Hamedorea plant: what a flower, how to grow, signs, care at home

Hamedorea plant: what a flower, how to grow, signs, care at home

Care for the Hamedore indoor flower should be special and correct. Only so your palm tree will grow beautiful.

Homemade palm trees are a very popular and popular species of indoor plants. They are distinguished by an unusually beautiful appearance, which is not surprising, because this is exotic. One of the most beloved among flower growers by the species of this plant is Hamedore.

It is noteworthy that this is not just a beautiful indoor flower. A lot of beliefs and signs are associated with this representative of the palm. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is more and more interests of lovers of unusual home flora in the plant. Read more below.

Where is the homeland of the Hamedore's homemade flowering palm: views, varieties, how blooms, photo

Hamedorea blooms
Hamedorea blooms

Hamedorea It is called a perennial flowering plant, the birthplace of which are tropics. The flower in East Africa, Central America, in Madagascar. Also, several varieties of palm trees grow on Crimean Peninsula, southern Europe and in the Caucasus.

Feeling features directly depend on its variety. There are many varieties of this homemade flowering palm - room hamedorea. Below you will find a photo of some species and see how the plant is color. The following types are most popular:

Hamedore elegant (eleganes)
Hamedore elegant (eleganes)

Hamedore elegant (eleganes):

  • Is a perennial single -barreled plant, growing up to 1.5-2 m in height.
  • The barrel has a smooth surface and is covered, as a rule, 6-7 cirrus leaves.
  • Each of them is divided into 8-15 segments Dark green shade that have a narrow-balance sheet form.
  • The blizzards formed by the cobs are loose in texture as inflorescences. The latter, in turn, consist of orange-red flowers.
  • After the end of the flowering cycle, black berries appear in the place of flowers.
Hamedorea Ernest-August
Hamedorea Ernest-August

Hamedorea Ernesta-Augustus:

  • In this type of flower, the leaves are painted in a dark green color and are not divided into segments.
  • They look like large and wide plates, sometimes bifurcated at the tips.
  • The plant is not particularly intense growth. On the contrary, the pace of its development is slowed.
  • In general, this type of palm tree is characterized by a stem form. This means that one rhizome can give only one stalk.
  • This culture blooms with red spherical flowers, which are collected in spreading inflorescences.
Hamedore is high
Hamedore is high

Hamedore is high:

  • Already from the name you can approximately understand what the main features of this type of plant.
  • The stems of room culture are erect, in appearance they look like bamboo.
  • When the leaves in the lower part fall off, and light ring spots appear instead.
  • At the top of the stem is located 4-6 dark green leaves Cirrot-dissected shape.
  • Narrow -balance sheets are pointed around the edges.
  • The plant blooms very beautifully, "giving" bright orange flowers that form a panicles.
Hamedorea is one -color
Hamedorea is one -color

Hamedore is a single -color:

  • This is the most unpretentious type of room palm among all there are varieties. That is why the choice of gardeners often falls on him.
  • The shoots of the plant grow slowly, and rarely reach more 100 cm in height.
  • The form is characterized as a bush, which contributes to the formation of several thin additional shoots.
  • On their tops are leaves of light green color and cirrus-dissected.
  • Hamedore, one -color is distinguished by the rapid onset of the flowering period.
Hamedore is metal
Hamedore is metal

Hamedore Metallic:

  • In a palm tree of this type, the leaves are painted in a dark green tint with a metal tint. Due to this, this type of flower received its name.
  • The leaves of the plant are solid and wide.
  • As it develops, the palm trunk thickens, becomes lignified.
  • Palma growing in nature can reach 2 m in height, however, in a flower pot, where the space is limited, it will be smaller.
  • Culture is characteristic of good shadowiness.
Hamedorea Bridbl
Hamedorea Bridbl

Hamedorea Bridbble:

  • This representative of exotic indoor plants can grow up to one and a half meters. But it is noteworthy that this variety of palm trees is a hybrid of a popular variety Eleganes.
  • However, in the point of view, the flowers are larger, bright, and the leaves and shoots are painted in emerald color.
  • Proper care allows the plant to form a magnificent vegetation mass. It is characterized by an attractive appearance.

Of course, varieties Hamedores There is much more. It is known about 120 species this exotic plant. But the most popular in home flower breeding are precisely the above specimens.

Hamedore indoor flower: beneficial properties

Exotic indoor flower Hamedore Not only beautiful outwardly - it is also healthy. It has the ability to clean the air in the room, removing potentially dangerous volatile substances from it. For this reason, you should not count Hamedore An ordinary decorative flower.

Hamedorea: signs and superstitions

There are also a lot of superstitions regarding the presence of certain plants in the house. For example, superstition is well-known that lilacs cannot be brought to the dwelling, since this promises death to someone from close people. Only all this is nothing more than a stupid invention, not confirmed by real facts.

As for the Palma of Hamedore? Are there any signs here-good or bad? Of course, yes. Here are a few of them:

  1. Hamedorea is a source of powerful energy, so its presence in the room or office has a favorable effect on the general microclimate.
  2. In the room where the flower grows, people are filled with energy, get rid of a sense of depression.
  3. All undertakings and plans will come true in a person caring for an exotic plant.
  4. The atmosphere in the family is established, misunderstandings, disagreements and scandals become a rarity.
  5. From people in contact with Hamedorea, energy vampires try to stay away.
  6. It is contraindicated for selfish personalities to keep such a palm tree next to them, because they can completely lose their susceptibility to the feelings of relatives and loved ones.
  7. If coziness, calm and harmony reigns in the house, then light and juicy foliage prevails on the flower. If the branches darkened and began to fade, this indicates the presence of evil spirits and evil energy. Giving its vital energy, Palma tries to clear the aura in the house.

Today it is generally accepted that Hamedore He brings his owner exclusively good. So, a person taking care of a flower becomes more confident in himself, calm and reasonable. But everything, of course, depends on one more subtlety - calling. In this way:

  • Palm creative personalities promise recognition, glory and success.
  • Flower businessmen help to implement commercial plans.
  • Athletes who love to care for a lampage, a indoor plant helps to achieve new heights.

However, there is a negative superstition. Our ancestors believed that Hamedore In the house brings misfortune and troubles. To avoid them, it is necessary to bring the palm into the house correctly. More precisely, not to be brought in a pot, but to import on wheels, therefore, for transporting the plant, carts, strollers and other small -sized transport were used.

Believe signs and superstitions associated with the exotic flower under consotic flower. Now people are less likely to follow the warnings that the ancestors trusted.

Hamedorea plant: Features of growing at home after buying

Hamedore plant
Hamedore plant

Plant Hamedore - This is a flower that requires care. Provide him optimal conditions for growth - and he will delight your eye all year round. Learn the features of growing a flower at home after buying. The intensity of growth and development of culture depends on:

  • Temperature in the room
  • Air humidity level
  • Lighting
  • Frequency and abundance of irrigation
  • Composition of the substrate
  • Sub -dressing, fertilizer
  • Transplants

Do not forget that the flower needs shading, so place it away from intense light radiation. Also provide the flower with frequent watering. Avoid drying the soil, otherwise the palm tree will simply die.

Hamedorea: Home Care

Properly organized care at home, will provide hamederey with full -fledged growth and lush flowering, and also protect the flower from pests. Let us consider in more detail the basic rules and features. Read further.

Flowering of a hamedorea flower

The beginning of flowering flower Hamedore falls on 3 years From the moment of its landing in the pot. And if several copies are placed in one container at once, then they will give flowering alternately. Yellow flowers have a pleasant smell, and with their appearance they resemble a mimosa.

Important: Experts advise removing peduncles in young palm individuals, since the palm spends a lot of vitality on their formation and development. As a result, its general growth slows down. If this happened, use top dressing and fertilizers.

The temperature regime of a hamedorea flower when maintaining a house

It is very important to provide the Hamedorea flower with the optimal temperature regime in the room where it grows. When maintaining the house, the plant reacts very sharply to the heat, so in the summer the room should be regularly ventilated. This will be enough for the exotic flower not to die, but to fully develop and grew.

As for the cold season, try to maintain the temperature at the level in the room in the winter +12 - +18 degrees. However, do not allow drafts or hypothermia, although the plant calmly survives even in critical conditions.

Spraying the Hamedore plant

An equally important condition for the growth of the flower is the level of humidity. Its optimal indicator is fifty%.When growing a Hamedorea plant in a house or apartment, do not forget to spray it every day. To do this, use defended water, or a liquid previously missed through a special filter. Normal water supply is not suitable, since it contains a lot of hard impurities that can harm the palm.

Some flower growers note that daily spraying is optional. It is enough to carry out the procedure twice a week, and in the winter at all once every 7 days.

Hamedore: Lighting and Watering


A pot with a palm tree Hamedore It is recommended to put a window overlooking east. It will be useful for a flower, as well as beautiful for the overall interior of the room. The best lighting for this plant is sunlight, but not strong, not burning, but a little in the morning.

Now about watering:

  • In hot months, it is strictly unacceptable to allow the earth in the pot to be overdried. Therefore, moisture Hamedores must be regular and abundant.
  • Water your home palm 2-3 p.  in 7 days.
  • It all depends on how hot and dry the weather is. But avoid overflow too, because it is harmful to the flower.

In winter, it is enough to water the culture of everything 1 time per week. This will support vitality Hamedores And it will not allow the roots to rot.

Pot and soil for the Hamedore room indoor flower

It is unequivocally about which pot to choose for the landing of hamedorea, flower growers cannot say. Some botanists believe that planting a palm flower is initially in a large container. Other connoisseurs of exotic plants in the house note that the pot should be small, so a container of slightly larger diameter is better than the previous, but not too deep. But you still have to transplant the palm tree as it grows, so select the container for it at your discretion.

Pay due attention to the composition of the Earth for the growth of this plant. Ideally, it should consist of components:

  • Sand
  • Peat
  • Special land (leaf)

Take all components in equal relationships - 1 h. Consider the indicator Soil pHwhich ideally is 5-6,5.

If you are going to buy a ready -made substrate, then experts advise to give preference "Palm". Add a little sand to the ground, mix, put the mixture in a container - and you can start planting Hamedores.

Top dressing and fertilizer of the room of the Hamedore

It is necessary to feed the indoor plant of Hamedorea in the phase of its active flowering. That is, the flower needs the most in nutrients in summer. It is enough to use universal fertilizer, for example, Agricolo. It is necessary to apply it with the interval in 14-28 days. Be sure to dilute the top dressing with water, since the concentrate is quite strong.

It is worth knowing: In cold weather, when the rest period occurs, Hamedorea does not need to be fed.

Transplanting the Hamedore plant

Transplanting the Hamedore plant
Transplanting the Hamedore plant

Young specimens of Hamedorea plants need an annual transplant. At the same time, each time buy a larger pot, because the flower is constantly growing and developing. Therefore, he needs more space.

As for adult plants, they must be transplanted when roots will become visible through a hole in the bottom of the container. In this case, carry out the procedure once every 4-5 years - this will be enough.

Remember: Adult Hamedore Poorly tolerates landing. Therefore, before proceed to action, remove the upper layer of soil, and instead of it put a new substrate.

Pruning the Hamedore flower: when is it better to spend?

Pruning the hamedorea flower is not a mandatory measure if the flower grows well. When is it better to spend? If large brown spots began to appear on the surface of its leaves, then such a green mass must be removed. In addition, cut the leaves, if they are yellow, to live and healthy fabrics.

Perform pruning with sharp scissors. Pre -treat them with alcohol - this is a mandatory measure of disinfection. And lubricate the places of cuts with a fungicidal drug to avoid joining the infection to the "wounds".

Resting period at the Hamedore flower

After the next cycle of flowering, Palm does not need additional top dressing and frequent watering. The rest period at the Khamedorey flower is from November to March. It is also recommended to reduce T ° in the house. Spraying should be performed infrequently.

Growing a hamedorea flower from seeds

Growing a hamedorea flower from seeds
Growing a hamedorea flower from seeds

Hamedore You can buy in a pot at any flower outlet. However, many flower growers prefer to grow palm trees from seeds, despite the fact that this is a rather painstaking work. If you want to cultivate an exotic flower “from scratch”, then remember a few important rules.

Seed choice:

  • Choose the grains only the latest and most high quality. Carefully consider each of them. There should be no signs of damage, rot, mold on the surface.
  • If you take old grains, then there is a risk that most of them will not germinate. It is not surprising, since their germination decreases by 10% from year to year.
  • For this reason, when buying packaging with seeds Hamedores Carefully study the dates.
  • The statute of limitations of planting material should not exceed 10 months.
  • If for some reason the date on the bag with seeds is not indicated, refuse to buy them and find another option.


  • Before planting in the soil seeds Hamedores should be soaked in clean liquid for 5-6 days.
  • Before that, slightly tie the upper layer of grains with a sharpener so that they absorb moisture better.

Landing into the soil:

  • After soaking, you can proceed to diving seeds into prepared soil.
  • Place the grains with tied parts down into separate cups designed to germinate seedlings.
  • It is not necessary to sprinkle planting material with earth, put the container with it in a greenhouse, since it is important to provide it with a greenhouse effect.

Do not forget to regularly ventilate and moisturize the soil. You will see the first shoots approximately after 2 months., if you sowed homemade seeds. When diving purchased grains, seedlings will appear within 6-8 months. When the leaf reaches the size at 4 cm, Grown sprouts can be moved into a constant container.

Propagation of hamedorea division

Propagation of hamedorea division
Propagation of hamedorea division

You can grow a hamedorea by dividing. This option of propagation is good in this case, when you already have a blooming palm flower in the apartment, but you want to have a few more copies for yourself or for sale. How does this happen? Read more:

  • The procedure is performed in the spring months - from mid -March, April, May.
  • Remove the palm bush from the container, lightly wash the earthen lump under a crane with running water.
  • Divide the bush into several elements so that on each of them there remains a healthy, fully formed escape (stalk) and developed roots.
  • Plant the resulting parts of a palm bush on different pots.

It is worth noting that it will take about a month to adapt the flowers, with division of division, after which they will begin to grow actively.

Hamedorea plant - diseases and pests: why does the leaves dry?

Hamedore plant - leaves dry
Hamedore plant - leaves dry

Hamedore With good and proper care, it acquires strong immunity, and can withstand different phytopathologies. However, it will still not be able to completely insure her from diseases, so you need to at least know from which ailments the flower most often suffers, or what external factors negatively influenced it. What are diseases and pests in the plant Hamedore? Why does the leaves dry?

  1. If the ends of the leaves dry out - This indicates increased dry air in the apartment. Vit the room more often and spray the palm tree.
  2. Yellowing of leaves It occurs due to excess lighting or use of a hard, insufficiently filtered liquid for irrigation. To correct the situation, rearrange the flower in a darker room, and also use softened water for irrigation.
  3. Rotting, drooping or dying of leaves indicates the rotting of the root system of a homemade palm. Usually this happens in winter, and is a consequence of the plant overflow. So that Hamedorea does not die, less often water it in the cold, and also do not forget to loosen the soil. If the situation reaches a critical point, you will have to transplant the flower into a new pot. Before that, do not forget to remove the sections of rotten roots. Add drainage and moisture -holding components - coal or sphagnum to the fresh soil.
  4. Brown spots on the leaves are another sign of palm overflow or hard water to process it. Cut damaged areas of green mass, reduce watering and continue to use only softened and filtered water.
  5. Wilting and darkening of leaves It is observed when the bush is contained in low temperatures. Transfer the container with a green plant to a warmer room - and the situation will be corrected.
  6. The fall of the lower leaves It is considered a normal process when the green mass begins to "get old". Such leaves must be trimmed, and then treated with a fungicide of the sections.
  7. Sometimes a good -shaped plaque appears on the leaves. It signals that the flower was amazed at the powdery worm. To eliminate phytopathology, insecticides are used.
  8. This exotic flower is often attacked by a spider mite and shields. To get rid of pests, carry out the processing of leaves with a special composition that can be bought at any flower store.

Hamedore - This is a plant that truly pleases with its greenery and adds positive to life. It is characterized by lush, amazing flowering, but it needs care and care. But if you provide the flower with proper conditions for growth, it will not bring you special trouble, but it will become an excellent decoration for the interior of your home. Good luck!

Is there a hamedorea growing in your house? How do you take care of her?

Video: Hamedore

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