of oxygen, airiness, softness. Experts recommend that you prepare dough before preparing such a test. For this, the yeast is laid out in warm water, with the addition of a small amount of sugar and left for several minutes. 
  • For yeast, butter, using a large number of eggs and sugar, such dough can be left for several hours. Usually such a dough is prepared for baking Easter cake. This is due to the fact that there should be many yeast in such a mass, due to the presence of a large amount of oil, sugar and eggs.
  • They weight the structure of the dough, so with a lack of yeast, the mass will settle, and the finished dish will become very dense, viscous, tasteless. It is believed that fresh pressed yeast is much better than ordinary, dry. This is actually so, however, subject to storage conditions. If you are not sure of the freshness of such a product, it is better to give preference to dry, activated yeast. 
Yeast dough for whites
Yeast dough for whites

There are two options for using dry, granular yeast: 

  • Add to flour 
  • Preparation of dough 

Some yeast are prepared, fermented and activated. They rise much faster, develop, thereby give lush dough. It is these products that are recommended to mix with flour and not wait for additional growth of dough. 

But this does not mean at all that such yeast cannot be added to the water for the preparation of dough. They rise well, the product will be lush, air. 

Quick yeast dough
Quick yeast dough

How to knead the yeast dough correctly on pies, whites:

  • In order for the yeast dough to rise quickly to cook fried pies, it is best to use the method of sharp cooling. Therefore, immediately after the batch of the dough, it is put in the refrigerator, for about 40-60 minutes. This slightly inhibits the development of yeast, but when it gets into a warm environment, yeast begins to grow sharply, with the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide. A large number of bubbles will appear in such a product that it will make the pie airy, soft and very tasty. 
  • Such a recipe is usually used in the preparation of whites, pies in a pan, as well as Cheburs. If you plan to bake products in the oven, then they must first be put onwalkthrough, for 30-60 minutes in a warm place.
  • This is necessary so that the yeast is slowly multiplying with the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide. It is not necessary to put products in the oven immediately, since a sharp increase in yeast can cause cracks, and this significantly spoils the appearance of baking. If you plan to get a smooth bump, with a flat crust, be sure to put the products onwalkthrough. 
Bakery products
Bakery products

How to knead the dough on Chebureks?

Chebureks -This is a traditional Crimean Tatar dish,which you can Try at all points of Ukraine and Russia. Htoobes to get a thin dough, and a thick layer of filling, it is necessary to proceed with the proper preparation of the dough. There are several secrets. Vodka is often introduced into the composition, this gives the test a crisp, and promotes the formation of large bubbles. Below you can find a classic recipe with vodka.

To do this, you will need the following products:

  • 280 g of flour
  • 100 ml of water
  • One egg
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil
  • 50 ml of vodka and salt
For Cheburs
For Cheburs

How to knead the dough on Chebureks:

  • The dough is cooked, with the addition of vegetable oil. It is necessary to mix water with salt and vegetable oil, put boiling. As soon as the mixture boils, it is necessary to fill one glass of flour into it and mix thoroughly. It is necessary that the mass is homogeneous.
  • Leave until the mixture cools down a little. After that, enter an egg and vodka into the mixture. Rub thoroughlyto get a homogeneous mass. Add the rest of the flour and products, who remained. It is necessary to wrap the mass in the food film and leave for 1 hour.
  • You need to roll it very thinly, use a fairly liquid filling. Thanks to the custard preparation option, the dough is not for a long timebent, does not dry out, it remainssoft, But at the same time crisp. 
On Chebureks
On Chebureks

How to knead the dough on pancakes?

There are several ways to prepare dough for pancakes. The main difficulty is that it turns out to be too tight, dense. At the same time, there is no creamy taste. We offerrecipe, which will allow you to get a thin, openwork dough, with a pronounced creamy taste.


  • 800 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil
  • Salt
  • Two glasses of flour

How to knead the dough to pancakes:

  • It is necessary in deepmisk Mix sugar with salt and egg. It is necessary that the mixture becomes homogeneous. Add flour to the mass, and very little milk.
  • It is necessary that the dough is thick. If you immediately pour all the milk, you risk getting a large amount of comkov. Thereaftermix thoroughly Pouring a thin stream of milk and averaged substance. It is necessary that the dough becomes quite liquid. Now be sure to pour in vegetable oil.
  • Some housewives do not add it, as they consider it superfluous. As practice shows, the addition of vegetable oil to the dough allows you to save fat during frying, and prevents the sticking of pancakes. You can use an anti -stick frying pan. It is not necessary to pour oil, it is just enough to lubricate the surface with a piece of fat, or bread moistened with a small amount of vegetable oil.
Thin pancakes
Thin pancakes

How to knead the dough for bread?

The batch of bread dough is significantly different from another dough, for example, a butter or on pies. The main task is to achieve a large number of large bubbles, which create a soft texture. It differs from the butt, which is obtained with a large number of small bubbles. Bubbles in bread should belarge, But in fewer quantities.

The dough for bread in no case should be kneaded veryfor a long time. During prolonged kneading, the dough is saturated with a large amount of oxygen, which is useful for yeast. They really begin to actively multiply, but there is a minus. ATthe period of active knead is activated gluten, the dough becomes very sticky. This negatively affects the taste. As a result, you will get a very dense piece with a large number of small bubbles. Doughit turns out rubber, bread is not at all tasty and rises poorly enough. This is due to a long batchdough.


Below, we present a recipe for the perfect bread test:

  • 150 ml of water
  • 20 g of dry yeast
  • 250 g of flour
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt

How to knead the dough for bread:

  • Mix water with flour, until the crumb is obtained. Leave for 20 minutes, a large amount of gluten will be released during this time. But at the same time, the dough will not be saturated with oxygen. After the mass rests for 20 minutes, you canadd The rest of the ingredients.
  • Enter dry yeast, vegetable oil, the rest of the flour. You will get a soft mass that will be enoughdense, But do not stick to your hands.
  • Ideally, a watery film appears on the surface. This means that gluten was overly oxidized, as a result the mass will rise poorly, even if you increase the timewalkings. 
For pizza
For pizza

How to knead the dough for pizza?

For cooking pizza, several recipes are used. It all depends on what dough you want to get. Many people love a thin option, with a lot of filling, or vice versa, lush pizza, with high cake.

If you want to get a thin cake, you need to immediately add dry yeast to flour, knead the dough and bake it without a longwalkings.

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 180 g of flour
  • 130 g of water
  • Teaspoon of dry yeast
  • A little salt
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil
Bread dough
Bread dough

How to knead the dough for thin pizza:

  • A soft lump is kneaded from the products, which is rolled and baked.
  • This dough is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 days.
  • It is believed that during this time the number of gluten increases, and the dough becomes sticky. This gives a pleasant aroma, a thin texture.

If you like lush pizza, you need to use another recipe. The layer must be rolled up thicker.

For cooking you will need:

  • 230 ml of water
  • 300 g of flour
  • 15 g of dry yeast
  • A little salt
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil
Bakery products
Bakery products

How to knead the dough on a lush pizza:

  • In this recipe you do not need to mix yeast with flour. The need to pour yeast into warm water and add a pinch of sugar. Let stand for about 10 minutes.
  • As a result, a dense foam should form on the surface,a cap. After you feel the pronounced smell of yeast, you can add salt, vegetable oil.
  • Pour the liquid into flour. After mixing, the dough is covered for 1 hour with a towel, let them rise.After that, roll a fairly thick layer, leave onwalk up, And only after that they lay out the filling. 

How to knead the dough for dumplings?

Many housewives use one dough for cooking dumplings and dumplings. However, this is a mistake, because the composition of the filling is different, and the taste of the test differs. The main task of dumplings is a high density, the ability to roll it with a thin layer and not be torn in the process of cooking.During Preparation of dough for dumplings, it is told much thicker, while it should be soft, during storage it is not to be weathered. One of the best is custard dough. It For a very long time notflapping, and at the same time can be stored in the refrigerator. It does not darken, and does not become tough.


  • 2.5 cups of flour
  • 250 ml of water
  • Two eggs
  • A little salt

How to knead the dough for dumplings:

  • Enter half the water, pour Salt, put on fire. After the water boils, it is necessary to pour the flour and stir thoroughly. As a result, you will receive a custard.
  • Until she cooled down, it is necessary to remove the fire, introduce the remaining flour, eggs and knead a homogeneous dough. Nit is easy to achieve a large number of gluten.
  • Therefore, cover the mass with a towel, leave for about 30-40 minutes. You can safely work with it. Unlike dough dough, the mass is quite soft, perfectly formed. This option is best used for dough with potatoes, cottage cheese and other soft fillings. For cabbage, it is best to take the dough on kefir, such a mass is more dense, hard.

How to knead the dough on kefir?

The dough on kefir is quite soft, and at the same time rises well. Most often it is used for pies, pies, cakes, sometimes for pizza.

The main recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 450 ml of kefir
  • Salt
  • 20 g of sugar
  • 130 g of vegetable oil
  • 450 g of flour
  • A teaspoon of soda

How to knead the dough on kefir:

  • The main feature of the preparation of such a test is that soda is not added immediately, but is introduced into the finished dough, evenly distributed in it. Thanks to this, the dough rises well, contains a large number of bubbles. It is necessary to mix a dairy product with butter, add it and add sugar.
  • In small portions, introduce flour, after sifting it. It is necessary that the mass becomes homogeneous. Available thoroughly and knead with your hands. Add a little more flour if necessary. Roll the layer on the table and pour approximately the fourth part of the soda, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.
  • Fold the layer several times, roll out and repeat the manipulation again. Repeat the manipulation four times until the soda ends. Now it is necessary to leave the dough layer for 20 minutes.
  • This is necessary that the acid in kefir enters into a chemical reaction with soda, with the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide. Such a dough cannot be frozen, but you can store for 12 hours in the refrigerator.
On kefir
On kefir

How to knead the dough: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of housewives who often prepare products from the dough.

How to knead the dough, reviews:

Veronica. I love all types of dough, as I have a big family. In order to save, I cook dumplings, dumplings, semi -finished products. This is of course for a very long time, but I attract the whole family to work. Often I freeze semi-finished products so that in the absence of food, you can cook something quickly. Recently, I was fond of baking of the butt dough. I use the method with the fall, for this I mix the yeast along with sweet water. After a few minutes, a foam appears on the surface, which contains a lot of yeast. To prepare a butt dough, I use not pressed yeast, but activated, dry. There are no problems with them, they are stored in the closet for a long time.

Oksana. I like to cook pizza, as well as pies. I use the same dough for this. I really like kefir without eggs. I add a small amount of soda, flour, kefir and vegetable oil. The mass is quite viscous, very well formed, it is easy to sculpt pies from it, and any other figured products. Of course, it is not suitable for baking sweet products, but ideal for fried pies and whites.

Milan. I am not often pleasing to my households, there is no time for this. But every weekend I try to spend a lot of time with children, so I sculpt different goodies. Most of all, we love to cook butter. I use pressed, fresh yeast that can be purchased at any supermarket. Of course, the quality of the test depends on the freshness of the yeast, so before purchasing, I always smell them, look at the date of manufacture. If the yeast is frozen and a sticky layer, mold appear on the surface, they rise very poorly. Before filling the layer filling, I carefully beat it. Somewhere I read this method, it allows you to saturate the lump with air, and increase the amount of gluten.

Custard dough for dumplings
Custard dough for dumplings

We will also tell you how to cook:

To prepare any type of dough, it is advisable to sift the flour twice. This will saturate it with oxygen.

Video: secrets of preparation of dough

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