How to feed home plants, flowers: rules, top dressing graph, types of top dressing, best fertilizers

How to feed home plants, flowers: rules, top dressing graph, types of top dressing, best fertilizers

You need to feed home plants correctly. If you do not comply with the schedule and dosage, then the plant will die.

Often, housewives are faced with such a problem that they do not know how to feed home plants correctly. Fertilizer with nutrients is the most important task that the plant feels comfortable. Therefore, it is necessary not only to set the watering schedule, but also to feed, which will stably hold the beautiful appearance of the colors stably and maintain their health.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Flower plants with large colors". You will find a list, brief description, photo.

Indoor flowers grow in a small amount of soil, so they regularly need to make up for the power balance. The reserves are depleted every week, and the first task to maintain growth and health of the plant is to compensate for the nutrients of the soil. How to feed plants correctly? What types of nutrients exist and what fertilizer is better to choose? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article below. Read further.

Fertilizer introduction - the necessary procedure for plant growth

Fertilizer introduction - the necessary procedure for plant growth
Fertilizer introduction - the necessary procedure for plant growth

A good mistress who has flowers in the house should understand that they need to replenish nutritious and useful elements. Thus, regular fertilizers will achieve good growth. Fertilizing is the necessary procedure for plant growth.

Indoor favorites are always additionally fed, as well as cultures that grow in the fresh air. Useful components help vegetation actively develop. And only the hostess will be able to show responsibility and provide flowers with the necessary substances. Top dressing should not be considered as a growth stimulator and maintaining a decorative characteristic. This is much larger - such a supply of nutrients allows you to support the life cycle of plants. Without top dressing, they will be able to die.

Substances that are needed for indoor colors:

  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Nitrogen and other compounds

But do not forget that certain plants have their preferences, the composition of fertilizers must be carefully studied. If we consider the issue of the ideal approach to the plant from the part of top dressing, then the key to success always lies in the Golden Academy. Fertilizers should not be a complex composition, and stability in compliance with the feeding conditions will be the best option for a housewife. Excesses of top dressing will never be beneficial for your green favorites.  

When do home plants and flowers need top dressing?

Many housewives think that feeding flowers with nutrients is necessary for plants only in the first month after the transplant has passed. However, when the flower resources are depleted, then the supply should be constantly replenished. When do home plants and flowers need top dressing?

  • Set a competent schedule, because the excess of nutrients can kill a pet.
  • Many fertilizers are used for different colors, but compliance with the needs of a particular plant culture, its development and consumption time, are key factors in creating comfortable conditions.
  • An individual selection of nutrients for a particular plant will allow you to establish a stable balance of development and maintenance of life.

In development, flowers differ from each other, even if it is imperceptibly in appearance. In winter, active replenishment with useful substances causes flower awakening. If such a procedure is not performed in cold weather, then the activity in growth will be suspended, and plant resources will begin to exhaust, which will lead to pernicious consequences. That is why saturation with fertilizers should be carried out mainly with the active development of the flower. But we must not forget that a small amount of nutrients is also used during the rest so that life resources can be replenished.

The saturation period for feeding is selected individually according to the requirements of a particular type of plant. Filling up useful components most often begin in early spring, when new leaves only appear. The process of introducing elements during the termination of activity in growth is completed. Experts advise more often to carry out the top dressing procedure from March to September. The term is set individually for each of the colors.

Frequency and dosage of top dressing of home plants and flowers: improvised means


As it was written, for a certain type of vegetation, the period is established according to which fertilizers are fed. In general, the frequency of top dressing is difficult to determine, and therefore it is worth correctly approaching this issue. Some home plants and flowers require nutrients every seven days, others less often, for example, once a month. In this case, not only the individual frequency is established, but also the dosage, which should also be observed. It is worth noting:

  • It’s easier to care for culture if fertilizers are enough for a long time. For example, it is enough to feed 1 time in 2 weeks or a month. These are granular or powder fertilizers, as well as sticks of fertilizers or nutrients with an insecticide function.
  • Many flower growers like it when feeding frequency occurs once every three months. Despite this, the soil will be with additional resources for a long time, which will allow the hostess to deal with other matters and less often distracting care.
  • But such fertilizers are not suitable for every type of room vegetation.

If the hostess of flowers is poorly versed in feeding, then it is better to use natural substances, which is added once a month. You can use such improvised means to prepare solutions:

  • Peel of bananas - Brew, boil during 10-15 minutesCool. Water flowers with a solution. Satuns plants with potassium and other beneficial substances.
  • Onion husk - It is enough to use a handful of onion husk. Also brew, boil, cool and water flowers 1 time per month. Such a solution will also help protect the culture from diseases and pests.
  • Glucose or sugar1 tablet or 1 tablespoon Sach. Dissolve the sand in 1 liter of water. Water once a month.
  • Wood ash3 tbsp. tablespoons Dissolve in 1 liter of water. Water when planting and as a top dressing.
  • succinic acid1 tablet Dissolve in 1 liter water. Water plants 1-2 times a month.
  • Iodine - 1 drop per 1 liter of water. Helps to grow well and fight pests.

Considering the dosage of fertilizers for colors, do not concentrate only on indicating the rules in the manufacturer's instructions. For example, subtropical and tropical crops (ferns, ehmey, marante, monster, etc.) are fed with fertilizers in the usual dosage. And the plants that are sensitive to excess nutritious components (for example, violets) should receive twice as much fertilizers. Therefore, professional flower growers strongly recommend correctly selecting the frequency and dosage of top dressing individually for each plant. Thus, the hostess will be able to succeed, and the flowers will surprise with an attractive appearance.

Graph of fertilizing home plants and flowers

A pre -compiled schedule will allow the hostess to correctly submit on home plants and flowers. It is worth determining the schedule of procedures for each culture separately. To compile such a graph, for example, there will be not much time for a year. But thanks to this, the hostess may be sure that a certain vegetation in the house will receive all important components when necessary.

What should be inscribed in the schedule:

  • Feeding period by nutrients
  • The frequency of the procedure
  • Dose and type of top dressing

If you combine all indicators into one system, you will get an effective schedule that will help. Plants in this case will be able to feel comfortable and will receive the necessary elements according to the compiled table.

How to feed home plants, indoor flowers: Rules

Feeding home plants, indoor flowers
Feeding home plants, indoor flowers

In order for plant feeding to be competent, some requirements must be observed. Then the vegetation and flowers in the room will be able to receive the necessary beneficial substances to maintain growth, gain attractive appearance and will normally lead further life. How to feed home plants, indoor flowers:

The rules that must be observed during vegetation feeding:

  1. Follow individual preferences for a separate favorite.
  2. Carefully study the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Do not change the schedule that is selected specifically according to the preferences of the colors.
  4. Select the conditions and the time when fertilizer is applied. For example, if it is very hot - in a midday heat, then nutrients are prohibited to give. It is better to feed the top dressing in the morning and evening, in the afternoon only when it is cloudy.
  5. Liquid fertilizers are not applied in an undiluted form.
  6. Feeding is not carried out with dry soil, you must first water the plant.
  7. Use the non -mesh feeding method. After watering, make the leaves spraying with ordinary water, and only then apply fertilizers. Thanks to this, the probability of a burn immediately falls.
  8. Use fertilizers that your plants are already used to. Do not change the composition and concentration. It is harmful to home flowers. Remember that a large concentration of one substance does not replace the absence of other components.
  9. Fertilizers are not added after transplantation (only during landing), it is better to wait half a month and then carry out the top dressing procedure. If the flower is healthy and grows in good soil, then begin to add useful components no earlier than two months after planting. In a good substrate, all the necessary substances for growth and development will be for some time.
  10. Do not use beneficial substances for suspected development of roots diseases, for example, rot or violation in the growth process. The vegetation that is ill with pests should not be fed, otherwise it will only be worse, and the flower will die.

Follow the rules and recommendations to achieve stable flower growth in the room and support its normal life. It is not recommended to deviate from the feeding schedule and conditions, otherwise the flowers will quickly begin to wrest if they do not receive useful components in a timely manner.

How to feed home plants at home: types of top dressing, features of their choice, improvised means

There are several types of top dressing that allow you to maintain a good tone of home vegetation and flowers. How to feed home plants at home?

Types of useful top dressing:

  • Universal - Suitable for any plant in the room. These include: Bona Forte, good force, etisso, FASCO, Agricola and etc.
  • Fertilizers for flowering crops - They support an attractive type of flowers. These include: Violent fertilizers, floral happiness, all -season.
  • Fertilizer for decorative decrees - are used for the beauty of foliage: Fertika Crystalon, Fertika "Lux", Fertika "Universal-2" and etc.

However, the flower grower should not be limited only to these three main types. For example, succulents need complex types of top dressing, which have potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium. These include: "Featymix" or "Pima".

Form feeding is divided:

  1. Liquid - They are used with water, a universal and safe option.
  2. Top dressing with a long action - It is laid in the substrate, and useful components act gradually. Thus, classic feeding takes place for a long time, simplifies vegetation care.
  3. Special - Used to spray leaves in colors.

Features of the choice of the type of fertilizer depend on the type of flower, as well as on the preferences of the flower grower. Fertilizers are used in various forms, both in liquid and powder form. But do not forget that the top dressing schedule is selected individually for each vegetation in the room. Therefore, the rules that are spelled out must be observed so as not to harm the flower.

The best fertilizers for indoor plants

Fertilizer of indoor plants
Fertilizer of indoor plants

For a indoor plant, it is important to comply with the balance of minerals and other nutrients. Therefore, when choosing fertilizers, you need to show attentiveness and consider the best products. Popular fertilizers were described above. Among them, several options can be distinguished.

The best fertilizers for indoor plants and flowers:

  • Fertika Lux - Russian and high -quality fertilizer manufacturer for indoor plants. The mixture is conveniently diluted. It is consumed economically, there is no chlorine in the composition.
  • Etissso - It is used for flowering plants, makes the coloring rich, stimulates the duration of flowering. The composition has all the necessary substances that give high efficiency for culture growth.
  • Pocon - It is used for plants in pots, helps to actively grow and bloom. The product has a balanced composition, plays a predominant role for the good life of flowering plants at home.

It is necessary to purchase fertilizers only in specialized stores. Thanks to this, the hostess will find an effective tool and will be able to correctly support the active life of the plant.

Can you feed plants with yeast?

Many hostess does not know that top dressing is carried out not only for crops that bloom in the garden, but also for indoor flowering. The yeast is actively involved in growth and maintaining an attractive appearance. In addition, it is a natural substance that cannot harm plants. But it is important not to overdo it with this product and not use a large dosage. The product affects the microflora of the soil and effectively protects the indoor plant from diseases. The recipe is quite simple:

  • 20 grams Dilute the yeast with warm water (one liter).
  • Mix well until completely dissolved.
  • Water flowers when the water cools down a little and becomes at room temperature.

If the hostess wants indoor plants to bloom and feel comfortable, it is necessary to create a top dressing schedule. Its observance will help the plant to be saturated with the necessary substances. Thus, flowers and plants in the house will always be beautiful and will bloom all year round.

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